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Chapter 110 The fourth part of the high people fifteen

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 305Words 2018-03-20
The higher the nature, the less likely to be successful.Here, you masters, haven't you all failed? Rejoice; what does that matter?How many possibilities are still there!Learn to laugh at yourself, as one ought to laugh! O you half-broken ones, what wonder is it that you fail or half succeed!Isn't the future of mankind struggling and striving to forge ahead in your hearts? Man's furthest, deepest, highest spirit, man's mighty power,--are these not bubbling in your wine-cups? What a surprise that many wine bottles are broken!Learn to laugh at yourself, as one should laugh!You masters, how many possibilities are still there!

Really, how many have succeeded!The earth is so rich in small, good, complete, accomplished things! You higher ones, put the small, the beautiful, the whole around you.Their golden ripeness can heal hearts.Good things teach hope.
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