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Chapter 108 The fourth part of the high people thirteen

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 335Words 2018-03-20
Do not demand morality beyond your capacity!Don't seek the impossible! Walk in the moral footsteps of your ancestors!If the will of your ancestors does not go up with you, how can you go up? Let the first-born son be careful lest he become the last-born son!In the voices of your ancestors, you should not try to be saints. His ancestors were intoxicated with women, with strong wine, with wild boar; how could he claim to cleanse himself? That is a kind of ignorance!Really, I thought, that would be foolish, if he were the husband of one or two or three wives. If he builds a monastery, with notice on the gate: "Road to Sanctification"—

I still have to say: why!That is a new kind of ignorance! He built himself a penance and a sanctuary: that was best for him, but I don't believe it! In solitude also grows what is in anyone's heart - and also grows the bestiality of man.For many people, therefore, solitude is inappropriate. Is there anything dirtier on earth than a saint in the wilderness?It's not just demons that run wild in them - beasts run wild too.
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