Home Categories philosophy of religion thus spoke Zarathustra

Chapter 106 The fourth part is Eleven

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 339Words 2018-03-20
You creators, you masters!You can only bear your own children. Don't let you be deceived or persuaded!Who is your neighbor!Even if you work for your neighbor - you are still not created for him! People of your creation, I ask you to forget the word "for": your deep morality is willing to have nothing to do with "for", "in this way", "because of" and so on.Deafen your ears to these false and small words. "For one's neighbor" is just the morality of the humble people: there they say "seeking like-mindedness", "like-kind friendship"-they have neither the right nor the right to ask for your own!

O people of your creation, there are foreknowledges and premonitions conceived in your self-seeking!What no one can see, your fruit, which you have sheltered, loved, and nurtured with all your love. Where all your love is, where your children are, there is all your morality!Don't let this hypocritical assessment fool you: your work, your will, is your neighbor!
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