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Chapter 103 The fourth part of the high people eight

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 239Words 2018-03-20
Do not desire more than you can: there is a nasty hypocrisy in those who will more than you can. Especially when they mean something great!For they awaken disbelief in great events, these artful counterfeiters and stage actors! Till at last they deceived themselves, looked sideways, festered, and twisted right and wrong with boastful morality and brilliant hypocrisy. You superiors, be careful there!For in my opinion there is nothing more precious and rare than integrity. Isn't today's age the age of rascals?The rascals don't know what's great and what's small, what's innocence, what's upright, rascals are always ignorant distortions, they're always liars.

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