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Chapter 98 The fourth high people three

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 539Words 2018-03-20
The most eager man now asks: "How is man sustained?" But Zarathustra, the first and only man, asks: "How is man surpassed?" I only pay attention to the Superman; he—but not man—is my first and only attention,—not the neighbour, not the poorest, not the most suffering, not the best. Oh my brothers, what I love about man is that man is an up and a down.There is something in your hearts that makes me lovable and makes me hopeful. You superiors, you feel contempt, which gives me hope.For the great despisers are the great pious. Your disappointment is honorable.Because they haven't learned to be happy with their fate, and they haven't learned the tricks of petty tricks.

Now the scumbags are the rulers; they all preach peace, and humility, and intelligence, and industry, and thoughtfulness, and shoddy morality, and so on. No matter what, as long as it is a woman, a slave, especially a rascal:--these will now rule the fate of mankind. —Oh, disgust! disgust!disgust! These ask and ask, never weary: "How can man best, longest, and happiest sustain himself?" And so they are the masters of the day. O my brethren, beyond these rulers of this day, this lowly people!They are the greatest danger to Superman! You superiors, you have surpassed such petty morality, such petty trickery, such petty thinking, this buzzing of ants, this terrible comfort, and this happiness of the greatest number of people!

Desperate and not optimistic.Verily, you supreme beings, I love you because you don't know how to live today!Therefore your life - the best!
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