Home Categories philosophy of religion thus spoke Zarathustra

Chapter 85 The third part of the old list and the new list twenty-eight

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 328Words 2018-03-20
Have you run away from me?Are you scared?Do you tremble at this Word? O my brethren, when I command you to smash the list of the good and the just, only then do I set mankind sailing on the sublime seas. Till now great terrors, broad horizons, heart pains, loathing and vomiting, have come upon him. Good men taught you false shores and false safety; you were born and brought up in the deceptions of good men.Everything has been framed and distorted by good people. Those who discovered the land of "humanity" also discovered the land of "the future of mankind", now you should be my sailors, be brave and persevering!

My brothers, don't lose your chance, learn not to lose your chance!There is a storm on the sea, and many people are looking for you to save them! There is a storm on the sea: everything is contained in the sea.go ahead!You brave sea adventurers! What is the motherland!Push our rudder straight for the land of our children!Over there, the storm is greater, the storm of our great longing!
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