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Chapter 83 The third part of the old list and the new list twenty-six

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 434Words 2018-03-20
O my brothers, in whom lurks the great danger to the future of all mankind?Isn't that in the good and the just? —— Because those people feel and say: "We already know what goodness and justice are, and we also have goodness and justice. Sadly, those who are still pursuing goodness and justice!" All the harm that a wicked man can do, but the harm of a good man is the deadliest! All the harm a cynic can do, but the harm of a good man is the deadliest! O my brethren, there was once a man who read the heart of the good and the just, and they said: "They are Pharisees." But the people did not understand him.

Nor can the good and the just understand him, whose hearts are imprisoned in their consciences.The ignorance of a good man is bottomless wisdom. This is the truth, a good man must crucify those who insist on their own virtue! But the second, having glimpsed their country, the country and mood of the good and the just, asked, "Who are they most hated?" Most of all they hated the Creator, the Creator who broke the old evaluations and tables of evaluations, the destroyer, the lawbreaker—they called him a sinner. For the good cannot create; they are always the beginning of ruin:— They crucified the man who wrote the new rating on the new list, they sacrificed the future for themselves - they crucified the future of all mankind!

Good people—they are always the beginning of the downfall.
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