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Chapter 75 The third old list and new list eighteen

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 362Words 2018-03-20
O my brethren, there is an example of ennui, and an example of corrupt indolence: though they speak the same, they demand to be heard differently. Look at this withered man here!He was but a hand away from his goal; but he lay down in the dust, weary and obstinate, brave man! He groans with weariness to the road, to the earth, to the object, to himself: he shall go no further, brave man! Now the sun burns above him, and the dogs lick his sweat: but here they lie obstinately, dying of thirst! Just a few feet away from his goal, but willing to die of thirst!Verily, this hero, you must drag him by the hair to his own heaven.

But still he let him lie where he lay, and sleep was a soother that could come to him with cold, pattering raindrops. Let him lie down till he himself wakes up--until he himself renounces all ennui, until his ennui has taught him well! My brethren, only pay attention to repelling the dogs around him, the lazy foxes and all the poisonous insects of grace-- All "educated" swarms of poisonous insects, they feast on the blood and sweat of all heroes!
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