Home Categories philosophy of religion thus spoke Zarathustra

Chapter 74 The third old list and the new list seventeen

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 431Words 2018-03-20
The ship anchors here—it's going yonder, or nothing— But who wants to go into this kind of "or"? None of you wants to ride this ship of death!So how can you get weary of the world?Tired of the world!Even you have not withdrawn from the earth!I think you are more greedy for the earth, and love the ennui of your own earth! It is not in vain that you draw your lips down: -- there is still a small earthly desire in it, and in your eyes -- is there not a cloud of unforgettable worldly desires floating? There are many fine inventions on the earth, some useful, some pleasant: for this reason the earth is lovely.

There are many such inventions, like a woman's breasts: both useful and happy at the same time. But you world-weary ones, you sloths of the earth!Someone should whip you with a whip!Somebody should whip your legs again. If ye are not crippled and old wretches that the earth despises, then ye are crafty idlers or gluttons, stealthy, night-prowlers.If you will not run with euphoria, then you should perish! Thus taught Zarathustra: Let no one seek to be a physician to the incurable, therefore perish ye! But to make an end requires greater courage than to write a new poem: that's what all doctors and poets know.

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