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Chapter 69 The third part of the old list and the new list twelve

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 564Words 2018-03-20
O my brothers, I consecrate you and show you a new nobility: Be ye the creators, breeders, and sowers of the future:— Verily, you cannot buy noble with money like a merchant; what has a selling price is worthless. For your glory is not whence you came, but where you are going; let this be your new glory,--your will and the will of your feet surpass you! Verily, it is not that you serve a prince,--what are princes now! ——It is not that you are the prince's screen fan to strengthen his position. Nor did your species become polite in the court, nor did you all learn to be ornately decorated, like silver red-crowned cranes, standing for a long time in the shallow marshes! (For to be able to stand is a special grace among courtiers in general; as for being allowed to sit down, it is their posthumous happiness!)

Nor is it a Holy Spirit called Holy that led your ancestors to Heaven which I do not praise! (For where there is the evil tree—the cross—there is nothing to praise.) Indeed, no matter where he is, the Holy Spirit always guides his warriors—the goat and the goose—as if he is in battle.The superstitious and the delusional are always at the forefront! O my brethren, your nobility is not to look back, but to look forward!You should be banished from all the lands of your parents, and the lands of your ancestors! Love ye the land of your children: -- the land unexplored on the farthest seas!Let this love be your new nobility!I command you to sail forward there!

For your children, you should correct that you are the children of your ancestors.You should have saved all the past in this way!I hang this new list above you!
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