Home Categories philosophy of religion thus spoke Zarathustra

Chapter 68 The third part of the old list and the new list eleven

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 320Words 2018-03-20
This is my sympathy for the past, which I see abandoned,— Abandoned to the pity, the spirit, the presumptuousness of each new age; the new age makes all that exists its bridge. A great master will arise, a cunning monster, who turns and twists all the past with mercy and hostility; till it becomes to him a bridge, a herald, and herald, and morning of the rooster Ming. But there are also other dangers and other sympathies: every rascal has a memory that goes back to his ancestors, but time has cut off his ancestors. The past is thus abandoned: for one day the rascal shall be the master, and sink all his time in the shallows.

O my brethren, for there is always a new nobility lacking.That nobility shall oppose all rascals and all tyrants, and recast the word "noble" on the new list. There is to be a new nobility, and many noble people, many kinds of nobility are lacking; or as I said before in my parable: "That is divinity; there are gods, but there is no God!"
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