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Chapter 60 The third part of the old list and the new list three

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 511Words 2018-03-20
I also picked up the word superman from the avenue there, and I also saw that man is something that must be surpassed. See also that man is a bridge and not a goal, and he that rejoices in his noon and his evening sees it as a progress far into a new dawn— Rejoice in the way of Zarathustra in the great noon, rejoice in my teachings that hang above people like the purple evening glow. Verily, I also made them see new stars in new nights; over day and night and cloud-shades I opened my laughter like a canopy of many colors. I teach them with all my dreams and aspirations: to unite the fragments of the human heart, and mysteries, and terrible chances:

Like, a poet, a solver of riddles, a rescuer of chance, I teach them to create the future, and in this creation I teach them to rescue the past.Relieves man's past, changes all "it has been", until the will says: "But I want it to be! I will want it to be!" I call this relief: I teach them just call it relief. Now I look forward to my relief - that I can go to people one last time. I would go to the people again: I would sink and perish among them; I would give them my richest gifts! I have learned this from the sinking sun, O sun that is abundant and vast!When it sank, it poured golden light into the sea from its own endless storage!So the poorest fisherman is now shaking the golden oar: I saw this before, and I couldn't help crying with love.

Zarathustra will go down like the sun: here he now sits waiting, among the broken old list and the half-written new one.
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