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Chapter 51 Part 3 leaves

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 1589Words 2018-03-20
Zarathustra traveled so sweatily through many peoples and different cities, and detoured back to his mountain and cave.But behold, in his journey he came to the gate of the great city.Here a foaming fool ran towards him with his hands outstretched, blocking his way.This is the fool that the people call "the ape of Zarathustra": for he had learned from Zarathustra a certain inflection and intonation of speech, and unconsciously borrowed from Zarathustra's wisdom. treasure.Thus said the fool to Zarathustra: O Zarathustra, here is the great city: here you lose everything and gain nothing.

Why do you tread the dust here?Cherish your steps!Ning spit at the city gate and turn back! Here is the hell of all noble thoughts: here all great thoughts are tortured alive, boiled in pieces. Here all great sentiments wither: here is only the moaning of skeletons! Do you smell the spirit's kitchen and butcher shop?Is not here the heat of all slaughtered spirits? Don't you see those souls hanging like shriveled and dirty rags? But they make news out of these rags! Don't you hear how here the mind is a game of words?The spirit vomits the filth of obnoxious words!They also make news out of the filth of this speech.

They chase each other and don't know where to go!They incite each other and don't know what to say!They tapped their golden copper, they clanged their gold. They fear the cold and seek warmth from distilled water!They fear the heat and seek coolness in their frozen spirits; they are all sick and wounded from public opinion. Here is the home of all greed and vice; but here is morality too; there are many useful, practical moralities. Many virtues have clerk's fingers and fat buttocks that can sit and wait, and take pride in adorning the breasts and waists of girls. Here, in front of the god of the army, there are also many tigers, many orthodox religions, and they practice flattery.

"From above fell medals and the spit of glory; so those who have no medals look up. The moon has its own court, and the court has its own sacrifice of moonlight; so the begging people, with the morality of begging, pray for everything that comes down from the court. I serve, you serve, we serve"——all useful morality prays to the prince: finally this medal of merit will be pinned on the weak chest! But the moon revolves around all worldly things: and the prince revolves around all that is most worldly—that is, the peddler's gold. The god of the army is not the god of gold nuggets; princes plan - but peddlers handle it!

Oh!In thy heart, O Zarathustra, all is bright, strong, and beautiful!Spit on this city of peddlers and turn back! Here the blood flows in the veins: rancid, lukewarm, and cool.Spit on this giant city, this is the big slum where all waste flows! Spit on this city of compressed souls and weak breasts, this city of pointed eyes and sticky hands— Spit on this city of villains, this thick-skinned, this pen and tongue villain, this city of too zealous careerists:— Here everything is deformed, deformed, greedy, unfaithful, overcooked, yellow, festering and poisonous:— Spit on this giant city and turn back!

But here Zarathustra says: I have long loathed your words, your kind! Why live so long by the bog, till you are a frog and a toad yourself? Was there not some rotten, cold blood Running through your veins That's why you learned to cluck and swear? Why don't you go into the forest?Why don't you till the land?Isn't the sea full of green islands? I despise your slander; if you warn me—why don't you warn yourself? Only for love, my bird of slander and warning soars; but not from the mire! You foaming fool, they call you my ape!But I call you my unflattering pig.Because of your dissatisfaction, it even ruined my praise of fools.

What was it that made you upset in the first place?because no one is flattering You: - so you were born next to the sewage, you can have more reasons to complain, - You can have more reasons to take revenge!You lazy fool, your vengeance is all your anger; I see you through! Your stupid talk hurts me even though you're telling the truth!If the words of Zarathustra were a hundred times more true, you still misapplied mine forever! Thus spake Zarathustra.So he looked at the great city and took a deep breath, and remained silent for a long time.Finally he said: Not only do I hate this fool, I also hate this great city.There is nothing good and nothing evil anywhere.

Alas, this great city!If only I had seen the pillar of fire that consumed it! Even such a pillar of fire must come before the great day.It has a certain moment and a certain destiny. —— Fool, I say this to you at the time of parting: Where you can no longer love, you should—leave! Thus spoke Zarathustra, and departed from the fool and the great city.
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