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Chapter 46 before sunrise

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 1679Words 2018-03-20
O heaven above my head, O dregsless deep heaven!O valley of light!As I look at you, I tremble with divine hope. Leap to your height--that's my depth!Hidden in your innocence, - that is my innocence! God is hidden in his beauty: so you hide your planet.You don't speak!In this way you proclaim your wisdom to me. Today you came silently for me on the angry sea: your love and your shyness spoke to my exasperated soul. You come to me beautifully, hidden in your own beauty, you speak to me in wordless language, you reveal yourself with your wisdom: Ah, why have I not guessed all the shyness of your soul!Before sunrise, you came to me, to the loneliest here.

We have always been good friends: we share our sorrows, our fears, our depths.The sun also belongs to both of us. We don't talk, because we know too much:—we look at each other in silence, and exchange our knowledge with smiles. Are you not the light from my fire?Are you not my sister soul of knowledge? The two of us have learned everything from classmates: how to surpass ourselves, how to sublimate ourselves and cloudless smiles:—— --smiling cloudlessly down with bright eyes from afar, while imprisoned, purpose and error steamed like rain below them. When I walk alone: ​​In the night, on the way of delusion, what sustenance does my soul need?When I climb the mountain, if I am not looking for you, who am I looking for on the top of the mountain?All my travels and ascents are but necessities and ill-advice of the clumsy man:—with all my will I want to fly alone—to you!

What's more hateful than clouds that fly by and everything that makes you muddy?I even hate my own hate because it muddies you too! I hate those clouds that fly by, those rogue cats that crawl: they deprive us of what we both have in common,—an infinite certainty and amen. We both loathe those ambiguous and good-for-nothings, those clouds that fly by: they are incomplete, do not know to bless from the bottom of their hearts, and do not know to curse. I would rather hide in a bucket and see only a small patch of sky, rather flee in a deep valley with no sky at all than see you bright sky clouded by passing clouds!

I have often longed to tie them with lightning-gold cords, that I might, like thunder, beat a drum on their pot-bellies:— — an angry drummer, because they stole your affirmation and amen from me!O sky above me, ditchless valley of light! —for they have stolen my affirmation and amen from you. For I like the noise, the thunder, and the curse of the storm, to the rest of the prudent and suspicious cat: and in crowds I hate most the faltering, the haphazard, and the hesitant passing cloud. "If you don't know blessing, you must learn to curse!"——This clear lesson came to me from the bright sky, and this planet shines in my sky in the dark night.

But, I am a well-wisher and an affirmative, if you, O drossless heaven, O valley of light, are beside me! ——I send my affirmation and blessing to all abysses. I have become a blesser and an affirmer: and I have struggled for it, I have been a struggler, so that I have a hand free at last to bless. But my blessing is: above every thing, like its own sky, cupola, blue bell, and eternal faith: and whoever so blesses is blessed! For at the Fountain of Eternity all things were baptized beyond good and evil; and good and evil themselves are but fleeing shadows, the misery of the rainy day, and the passing cloud.

Indeed, when I say: "Above all things there is a heaven of chance, of innocence, of chance, of presumptuousness": it is not a sacrilege but a blessing. "Accidentally,"--this is the oldest title of nobility in the world; I give it back to all things; liberated from the slavery of purpose. When I say: "There is no 'eternal will' above or in all things," I place this freedom and this clear sky above all things like a blue bell. When I say: "One of all things is never possible,--reasonable," I place this arrogance and this madness in the place of this "eternal will"!

Yes, a bit of reason, a seed of wisdom, from planet to planet,--this leaven is mixed in all things: wisdom is mixed in all things for madness! A little wisdom, indeed, is possible; but in all things I find blessed confidence: so that they would rather dance on the feet of -- chance. Ah, my God above my head!No dregs of high Shuang God!I think you are pure, because you have no spider of reason, no web of reason:— For you are a dance hall of divine chance, for you are a divine table of dice and gamblers! —— But you are blushing.Did I say something unspeakable?Did I want to bless, but turned against blasphemy?

Or are you shy because of the two of us? —Tell me to go, say no more, for the day has come? The world is deep:--far deeper than the day can conceive.Many things should not be said before daylight.The day has come: let us part!Ah, my God above my head!Shy and passionate oh my! , O you, my happiness before sunrise!Day has come: let us part! Thus spake Zarathustra.
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