Home Categories philosophy of religion thus spoke Zarathustra

Chapter 33 The second part of the state of culture

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 1320Words 2018-03-20
I flew too far into the future: a fear seized me. I looked around, and behold!Only time is my only contemporary. So I turned and fled backwards—I flew faster.People of today, so I have come to you, I have come to the land of culture. For the first time I visit you with proper eyes and earnest hope: verily, I come with longing. But what about the future?Though I am terrified—I cannot help laughing!My eyes had never seen such a painted thing. I couldn't stop laughing, while my legs and my heart trembled: "This is the home of all paint pots"—I said. People of today, I am amazed to see you sitting there with your faces and limbs painted in dazzling colors and patterns!

Fifty mirrors surround you, flatteringly reflecting your play of colours! People of today, any good mask will not be better than your own dignity! Who can recognize you? You are covered with old marks, and new ones are stamped on your body: in this way, all those who know the code will not be able to explain you! Even if someone would examine the guts: but who can you convince that you have guts!You seem to be made of paint and gummed paper. All ages and peoples peep promiscuously through your veils: All customs and all beliefs speak mingled from your gestures. Whoever removes your masks, wrappings, colors, and gestures, sees before him a thing to frighten birds.

Verily, I am a frightened bird that have seen your colorless nudes; and I fled when this skeleton eyed me. I'd rather work in hell with the ghosts of the past! —Because the inhabitants of hell have more content than you! People of today, the pain in my heart is: I can neither bear your nakedness nor your clothes! Really, the unknowable anxiety of the future and everything that makes a lost bird tremble, are more reassuring and comfortable than your "reality". For thus you say, "We are all real, without faith or superstition." Thus you fill your mouths, and have no throat to swallow.

You colored people, how can you believe? —You are the picture of all faiths! You are the acting refutation of belief and the disconnection of limbs of thought.You real ones, I call you untrustworthy ones! All ages curse each other in your spirits; the dreams and chatter of all ages are more real than your waking reason. You are barren: therefore you lack faith.The Creator always has his true dreams and signs of the planet. —He believed in faith! Ye are the half-closed doors, and the grave-diggers wait outside.Your reality is "all worth dying". —— O sterile people, living bones, you stand before me.Surely there are among you who can know themselves.

He said, "Maybe God stole something from me when I was asleep? Verily, that is enough material to make a woman! The thinness of my ribs is strange! "Many people today say so. Truly, man of the day, you make me laugh!Especially when you yourself are amazed! How unlucky I am if I can't laugh at your astonishment and have to suck the disgusting liquid out of your glasses! But I carry you lightly, for I have a burden to bear; and what does it matter if little flies rest on my burden! Verily, my burden is no heavier for it!People of today, it is not you who give me the greatest weariness. ——

Alas, I must climb there with my longing!From every mountaintop I seek my homeland. But I can't find it anywhere.Every city is the process of my wandering, and every gate is the starting point of my journey. To these men of the day to whom my heart had just been thrust, they are now only strangers who make me laugh; I am expelled from my native land. So I just love my children's homeland, undiscovered places overseas. I command my sails to search forever. I will redeem my children, because I am the descendant of my ancestors; I will redeem this present with the whole future--this present! ——

Thus spake Zarathustra.
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