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Chapter 24 first friend

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 1028Words 2018-03-20
"There is always someone superfluous around me."——The hermit thinks so. "Always one—this will eventually become two!" I am often in too heated a conversation with myself: how can I bear without a friend? A friend to a hermit is always a third person: the third person is the driftwood that prevents the conversation of two people from sinking to the depths. well!The hermits are much deeper.So they look for a friend to lead them up from time to time. Where we trust others is showing where we would like to be confident and fail to.Our desire for friends betrays our weakness.

One often overcomes jealousy with love.He often attacks and makes himself an enemy, in order to hide his slander. "Be at least my enemy!"—says true reverence, which dares not ask for friendship. If a man needs friends, he must be willing to fight for them: therefore, in order to fight, he must have the ability to be an enemy. We should respect the enemy in our friend.Can you get very close to your friend without offending him? Your friends should be your best enemies.When you resist him, you should be closest to his heart. Would you rather not get dressed before your friends?Do you honor your friend by revealing your truth to him?No wonder he cursed you to fall into the evil way!

Whoever does not know how to conceal himself only makes others angry: so fear nakedness all the more!Yea, if you were gods, you could be ashamed of your clothes. For your friend, the more you adorn the better: for you shall be his arrow and hope to Superman. In order to know the truth about your friend, have you ever seen him sleeping?What is his appearance like?It is your own countenance in a rough and imperfect mirror. Have you ever seen your friend sleep?Are you frustrated by his appearance? O friend, man is to be surpassed. A friend should be a contemplative and silent expert: you don't have to wish to see everything.Your dreams should tell you of your friend's waking deeds.

Your sympathy should also be a guess: you know whether your friends are willing to accept your sympathy.Maybe he likes your deadpan eyes and stern disregard. Sympathy for a friend should be concealed in a hard shell that can break teeth; thus, it will be full of tenderness and sweetness. Can you offer your friend solitude and fresh air, bread and medicine?Many cannot free themselves from chains, but are a friend's savior. are you a slaveWell, you can't be friends.Are you a tyrant?Well, you can't have friends. For ages a slave and a tyrant hid in woman.That is why a woman does not understand friendship: she only understands love.

A woman in love is often prejudiced and blind about all that she does not love.Even in a woman's self-conscious love, beside the light, there are always violent changes, lightning and night. Women don't yet understand friendship: they're always cats and birds.Or to put it best, a cow. Women do not yet understand friendship.But tell me, you men, who understands friendship? Ah!Poor man!Curse the poverty and greed of your souls!What you give to your friends, I give to my enemies; and I am not the poorer for it. There is a partnership; there must be friendship! Thus spake Zarathustra.

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