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Chapter 20 The First War and the Soldiers

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 969Words 2018-03-20
We would not like our best enemies to be pampered, nor those whom we truly love.So let me tell you the truth! Fighting brothers!I love you from the bottom of my heart.I am, and I have been your companion; and I am your worst enemy.So let me tell you the truth! I am not at a loss for the resentment and jealousy in your hearts.You are not so great that you do not know resentment and envy.So, be great, don't be ashamed of this! If you cannot be sages of knowledge, at least be warriors of knowledge.The warrior of knowledge is the companion and herald of this sanctity. I see many soldiers; let me see many warriors!What they wear is called a uniform.What they hide inside, shouldn't it be "uniform" uniform!

You should be those whose eyes are always seeking their enemies—seeking your enemies.Some of you should express resentment at first glance. You should seek out your enemies; you should fight, fight for your ideas!If your minds are overcome, your loyalty should still shout victory! You should love peace as a means to future wars.You should love short-term peace more than long-term peace. I do not advise you to work, only to fight.I do not advise you of peace, but of victory.Let your work be a struggle and your peace a victory! Do you agree to advocate the sanctification of war?I tell you: your bravery, not your mercy, has saved many victims.

"What is good?" you ask.It's good to be brave.Let the little girls say: "What is beautiful and touching is good." People accuse you of being heartless; but your hearts are real, and I love your earnest shyness.You are ashamed of your tide, others are ashamed of their back wave. Are you ugly?Bros!Even if it's ugly!Wrap you in the hideous mantle of glory! As your soul grows great, it also becomes proud.In your sublime there is evil.I know you. The proud and the weak meet in evil.But they don't understand each other.I know you. Your enemies should be hated, not contemptible.Be proud of the enemy: so the success of the enemy is also your success.

Rebellion—this is the value of a slave.What is valuable about you is obedience, let your orders be obedience! A good fighter prefers not "I want" but "you shall".Everything you like, you should first let others order it to you. Let your love of life be your love of your highest hope: Let your highest hope be the highest ideal of life! But your highest ideal, I command you, is this: Human beings are to be surpassed. So live your life of obedience and battle!What is the meaning of longevity!Which soldier would like to be pitied! I have no pity for you, brothers in battle, I love you from the bottom of my heart

they! —— Thus spake Zarathustra.
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