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Chapter 5 Zarathustra Prologue Five

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 1257Words 2018-03-20
When Zarathustra had finished these words, he watched the crowd fall silent. "There they stand," he said to his heart, "and they laugh now: they don't understand me at all; my tongue is so wrong with their ears. Is it necessary to tear off their ears first, and make them learn to obey with their eyes?Shall it be as loud as a priest with cymbals and Ramadan?Or do they only trust stutterers? They have something they feel they can show off.What do they call this thing that dazzles them? — They call it civilization; this distinguishes them from the shepherds. So they don't want to hear the word 'contempt' applied to them.I should appeal to their pride.

I will speak to them of the most contemptible, that is 'the last man'! " Then Zarathustra began to address the multitude: "The time has come for man to determine for himself a purpose. The time has come for man to plant the buds of his highest hope. The soil is still quite fertile now.But one day it will become a barren land on which no big tree can grow. Unfortunately!The time is near when man will no longer throw his arrows of longing past man!The time is near when the bowstring of man will no longer vibrate! I say to you: You must have a chaos to produce a dancing star.I say to you: You still have Chaos.

Unfortunately!The time is near when humans will no longer generate planets.Unfortunately!The time is near for the most contemptible person, he will not know how to despise himself. Now I show you 'The Last Man'. 'what is love?What is creation?What is the desire, what is the planet? ’— asked the last man, opening and closing his eyes. Then the earth will be smaller, on which the last man leaps; he makes all things small.His race is as inextricable as the fleas; and he is also the longest-lived. 'We found happiness. ’ – said the last, while opening and closing the eyes. They forsake the hard-to-live terrain: because they need heat.They also love their neighbors and rub against them: because they need heat.

They make sickness and doubt a sin: they proceed cautiously.Anyone who stumbles while walking on rocks and people must be a madman! They take a little poison anytime, anywhere: give themselves lots of sweet dreams.In the end, they ate more and died comfortably. They still work because work is a kind of recreation.But they are careful not to injure their bodies with recreation.They no longer get richer or poorer, two laborious things.Who wants to rule?Who is willing to obey?It's also two laborious things. In this way, there is only a flock of sheep, but no shepherd!Everyone is equal, everyone has the same hope: whoever has other emotions is willing to enter the madhouse.

'People used to be crazy. ' - said the cunning among them, opening and closing his eyes. They are wise and know everything that happens: so they taunt each other constantly.They quarreled occasionally, but they made up immediately—for fear of hurting their stomachs. They have their little pleasures by day, and so by night: but their health is dear to them. 'We found happiness. ' - said the last, and the eyes opened and twinkled. -" Here ends the first sermon of Zarathustra, which is called the prologue: for at this moment the shouts and joy of the crowd interrupted him. "Give us, O Zarathustra, the last of us,"—cry they,—"make us the last of us! We give you back the Wall of Superman!" The crowd turned their tongues. screamed wildly.But Zarathustra said sadly to his heart:

"They don't understand me at all: my tongue is so wrong with their ears. Doubtless I have lived too long on the hills; I was used to the howling of trees and the murmur of brooks: I speak to them now as to the shepherds. My soul is as calm and bright as a mountain under the sun.But they took me for a cold heart and a mean-speaking scoffer. How they looked at me and smiled: there was resentment in their smiles; there was frost in their smiles. "
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