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thus spoke Zarathustra

thus spoke Zarathustra


  • philosophy of religion

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 103578

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Chapter 1 Prologue I of Zarathustra

thus spoke Zarathustra 尼采 476Words 2018-03-20
When Zarathustra was thirty years old, he left his native land and its native lake, and went to live on the hills.There he played his part and passed ten years without getting tired. ——However, there was a change in his heart.One morning he got up at dawn and said to the sun: "O you, great planet! Where would your happiness be if you had not those whom you illuminated? For ten years you have come daily to my cave: without me, and my eagle and serpent, you would be weary of your own light and this old way. But every morning we wait for you, we have your excess light, so we bless you.

look!Like a bee that has too much honey, I am weary of my wisdom; I need the hand that reaches out to receive it. Willing to give and distribute my wisdom, until the wise will no longer rejoice in their madness, and the poor will rejoice in their wealth. Therefore I should descend to the deepest: as at night you go behind the sea and send light down to the world below.O planet of boundless grace! I'm going 'downhill' like you, that's what the world I'm going to call this thing. Bless me, your calm eyes will not envy a boundless happiness! Bless the overflowing cup!Let this water flow golden, and send everywhere the return of your blessings!Behold, the cup will be empty again, and Zarathustra will be a man again. ”— Thus began the descent of Zarathustra.

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