Home Categories Internet fantasy Tianwuji·Moyun Academy

Chapter 25 Chapter 22

Tianwuji·Moyun Academy 步非烟 5427Words 2018-03-12
Li Xuan couldn't help but hummed that song again: "You have a confidant in life~~~~It's enough~~It's enough~~It's enough~~" He suddenly remembered that Feng Changqing had misunderstood his "confidant" as "a chicken", so he stopped singing suddenly.That was really a disgraceful thing. Thinking about it, it was like eating Allah's thunder. Suddenly, his ears hurt and he was severely twisted.Li Xuan cried out in pain, and saw Su Youlian staring at him with a smile that was not a smile, and said fiercely: "Mr. Lang, have you forgotten me?"

The twisting of the ears was extremely harsh, but the cry of "Lang Jun" was extremely sweet.Li Xuan was so sweet that his body trembled, he hurriedly smiled and said: "Then how could it be? Why don't you talk about it, subduing dragons and phoenixes, heaven and earth, wherever you say to go, we will go there!" Su Youlian still stared at him, and the strength in his hand did not decrease at all, and he smiled: "I knew that Mr. Lang treated me the best, even if I met a good little sister, a pure little sister, I would not Forget about me, don't you?" Good little sister?

Pure young lady? Li Xuan sweated like rain... He hurriedly said: "Aren't you going to prepare for the third test? Are you ready? I can't wait!" After he said this, he fully felt the feeling of wanting to cry without tears.Unexpectedly, he, Li Xuan, would have today, and would ask others to abuse him! Su Youlian smiled softly, put down her hands, turned her body slightly, and said, "Does it look good?" She has changed her attire.She was originally wearing a snow-like veil, and the pure white color made her look pure and holy, like a fairy born from the dust.At this time, she was wearing a light red silk dress tied around her body with a narrow belt, making her waist appear slender and exquisitely carved.The light red is reflected on her delicate dimples, the pink is light and white, extremely charming and gorgeous, adding immeasurable charm to her.She was originally pure, graceful and holy, but now she became rich and charming, as if she was a different person.

She turned around and danced lightly, her gaze was full on Li Xuan, with a faint smile on her face.Li Xuan almost fainted. She turned out to be so beautiful!It doesn't look like a piece of snow, it's like a cloud, a burning cloud that is red and hot in summer! Her eyes were sweet, like a big sugar bowl, trying to drown Li Xuan in it.Her curved eyelashes curled up like a golden hook, trying to hang Li Xuan up.Her thin lip line stretched delicately, like a leather whip, which was hung and then whipped. --depressed!Li Xuan hurriedly shook his head violently, driving these messy metaphors out of his mind.

He sighed for a long time. It seems that he really doesn't understand Su Youlian.This woman is ever-changing, even if Da Luo Jinxian came to the world, he would definitely be fascinated by her to death. Of course Su Youlian didn't know that there were so many wild thoughts in his head, she stopped dancing, gently hugged Li Xuan's arm, and dragged him out of the academy. Li Xuan's nosebleeds flowed out again without disappointment. This time they walked a long way, a full distance of dozens of miles, until the night was dark, the surroundings were silent, and the scenery was scary, Su Youlian stopped.The Red Anaconda Huoyin's Danyuan Nine Beads emitted a faint light, which could be seen vaguely.

That... that turned out to be a huge tomb! Gloomy clouds, gloomy winds, and ghostly chirping... This is really a tomb! Li Xuan let out a strange cry, turned his head and ran out.A light and small savage boot stretched out, and Li Xuan immediately stumbled and gnawed on Allah's thunder. He struggled to get up, hey, what did he touch?It was round and white, with a few holes on it... Li Xuan gave another strange cry: "Skeleton! Skeleton!" A miserable voice came from behind: "There is another one here..." Li Xuan didn't even turn his head, and passed out directly.

Holding a skull, Su Youlian stood there in surprise: "Scared so easily? Sir, you still have a long road to love!" She dragged Li Xuan into the tomb.He did go in, because a big hole was dug in the tomb. When Li Xuanyou woke up, he only hoped that he would never see that skeleton again. God was kind to him, he did not see it, what he saw was Su Youlian's charming and charming face.He hurriedly glanced around, it was a very ordinary house, clean, with a copper lamp embedded in the wall, emitting a faint light.He was lying on the ground with his head resting on Su Youlian's lap.

Such a beautiful scene did not cause ripples in his heart, he jumped up and shouted: "I want to go back!" With a lunge, he rushed out.Su Youlian looked at him with a smile and didn't stop him.Li Xuan stepped out of the door, glanced outside, and immediately froze. For about a quarter of an hour, he remained motionless. Then, he turned around and lay back on Su Youlian's knees. There was a uniform snoring sound. This... fell asleep so quickly?Such a strong self-hypnosis ability! Su Youlian said softly: "Mr. Lang, get up, there are some fun things for you to play with."

Li Xuan remained motionless. Su Youlian: "If you don't play, then I will play by myself." Li Xuan didn't move. A faint fragrance wafted away, and Li Xuan opened his eyes all of a sudden. This smell made him feel very wrong! I saw that Su Youlian was carefully putting a small piece of incense on the copper lamp and lighting it.The incense is very flammable, and a large part of it burns in a flash, and the smell is far away.Li Xuan couldn't help asking: "What kind of incense is this?" "Samsara incense." This name made him feel very inappropriate!

"Do... what is it for?" Su Youlian smiled: "What do you think ghosts want most? It's reincarnation. So, as soon as the ghosts outside smell this fragrance, they will rush over immediately." Li Xuan shivered, his face pale.Su Youlian said softly: "Lang Jun, what are you afraid of? Look, how much effort I have spent preparing for this third test. I have to find such a big tomb and dig such a deep one. It’s just a hole, and I want to drag you in again, you can’t waste my good intentions. Sir, please behave well, my heart is waiting for you here.” She put her hands on her chest and closed her eyes slightly, full of hope for happiness.

Li Xuan was stunned, looking for a tomb?Digging?God, what kind of woman is this! At this time, there was a slow knock on the door, and Li Xuan yelled, hiding behind Su Youlian.Su Youlian turned pale, and screamed: "Mr. Lang, there is a ghost! You have to protect me!" Li Xuan shouted: "No! You have to protect me!" Su Youlian said: "That can't be done, then you will lose the test. The rules in our hometown say that if a man fails the test, he can no longer be a man." Li Xuan was horrified: "What do you mean you can't be a man anymore?" Su Youlian smiled and said: "It's like a eunuch." Eunuch?Li Xuan's spirit was hit hard, and before he could ask the reason, there was a soft rustling sound behind him. An old and dilapidated body stood at the door. He stretched out his hand, which could no longer be called a hand, because half a white bone was exposed from it, and the dark and damaged flesh hung on it, like salted fish that had not been sold for many years hanging on a rotten on the grass rope. It snaps over the door - if there's a door there.But somehow, there was a series of knocks on the door. Li Xuan was brewing murderous aura, this is the posture of a master, before the murderous aura is formed, he will never speak! There was a rattling sound, the skull on the body slowly turned around, and a smile was squeezed out of the dust-soaked facial features, and a hoarse voice came out from the biggest hole: "Guest, let's eat!" guest?Have a meal? Li Xuan couldn't care about the murderous intent any longer, and hurriedly lowered his head, and saw that it was holding an iron pot in its other hand, and a bunch of things were boiling in the pot, which was steaming.Seeing Li Xuan watching, it stopped knocking on the door, walked into the room with slow, decadent steps, slowly placed the pot in the middle of the room, and sat down by itself. It inserted its hand into the pot, took out a piece of meat, and handed it to Li Xuan: "Guest, eat!" The lump of flesh was still twisted, with dripping blood on it.It seemed to be an unknown small animal. The skin was peeled off raw, and the internal organs were mixed with flesh and blood. It hadn't been cooked for long. When it was handed to Li Xuan, the creaking sound seemed to be still coming from its body. issued from the ground, it looked ferocious and terrifying. Li Xuan shouted: "I don't want to eat such a dirty thing!" The old corpse looked dully at the lump of meat in his hand: "Dirty..." It curled its hands back, Li Xuan heaved a sigh of relief, the old corpse brought the meat ball to his mouth, Li Xuan thought it was going to eat it by himself, his stomach felt sick, and he wanted to turn his head away, when suddenly the old corpse stuck out its tongue and touched the meat ball I licked it indiscriminately. The old corpse still drools?That corpse wasn't too bad.Then it stretched out the meat ball in front of Li Xuan again: "Eat it, I licked it, it's not dirty anymore." Li Xuan yelled and jumped up: "I can't take it anymore! After licking it so disgustingly, how dare you say it's not dirty? You still want me to eat it? Go to hell!" The huge nausea surpassed the fear of the old corpse, and he couldn't help but yelled. Su Youlian came over and said: "He has already died, if you let him die again, it won't work." The old corpse showed a hurt expression on his face, and he yelled in a ghostly voice: "I've been licked by you, and you still think it's dirty? Do you have any humanity? Wife! He refuses to eat the rice I cooked !" A loud roar sounded from the tomb, shaking the huge tomb to rustle.Suddenly, a huge head got into the house, the poor door without a door was immediately opened, and half of the wall collapsed! What kind of head is that? Amidst the clouds and smoke, three huge horns shone with purple, white, and blue lights, making Li Xuan and Su Youlian unable to open their eyes. A gust of cold wind blew, and Li Xuan felt his body was covered with ice, followed by a gust of hot wind, the ice on Li Xuan's body melted, and his body began to burn, followed by a gust of poisonous gas, Li Xuan's face turned green immediately, crumbling. A roar came from the monster: "Who dares not eat the food you cook?" This monster is actually that old corpse's wife?This... this is simply outrageous!This old corpse can subdue such a supernatural monster, and even marry it as a wife. The aesthetics of this corpse is really unique! A smile appeared on the broken face of the old corpse, it was a sweet smile full of love, his rotten corpse unexpectedly became lighter, ran to the side of the monster, and said softly: "My lord, be careful! point." He also told the monster to be careful?The monster is careful enough not to tear down the whole house! A foot protruded from the monster's head.Huh?The monster actually had a foot on its head, and it was a beautiful foot.Well, such beautiful feet, probably only women can have, right? Li Xuan pondered, Su Youlian glanced at him, and suddenly said: "My feet are much prettier than them." Li Xuanruo was thoughtful, if this foot was really not as good as Su Youlian's, she would never say so.In fact, apart from the strange fact that the monster has feet on its head, this foot is the best.Delicate and thin, not full of grip.It didn't look like feet, but lotus petals carved from jade, falling majestically into the hands of the old corpse. Li Xuan immediately vomited.How can such a beautiful foot be connected with such an ugly hand?Then, another hand "born" on the monster's head.Li Xuan felt even more strange, like a leaf, a woman jumped off the monster and was held by the old corpse. The woman's body was slender, she looked lighter than Rong Xiaoyi, her sleeves were extremely long, hanging down curlingly, almost reaching her toes.With the shallow bow of the cage shoes, her body is like a delicately drawn curve, extending all the way to her exquisite snow-white neck.Further up, she was no longer visible, and a veil covered her face, which made Li Xuan feel greatly disappointed. The woman didn't dislike the dirty smell of the old corpse at all, she stretched her arms around its neck, hanging on his body with a charming smile.This made Li Xuan almost stunned: "Old... old ghost, is this your wife?" The old corpse's face was full of love and compassion: "Of course, this is my dearest wife!" Li Xuan almost vomited: "This is like a flower stuck in cow dung! Old devil, you actually ruined such a beauty!" The old corpse smiled and said, "You might as well ask my wife, does she think this is a waste?" Li Xuan turned his head and looked at the woman with doubts on his face. The woman smiled sweetly and hugged her tighter: "Not only is it not a waste, but it is my blessing that I can find such a husband. Ten thousand years, and another thousand reincarnations, I am still willing to be his wife and stay with him for the rest of my life." One person and one corpse looked at each other affectionately, unable to separate for a long time.Li Xuan felt that this world was simply unreasonable, he shouted: "Crazy! Crazy!" He suddenly jumped up: "Did you say that because he threatened you? Don't worry, we will rescue you! We will knock him down and rescue you!" The old corpse said to the woman, "He won't believe it." The woman said to the old corpse, "Do you want to tell a story?" The old corpse nodded to the woman. The woman said to the old corpse: "You have a bad throat, let me tell you." The old corpse said to the woman, "Okay." The woman quietly recalled and said, "My name is Yang Xian." Li Xuan and Su Youlian tried hard to recall, but couldn't think of anyone named Yang Xian. Yang Xian smiled and said: "You don't have to think about it, except for my adoptive father, there are only two people in this world who know my name, one is my husband, and the other is far away in Bohai country. When I was young, I was beautiful and good at martial arts. , proud and arrogant, and wanted to find a good husband. But I picked and picked, and no one was suitable. He came, and he didn't show off his martial arts and his background like other people. He just Cook for me. But after eating the food he cooked for three days, I decided to marry him." The old corpse smiled: "Because she saw my affection from my meal. So I will only cook for her from now on." Yang Xian smiled: "That's why I only let him see my face. I put on a veil and ran away with him secretly. Because my adoptive father would never allow me to marry a poor boy." The old corpse said softly: "But from that day on, I am no longer a poor boy. With you, I am richer than the emperor." Yang Xian said softly: "He knows that I cherish my face the most, so he used the ancient forbidden technique 'Liuguang is not thrown lightly' without telling me." Su Youlian lost his voice and said: "'Liuguang is not thrown lightly'? He...he is willing to perform such a forbidden technique for you?" Yang Xian said softly: "Yes, so, no matter what he becomes, I am willing to be his wife and accompany him for the rest of my life." Li Xuan is very strange, because he doesn't understand, he doesn't know what is meant by 'the streamer never throws lightly'.Is this spell very powerful?Is it true that once he uses it, Yang Xian's living soul will be imprisoned by him, and he will follow him for the rest of his life, never changing his mind? He looked at Su Youlian in confusion, and Su Youlian said softly: "Liuguang is not thrown lightly, it is a taboo technique... If a man who loves each other swears the love in his heart and casts this spell, he will be deeply moved." The woman she loves will never grow old and stay young forever. But the man will age four times faster... This spell can be said to be at the cost of one's own youth to preserve the beauty of one's lover. Then It's every woman's wish..." Li Xuan was stunned, and he murmured: "Is appearance so important?" Su Youlian shook his head and said: "As long as there is a slight change in the man's heart, the woman's ageless appearance will immediately change and return to the original age. Therefore, what it retains is not only the unchanged appearance, but also an eternal beauty. , love your heart." She looked at Yang Xian with envy. Yang Xian's appearance was full of youth, but the old corpse was extremely old.Obviously, Liu Guang does not throw lightly, and has been using it for a long, long time. The heart of admiration has gone through such a long time without any change. She sighed faintly: "I don't know if anyone is willing to cast this spell for me." Li Xuan said with a sneer: "Such things that hurt others and benefit yourself, even if you keep your face, don't you feel at ease?" Yang Xian said gently: "When you reach that level of love, you will feel at ease. Because that is an eternal oath. So I am willing to accompany him in this ancient tomb." Li Xuan's eyes lit up: "You mean, you are not dead yet, his appearance is only caused by 'Liuguang is not lightly thrown'?" Yang Xian smiled and said, "That's natural." Li Xuan immediately relaxed, took a long breath, and said, "I thought you were ghosts. Haha." Since he wasn't a ghost, he was much more presumptuous, and slapped the old corpse so hard that it almost shattered all the flesh from his body: "Old ghost, you have the ability to catch such a beautiful wife." The old corpse smiled and said, "Could it be that you really want to see a ghost? This is easy to handle." He made a gesture, and suddenly, the tomb was windy and ghostly, and a cold voice rang out: "Master~person~what~thing~phase~call~" There were ghostly shadows, and dozens of ethereal shadows slowly appeared, filling the entire tomb. The old corpse smiled and said: "This kid wants to see a ghost, so I asked you to come out and say hello to him." All the ghosts floated over immediately and lined up around Li Xuan's body.Each ghost greets each other in a different way, and some ghosts bared their teeth and made a face that couldn't be more authentic.Some head up and down, the head slowly submerged into the body, and then emerged from the back.Some flew onto Li Xuan's head and lay on their stomachs, with their tongues stretching out more than a foot, hanging down against his face. Li Xuan's expression was calm, he didn't move - but he had fainted from fright.
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