Home Categories philosophy of religion Hua Shan Explains Sun Tzu's Art of War

Chapter 97 Why do many people read for nothing?Because it is not a learning type of reading, but an error correction type of reading

The disease of reading lies in the desire to win.To gain something from reading, the key lies in having a correct view of reading. Therefore, in the law of employing troops, don't face high hills, turn your back on hills and don't turn against them, pretend to be north and don't follow them, sharp soldiers don't attack, bait soldiers don't eat them, return troops don't stop them, besiege divisions must be blocked, and poor invaders don't force them. Don't eat the bait. If the enemy baits you, don't bite the hook. Mei Yaochen commented: "Fish are greedy for bait and die, soldiers are greedy for bait and lose. The enemy uses soldiers to catch me, and I cannot follow."

The battle example is Cao Cao baiting Liu Bei and Wen Chou. Cao Cao fought Yuan Shao, beheaded Yan Liang, and after breaking the siege of the white horse, he personally led hundreds of cavalry to escort food, grass and luggage to retreat, and encountered thousands of pursuers from Liu Bei and Wen Chou.The generals were terrified, thinking that the enemy had too many cavalry, so it was better to return to the camp.Xun You said: "This is why you bait the enemy, how can you go there?" So he abandoned the luggage, unsaddled the horse, and lured Yuan Jun.Liu Bei and Wen Chou really competed for supplies.Yuan Jun's soldiers were all busy grabbing things and had no fighting spirit.Cao Cao led his troops on horseback, rushed in, and beheaded Wen Chou.

Du Mu gave a completely different explanation. He said "don't eat the bait soldiers", which means you don't eat the food dropped by the enemy, be careful it's poisonous! "The enemy neglects to eat and drink, he needs to try it first, and he can't eat it casually, because he is worried about poison." He also told an example. In the time of Emperor Wen of the Later Wei Dynasty, Kumoxi invaded and ordered Jiyin King Tuoba Xincheng to lead his army to discuss it.Tuoba Xincheng mixed a lot of jars of poisoned wine and put them in the barracks. When the enemy came to attack, he pretended to be defeated and left the barracks.The enemy invaded the empty camp and got a lot of wine. They were overjoyed and drank happily, and the wine became poisonous.At this time, Xincheng came back again and took thousands of prisoners without any effort.

Is Du Mu right?Of course not.The original intention of grandson is definitely not to remind you not to eat food given by uncles you don't know.But it doesn't matter if Du Mu's comment is wrong, it's worthwhile to be wrong, and let us know that there is another example of poisoned wine defeating the enemy. When we read books or discuss issues with others, we have a very, very common problem, that is, the desire to win.Instead of focusing on what I have experienced and what I have learned, I want to beat him.He said it very well, but I tried every means to make another one to win it.Or change the angle, discuss with him, in short, make him untenable, show my ability, at least show that I know more!

Asking questions to the teacher in class is not really a problem, but to show your "wisdom".After listening to the teacher's class, or after reading a famous book, communicating with others is not about communicating what you have learned.Instead, the first thing he said was: "I don't think what he said is right!" Winning heart is a serious problem in reading and studying. When discussing with classmates, you want to overwhelm them; when you are in the teacher's class, you want to challenge the teacher;Once you have the ambition to win, reading is not with the piety of learning, but with the pleasure of correcting mistakes. It is not "learning-type reading", but "error-correcting reading".

I read "Eleven Schools Annotating Sun Tzu's Collation", because it was written by eleven people in the past, and everyone wrote on the basis of their predecessors, so this feeling is particularly obvious.The first bet is Cao Cao, he is the target.Whose target is it?It was Du Mu who mainly attacked him, and almost shot Cao Cao into a hedgehog.Du Mu's notes, often the first sentence is "Cao said it is wrong"-Cao Cao is wrong!Cao Cao was dead, and he couldn't get up from the grave to argue with him, so of course Du Mu won every debate.Why does Du Mu always say that Cao Cao is wrong?Because it is more pleasant to beat Cao Cao.

That Du Mu is a poet and a literati.He especially likes to be unconventional.I think when he was annotating "Sun Tzu's Art of War", he didn't care much about the usefulness of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" to himself, but cared about his own article. If it was the same as his predecessors, it would be meaningless. Confucius said: "If you are respectful, you will not be insulted." If you are disrespectful, you will be humiliated.Du Mu always said that the predecessors were wrong.Naturally, someone later said he was wrong.Therefore, in "Eleven Family Notes on Sun Tzu's School Principles", after every sentence "Cao Shuo Fei Ye", there is a sentence "Du Shuo Fei Ye". The one who "set things right" was Mei Yaochen.He was from the Song Dynasty, and he was also a poet. Du Mu has been dead for two hundred years, and he can't argue.

So who do we think is right? First, our concern is not who is right.What we care about is what we have learned and what is the use.Reading is to look at yourself, let yourself experience it, let it ponder on practical things, this is true reading.It is a serious disease of reading to make something new and unconventional, and to talk about it in vain! Second, there is value in being wrong.Du Mu's note also lets us know a lot of new things, isn't it good?Besides, he has put in a lot of effort, and he is the one with the greatest achievements and influence in the Eleven family. We don't have to correct his mistakes, just get what I want.

Clausewitz said: "No matter how absurd the wrong opinion is, at least let us know the perspective of others." This is also value.Sometimes when someone tells you a truth, you think it's so ridiculous that you can't bear it.At this time, you have to think about the good. He let you know that there are still people who see things this way! Third, who is right?Of course we are concerned about this issue. It is not that there is no right or wrong, but there are right and wrong.Who is right?I basically always take Cao Cao's opinion as the standard.Because Cao Cao is the one who has eaten pork!Others have never seen a pig run.

In addition to Cao Cao, I also have an annotated book as a standard, which is "Sun Tzu's Art of War" translated and annotated by Guo Huaruo.Guo Huaruo is a Lieutenant General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy, and taught at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University for many years.His notes can be used as standard answers. Regarding "Sun Tzu's Art of War", I often meet people who discuss it with me.For example, two questions, one is that the grandson and Sun Bin are the same person.This discussion is purely boring.Sun Tzu was with the King of Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period, and some content in "Sun Tzu's Art of War" was specifically aimed at the State of Yue.And Sun Bin was a native of Qi State during the Warring States Period, when Wu State had already perished.The difference between the two is more than a hundred years, how could they be the same person?It is nothing more than someone putting forward some statements to show their knowledge.But these formulations are totally unacceptable. This is called mere talk, not real reading.

The second question that is often discussed is "the strength of a small enemy, the capture of a great enemy".The meaning of the context was so clear that it could no longer be understood. "Therefore, the law of using troops is to encircle them if they are ten, to attack them if they are five times, to fight them if they are twice as many, to divide them, to escape them if they are few, and to avoid them if they are few. Therefore, the strength of a small enemy is the capture of a great enemy. and also." Fight if you win, run if you can't.You are a "little enemy", if you can't beat others, you are not "firm", if you insist on not running, you will be captured.But a domestic researcher on "Sun Tzu's Art of War" said that everyone thinks this is the meaning, but I don't think it is. The real meaning is "if the weak side can be strong, it will definitely capture the enemy alive."If Sun Tzu meant this, then what he said earlier was in vain. The interpretation of "the strength of a small enemy" is even more exaggerated, and he is also a master. He is very knowledgeable!If the solution is the same as others, it will not show knowledge.He said that the "strength" is treasure and equipment. No matter how tightly locked the enemy's treasure and equipment are, as long as we defeat him, they can belong to us!In order to prove this explanation, he thought it was a proof, Zhuangzi said: "If you want to guard the robbers who will search for the pockets (qu qie), and guard them, you must keep the siege (teng) and hold the scorpion (jiong jue). "What is the use of locking up treasures?It's not just to attract thieves. The students were shocked when they heard it!Wow!The teacher is still very knowledgeable! Regarding these diseases of reading, Wang Yangming said a lot: "The theory is already complete, so I have to formulate another theory to overcome it." It is not true reading, but a desire to win. Reading only asks what is good for you, what is the use, don't get entangled in textual exegesis, thinking that you are learning. So I have another experience in reading the Art of War, which is to put myself into it. If I were him, what would I do?And when we read books, just like watching movies, we naturally put ourselves on the winning side.If I want to go the other way and put myself into the losing party, what would I do if I were him? Substitute yourself into the book, and then substitute the book into your work and life.What is the corresponding situation and enlightenment of the principles and cases in this book in my actual work. "It's like cutting like learning, like cutting like grinding", this is the book that has not been read in vain.
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