Home Categories literary theory A Course on the History of Contemporary Chinese Literature

Chapter 92 Brief information on contemporary writers (1)

This material is a brief introduction of writers designed for the readers of this textbook. The writers included in the following brief introductions are limited to writers whose works are specially analyzed in the second, third and fourth sections of each chapter of this textbook. Authors and directors of movies and movies are not included; the writers introduced in the first section of each chapter of this textbook are generally not introduced except for some special cases.Hereby explain. [[A Cheng (male) (1949-)]] Formerly known as Zhong Acheng.Originally from Jiangjin, Sichuan, born in Beijing.In the first grade of high school, the "Cultural Revolution" interrupted his studies. In 1968, he was sent to Shanxi and Inner Mongolia to join the team, and then went to a farm in Yunnan. He returned to Beijing in 1979 and worked in the China Book Import and Export Corporation, and later served as the editor of "World Book". Published her debut novel in 1984 ("Shanghai Literature" No. 7, 1984), which attracted widespread attention and won the National Excellent Novella Award from 1983 to 1984.Since then, other novels have been published one after another, and his series of short stories "Merry Everywhere" with a prose tendency has also attracted widespread attention from the critics.His works render the atmosphere of folk culture with simple strokes and light colors, revealing a strong and meaningful life interest, embodying philosophical speculations about the universe, life, nature and human beings, caring about the way of human existence, and expressing the current accumulation of traditional culture .These works, as well as his theoretical article "Culture Restricts Human Beings" published in 1985 on "root-seeking", made him a representative figure of root-seeking literature that revealed the national cultural psychology at that time, and had a certain influence overseas. After settling in the United States in the 1990s, he published many miscellaneous prose works, which still follow his straightforward language style. [[Ai Qing (male) (1910-1996)]]

Originally known as Jiang Chenghai, his pen names include Ejia, Ke'a, Nayong, and Lin Bi.People from Jinhua, Zhejiang.Born in a landlord family, he was fostered at the home of a poor farmer "Dayanhe" since he was five years old. This experience became an important source of thought for his future poetry creation. In 1928, he was admitted to the Painting Department of Hangzhou National West Lake Academy of Arts.The next year, he went to France to study abroad and studied painting. He returned to China in 1932 and joined the Chinese Left-wing Artists Alliance in Shanghai. He was arrested and imprisoned in July of the same year.He became famous for the poem "Dayanhe——My Nanny" written in prison. Released from prison in 1935.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he joined the All-China Cultural Association. In March 1941, he went to Yan'an, taught in the Luyi Literature Department, and edited "Poetry Magazine" (Yan'an edition). In October 1945, he served as the deputy dean of the Faculty of Arts of North China Associated University and the deputy director of the third department of North China University. He came to Beijing with the army in 1949 and served as a military representative of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a member of the Standing Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a director of the Chinese Writers Association, a director of the China Artists Association, and the deputy editor-in-chief of "People's Literature". In 1957, he was classified as a rightist and went to the Great Northern Wilderness. In 1959, he was transferred to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. In 1975, he returned to Beijing to treat eye diseases. In 1978, he republished his poems. Rehabilitation in 1979.Later, he served as the vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and the director of the China PEN Center.His early works such as "Dayan River", "North", "Notice of Dawn", "Towards the Sun", "Torch" and other collections of poems mostly wrote about the working people, the fate of the nation and the darkness of society, presenting a sad, high-spirited and excited style. , due to the strong expression of yearning for light and surging revolutionary passion in his poetry creation, he had great appeal among young people and earned him the title of "Torch Poet". In the 1950s, some works illustrating policies and extolling virtues were published, which were mediocre and lacked vitality because of their conceptualization and planarization, but some works describing foreign themes were affirmed by the critics. After his comeback in the late 1970s, he published a large number of poems, which shocked the poetry world, including "Hymn to Light", "The Colosseum in Ancient Rome" and many short stories. Concise and deep. Poetry collections published after 1949 include "Cheers", "The Red Star of the Gem", "On the Cape", "Black Eel", "Spring", "Song of Return", "Colorful Poems", "Snow Lotus", "Outside the Territory" Poetry Collection, etc.Among them, "Song of Return" and "Snow Lotus" won the first and second National Excellent New Poetry Collection Awards respectively.In addition, he is the author of theoretical collections "On Poetry", "Ai Qing on Poetry", "Ai Qing on Creation" and so on.Translations include Verhalen's "The Field and the City" and so on.His works have been translated into many languages ​​and enjoy a wide reputation. In 1985, he was awarded the highest medal of French art. [[Ba Jin (male) (1904-)]]

His original name was Li Yaotang, and his style name was Fugan.Other pen names include Wang Wenhui, Ouyang Jingrong, Yu Yi, Huang Shuhui, etc.Originally from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, he was born in Chengdu, Sichuan. In 1918, he entered the English cram school of the Chengdu Youth Association, and in 1920 he was admitted to the Chengdu Foreign Languages ​​Professional School.During his studies, he accepted the baptism of the "May Fourth" new culture and was deeply influenced by anarchism, which formed the background of his early creation. From 1927 to 1928, he studied abroad in France and began to create literature. The publication of "Destruction" in 1929 caused a sensation, which made him officially embark on the road of literary creation.In the following 20 years, he created and translated a large number of works loved by young people. After 1949, he successively served as the standing committee member and vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the vice chairman of the China Writers Association, and the chairman of the Shanghai Branch of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Writers Association. Persecuted during the "Cultural Revolution", returned to Shanghai from the "Cadre School" in 1973.He is currently the chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.His works have undergone several changes. In the 1930s, the novels "Trilogy of Love", "Fog", "Electricity", "Trilogy of Torrent", and "Trilogy of Torrent" published in the 1930s poured out his love for the unreasonable society with intense emotional eruption. Hatred and persistent pursuit of an ideal society.Afterwards, I had a deeper understanding of reality, and began to pay attention to the tragedies of small people's lives. I published "The Garden of Rest" and other works with more subtle emotions and deeper thoughts, which were highly praised by later critics. In the 1950s, he gradually shifted from novel creation to prose creation. Following the government's call to write new themes and themes, he wrote a lot of obedience literature and lost his original artistic personality. A collection of reportage that was unique at the time.After experiencing the "Cultural Revolution", I gained a new understanding of my thoughts and more introverted feelings. A "Caprice Record" that tortures myself and the soul of modern Chinese intellectuals shines with the wisdom and personality of a century-old man who has gone through hardships. In 1989, he won the honorary award of National Excellent Prose (collection) and Essay (collection).Adhering to the pursuit of humanitarianism throughout his life, he has been bedridden in bed all year round but has continued to write. In recent years, he has continued to create his "Capricious Thoughts Series".Enjoy a wide international reputation. In 1982, he won the Italian "Dante International Award". In 1983, he won the French "Legion of Honor". —1972)]]

Formerly known as Uncle Wang Ren.The pen names are Qu Tie, Xingzhe, Bajie, Zhao Leng, etc.People from Fenghua, Zhejiang. After graduating from Zhejiang Provincial Ningbo Fourth Normal School in 1920, he worked as a primary and secondary school teacher and editor. In 1923, he began to create literature and participated in the Literature Research Association. In 1926, he participated in the Northern Expedition and served as Secretary of the General Headquarters of the Northern Expedition. He went to Japan in 1929 and returned to China the following year to join the Left League.Later, he worked in the Nanjing Ministry of Communications.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he was engaged in anti-Japanese and national salvation work in the "isolated island" of Shanghai. In 1941 went to Indonesia. In 1948, he entered the North China Liberated Area and served as the deputy director of the Second Division of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as Chinese ambassador to Indonesia, vice president, president and editor-in-chief of People's Literature Publishing House.He is mainly engaged in the research of Marxist-Leninist literary theory and has his own opinions. In 1954, he revised and published the literary treatise "Literature Discussion Draft". In the mid-1950s, he published essays in "People's Japan", "Literary News", and "People's Literature", advocating humanitarian literature.Among them, "Kuang Zhong's Pen" and "On Human Love" were widely read.Some of them were edited and published as "The Collection of Obedience".He also created the historical novel "The Rebellion of Mang Xiucai" and so on.In the anti-dumping movement in the 1950s, he was criticized and dismissed for advocating the "theory of human nature". In 1960, it was accused of being revisionism and was again comprehensively criticized.In his later years, he was engaged in the research work on the history of Southeast Asia and compiled the "Drafts of Indonesian History". During the "Cultural Revolution", he was persecuted to the point of insanity and died. [[Baihua (male) (1930-)]]

Formerly known as Chen Youhua.A native of Xinyang, Henan. In 1938, he fled because of the Japanese occupation of Xinyang. In 1939, his father was killed by the Japanese army. He entered Henan Huangchuan Junior High School in 1942, and entered the art department of Xinyang Normal University in 1945. In the summer of 1946, he entered Huangchuan High School and began to create literature. His debut poetry was published in Zhongzhou Daily in Xinyang. He joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1947 and served as a propagandist for the Central Plains Field Army. In 1952, he was transferred to the creative team leader of the Kunming Military Region. In 1955, he was transferred to the Zongzheng Creation Office. In 1958, he was classified as a rightist because of "Story in the Forest", and was expelled from the military and the party.Then worked as a fitter in Shanghai for 3 years. In 1961, he was transferred to Shanghai Film Studio. He returned to the army in 1964 and served as a creator of the Wuhan Military Region. During the "Cultural Revolution", he spent several years in Xinjiang. Rehabilitation in 1979. In 1985, he changed jobs and transferred to the Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Writers Association.He has successively served as a director of the Chinese Writers Association, vice chairman of the Hubei Branch of the Writers Association, vice chairman of the Shanghai Branch of the Writers Association, and a director of the Chinese Film Association.In the 1950s, he published poetry anthologies "Remembrance of the Jinsha River", "Song of the Reba People", long poems "Eagle Flock" and "Peacock", novel collections "Sensuality of the Frontier", "The Hunter's Girl", etc. With pure and pure enthusiasm, the life of struggle and the scenery of the frontier are integrated. In 1977, he started his creative activities after the Cultural Revolution.Author of poetry collections "Sentiments", "Songs When I'm in Love and Being Loved", novels "There is a Country of Daughters in the Distance", etc., film scripts "Bitter Love" (cooperating with Peng Ning), "Tonight is Starry", dramas "Wu Wang Jin Ge Yue Wang Jian" and so on.Among them, the poem "Spring Tide Is Looking" won the 1979-1980 National Young and Middle-aged Poets Outstanding Poetry Award. In October 1979, he delivered a speech "No breakthrough, no literature" at the Fourth Literature Congress, which resonated with many literary and art workers.His later works sharply criticized social reality, history and culture, which caused great controversy. In 1981, the movie "Bitter Love" was criticized, but he still insisted on creating more.He is one of the few contemporary Chinese writers who can create multiple literary genres. [[Can Xue (female) (1953-)]]

Originally named Deng Xiaogong.Originally from Leiyang, Hunan, he was born in Changsha. Graduated from elementary school in 1966.Four years later, he worked as a mill worker in a small factory in Changsha for ten years.Later, he became a self-employed garment sewing business. In 1985 began to publish works. Joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1988.Published a collection of novels "Dialogues in Paradise", "Yellow Mud Street", and a novel "Breakout Performance", etc.Her "pioneering" novels "The Cabin on the Mountain" and "Amei's Melancholy in a Sunny Day" have received great repercussions from readers and critics.Her creations have a distinctive personality and are influenced by western modernist works in form. She organizes a mysterious and absurd narrative atmosphere with imaginary and sleepy techniques, resulting in hazy, grotesque and terrifying aesthetic images.The novel has an almost cruel perspective on the ugliness of human nature, unreservedly exposes the tragic essence of human existence, and expresses its unique life experience. [[Cao Yu (male) (1910-1996)]]

Formerly known as Wanjiabao, word Xiaoshi.Originally from Qianjiang, Hubei, he was born in Tianjin. He entered Nankai Middle School in 1923 and was an active member of Nankai New Theater Troupe. In 1926, he published his unnoticed debut novel "Where Can I Get Sober Tonight" (a novella). He was promoted to Nankai University in 1929, and transferred to the Department of Western Literature of Tsinghua University the following year.During this period, he completed his first multi-act drama "Thunderstorm" ("Literary Quarterly", Volume 1, Issue 3, 1934), which immediately caused a sensation due to its complex dramatic conflicts and outstanding artistic charm.After graduating from university, she went to Tsinghua Research Institute for further study, and then dropped out of school for some reason to start educational activities. She taught in Baoding Middle School, Tianjin Hebei Women's Normal School, Shanghai Fudan University, Nanjing National Drama College, etc.After "Thunderstorm", he created a number of drama scripts with great influence, such as "The Wilderness", which established his status as a master of modern Chinese drama.During the Anti-Japanese War, he participated in anti-enemy activities in the cultural circles in Chongqing, and wrote works such as "Peking People" and adapted Ba Jin's works, which were widely praised. In 1946, he was invited to give lectures in the United States and returned to China at the end of the same year. In 1947, he taught at Shanghai Municipal Experimental Drama School and worked in Shanghai Wenhua Film Company. In 1949, he participated in the first national literary representative meeting and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the first China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He later served as the vice president of the Central Academy of Drama. In 1950, he served as the director of Beijing People's Art Theater.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he actively participated in various literary and artistic movements led by the party, and wrote some essays catering to the policy, which were included in "Ying Chun Ji". In 1954, he created a multi-act drama "Bright Sky", which reflected the transformation of intellectuals, and won the first prize of the script in the first national drama viewing performance. In 1960, he completed the historical drama "Brave Sword" (cooperating with Mei Qian and Yu Zhi), which called for self-reliance and hard work. He was hit during the "Cultural Revolution" and worked in the concierge of Renyi. In 1978, he completed the historical drama "Wang Zhaojun" commissioned by Zhou Enlai to describe national unity, and won the first prize of drama creation in the performance to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.Later, he successively served as a member of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, chairman of the China Drama Association, director of the China Writers Association, chairman of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and executive chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.Generally speaking, his early drama creation achievements are outstanding, which is a sign of the maturity of modern Chinese drama.However, the creations after the 1950s were mostly made in response to current events and policies, and were subject to various restrictions, so they did not achieve the achievements achieved in the previous works.He has absorbed the dual nutrition of traditional drama and Western drama, is good at applying various creative techniques, is good at grasping drama conflicts and portraying characters' psychology, personalized character language and poetic treatment of drama atmosphere are unique in his plays elements of a grid.The exploration of humanity and destiny is the eternal theme of his plays, which also makes his plays have a long artistic life.Many works have been translated into many languages. Plays such as "Thunderstorm" are still staged all over the world, and TV and film works based on this are also emerging. [[Changyao (male) (1936-2000)]]

Formerly known as Wang Changyao.A native of Taoyuan, Hunan. In 1950, he joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army and joined the Art Troupe. In 1953, after being wounded on the Korean battlefield, he transferred to Hebei Provincial Invalids School to study. In 1954 began to publish poetry. In 1955, he was transferred to the Qinghai Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 1958, he was classified as a rightist.Later, he was displaced in Qinghai reclamation area. Rehabilitation in 1979.Later, he was transferred to the Qinghai Branch of the Chinese Writers Association as a professional writer. After 1982, he participated in the "New Frontier Poetry" movement and was one of the main representatives of the New Frontier Poetry School.He is the author of "Changyao Lyric Poetry Collection", etc., and his representative works include "Draw, Draw, Fathers! ", "Cihang", "Yixu" and so on.His poems are good at publicizing the excitement of life in deep difficulties, and his sentiment and passion are integrated into dignified and magnificent images.His new frontier poems combine vicissitudes of life, ancient and open western cultural background, and broad life consciousness to form a harmonious whole.In recent years, his poems tend to be reflective and quiet, and his language is slightly calmer, with a strong intellectual tension. [[Chen Cun (male) (1954-)]]

Formerly known as Yang Yihua.Shanghai people.Hui nationality. At the end of 1971, he went to rural Anhui to jump in the queue. Returned to Shanghai due to illness in 1975, and worked in the production team in the street. At the beginning of 1978, he entered the Department of Politics and Education of Shanghai Normal University as a junior college student. After graduation, he went to work in Shanghai Municipal No. 2 Company. In 1979, he published his debut novel "Two Generations", entering the literary world. He joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1985, and in the same year was transferred to the Shanghai Branch of the Writers Association to engage in professional creation.His works include collections of novels and short stories "Walking Through the Dadu River", "Seven Boys and Girls", "Blue Flag", etc., and novels "Residence Students", "Once Upon a Time", "Flowers and Harmony", etc.His novels are mainly descriptions of the life of the educated youths, using "I" as the narrator, expressing complex emotions about the countryside and farmers.The other is the description of ordinary life and affairs, showing the intertwined psychology of self-esteem and inferiority, and revealing his worries about life under the helpless situation of ordinary people.The recent novels have a strong sense of experimentation, but still maintain personal concern for real living conditions. [[Chen Ran (female) (1962-)]]

Born in Beijing in April 1962. He graduated from Beijing Normal University in 1968.Member of Chinese Writers Association.His main works include collections of short stories "Paper", "Sunshine in the Lips", "Cheers to the Past", "Watching in the Forbidden City", "Hidden Anecdotes", etc., and novels.In addition, he has written many prose and poems. [[Chen Xianghe (male) (1901-1969)]] People from Chongqing, Sichuan. He entered Shanghai Fudan University in 1920 and transferred to Peking University at the end of the same year. From 1922 to 1925, he participated in the founding of Asakusa Club and Shen Zhong Club, and began to publish works. Since 1927, he has taught in Shandong, Jilin, Hebei and other places. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he went to Chengdu. He participated in the leadership work of the Chengdu Branch of the All-China Literary and Art Circles Against the Enemy Association for many years.Published short story collections "Unsettled Soul", "On Sakado", "The Single", "Eagle Claw Li San and Others", etc.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as the deputy director of the Western Sichuan Culture Department, the vice chairman of the Western Sichuan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the vice chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He came to Beijing in 1954 and served as a researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a director of the Chinese Writers Association, deputy director of the Department of Classical Literature, and editor-in-chief of the special issue "Literary Heritage" of "Guangming Daily".In the later period, he devoted himself to research and created less.He once planned to write the stories of 12 cultural celebrities including Zhuangzi and Qu Yuan into short stories one by one, but only completed "Writes by Tao Yuanming" and two kinds, which had a wide influence after publication.Both works have the meaning of borrowing the past to explain the present, alluding to the difficult living environment of the intellectuals at that time, using the noble, upright and arrogant ancients to reflect the current intellectuals, entrusting his critique of reality, and at the same time, it is also a reflection of his era. A care about how intellectuals live and work in sentimentality.His works have been severely criticized since 1964, and the author was persecuted during the "Cultural Revolution" and died in 1969. [[Chi Li (female) (1957-)]]

A native of Mianyang, Hubei.After graduating from high school, he went to the countryside to join the team and worked as a primary school teacher in the countryside.He studied medicine for three years and worked as a doctor in Wuhan Iron and Steel Company for five years after graduation.After graduation, he studied in the Chinese Department of Wuhan University. After graduation, he served as the editor of "Fangcao" magazine, and later engaged in professional creation in Wuhan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and served as vice chairman of Wuhan Writers Association. In 1978, he began to write poetry and prose. Beginning to publish novels in 1981.His main works include, "The Sun Is Birth", "Whether it's Cold or Hot, It's Good to Live", "Good Morning, Miss" and so on.Among them, it won the National Excellent Novella Award.Most of her novels are based on the mundane life of ordinary people, presenting the true original state.Her simple and fluent language style and calm and objective narrative attitude make her a representative writer of new realistic novels in the late 1980s.Her novels give up the ultimate ideal, face the trivial reality, describe the living state of "this side" with "zero emotion", and reveal the life essence of ordinary life. [[Dai Houying (female) (1938-1996)]] A native of Yingshang, Anhui. He was admitted to Shanghai East China Normal University in 1956. After graduating in 1960, he went to the Institute of Literature of the Shanghai Writers Association to engage in literary theory research. In the early days of the "Cultural Revolution", he was an active member of the Great Criticism at that time. In 1968, he was criticized for "right deviation". In the later period of the "Cultural Revolution", great changes occurred in thinking. In 1979, he taught at the Chinese Department of Fudan University. In 1980, he was transferred to the branch campus of Fudan University (now the School of Liberal Arts of Shanghai University).The publication of her debut novel "Death of a Poet" was delayed for some reason, and the second novel was published in 1980.The works represent the life course of intellectuals, boldly discuss human nature with vigorous passion and rational style, sparked debates on humanitarianism, and received political criticism.Other works include the collection of short stories "Necklace, Is Soft", the novels "Footsteps in the Air", "The Huaihe River in Tears", "The Hanging Cross", "Cracked Brain", etc., and the collection of essays "Essays of Dai Houying", etc., in his later years Believed in Buddhism, was killed by gangsters in 1996, and his posthumous work is "The Grave in the Heart". [[Deng Tuo (male) (1912-1966)]] Formerly known as Deng Zijian and Deng Yunte.The pen names are Ma Nancun, Yu Suian, Bu Wuji, etc.People from Fuzhou, Fujian. He graduated from high school in 1929 and was admitted to the Department of Political Science and Law of Guanghua University in Shanghai. In 1931, he was transferred to the Department of Economics of Shanghai University of Law and Politics, where he engaged in underground activities of the Communist Party of China. In 1934, he was transferred to the History Department of Henan University and began to study Chinese economic history. In 1937, "The History of China's Famine Relief" was published, which attracted the attention of historians.In the same year, he was assigned to teach at the Party School of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region of the Communist Party of China. He successively served as the president and editor-in-chief of the "Jinchaji Daily" and the director of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Branch of Xinhua News Agency. In 1947, he served as the director of the Political Research Office of the North China Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the head of the Economic Team of the Policy Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. After 1949, he successively served as the Propaganda Minister of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the editor-in-chief of the "People's Daily", the chairman of the All-China Press Federation, the director of the "People's Daily", and the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1961, in the supplement of "Beijing Evening News", he opened the "Yanshan Evening Talk" essay column under the pseudonym of Ma Nancun.Together with Wu Han and Liao Mosha, under the pseudonym "Wu Nanxing", they set up the "Three Family Village Notes" essay column in "Frontline" magazine, which had a great impact because of facing reality. In the early days of the "Cultural Revolution", "Sanjia Village" was brutally persecuted, and Deng Tuo fought to the death. He was rehabilitated in 1979.His works cover a wide range of topics, and his essays are unique, critical to the current situation, and combine knowledge and interest, which has the unique charm of scholars' essays. [[Deng Youmei (male) (1931-)]] He used pen names Fang Wen, You Mei, Yu Dong, etc.Originally from the Shandong Plain, he was born in Tianjin. Joined the Eighth Route Army in 1942 as a correspondent. In 1943, in order to avoid the pursuit of Japanese invaders and traitors, he wandered on the streets of Tianjin. After being recruited by a factory, he was forcibly escorted to Japan to do hard labor. He returned to China in 1944, joined the Eighth Route Army again, and began to create in 1948. In 1949, he served as a reporter for the military branch of Xinhua News Agency. In 1951, he published his debut novel "Growth" ("Speak, Rap, Sing, Issue 19"). In 1953, he entered the Beijing Central Literature Institute to study. The work "On the Cliff" was published in 1956, and "On the Yizhou Road" in 1957, which attracted the attention of readers.Soon he was criticized and classified as a rightist, working at the grassroots level of society. In 1962, he engaged in professional creation under the Anshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and his published "Strao Xie Ping" was criticized again. He returned to Beijing in 1976 and republished his works in 1978. In 1980, he served as a professional writer of the Beijing Branch of the Writers Association.He has successively served as a director of the Chinese Writers Association and secretary of the Secretariat of the Writers Association.Published a collection of novels "Inside and Out of the Capital", etc. , won the National Excellent Short Story Award in 1978 and 1979. ,,, respectively won the 1977-1980, 1981-1982, 1983-1984 National Excellent Novella Award.Other excellent works include "Double Cat Picture" and so on.He is good at describing city life and citizen culture, and is very familiar with cultural relics, calligraphy and painting. He portrays folk customs with vivid and concise strokes, endows him with a sense of history, and reveals a strong "Beijing flavor". [[Du Pengcheng (male) (1921-1991) )]] Formerly known as Du Hongxi.The pen names are Sima Jun, Hongxi, Pu Cheng, etc.He had a difficult childhood and entered an orphanage. He went to Yan'an in 1938, studied in Kangda University and Lu Xun Normal School, and worked in the countryside of Yanchuan after graduation. At the end of 1941, he was transferred to Yan'an University to study. In 1944, he went to the factory as a grassroots cadre and began to create literature. In 1947, he was transferred to the office of "Border People's Daily" and served as a reporter with the army.He successively served as reporter of Xinhua News Agency and director of Xinjiang Branch of Xinhua News Agency.During this period, he completed the novel (the first edition of People's Literature Publishing House in 1954).Under the needs of the discourse of the time, it used the grand narrative technique of praising the revolutionary war to shape the heroic image and the epic picture of the war. It is the first representative work describing large-scale war.Later, because the image of Peng Dehuai was depicted in the novel, it was banned after 1959. The first author of the "Cultural Revolution" was persecuted for the crime of "using novels to oppose the party". In 1977, the work was republished.Later, he successively served as a member of the National Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a director of the Chinese Writers Association, the vice chairman of the Shaanxi Branch of the Chinese Writers Association, and the vice chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles.In his later years, due to illness, his creation was affected, so he wrote some essays and talks on creation.Many works have been translated into foreign languages. [[Fang Fang (female) (1955-)]] Formerly known as Wang Fang.Originally from Pengze County, Jiangxi Province, he was born in Nanjing. In 1957, he moved to Wuhan with his parents. Graduated from high school in 1974 and worked as a stevedore for four years. In 1978, he was admitted to the Chinese Department of Wuhan University.After graduation, he worked as an editor at Hubei TV Station. In 1989, he was assigned to the Hubei Branch of the Writers Association to engage in professional creation. Started writing poetry in 1975. In 1982, he published his first novel "On the Caravan".Published collections include "On the Caravan", "March of Eighteen", "The Other Side of the River", "One Sing and Three Sighs", "Walking Clouds and Flowing Water", etc.The early works mainly reflected the life and psychology of young people. Published "Landscape" in 1987 ("Contemporary Writers" No. 5, 1989), and won the 1987-1988 National Excellent Novella Award, which was considered by critics as "opening the prelude to 'New Realism'". A series of works such as "Grandfather in Father's Heart" and "Walking Clouds and Flowing Water" were well received.She focuses on describing the living conditions of the low-level characters, is good at portraying the humble and ugly sick life, analyzes the weakness of human nature with a stern eye, and explores the true meaning of life.The tone often reveals a kind of sarcasm and acrimony, and the concise, clear and comfortable narrative contains keen insight and deep thinking about life. [[Fang Zhi (male) (1930-1979)]] Formerly known as Han Jianguo.Originally from Xiangtan, Hunan Province, he was born in Nanjing.During the Anti-Japanese War, he took refuge in rural Hunan.After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, he studied in Nanjing No. 1 Middle School and joined the underground organization of the Communist Party. During this period, he began to create literature. Worked in the Communist Youth League in the 1950s.Published short stories "Teacher Zhang", "Brothers Reunited", "By the Spring", "Cao Songshan", novella "The Wave and the Stone", etc. After 1957, he engaged in professional creation in Nanjing Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 1957, Gao Xiaosheng, Lu Wenfu, and Ye Zhicheng from Jiangsu prepared to organize the "Seeker" literary club, and put forward the idea of ​​"interfering with life", which was later criticized and sent to rural labor.However, the interrupted creation time was relatively short. From 1958 to 1959, he cooperated with Ye Zhicheng in the screenplay "Oasis". From 1962 to 1965, he published short stories such as "New Year's Day", "The Melon Watcher", "Out of the Mountain", etc., all of which were based on the realism of the time. lost. During the "Cultural Revolution", he was sent to work in Hongze County, Jiangsu Province, and Jiangou was damaged. In 1978, he was transferred back to the Nanjing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and started to create again. In 1979, his reputation was restored, and he published "Internal Traitor" ("Beijing Literature", No. 3, 1979), which attracted widespread attention. He won the National Excellent Short Story Award of the year and was translated into Multiple languages.This is a work that reflects on the tragedy of the times by describing the life course of a small person. The novel is full of bitterness and irony. [[Feng Zikai (male) (1898-1975)]] Formerly known as Fengciyu, Fengrun, Fengren.People from Chongde, Zhejiang.Born in a scholarly family, he was admitted to Zhejiang First Normal School in 1914 and met Li Shutong, a teacher who influenced his life.After graduation, he served as an art teacher for a year and a half.Later, he went to Japan to study at his own expense, studying painting and music.Due to financial constraints, he returned home early at the end of 1921.After returning to China, he successively taught in Shanghai Normal School, Wusong China Public School Middle School, and Zhejiang Shangyu Chunhui Middle School. In 1924, participated in the work of friends who founded "Lida Middle School" in Shanghai. In 1925, he began to create prose. In 1926, he once served as the editor of Kaiming Bookstore and became a special contributor to the magazine "Middle School Students". In 1927, he published the painting collection "Zikai Comics", which developed a unique comic style full of human touch. In 1931, his first collection of essays "Yuanyuantang Essays" (first edition in 1931 by Kaiming Bookstore) was published. In 1933, he returned to his hometown, Shimen Town, and settled in Yuanyuantang.During the Anti-Japanese War, he successively taught in Guilin Teachers College, Zhejiang University and National Art College, and returned to his hometown after the Anti-Japanese War.He has successively published "Twenty Essays", "The Carriage Society", "Yuan Yuan Tang Re-Writing", "Frank and True Collection" and so on. After the 1950s, he mainly served as the chairman of the Shanghai Artists Association and the president of the Shanghai Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting. He still insisted on painting and continued to create essays. He was brutally persecuted during the "Cultural Revolution" and even died, but he still wrote secretly in the face of adversity, that is, "Yuanyuantang Continued Writing" written in 1971-1973.He has a unique artistic temperament, and his works advocate nature, gentleness and subtlety, and hidden wit.Describing the world of children, expressing the true feelings and authenticity; clinging to religious care, revealing the feelings of detachment and indifference.Not seeking utilitarianism, paying attention to the ordinary taste of life, enabled him to persist in his life pursuit and record the true inner voice in that crazy and noisy era. [[Feng Jicai (male) (1942-)]] Originally from Cixi, Zhejiang, born in Tianjin. After graduating from Tianjin Tanggu No. 1 Middle School in 1961, he was selected into the Tianjin Basketball Team.In the same year, due to injury, he transferred to Tianjin Painting and Calligraphy Club to work in fine arts. In 1974, he was transferred to Tianjin Workers' University of Arts and Crafts as a teacher of traditional Chinese painting.During this period, he created the long historical novel "Fist of Righteousness" (in cooperation with Li Dingxing) (first published by People's Literature Publishing House in 1977). In 1978, he was transferred to Tianjin Writers Association to engage in professional creation.Later, he successively served as vice chairman of Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles, vice chairman of Tianjin Branch of Writers Association, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, chairman of Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and vice chairman of the Democratic Progressive Central Committee.Published works include the collection of short stories "The Forked Road Paving Flowers", "Ah! ", "Carved Pipe", "Above Love", "The Man in the Mist", "The Tall Woman and Her Short Husband" and so on.Among them, "Carved Pipe" won the National Excellent Short Story Award in 1979. "what! ", won the first and third National Excellent Novella Awards.The prose collection "Pearl Bird" won the National Excellent Prose (Collection) Award in the New Era.His early writing was inspired by the scars of the times and the trend of reflection, revealing historical and social issues with the variation of human nature, with a critical political color. After the mid-1980s, he paid more attention to folk customs, and described the portraits of Tianjin citizens in a series of novels such as "Three Inch Golden Lotus" and "Yin and Yang Gossip". The unconventional thinking and absurd forms reveal the national cultural traditions hidden behind ordinary people and events. [[Gao Xiaosheng (male) (1928-1999)]] Born in a peasant family in Wujin, Jiangsu Province.I have loved literature since I was a child, and I have been influenced by classics.In middle school, he interrupted his studies three times due to economic reasons. He graduated from high school in 1947 and was admitted to the Economics Department of Shanghai Law School in 1948. He entered Sunan Journalism College in 1949 and graduated the following year.He successively engaged in mass cultural work in the Southern Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Bureau, and served as an editor for the literary supplement of "Xinhua Daily". In 1951, he published the novel "Collecting the Fortune" and received creative training directly under the guidance of writers. In 1953, he participated in the Rural Cooperative Movement, and wrote the tin drama script "On a New Road" (cooperating with Ye Zhicheng) and won an award. In 1954, the novel Termination of the Contract ("Literary Monthly" 1954.2) with the background of the new marriage law attracted the attention of the literary world. In 1957, together with Fang Zhi, Lu Wenfu, Ye Zhicheng and other young Jiangsu literary and art workers, he founded the "Explorer" literary society and drafted the "Explorer" Literary Monthly Announcement.In June of the same year, he published the exploratory novel "Misfortune" which embodied the manifesto. He was criticized and classified as a rightist, and sent to Wujin for "labor reform". In 1962, he recreated it and worked in the countryside during the "Cultural Revolution". In 1979, he was rehabilitated and returned to the literary world.He is a director of the Chinese Writers Association and vice-chairman of the Jiangsu Writers Association Branch. The novel "Chen Huansheng Going to the Town" published in 1980 was highly praised for portraying Chen Huansheng, a typical farmer after Ah Q.His main works include short story collection "79 Stories", "Gao Xiaosheng's 1980 Short Stories Collection", "Gao Xiaosheng's 1981 Short Stories Collection", "Gao Xiaosheng's 1982 Short Stories Collection", "Gao Xiaosheng's 1983 Stories Collection", "Gao Xiaosheng's 1983 Short Stories Collection", 1984 Collection of Fiction", etc., novels "Blue Sky Above", "Chen Huansheng Going Abroad", etc., collection of essays "Communication of Life", etc., collections of literature and art "Creation Talk", "Life, Thinking, Creation", etc.Among them, "Li Shun's Great House Building" and "Chen Huansheng Going to the City" won the National Excellent Short Story Award in 1979 and 1980 respectively.Several works have been translated into foreign languages.Most of his creations are based on the rural life in southern Jiangsu. The "Chen Huansheng Series" novels use severe realism to reveal the profound impact of the changing political and economic changes on the fate of ordinary farmers, and analyze the inferiority of farmers, but they are still dominated by policies. plot tendencies.Another category of novels such as "Fishing" and "Wallet" use allegory and symbolism to appreciate the profound philosophy of life.Recently, he mainly focuses on prose creation. [[Gao Xingjian (male) (1940-)]] Originally from Taizhou, Jiangsu, he was born in Ganzhou, Jiangxi. After graduating from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1962, he worked as an interpreter for China International Bookstore. From 1971 to 1974, he worked in a cadre school, and later taught in a rural middle school in the mountainous area of ​​southern Anhui. He returned to Beijing in 1975 and served as the leader of the French group of the "China Construction" magazine. In 1977, he was transferred to the Foreign Liaison Committee of the Chinese Writers Association. Literary creation began in 1978. In 1979, he published the essay "Ba Jin in Paris" and the novella "Stars in the Cold Night". In 1981, he was transferred to Beijing People's Art Theater as a playwright.The creation of "Absolute Signal" (cooperating with Liu Huiyuan), , and other plays has aroused great repercussions and caused controversy because of its new performance form and ideological connotation.He absorbed a lot of western modern drama techniques, broke through the traditional time structure of drama, broadened the space for drama expression, and explored new drama concepts including stage concepts.The book "A Preliminary Exploration of Modern Fiction Techniques" (the first edition of Huacheng Publishing House in 1981) proposed a new literary view, emphasizing that novels should reveal the contradictions of modern society, explore the inner world of characters, express complex human nature, and try new ways of expression, etc., which attracted wide attention and argue.论文《谈小说观与小说技巧》也在1983年遭到批判。另外还出版过小说集,理论著作《现代戏剧手段初探》、《对一种现代戏剧的追求》和戏剧作品集《高行健戏剧集》等,90年代定居法国,继续丛事创作和绘画,出版长篇小说等。 [[公刘(男)(1927-)]] 原名刘仁勇、刘耿直。江西南昌人。1939年开始写诗。1946年半工半读于中正大学法学院。1948年赴香港参加革命工作。1949年参加中国人民解放军,随军赴大西南,当过见习编辑和文艺助理员。发表反映西南边疆的诗歌《西盟的早晨》等。1955年调北京中央军委总政治部创作室任创作员。此时代表诗作有《五月一日的夜晚》、《运杨柳的骆驼》、《上海夜歌(一)》等。出版了与人共同整理的民间长诗《阿诗玛》,影响较大。其他诗集有《神圣的岗位》、《黎明的城》、《在北方》等,短篇小说集《国境一条街》。1958年被划为右派,遣送山西工地服劳役。六十年代初曾发表过一些诗作。“文革”中再次遭受磨难。1979年平反后,又发表有《沉思》、、《十二月二十六日》、《读罗中立的油画(父亲)》等反思作品。出版长诗《尹灵芝》,诗集《白花。红花》、《离离原上草》、《仙人掌》、《母亲――长江》、《骆驼》、《大上海》、《夜梦钞》、《刻骨铭心》等,散文集《酒的怀念》等。他的诗歌观点是既继承中国古典诗歌的精华,也吸收外国优秀诗歌的长处。其中诗集《仙人掌》获全国第一届新诗诗集一等奖。大量作品被翻译成各国文字。他的早期作品表现革命乐观主义的精神,热烈直白。新时期以来的作品则风格沉郁,对历史和现实的感悟富有哲理,对发生在中华大地上的悲欢沉浮进行严峻的反思,感觉敏锐,意象深邃。[[顾城(男)(1956-1993)]] 原籍上海,出生于北京。1969年随其父顾工下放到山东一个农场。1974年会北京后,当过木工、搬运工、借调编辑等。1980年待业。“文革”时开始创作,是新时期“朦胧诗”的主要作家之一,在青年中影响很大,许多诗句被反复咏唱。1980年《小诗六首》参加青春诗会,因不同于以往的现实主义的审美追求而引起争论,从而引发了长达几年的关于“朦胧诗”的新旧对峙。1981年因《抒情诗十首》获“星星诗歌奖”. 著有《黑眼睛》、《雷米》、《城》、《水银》等诗集。1987年应邀出访欧美国家,进行文化交流。1988年赴新西兰教授中国古典文学,被聘为奥克兰大学亚语系研究员。后辞职隐居新西兰激流岛。1992年获德国学术交流中心DAAD创作年金。1993年获伯尔创作基金,在德写作。1993年9 月在新西兰寓所杀死了妻子谢烨(诗人雷米),同时自缢身亡。死后记录他一男二女隐居生活的小说(与雷米合作)(作家出版社1993年初版)出版,其人其作品又一次引起争议。他的作品较少关心社会历史,更多关注人的内心。早期的诗歌有孩子般的纯稚风格、梦幻情绪,用直觉和印象式的语句来咏唱童话般的少年生活。代表作品有《一代人》、《我是一个任性的孩子》等。后期的诗作因其理想与现实的不能和谐以及隐居生活造成的生命和性格的进一步封闭扭曲,产生脱离现实一味沉溺于个人感觉世界的转变,艰涩难懂。身后出版。[[郭沫若(男)(1892-1978)]] 原名郭开贞,号尚武、鼎堂,曾用笔名麦克昂、易坎人、石沱等。四川乐山人。1913年毕业于成都高等学堂分设中学。同年底赴日本留学。1918年入九州帝国大学医科,后弃医从文。1921年出版第一本诗集,是中国新诗的奠基人。同年与成仿吾、郁达夫等人发起成立创造社。发表过《残春》等少量小说。1923年大学毕业回国。1926年任中山大学文学院院长。同年参加北伐战争,任国民革命军总政治部副主任。1927年参加南昌起义。1928年出版诗集《恢复》。同年被迫流亡日本,开始研究中国古代史和甲骨文。1937年抗战爆发后回国,任军委政治部第三厅厅长、文化工作委员会主任。抗战期间写了《屈原》、《虎符》等历史剧及大量诗文,并继续从事马克思主义的古代历史研究,出版了后来引起争议的《十批判书》。1948年到解放区。建国后,历任中央人民政府委员、政务院副总理兼文化教育委员会主任、中国科学院院长、中国科学院哲学社会科学部主任、历史研究所第一所所长、中国科学技术大学校长、中国人民保卫世界和平委员会主席等职。当选为中国共产党中央委员、全国人大常委会副委员长、全国政协副主席、全国文联主席。先后出版诗集《新华颂》、《百花齐放》、《长春集》、《潮汐集》、《骆驼集》、《东风集》等,历史剧《蔡文姬》、、《郑成功》等,论著《李白与杜甫》等,学术专著《石鼓文研究》、《奴隶制时代》等。郭沫若是个复杂的人物,一方面他极具天赋,他的早期诗作直抒胸意,热烈如脱缰之马,在文学的各种体裁、翻译、史学、文字学等各方面都有建树,是少有的全能型文人,又是多产作家。另一方面,他在50年代后常常以文艺界领导人的身份作了很多响应号召和阐述政策的报告讲话;写了很多结合形势、图解政策的作品,甚至是标语口号式的应景之作;利用历史剧以古喻今,为“古人”翻案。他的性格特征和价值取向限制了他的才华的发挥,留给历史一个遗憾。[[郭小川(男)(1919-1976)]] 原名郭恩大。曾用笔名郭苏、湘云等。河北丰宁县人。中学读书时,投身抗日救亡运动,开始写诗。1937年9 月参加革命,在三五九旅工作。1941年至1945年在延安马列学院、中央党校三部等单位学习,解放战争期间任丰宁县县长等职。在这期间创造的诗歌后来收入在诗集《平原老人》和《投入火热的斗争》中。建国后在中南局宣传部、中宣部和中国作协等部门工作。在武汉时曾与陈笑雨、张铁夫三人以“马铁丁”的笔名写了不少“思想杂谈”,他的政治抒情诗《致青年公民》在1955年发表时,仍沿用了“马铁丁”的笔名。陆续出版诗集《白雪与山谷》、《鹏程万里》、《将军三部曲》、《甘蔗林――青纱帐》、《昆仑行》等。饱满的政治热情、旺盛的战斗意志和正直坦诚的抒写是他的政治抒情诗的特点,他自觉投入革命斗争,自觉充当时代的歌手,但有一些探索性作品如《白雪的赞歌》、《望星空》等因表达了自己真实的感受和思考而一再受到批判,当时的时代标准不能接受这样非教条非完美的倾向。这阻碍了郭小川的诗歌的进一步发展,限制了他的创造个性,使他以后的作品中的战士气质更浓,“文革”后期写过《团泊洼的秋天》等诗,传诵一时。[[海子(男)(1964-1989)]] 原名查海生。安徽怀宁县人。1979年考入北京大学法律系。1983年毕业后任教于中国政法大学。1989年3 月26日在河北山海关卧轨自杀。从1984年的《亚洲铜》到1989年3 月14日的最后一首诗《春天,十个海子》,海子创造了数量惊人的优秀作品,包括短诗、长诗、诗剧和一些札记。其中影响最大,在青年中流传最为广泛的是他的短诗。比较著名的有《亚洲铜》、《麦地》、《以梦为马》、《黑夜的献诗――献给黑夜的女儿》等。出版作品有长诗《土地》、短诗选集《海子、骆一禾作品集》、《海子的诗》等,另外近年出版了《海子诗全编》(上海三联1997年初版)。他的的作品后来影响甚至感召一代青年学子并越来越引起各界重视相对比,但生前诗人的作品几乎没有公开结集出版。海子是个极有天赋的诗人,他独有的自由率真的抒情风格、对生命的崇高的激情关怀、对美好事物的眷恋,使他的作品有一种童真梦幻般的吸引力。寓言、纯粹的歌咏和遥想式的倾诉是其三种基本的表现方式,但散漫的抒写并没有影响他语言的特殊的节奏和字句的锻炼。对死亡的特有的敏感使他的一些诗作带着一层神秘抑郁悲观的色彩,这种消极因素也影响了他的生命态度。[[韩少功(男)(1953-)]] 笔名少功、艄公等。湖南长沙人。1969年初中毕业后,下放汩罗县的农村插队。1974年调县文化馆工作,开始发表作品。执笔含有大量史料的传记《任弼时》(与甘征文合作)。1978年考入湖南师范学院中文系。1979年发表短篇小说《月兰》(人民文学1979.4)在文坛崭露头角。1982年毕业后在湖南省总工会的杂志《主人翁》任编辑。1984年调作协湖南分会从事专业创作。到海南后1988年开始主编《海南纪实》杂志。1996年与同仁策划文人杂志《天涯》,任杂志社社长,发行后广受好评。出版有中短篇小说集《月兰》、《飞过蓝天》、等,文艺理论《面对神秘空阔的世界》。1996年出版的长篇小说(作家出版社)因其标新立意的形式尝试引起各方争论。对传统文化心理的反思和批判是其创作的一个基本主题,他的《西望茅草地》和《飞过蓝天》分获1980、1981年全国优秀短篇小说奖。他是1985年倡导“寻根文学”的主将,发表《文学的根》(作家1985.4)提出“寻根”的口号,并以自己的创作实践了这一主张。比较著名的有、《女女女》等,表现了向民族历史文化深层汲取力量的趋向,饱含深邃的哲学意蕴,在文坛产生很大影响。[[贺敬之(男)(1924-)]] 山东峄县人。出生于一个贫苦农民的家庭,都过小学与乡村师范。抗战爆发,他随校流亡,1940年赴延安,考入鲁迅艺术学院文学院。诗作发表在胡风主编的《七月》、《希望》杂志上,以反映农村被压迫的贫苦农民为主。1949年他和丁毅执笔,集体创作了大型歌剧《白毛女》,获斯大林文学奖二等奖。抗战胜利后,在华北联合大学文艺学院工作。创作秧歌剧《秦洛正》、诗集《笑》。建国后,在中央戏剧学院创作室工作,任《剧本》、《诗刊》编委,中国作协书记处书记,中国作协理事。“文革”后,长期担任宣传、文化部领导职务。1989年任国务院文化部代部长时,加强文艺与政治关系。五、六十年代以创作政治抒情诗闻名。代表作有《回延安》、《放声歌唱》、《雷锋之歌》、《桂林山水歌》等,出版诗集《放歌者》,当时流传甚广。他的创作不多,但对每一首诗要求很高,希望发表出来都有一定分量。他善于从历史的与思想的高度来提炼诗骨,坚持“诗学和政治学”统一的标准,以政治为纲,吹响时代的号角。[[胡风(男)(1902-1985)]] 原名张名桢,又名张光人。笔名谷非、谷莹、高荒、张果等。湖北蕲春人。1920年起先后就读于北京大学预科,大革命失败后流亡到日本,在东京庆应大学读书,并积极参加日本共产党和普罗文艺运动。1933年被日本当局驱逐回国。在上海参加左联,从事文学理论批判工作。与鲁迅、冯雪峰交好,并于1936年提出“民族革命战争的大众文学”的口号,与周扬提出的“国防文学”相对立,引发两个口号的论争。抗战期间,自筹经费出版《七月》(1937年9 月11日创刊),扶植培养一批新作家,在其推动和影响下逐渐形成了以《七月》为阵地的文学流派。《七月》停刊后,主编的“七月诗丛”“七月文丛”等丛书,开始在桂林、重庆、香港出版。1945年1 月胡风主编《希望》杂志,继续“七月”的事业。从抗战前夕到1948年,胡风先后撰写出版了《文艺笔谈》、《文学与生活》、《密云期风习小记》、《民族战争与文艺性格》、《论民族形式问题》、《在混乱里》、《逆流的日子》、《为了明天》、《论现实主义的路》等理论著作。他的理论中心是“主观战斗精神”,要求作家用强烈的主观战斗精神去拥抱现实,从改造现实的角度去把握现实;另外一个重要观点是揭示民众的“精神奴役的创伤”. 这些与延安的文艺政策并不十分一致的观点从一开始就引来了反对意见并在左翼内部遭到批判。50年代他与文艺界领导的理论矛盾日渐激烈。1953年向中央递交了阐述自己对文艺工作意见的《关于几年来文艺实践情况的报告》(即三十万言书)。1955年因震动国内外的“胡风反革命集团”冤案被捕入狱,身心受到巨大摧残。1979年获释,1980年、1988年两度平反。解放前著有诗集《野花和箭》、《为祖国而歌》,解放初创作了长诗《时间开始了》。后者激情勃发,语言凝重,为当代歌颂性的诗歌创作开了先河。八十年代出版了《胡风评论集》、《胡风晚年作品选》《胡风》等。胡风冤案涉及面广,造成后果严重,是中国文艺史上值得深思的教训,近年出版了多部以此为研究对象的著作,如《胡风传》、《文坛悲歌――胡风集团冤案始末》、《殉道者》、《白色花劫》等。[[贾平凹(男)(1953-)]]
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