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Chapter 83 Section 1 Expansion of new writing space

Another aspect of social transformation is the expansion of various new living space fields, or the change of the substance of the old living space, which has brought corresponding changes to contemporary literary creation, which is manifested as the expansion of writing space.Generally speaking, it is mainly manifested in three aspects: with the formation of a multicultural pattern and the increasingly self-awareness of women's consciousness, contemporary poetry and novels have appeared in the creation of women's themes with distinct personal standpoints; Chinese people study abroad or immigrate abroad, and the literary creations of overseas new immigrants have sprung up; also because of the particularity of military life in peacetime, the creation of military themes has also undergone new developments. Inquiry into the deep personality psychology of soldiers.It must be clear here that the expansion of writing space not only refers to the development of creative themes, but also means the formation of a new aesthetic form, which provides creative factors for the development of literature, which is actually closer to literature. On its own level, it opens up a new dimension of writing.

The development of women's writing space.Although female consciousness has long existed in Chinese literature in this century, the works of female writers such as Ding Ling, Xiao Hong, Lu Yin, Zhang Jie, and Shu Ting all clearly show women's yearning for freedom and equality, and also contain The self-awareness of female perspective and rhetoric even reflected in Ding Ling’s early works the potential to communicate with the individualized tendencies of contemporary women’s writing. In a "'Mulan-like situation'-make-up as a 'person' beyond gender", that is to say, there is a certain limit to the female characteristics expressed in it, and most of them will be gender-neutral knowledge Overshadowed by molecular elite consciousness.This situation did not change until the mid-1980s, especially after the 1990s, when women's writing finally formed a new dimension that was completely different from before.Advocates of women's literature believe that "one of the most striking features of women's writing in the 1990s is full gender awareness and gender self-awareness. . . . The existence and experience of women ignored by male narratives”[1]. Fundamentally, this new dimension is a writing tendency that focuses on expressing women’s own characteristics and is more personal, and the female consciousness expressed in it is no longer The public consciousness that can be shared with men, and the female issues revealed no longer have the universal significance of the same name. On the contrary, the female perspective revealed by this tendency focuses more on the personal world of the writer, especially as a writer. Among women's individual life experiences, unique personal words are used to describe women's individual living conditions (including relatively private living experiences, as well as women's bodily feelings, sexual desires and other perceptual content).

The initial achievement of this new writing tendency was the creation of women’s poetry in the mid-1980s: Zhai Yongming’s large-scale poem group announced the beginning of women’s self-conscious writing, followed by Tang Yaping’s group poem “Black Desert” and Yi Lei’s group poem “The Bedroom of a Single Woman” The other two groups of poems "Jing'an Village" and "Life in the World" with Zhai Yongming have come out one after another, and female poets such as Lu Yimin and Zhang Zhen have also written a large number of poems before or after that, although they have different styles, all of which are intended to express women's individual living experience Lyric poems, these works constitute the first peak of contemporary women's writing.The common feature of these creations is that almost all of them regard the world of men and the world of power as an object of resistance. The authors are all trying to establish women's own discourse methods in order to subvert the central discourse of ideology.These works present a series of image combinations of binary opposites, such as female/male, night/day, moon/sun, madness/rationality, rebellion/possession, etc. The works highlight the emotional content of female existence in sharp contrast At the same time, it disintegrates all kinds of false illusions of social history.The "dark night" image carefully created by Zhai Yongming in the novel was gradually accepted by most female poets and became the core symbol of female poetry creation, expressing it as a female self-world emerging after removing the cover of male words , is a completely marginalized and personal living space.

The main female writers in terms of novels are Chen Ran, Lin Bai, Hai Nan and Xu Xiaobin. Bai's novels "One Man's War", "Let's Talk, Room" and the novella "Chair in the Cloister", etc.These two female writers both focus on exploring the private space of women's existence.Chen Ran uses all her pen and ink to describe the individual living world of women, strongly showing the confrontation between the individual and the environment.The protagonist Ni Aoao is a withdrawn, sensitive and stubborn young woman. She is completely addicted to her inner life, holds an attitude of abhorrence and complete rejection of any public consciousness, and eventually becomes a claustrophobic patient who cannot adapt to social interactions. In her own words, it is "an incomplete person in an incomplete era". The rendering of the protagonist's spiritual world and sexual desire, especially the description of her non-ethical homosexual love, is of great significance. It can be regarded as a deviant and shocking narrative, and correspondingly brings a certain novel aesthetic style: a lot of monologue self-admiration, feelings about the body and organs, purely spiritual daydreams, etc., revealing the The extreme ecstasy in women's life experience.Compared with Chen Ran, Lin Bai's novels have written more about the richness and beauty of women's sensual world. Her "One Man's War" is about women's individual growth experience. Being hit and hurt by the male world, he finally turned to self-love, as the title of the novel says: "A person's war means a slap on himself, a wall blocking himself, and a flower destroying himself. A person The war in China means a woman marrying herself." The works directly describe women's sensual love, portray women's feelings and obsession with the body, and create the most passionate and frank personal experience world.The corresponding narrative method also presents a decentralized, fragmented and fragmented form, and due to the layered aggregation of emotions and feelings, although disordered, it makes people feel affectionate and light everywhere, or it can also be said to create It reveals the unique aesthetic spirit of women's writing.

A space for writing on the subject of new immigrants from overseas.Since the 1980s, the number of Chinese studying and working abroad has increased, and the creation of novels reflecting their lives in foreign countries has also flourished, including a large number of documentary and popular commercial writing, but there is also a lack of There are such refreshing masterpieces as "The Ice River Under the Jungle" by Xiaozhao (Cha Jianying) and "The Landlady" by Yan Geling.The excellence of these works lies in the fact that they deeply describe the collision of Chinese and foreign cultures in individual experiences, and the impact of this collision on the character and spiritual level of the characters.Xiaozha's "Ice River Under the Jungle" is a pioneering work in this type of creation.It describes the great pain experienced by a young woman studying in the United States in the process of identifying with Western culture. This is the novel's use of Henry.James' novel "Beasts of the Jungle" reveals the theme of "missing the treasure of life", that is, "what you find is no longer what you are looking for". In the novel, the death of the protagonist's first love boyfriend shows Chinese-style idealism She herself had previously rejected the contagion of this passion, and it was not until she saw the lightness and emptiness that had always existed under the full and free Western material life that she felt the loss of ideals. Unlucky.Here it sincerely shows the loss and sorrow of people under the impact of different cultures, and the inevitability of this loss and sorrow that cannot be changed in the contemporary cultural pattern. Therefore, it is impossible for Xiaozha to make her protagonist completely identify with Western culture. It is to leave the most precious corner of her heart for the ideal spirit that she has missed, even though she has to bear a real despair in this way. After the 1990s, Yan Geling is a well-deserved representative of overseas theme creation.A series of her works have achieved great success in the overseas Chinese literary world. She vividly demonstrated the life legends of overseas Chinese from the background of the dialogue and collision between Chinese and Western cultures. For example, the novel "Fusang" is the first overseas Chinese epic. , describing the suffering history of early Chinese prostitutes and laborers and white people’s racial discrimination and cultural misunderstanding of yellow people. Unconsciously, it praised the tenacity of the oriental nation to endure suffering.The novel "Human World" uses the dictation of a Chinese woman studying in the United States when she went to a doctor for psychotherapy as a clue, and narrates the test of personality, such as friendship, human relations, and morality among men in decades of political struggles in contemporary China. The narrator has already Having accepted the education of western culture, she tried to use the eyes of westerners to examine the ethical issues of oriental people, which made the narrative and the narrated full of interpretive tension.These two works are unique and show a new space for the creation of overseas themes.In addition to Xiaozha and Yan Geling, overseas writers who are good at depicting life in foreign lands include Hongying, Youyou, Yan Li, Liu Xihong, Liu Suola, Gao Xingjian, etc.

The new dimension of writing on military subjects is mainly reflected in the reflection and consideration of the spiritual world of soldiers in peacetime.The most prominent representative in this respect is Zhu Sujin's novel creation.Due to the fact that the two poles of conflict between the enemy and the enemy can only appear in a virtual form in peaceful times, the strong will to power and the desire for survival have been displaced, or transformed from heroic heroism to narrow-mindedness. The insidious scheming unfolds into a struggle for power in the power field; or it emphasizes the personal desires of the characters themselves, which is reflected in the expansion and growth of the individual spiritual world and the pursuit of the value of personal life.These two types of content are uniquely expressed in Zhu Sujin's novel "Drunken Peace" and novellas "Birth of Despair", "Golden Leaf", and "Close to Infinite Transparency", which has changed the military in a great sense. The old appearance of the theme creation makes the original artistic expression of hostile consciousness blurred and diluted, which in turn reveals the deep psychological space of the individualization of soldiers in the new era.Zhu Sujin's works also often have a strong and fascinating subjective power, which can penetrate the mediocre and dark real life and present a dazzling spiritual light. It can be said that this is a new and charming artistic direction. Spend.

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