Home Categories Internet fantasy The Legend of the Hunter, Volume 19

Chapter 12 Chapter 582

These three life hunters are unexpectedly playing a key role in determining the fate of the city. "If your meteorite doesn't fall quickly, the human fleet will be smashed with a mace!" Ni Chuchu gritted her teeth. "You are the one, hurry up and find Mrs. Bai who performed the spell!" Suo Mu rarely retorted. "...Don't be like this, I can only help you guys cheer." Shu En was ashamed. ! Ni Chuchu's eyes widened immediately. "coming?" Suomu stared at the sky, he felt a powerful force gathering rapidly on top of the clouds. This force was unprecedentedly powerful, so powerful... Even if this force was summoned by himself, it was probably far beyond what he could control, and he couldn't help but sweat all over his body.

Atmospheric vibrations. This power summoned by the legendary fate not only surpassed Suo Mu's imagination, the "it" that kept approaching Tokyo from the top of the atmosphere immediately attracted the attention of all the life hunters who were fighting fiercely in Tokyo. "My god!" Ulala raised her head unconsciously. "This is..." Even though the seventeenth day of the lunar new year was crazy, he still felt that this force descending from the sky was even crazier. "Where did it come from... Where did it come from..." Gu Tianying clenched his fists, which were trembling.

Lao Mai was speechless, he just felt that everything was over. Fire all over the street. The streets are full of burning bodies. "?" Wu Tingjian split the vampire's burning body with a fist, and frowned. He looked up, what happened to those messy meteorites? "From now on, this world will be out of the realm of prophecy." Kan Xiangchou was drinking and looked up at the sky casually: "It's crazy hahaha, luckily I was already drunk first." From the moment he walked into Tokyo, Kan Xiangchou, who had never slaughtered a vampire, was more confused than anyone else in his mind, but his heart was clearer than anyone else.

If the meteorite can't kill him, then consider doing it then? "This power... Even if it is an illusion, it is too strong to resist..." The Great Elder Bai Xian'er couldn't help being dumbfounded, if someone in the blood clan Bai's camp could cast this level of illusion, then there would be no hope for the human alliance from the very beginning. No, not really. The great elder Bai Xian'er immediately thought that even if the blood race possessed such an illusion, it would never be so indiscriminately displayed on its own territory. Being wise, it immediately associates with that legendary fate.

Finally, the sky cracked open. A hundred huge meteorites passed through the clouds, burning the black clouds in the sky into fiery red. Meteorites vary in size, the smallest one is as big as a car, and the largest diameter is as amazing as a baseball field! The first meteorite shot down from the sky, hit a tall building, and broke the tall building in consciousness. "I just... want one or two meteorites?" Suo Mu was shocked, "Why are there so many?" "We're all going to die here." Shu En had the feeling that he might faint at any moment. At this time, Ni Chuchu was scattered around to search for the spellcaster of the Cyclops, and sensed the existence of the Great Elder.

No, it was the Great Elder Bai Xian'er who deliberately called Ni Chuchu's curse bee to find it. "Ni Chuchu, place the curse bee between me and Suomu, and I want to transfer energy there." The great elder looked at the curse bee closest to him and said. "Yes." Ni Chuchu complied. Hundreds of curse bees quickly formed a line, and the last two landed on the tail of the elder Bai Xian'er and on the forehead of Suomu respectively. "Suomu, focus your mind. I'll help you." A steady voice pierced Suo Mu's heart, which was the thought of Great Elder Bai Xian'er.

"Since these meteorites are summoned by you, even if it is someone's illusion, you should have the ability to disrupt the illusion." The spiritual power of the great elder Bai Xian'er penetrated into Suomu's spiritual world: "At least try your best Throw the meteorite where it should go." "Yes!" Suo Mu's spirit was lifted. "Ni Chuchu, hold on with all your strength," said the Great Elder. "No problem." Ni Chuchu held her breath, squeezing her spell power that was about to dry up. Hundreds of curse bees first emitted a faint light, and then radiated brilliantly like fireworks.

The great elder's spiritual power crawled over the wings of the curse bee and sent it into Suo Mu's brain world.
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