Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume 8

Chapter 142 Introducing my two favorite essays

It was half a year ago that "Wenhui Monthly" asked me to write a piece of my favorite essay.I have also read a lot of prose in the past six months, but nothing particularly moved me.A few days ago, the middle school student magazine sent me a bronze statue of a little angel and a collection of essays for the Bronze Statue of Little Angels "For Children" (because I wrote an inscription for this essay award). I originally thought that the applicants must be middle school students.When I opened the book, I found that the authors of the articles were some well-known authors!I read it with great joy.I read the four series of prose, novels, poems, and fairy tales in this book in one day, which is really dazzling.Because "Wenhui Monthly" wants "my favorite prose", I will only introduce my two favorite ones.

The first one is Su Shuyang's "Eyes Remaining in My Heart". Readers will feel the same with me, a person always has a lot of subjective factors when liking a work.Because there was such a paragraph in my own experience, it was very kind to read. I, too, was caught in the storm that "swept everything" "in August 1966."I'm a "gangster", I've been called a "reactionary academic authority", and I think: I have never won the title of "academic authority", so how did I start as a "reactionary"? I have also been criticized, but most of them were "accompanying fights". I am not worthy of being the main target of criticism, and there are big figures like "four men" blocking me.But I still live in the "cowshed" of the Writers Association.Like Comrade Shuyang, I was "full of confusion and pain" and everyone stayed away from me, as if I was a patient with an infectious disease.

Suddenly one day, I was "working" downstairs in the Writers' Association, and Zhou Tongqing, one of the "Our Five Children" I wrote before, came to see me.She was only about ten years old then.I was surprised and moved.I whispered to her: "You hurry up, this is not a good place, I will hurt you." She shook her head and said, "I'm not afraid, thank you grandma, you are a good person!" In front of the people guarding us , I couldn't help but shed hot tears. This was the first time I cried after I was locked up in the "cowshed"! Comrade Shuyang had an even more unexpected situation: "A girl of twelve or thirteen years old stood outside the iron fence and faced me, 'Uncle, here!' She stretched out a popsicle from outside the iron fence, Both eyes are full of sincerity and anticipation." After suffering all kinds of torture, he never shed tears, but this "little girl's heart" pierced his tears, and he couldn't help but pick up the popsicle .

He wrote: "When I turned around again, the little girl was gone." "Oh, you pretty little girl, I don't know your name, but your love, your integrity, and your clear eyes gave me hope and strength to get through that madness, Reversed years, I am forever grateful to you." What a lovely and respectable little girl! Comrade Liu Houming's "Tao Ma" brought me into another world, a world of childhood joy.There is also a lovely and respectable little girl whose name is not known in this work! He wrote that he arrived at the "Ditan Cultural Spring Festival", which was "coming to an end", "there are so many 'old things' in Beijing that I haven't seen for many years: windmills, diabolo...all things I loved to play and eat when I was a child. It reminds me of those childish dreams that have passed away for a long time." Seeing this, I couldn't help smiling, isn't this the memory of my visit to the Longfu Temple Fair more than 70 years ago?

The "Ditan Cultural Spring Festival" he visited is different from the Longfu temple fair I visited more than 70 years ago, because "a three-color pottery horse from the Tang Dynasty is placed on the glass counter" in "a craft sales shed" . He said: "This is a truly perfect work of art...it has the spirit of 'cleaning all the world'." He decided to buy it! But "there are already two customers standing in front of the counter", "one is a photojournalist with a camera hanging around his neck", "the other is a little girl with a large canvas folder, she looks thirteen or fourteen years old." Although they have "first come, first served" ", but they all want to buy this pottery horse.

The author is "I don't have any other hobbies, but I like to collect arts and crafts. There are so many small decorations in my house, but I am missing a favorite Tang Sancai!" "It's so beautiful, I want to draw a still life with it, or just look at it like this, isn't it also a kind of beautiful enjoyment, I would rather not buy those two hardcover impressionist painting albums, but also buy this pottery horse!" When both the author and the photojournalist said that 18 yuan was too expensive, the little girl with the big picture folder said it fascinatedly.

After all, the photojournalist came first, and he "started to take out the money. He rummaged through his pockets, and piled up on the counter even the tenors and steel scorpions. Counting, the total was only fourteen yuan, six cents and seven cents. He wanted My hopes of buying a birthday present for my son who attends an arts and crafts school have failed!" The reporter "grabbed the money and turned to leave". The little girl suddenly yelled "Uncle!" and "unzipped her little purse and took out a roll of bills, pulled out four one-dollar bills and put them on the counter, saying, "That's enough! "

The reporter was stunned and said, "Thank you, you are not lending me money, you are giving beauty to others!" When the old salesman was counting the money, the reporter and the author looked back, but the little girl was nowhere to be seen.The reporter asked anxiously: "This child didn't leave an address, why did she just leave quietly? How can I pay her back?" Then he said, "Pick up the pottery horse, put it on your chest and shake it. camera, and chased towards the exit.” The author "Looked in that direction, and suddenly felt that the whole heart was seized by a sense of loss.

What am I missing, is it just a pottery horse? " Comrade Hou Ming, I reckon that apart from the pottery horse you lost, you also lost the name and address of that little girl, and also lost the opportunity to be a "friend" with her, right? I guess this little girl has the kindest understanding and sympathy for the son of the reporter who is studying in the arts and crafts school and whose birthday will be the day after tomorrow, so she is willing to give up the opportunity to buy this pottery horse to fulfill the reporter's "" fatherly love". (This article was originally published in "Wenhui Monthly" No. 9, 1988.)

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