Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume 8

Chapter 105 read

I often think, if I can't read, how can I spend the 180 days of this illness? Thanks to my mother, when I was four or five years old, when I was bored, she reluctantly put the key of writing in my hand.When I was seven years old, traveling alone without a companion forced me to take this key and open the door of the library. What a scene inside the door dazzled my eyes!Once I step through this threshold, I can't get out! My writing tools are not sharp, and most of the books I have seen are difficult to break.But even if what I read is something unfamiliar to me, and the repeated appearance of the word "practice makes perfect", the meaning of this word will make me half guess.

I remember that the first thing I got my hands on was and, here I only talk about it. It's really a good book. Each story has a few thousand words more and only a few hundred words less.The characters in it are people, ghosts, and foxes, all with their own unique personalities.Every "person" literally stood up!Seeing me sometimes laugh and sometimes cry, my mother said that I was crazy reading.Unfortunately, once because I peeked in the bathroom and the bath water was completely cold, she was so angry that she snatched the book and tore off a corner. Since then, I have read this incomplete and endless story repeatedly. It wasn't until I bought a new book myself more than ten years later that I spelled out the plot of the story.

From then on, no matter what book I got, I opened it and read it.I remember when I was eight or nine years old, I asked my teacher to teach me how to make poems. He said that to make poems, you must first learn the right pairs, and I said I would try it.He smiled and wrote three words to me, which is "Chicken Sings Dawn". I said "Birds Sing Spring" almost without thinking. He was very happy and surprised, thinking that I had read Han Yu's "Send Meng Dongye sequence".In fact, I saw the four sentences "spring with birds, summer with thunder, autumn with insects, and winter with wind" I saw behind a picture of cigarettes!

When I was a little older, I watched two more "legends", such as, "Tianyuhua", etc., all written by female writers. The main characters in the book are all very talented girls, such as Meng Lijun in the novel and Zuo Yizhen in "Tianyuhua".The story is full of twists and turns, and finally a happy ending. At the same time, I also read a lot of "Shuobu Series" published by the Commercial Press, among which there is "A Tale of the Rest of a Meat" by the famous British writer Charles Dickens, also known as "David Copperfield", which I like very much This book!Mr. Lin Qinnan, the translator, also said that when he was translating the book, he was moved by the love text of the original work, and he "laughed and laughed".I remember when I read this book over and over again, when poor David ran away from his abusive shopkeeper to his aunt, hungry and cold on the journey, I wept and broke my mother's gift from my hand. The small bread I eat as a snack, stuffed into my mouth piece by piece, to prove and realize that I am happy!Sometimes my mother saw it and said, "You are so strange, you have books to read and food to eat, but you still cry!"

Decades have passed, and I have never told anyone about this strange psychology!
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