Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume 8

Chapter 101 Review of "Spring Greetings"

Comrade Zou Shifang gave me a copy of "Spring Greetings" written by him.As soon as I opened the book, it was like entering a spacious and elegant living room, and I saw many celebrities and scholars: some I am very familiar with, some I have greeted in person, and some I have never met but have long liked.I learned many interesting stories and anecdotes about them from this book, and I found it very lively! The first article I read was of course "Greetings of Spring" (this is the title of the book). Zhou Yang's situation is very touching.Mr. Ye is a senior I respect. He asked me to watch crabapple flowers. Because of his illness, it was delayed for three years, but finally this spring his wish came true!The old man was very healthy, talking and laughing happily, and we even took pictures together. I remember that Ba Jin came to see me in 1982, and we and his daughters—Wu Qing and Li Xiaolin also took a few pictures individually.Later, in March 1985, he and Xia Yan came to see me again.Since that farewell, we have only communicated by letter—and today he needs a letter!As for Zhou Yang, every time I go to the Beijing hospital for a physical examination, I must see him.Before he could hold my hand tightly and cry.When I went to the hospital last month, my daughter Wu Qing said:

"Mother, you don't have to go to see Uncle Zhou, I have already been there, he is unconscious, and there is only a little girl guarding him beside the bed." I really don't know what to say! Now coming back to this book, I think I don't need to comment more, and let the readers read and taste by themselves.Comrade Shifang used to be a student of the Philosophy Department of Peking University, and he has many dear teachers; now he is working in the "People's Political Consultative Conference", and he knows many famous people. Of course he knows the words and deeds of those famous people that ordinary people can't hear or see.Readers can get to know these characters from the book and get a lot of benefits.

The seventh series of this book is the author's own remarks, and I appreciate several of them, such as "Leaving a "Tail" Discussion", "Lawing Tears and Enforcing the Law", "Removing the False Mirror", "Secretary Inspection and county magistrate pulling fiber", "The learning spirit of the "five elders", "saying "beating the dog to see the owner"" and so on... Limited by time and energy, I can only introduce this book here. Apologies to the author and readers. On the morning of heavy rain on September 3, 1987

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