Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume 8

Chapter 8 To Ru Zhijuan

Comrade Zhijuan: Yesterday my eldest daughter Wu Bing showed me an issue of "Digest" (February 23, 1986), sponsored by Guangming Daily and the All-China Journalists Association, which contained a message saying: "...Shanghai Literature Zhou Jieren, director of the editorial department, talked about some reflections on Zhang Xianliang's novels... After the old writer Bing Xin read the works, she was so sad for the writer that she cried." I was very surprised, where did he get this news?Zhang Xianliang and I are strangers!As far as this work is concerned, although I "didn't appreciate it very much and was not satisfied enough", why did I cry for the author? !Please ask on your behalf, I wish you well and hope for a reply.Bing Xin Hurry Up 2, 26

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