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Chapter 65 salute to the people of egypt

The Nile River, with her strong fingers on the desert, writes lines of neat green poems; the date palm trees stand upright, like exclamation marks, pointing to the blue sky; the wise Egyptian people grow up among the tea-colored rose bushes ; The golden and round citrus gives off a seductive sweetness.The industrious Egyptian people have worked for the people who enslaved them under the whip for thousands of years, and the 100-kilometer-long Suez Canal has ruined the youth of 120,000 people; how many mothers’ sorrows are overflowing in the communication between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea !

The brave Egyptian people stand up!From the bottom of their hearts, they feel the support of peace forces all over the world!Under continuous artillery fire, they gritted their teeth and fought one after another, finally overthrowing and crushing the zombie of imperialism! On that day, thousands of smiling eyes with tears in their eyes looked up at Port Said proudly and raised the red flag of victory high!Tonight, I lean on the railing alone, looking at the "July 23rd" bridge: Pairs of silver lamps beside the bridge are brightly lit like a full moon and a rainbow - the snow is bright, and dozens of national flags of Asian and African countries are flying solemnly and beautifully in the wind; the mighty and transparent Nile River is singing happily under the bridge.

In the wind, I shed tears of gratitude, Egyptian people, I salute you! How near you are to us!The Great Wall and Pyramids we built with bricks and stones are so strong. The Great Wall and Pyramids built by our people are so strong, young!Let us always join hands with hundreds of millions of people in Asia and Africa to eradicate imperialism from the face of the earth and strive for lasting peace for the next generation. 1957 New Year's Eve, Cairo.
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