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Chapter 60 National Day message

Overseas mothers have come to the annual National Day, which is very exciting!As a citizen of new China, I already had infinite joy for the birthday of my dear motherland, but as a mother of new China, I watched my sons and daughters busy preparing for this grand festival , talking excitedly, that kind of warm situation will make a mother's heart double happy and warm.I know that every mother in China and abroad will feel the same way! I deeply feel that our generation is happy, because we have caught up with the era of new China, and our sons and daughters are especially happy, because they are the leaders of the People's Republic of China at such a young age. Citizens, and the 600 million people of this brand-new country are marching towards the future of an infinitely happy and bright socialist society with courageous, resolute, optimistic and heroic steps.As long as our sons and daughters, under the education and training of the party and the government, and the support and care of their parents, can train themselves to be healthy, honest, brave, and lively, they will never be left behind in building a socialist society. Successors, the bright and happy future of this new socialist country will always belong to them!

On this jubilant day of universal celebration, as a new Chinese mother in China, what should I report to you?I feel that what I want to say to you is that I can't finish it even if I use both approaches!1957 was the last year of our first five-year plan for socialist construction, and it was also the year when we successfully overfulfilled the first five-year plan.The standard of living of our 600 million people has improved markedly. The wages of workers have increased by 37% compared with 1952. In addition, housing, clothing, food, children's education, labor insurance, etc., have also been meticulously cared for by the Party and the government. Care and caring.The purchasing power of farmers, along with the growth of the total agricultural output value, has also increased by 136% compared with 1950. Among the more than 500 million farmers, the growth of production and consumption is unprecedented in China for thousands of years.The above is just a brief description of the living conditions of the vast majority of our people, and the rest can be analogized.As for our achievements in heavy industry construction, it is even more exciting. We have mass-produced trucks, jet aircraft... and many machines that had to be imported from foreign countries before, such as locomotives, textile machines, etc., are now We can control ourselves.We read newspapers every day, and there are surprising news every day, such as new heavy industry and light industry products, new infrastructure construction, and daily newspaper news are milestones for the overwhelming progress of the motherland!The opening of the Xiamen Seawall and the opening of the Yingxia Railway are no longer news. The bridge spanning the Yangtze River with a length of more than one kilometer has already passed by with colorful flags flying when you read this letter from me. The "endless rolling" Yangtze River.All this shows the superiority of the socialist system.The 600 million people in the country are working together for the happiness of themselves and their children and grandchildren, and they have done what the predecessors have failed to accomplish in hundreds of years and thousands of years. The leadership of the party is really correct, and the power of the people is really great!

This spring, I went out for a walk, and the walk was only a corner of Jiangsu Province. I visited some places of interest, such as Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing, Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang, West Lake in Yangzhou, Taihu Lake in Wuxi, Shanjuan Cave in Yixing, Humble Administrator’s Garden in Suzhou, Lingering Garden...and Tiger Hill outside the city Waiting places, these places, before the liberation, were really "broken wells and ruins" and "smoky and overgrown grass". Now they are completely new and resplendent. Looking around, I am happy and surprised!In the midst of a myriad of major construction projects, our government still never forgets the arts and culture of the motherland, as well as the recreational life of the broad masses of the people.But the tourists who look like ants are enjoying the joy of resting freely after work. Children are especially active. On the grass, on the top of the mountain, and at the edge of the water, I can hear their innocent and lively laughter everywhere. When I see this kind of The scene, the tears of gratitude, often unconsciously well up in my eyes.I am grateful to the great and correct party that leads us, I love our vast and beautiful motherland, and I envy our happy and happy children.

My words are going too far, in fact, it is only in the life around me, between the suburbs of Beijing, new buildings are being broken, constructed, and completed every day, new roads are being opened and laid; The wheels of our country are running... In every corner of the motherland, the places I have not seen are no exceptions.In short, the appearance of Beijing and the motherland is changing with each passing day!I don't know how many years have the mothers who read this letter left the motherland?You must have relatives in the motherland, and perhaps your children in the motherland, and you must have received exciting news from them that I have not heard. Let us all be thankful for this.

I want to repeat it with joy: "Mothers in New China are happy, and so are our children!" When you read this letter, hundreds of thousands of people in front of Tiananmen Square in Beijing waved colorful flags and flowers like a sea, and sang the triumphant song of production victory resounding through the sky. There are colorful flags, fragrant flowers, and cheering crowds.Let us be closely connected in this joyous atmosphere across thousands of rivers and mountains, and let us make promises to each other on this joyful and solemn festival, forever for "educating and supporting our own children, so that they can become a Qualified successors in building a socialist society" and fight to the end!

Happy Holidays to you all! Bing Xin August 24, 1957, Beijing.
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