Home Categories Internet fantasy Code of Shan Hai Jing 5·Boundless Finale

Chapter 32 Thirty-two last dream

When Cheng Tang and Zhong Hui led the elite to surprise Xia Capital, the Xia Army in the southeast was still in the dark. Du Xiongkui marched all the way south, swept down, and Zhurong City was right in front of him. There was no one in the city, and there was only a young man in front of him, but Du Xiongkui suddenly fell into some kind of longing. Missing and reality are entangled together. "Wow! It's so big and lively... Hurry up! Hulu! Hurry up!" No, not here, this is Zhu Rong, not that place.However, everything here seems to be... "Did you hear that! Hurry up! Calabash!"

"Etc., etc……" Du Xiongkui was in a daze.Why do I think of these things when I was a teenager?This is Zhurong City, not my hometown.Is someone performing kung fu to disturb people's mind?No, no, Du Suer is dead.There are no Xinzong people around. But soon, the scene of that boyhood flashed into his mind again. Ok?This is not the voice in memory, is it real? In the empty Zhurong City, there were not even a few chickens and dogs left, and there was still a person there. It's a horseshoe! Although Du Xiongkui can't remember Mashoe's name, he can still remember his appearance.However, Du Xiongkui ignored him.

Horseshoe said: "What should I call you, Master? Brother-in-law? Hey, what are you doing? Why are you ignoring me? Hey! Master... Master——" Mashoe was surprised to find that Du Xiongkui ignored him, as if he was preoccupied. "This place has become strange." Du Xiongkui said heartily. It wasn't like this when I came to this city.The city, it turns out, will grow up and grow old.But can its life be devoured? Memories resurfaced again... there were two poor teenagers, and one of them was me. Granary, craft shed, market, palace...it seems to be the same everywhere, and it's the same at any time.I remember that person said—no, not that person, but the shadow of that person.When I saw him, he had disappeared into this world.No one knew where he went, only a vague shadow was left in the polished knife.

"My apprentice went on the wrong path. It is terrible to go on the wrong path for something like Zongtong. Because it is not calculated by years, but by generations. Once a person's understanding is fixed, it is difficult to change it in his whole life." If you want to change, you can only destroy him, and then rely on his descendants to change and advance. However, the changes of his descendants may not always be progressive. For example, my apprentice, he was very wrong. And I It is obviously impossible for the successors of the disciples to completely escape his shadow and influence. It may not be possible for the lineage to return to the orthodox until it is passed on to the disciples or even the fourth or fifth generation—of course, it may also be on the wrong road It will go further. No matter what, this thing is left to you. Maybe you can’t accomplish the things I hope. Then you can only wait for the next generation. Other sects, maybe twenty or thirty years It’s just one generation, and in our faction, the interval between one generation and another is hard to predict. Therefore, the journey of this sect is still very far away..."

The contents of that mirror only appeared once, but that was enough. To search for those things left behind by one case, as long as you can understand a little bit, it is enough to change a person's life... Looking from a distance is a mountain, here is the south gate.Going further, it is the place that the power of Huaxia has not been able to reach.Many people who pursue Xuanzhen often go to those wild places, because no one will disturb you in those places, and there are only monsters, elves, devils, and gods in those places. They may violate you, and they may tell you many stories, many secrets.For example, in ancient forests, there will be some trees that are thousands of years old.If you can understand their language, what you get will be the vision of the ages and the secrets that people don't know.

Du Xiongkui's thoughts drifted back to many years ago, to a tree demon. "Little thing, how did you come to this place alone? It's strange. You are a 'human', right? Many years ago—you ask me how long? Can't remember—two little things like you came Come to me. One hides behind me, the other looks around. One intentionally shows a flaw, so the other finds it. After finding it, they hug each other and bite each other, like beasts in heat... ...then they sat on me and looked at the stars in the sky. They looked down on my long-term life, thinking that birth and death are inevitable in the universe. I also agreed with this at the time, thinking that those must be two very open-minded people' People', it's really rare. I remember that you 'people' always want to pursue a longer life than us. I remember that there was a 'person' who once searched for the fruit that would allow him to live longer on this mountain, and ended up throwing himself Poisoned to death. There are only these two people, and their views are completely different from others. But it is strange that such two people will become so extreme later on. Entanglement, separation and reunion, and finally died by my side. They They already have the power to destroy me with a single move, but in the end, their lives are still less than one percent of mine."

The tree demon said that he thinks he can see through life and death, he is probably a member of the Dongtian sect, maybe their ancestor.In fact, have they really seen through it?I'm afraid not necessarily.If they can see through even life and death, then what else makes them live so painfully and die so violently? Du Su'er seems to have said that there are more important things than life and death.Hey, if there is, it is paranoia, unnecessary paranoia. Only survival is the supreme existence.It was because of this idea that he entered the Blood Sect. The east door faces a main road.From here you can lead to the already decadent Shouhua City.

Du Xiongkui thought to himself: Yi Zhi should be quickly mobilizing the army and horses to Dianfu.Although it was just a little clue, he couldn't hide it from me. However, now who has the time to take care of Daxia's affairs?The life of a dynasty can be hundreds or thousands of years, but it will eventually perish.But a person who can live forever can be immortal for thousands of years. The longer he lives, the higher his knowledge, and his strength and wisdom will increase day by day.Ten thousand years later, what kind of realm will that be?It is better to let the heirs break through themselves than to break through themselves.

After all, the only way to achieve the true immortality is the road to the supreme avenue.Time is forward, not truly reversible, not circular, and impossible to jump out of transcendence.People in the Taiyi sect are all bewitched. They don’t understand that people can only go forward with its progress and accumulate layers with its flow, so that they can change from less to more, from confusion to clarity. In the mountains, the enlightenment at that time is the real enlightenment.Staying in this time and space and imagining the realm beyond this time and space is simply a joke. "gourd……"

This voice can only be heard in memory in the future.The guy named Calabash is actually dead.No matter how lewdly Ah Zhi yelled, it still couldn't make that person's voice reproduce. "gourd……" This is the last sentence of that person. When he said this sentence, he was also at the west gate—although it was not the west gate of Zhurong City.But at that time, there was also a ghost city.The same is to escape from the invincible enemy, to escape completely. Going further west from this road is Yunmeng, the water lake as big as the sea, where it seems that Miao Gushe was born.

Du Xiongkui suddenly sneered. When Miao Gushe was copied from Zhu Zongren by Xun Xun, the self named Hulu probably hadn't been born yet.However, Miao Gushe herself didn't know where her body came from, just like the young man from the Dongtian School didn't know where her soul came from. Why do people from the four sects have to be entangled together?We have nothing to do with each other, neither brothers and sisters, nor the same way.As a result, for thousands of years, it has always been a situation where you create me and I destroy you.Dusu'er used "Kanazaki" to create the original god Chuanqiong, just like the old man used shadow recovery to recreate the body of Miaogushe.When they did that thing, their motivations were natural and strange, but the consequences were far beyond their own imagination. "Master...you really don't want to kill me? Then I'm leaving..." Horseshoe said. After hearing these words, Du Xiongkui's heart returned to reality. Walk?When the young man in front of him turned around, the feeling was really emotional, as if he had seen it somewhere before. But can he go?This city has been completely covered by the blood tide.It was a blood wave created with the lives of 100,000 soldiers and 310,000 slaves, swallowing millions of lives along the way.In the face of this wave of blood, I'm afraid even Yi Zhi is helpless.That's why he hid and didn't dare to come out. "Why are you looking at me like that!" Horseshoe said, "Hmph! You still decided to do it, didn't you? Master!" "Huh." Du Xiongkui was very surprised. The young man in front of him actually merged into the blood tide without being harmed. Could it be that he has realized the truth that life and death are not hindered?But it's not surprising that the 100,000 Kunwu army in Lucheng disappeared completely, and he should have eaten them all.If so, he may have grown quite well.Then, he is the second person in this world who will not be affected by this blood tide. "Master...your things...haha, so comfortable!" Horseshoes in and out of the blood tide are like fish swimming in and out of the waves. Sure enough, if you want to deal with him, this blood tide that traverses the world may be useless at all. "Haha, Master, you just brought me a big meal!" He's devouring the blood tide, what an insatiable fellow.It's no wonder that at his age, he probably thought that the stronger the power, the better.He still doesn't understand what is pure and what is profound. At the beginning, I ate so many people in order to take a shortcut, but later, in order to break through the last level, I had to spend a longer time and more effort to spit out those things than cannibalism.shortcut?That is simply a fork in the road.This kid obviously made the same mistake. Now he only knows how to snatch and absorb. It may take ten years, maybe twenty years before he understands the principle of giving and abandoning. However, he didn't have that time. "Haha..." Mashoe laughed wantonly, until he found Du Xiongkui looking at him coldly, "Hey, Master, you, you..." The world suddenly became quiet, and Du Xiongkui came back. He was no longer confused by the past when he was young, and he stood with his hands behind his back, as powerful as Mount Tai.His eyes are like a moonlit night after the autumn rain, and like a lion just waking up from a dream. There was no sound in the whole city of Zhurong, and the lives in a radius of thousands of miles were too frightened to move. He's about to make a move.
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