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Chapter 68 Cremation(22)

Collected Works of Lao She 老舍 2907Words 2018-03-20
Captain Shi is very busy, but he is also very at ease.His heart was extremely busy, as busy as a bee in the beginning of spring.His face and body are as calm as an old cow.Everyone in the palace likes him.He doesn't talk much, but when he does, he makes people laugh.His mouth is very sweet, one mouth is either "Second Uncle" or "Fourth Mom".He was very busy with his hands, and as soon as someone turned his eyes to the teapot, he immediately served the tea; just as he was about to bow, he went over to add to the fire.He has strength and is not lazy. He alone does the work of three people.

He doesn't raise suspicions, because he works for them, not out of intention to please, but with his own agenda--a kind of cunning honesty.He often reads: "I just eat too much!" Everyone is relieved of him, and his eagerness to help is to eat more.So, after the meal, the fourth mother hid two big pancakes for him. He doesn't like to talk much, but he can tell the most presumptuous rural jokes when he is cold, which makes everyone laugh.When others laughed, he kept a straight face.The women blushed, and he didn't care.Even men and women pointed at him kindly and said, "What a treasure!"

Among his various jobs, he likes carrying water best.Since he went to work, the water tanks, jars, and pots in the palace have always been floating water.Seeing that the tank was 1/4 or 1/5 empty, he immediately picked up the bucket and left.He not only went to draw water from the well closest to the palace, but also looked for wells everywhere. His reason was to try the water in each well to see which one had the sweetest water. As he walked the streets carrying buckets, his eyes called the names of the brethren who came with him.None of them greeted him, and everyone knew each other by raising their eyebrows.Some were facing south, scratching their heads, and he knew: this guy lived outside the south gate.Some touched their noses with their hands, and he knew: this guy already lived in the city.He didn't need to give them a signal, because the words "King's House" were clearly marked on his bucket.He trades buckets for shoulders, and they get it: be careful.He put the bucket down and took a rest while they waited for orders.

He is really diligent and loves to carry water. Everyone in the Wang residence knows that he has an addiction to carrying water.Look at him, when picking out the empty bucket, he deliberately taught the bucket to swing from side to side, humming like an eagle's cry, or some kind of weird clapper cavity, his happiness is almost like eating minced meat every meal. When he picked up the water and was not far from the vermilion lacquer gate, he would drink it, holding the rope at one end with one hand, the bucket remained motionless, his big feet seemed to be bouncing on the ground, and he walked like flying.It wasn't until he went to bed at night that he touched the red and swollen flesh on his shoulder, and secretly said a few times: It's terrible!

He didn't dare to go to bed early or get up late, for he was afraid of talking in his sleep at night and teaching others to listen.He sleeps when others are asleep; he gets up first when others are not up; in this way, he can rest assured himself.He was tired, and sometimes irritable, but he had to keep his temper in check—fucking hell! On the well platform, he met Li Deming - also carrying a pair of buckets to fetch water.While drawing water, Captain Shi gave an order: "Go back and report the situation here, come back quickly! It's not easy to enter the city, so go to Lao Zheng, he will help!" Li Deming walked away.Captain Shi said eagerly: "Bucket! It's terrible!"

The people in Wencheng seem to have come back from the dead these days, and the enemy's inspections and defenses have become stricter, so Captain Shi told Li Deming, "It's not easy to enter the city, so go find Old Zheng." The people in Wencheng didn't know the military situation, but when the enemy army was mobilized, they thought of the national army to counterattack.Their pain cannot be relieved, their shame cannot be washed away, and their lives cannot be safe, except for the national army's counterattack.In the beginning, they were afraid of enemy soldiers.Later, they hated the enemy soldiers.Now, they feel that the enemy soldier is something to be killed.Most of the enemy soldiers mobilized at night. People in Wencheng dared not go out at nine o'clock in the evening, but their ears were not deaf.They heard the constant noise of trains outside the city, and the neighing of horses and cars on the road inside the city.They couldn't fall asleep, and they all thought of "coordinating inside and outside".If the national army really attacked, they were willing to fight with their lives.They felt that although Company Commander Tang was dead, he hadn't died. He lived forever and lived gloriously.They are really dead, although they are still breathing.They took in the people brought by Captain Shi, so shameless!But they are willing to take risks, and only taking risks can save themselves.They didn't inquire, but naturally got to know the new water husband in the Wang residence.He pretends so much; but he can't hide it from everyone: everyone has long hoped for a hero; now, the hero is here!

Like ants meeting each other, touching each other's whiskers, like a beehive in danger, the bees immediately get nervous. Although the people in Wencheng didn't show any obvious signs or actions, there was a kind of inactivity throughout the city. Unspoken anticipation, quiet tension.Wang Juren felt a little uneasy, as if hearing the leaves falling and knowing that autumn had arrived.He knew a little more than everyone else, but he was also a little more disturbed.He knew that the enemy soldiers were going out to destroy the army at the foot of the mountain, but he knew that many of the enemy soldiers who had gone out had already returned—with color, or they had already been silent.

He often broke out in a cold sweat for no reason.If the national army attacked, what would he do?Yes, he surrendered in order to protect his life and property; but is this a reason that can invite pardon?He felt that he was standing on a precipice, and a gust of wind could blow him off--shatter him.He didn't repent for the sake of integrity or reputation, he only regretted surrendering to the enemy and still not being safe.This kind of regret gradually turned into resentment, hating why God put him in this place, at this time, taught him to be afraid of wolves before and tigers later! It was when he was so resentful that Captain Shi handed him the letter he had brought.

"What? You—" Wang Juren's face was as white as a sheet of paper. "I am Captain Shi, please write back!" "Write a reply?" "It's time for you to pay off your merits!" Captain Shi's words seemed to be prepared for a long time, simple and to the point. "I don't know much about them, you see..." He couldn't continue, and a resentment choked in his throat. "From today, you have to try to learn more about them, tell me!" "What are you doing?" "We are ready to counterattack!" "Counterattack? Fight again? And—" He thought that since the Japanese captured the city, there would be no more wars in Wencheng until he was neatly put into the coffin.After his death, it has nothing to do with him whether the Japanese will occupy Wencheng forever, or whether the national army will fight back.

"Of course! Write a letter quickly! I'll give you a half-day limit. If you want to frame me, I have many companions who will kill you within one hour! I'm going to fetch water!" Captain Shi said very Come out politely. Wang Juren was stunned for half an hour.After playing around, it turns out that his own home is a battlefield - there are people on both sides, and they might start fighting at any time, what should we do? He didn't dare to stay at home too much, who knew when Captain Shi would change his face, he would beat him to death! He didn't dare to go to the maintenance meeting too much.On weekdays, he would only go there for a while, and if there was any important business, someone would send it to his home.Now, if he goes there every day, and looks here and there and asks here and there, won't the Japanese be suspicious of him?no way!

At this time, Meng Lian came, and he was startled.He didn't seem to know her very well. He liked to see her very much, but felt that she was very alienated. It had been a long time since she was alienated. She was very thin, with dark circles around her eyes, as if she had been ill a while ago, but there was an incomprehensible smile on her face. "Dad!" She did indeed smile. "What are you doing?" "How's Ergou these two days?" "What about?" "That thing! I think, Dad, Yishan is probably dead!" She lowered her head. "how?" "I haven't heard from you for a long time!" She raised her head, and quickly lowered it again. "Oh!" He lit the fire paper and thought for a while. "You want to understand? Ergou is not bad!" "That's what I think, let's get closer to Ergou, he will help you a lot! In the past two days," she glanced away and lowered her voice, "It seems to be chaotic outside. If he tells us more news, soldiers will stop us , let's get ready!" "Good boy! Yes!" Ju Rengong wanted to laugh, but he only pursed his lips to show that he was self-restraining. At this time, someone inside the gate showed his anger—the voice of Ergou. Two dogs enter the gate.Captain Shi also entered the gate carrying two full buckets of water.He dodged to the side in order to get away from Er Gou, but the bucket tilted and spilled water on Er Gou's leather shoes and trouser legs, and Er Gou's small eyes couldn't get any bigger, "You bastard! You bastard!" Captain Shi put down the bucket, untied his ragged jacket, took off, knelt down, and let Er Gou shine his shoes, but he couldn't say anything. Ergou's anger subsided a little, and he was still cursing, but not as forcefully as the previous two utterances. "Go away! The more you wipe, the dirtier it gets!" "My name is Shitou, a countryman!" Captain Shi stood up slowly with shame on his face, shaking his ragged jacket lightly. "Master! If you want to teach me to pay, I can't afford it!" Meng Lian poked her head out of the second door.Ergou immediately put on a magnanimous and handsome expression: "Who taught you to pay? You can afford it!" After finishing speaking, he walked in quickly, hoping to catch up with Menglian.She had already walked a considerable distance, but suddenly stopped and turned her head, Er Gou's eyes became dizzy for a while.
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