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Chapter 13 Chapter IX. The Escape of the Noldor

Before long, all were assembled in the Judgment Circle; the Valar sat in the dark.But now the stars of Varda shone in the sky again, and the air was clear; for the wind of Manwe drove back the mists of death, and drove back the shadows of the sea.Yavanna rose and stood on Ishiloha, the green hill now bare and blackened, and she stroked the sacred tree with her hands, but they were blackened and dead, and the branches she touched broke and fell to her feet. forward.Many voices of mourning sounded; and the mourners felt as if they were compelled to drink the last dregs of the cup of sorrow that Melkor had poured out for them.but it is not the truth.

Yavanna spoke before the Valar, and said: "The light of the Two Trees is dead, and now exists only in the Silmaril of Feanor. What a vision he is! Even the mightiest before Iluvatar The Almighty, for some things, they can only be done once and cannot be repeated. The light of the Two Holy Trees that I have created cannot be recreated in this universe. However, as long as there is a little light from the original, I can will revive the sacred tree before its roots rot completely. So our wounds shall be healed, and Melkor's malice shall be in vain." Then Manwë said, "Fanor son of Finwë, do you hear the tribute of Yavanna? Will you grant her request?"

In the lengthy silence, Feynor never said a word.At last Tolkas could bear it no longer, and he shouted: "Say, Noldor! Can anyone deny Yavanna? Was it not she who created the brilliance in the Silmarillion?" But Auri the Artisan said: "Be not impatient! We ask for something greater than you know. Let him think in silence." So Fei Nuo spoke, and he shouted angrily: "The tiny one is like the mighty one. Some achievements can only be done once and cannot be repeated, but his heart has been completely integrated. Maybe I can break my gem, But I can no longer make the same gems. If I must break them, I break my heart, and I would rather be slain, and be the first Eldar to perish in Aman."

"You are not the first," Mandos said, but no one understood him then.There was silence all around again, and Feanor kept thinking in the dark; it seemed to him that he was surrounded by a group of enemies before him, and what Melkor had said came back to his heart-the situation of the Silmarillion was not safe. , the Villas will play their minds. "Is he also a Valar?" he thought to himself, "Does he also understand their thoughts? Yes, thieves are the most rebellious!" So he said loudly: "I will not hand over these things willingly. Treasure. If the Valar will take it by force, then I know that they and Melkor are really of the same party."

So Mandos said, "You will never be overwhelmed by your words." Upon hearing this, Nina got up and walked up to Ishiloha, lifted the gray cloak covering her head, and washed away Angola with her tears. An's blasphemy; she sang a lament for the misery of the world, and the ravages of Arda. While Nina was mourning for the sacred tree, a group of messengers came from Formenos, and these Noldor brought new bad news.They told of a blinding darkness that came upon them from the north, and that a dreadful unknown force walked in it, from which the darkness emanated.And Melkor, who was among them, went to the house of Feanor, and slew Finwe, king of the Noldor, before the gates, and caused the first bloodshed in the Blessed Land; , because he was the only one who didn't run away from the terrifying darkness.Then Melkor, they say, broke into fortified Formenos, and took away all the jewels which the Noldor had kept in their treasury, including, of course, the Silmaril.

Feanor jumped up when he heard the news. He raised his hand and cursed Melkor loudly in front of Manwe, and named him Morgoth, "the dark enemy of the universe". From now on, only his name is known to the Eldar elves. .At the same time Feanor also cursed the call of Manwe and the time when he came to Teniquetil. He thought that if he stayed in Forminos, even in the end Melkor would kill him, but he was in a state of grief and indignation. In the madness of the other party, it will inevitably make the other party pay a considerable price.After Fei Nuo finished cursing, he immediately ran away from the judgment circle and rushed into the darkness.His father was dearer to him than the light of Valinor, or the peerless gems of his hands; and who, Elves or Men, who were sons of man, valued his father more than he?

Many people present felt sorry for Feanor in agony, but he was not alone in what he lost; Yavanna wept beside the hill, fearing that the darkness would swallow Valinor forever The last ray of light.Though the Valar did not yet fully understand what had happened, they realized that it was Melkor who had summoned help from outside Arda.The Silmarillion had been taken away, and it was too late, in human opinion, whether Feanor would agree to Yavanna or not.However, if he had agreed to Yavanna's request before the bad news of Formenos came, what happened to him later might have been completely different.Now the doom of the Noldor was drawing near.

At the same time, Morgoth fled to the desolate Ariman under the pursuit of the Valar.This land in the north, like Avita in the south, lies between the mountains of Pelori and the sea; but Ariman is wider, and the sea of ​​ice grows thicker the closer it is to the north.Morgoth and Ungolian hastened through this country, and passed through Oyomure, which was thick with mist, to the Strait of Sircarisi, the Strait between Arimaman and Middle-earth, where the Full of creaking shards of ice; he crossed the channel, and finally returned to the long-lost north of Middle-earth.They went on together, for Morgoth could not get rid of Angorion, and her black mist still surrounded him, and all her eyes were fixed on him; area.Now Morgoth came nearer to the ruins of Angband, where he had built his greatest stronghold to the west; and Ungolian saw his hope, and knew that he would seek to escape from her grasp, and she Stop him and order him to do what he promised earlier.

"Black-hearted devil!" she said, "I have done as you said. But I am still very hungry." "Then what more do you want?" said Morgoth. "Do you want to swallow the whole world in your belly? I do not promise you that. I am the ruler of the world." "I don't want much," said Ungolian. "I want all the treasures you have taken from Formenos. Yes, you said you would give them with both hands." Then she compelled Morgoth to give up all the gems that he carried, and he gave them up one by one with resentment and reluctance, and she swallowed them one by one; and the beautiful stones were lost forever.Ungolian's hunger and darkness continued unabated, her greed still unquenched. "You just gave me one hand," she said. "That's your left hand. Now open your right hand."

In Morgoth's right hand was fastened the Silmaril; and though the stones were mirrored in the crystal case, they had begun to burn his hand, and ached his clenched right hand.Even so, he still refused to open his hand. "Never!" he said. "You've got what you deserve. I gave you the strength to get the job done. I don't need you now. You don't deserve these things and you don't deserve to see them." .They are mine forever.” But Angorian had already grown very large, but he had shrunk in size due to the release of a lot of power.So Angorian turned on him, wrapped him tightly with a black cloud, made him sink into her sticky spider web, bound him layer by layer, and planned to strangle him in one fell swoop.Morgoth uttered a terrible scream in agony, and the voice echoed through the mountains; therefore that country was called the Ramos; for since the echo of his cry remained there, so that if anyone were there The cries of the region awaken them, and fill the whole wasteland between the sea and the mountains with cries of pain.The cry of Morgoth's anguish at that hour was the loudest and most dreadful sound ever heard in the North World;In forgotten places deep beneath the earth, the cries were heard.Beneath the ruins of Angband, in the dark crypts where the Valar had not penetrated fully in their haste, still many Balrogs lurked and hid, waiting ever for the return of their master.Now, they jumped up quickly, swept across Heathlon like a storm of fire and came to the magic wire.They shattered Angorion's cobwebs with their flaming whips, and she was terrified at the sight, and turned and fled, blowing a great amount of black mist to cover her tracks.She fled from the north to Beleriand in the south, and settled in the mountains of Gorgoroth, and that dark vale was later called the vale of Daggersby, "Valley of Dreadful Death," because of the terror she had sown there.In addition, as early as the year when Angband began to dig and build, there came a group of cruel and evil creatures that looked like spiders in that valley, and Angolion mated with them and then devoured them.Even after Ungolian departed for the parts of the southern world where no one remembers, her descendants still dwelt in the valley of horrors and continued to weave the loathsome spider's web.No stories are recorded of Angolion's fate.But it is said that, long ago, her insatiable hunger caused her to eat herself at last too.

So that which Yavanna feared, the Silmarils would fall to the Land of Oblivion, did not happen; but they were still in the possession of Morgoth.When he was free, he again gathered all the remnants of the mighty generals he could find, and marched into the ruins of Angband.There he built again, dug deeper and wider crypts and dungeons, and raised three huge and steep mountains above their gates--Angorodrome. Since then, a lot of thick and foul-smelling smoke Coiled on the mountain peak every day.The beasts and demon armies of Morgoth, and the Orc tribes that have been multiplying for a long time, multiplied and thrived in the earth.From then on, dark shadows enveloped Beleriand.On the other hand, Morgoth, who lived deep in Angband, built himself a huge iron crown and claimed to be the king of the universe; he inlaid the Elf Silmarillion on the crown as a symbol of his dominion over the world .His hands were scorched black from touching those sacred gems, and never recovered; nay, the searing pain never abated, nor did his anger at pain abate.He never took off the crown after he put it on, and yet the weight of the crown made him terribly tired.Except for a secret operation, he never left the northern frontiers he ruled; in fact, he seldom left the caverns of the fortress, and always ruled the hosts from his northern throne.In all the years of his reign, he fought in person only once. His hatred, now greater than it had been in the years when Utamo was near capture, consumed him completely, and the dominion over the slaves and driving them with evil desires had almost exhausted him. drained his energy.Still he was a Valar, and his majestic power was ever present, and though his majesty had turned to terror, yet before him all but the most daring and mighty might be plunged into fear. in the dark. Knowing that the whole pursuit was in vain and Morgoth had successfully escaped Valinor, the Valar still sat in the judgment circle in the dark, and all the Maiar and Vanyar elves stood beside them, weeping silently.But most of the Noldor returned to Tirion, mourning the darkness that had fallen upon their fair city.The mist blowing from the dark sea, passing through the misty Calakya valley, shrouded the towers in the city, and the lights on the tower of Minden looked extremely pale in this gloom. At this moment Feanor suddenly appeared in the city, and summoned all the people to mount before the palace of the Tuna Reclamation Bureau;A great crowd, therefore, hastened to hear what he would say; and all the steps and streets up the hill were lit, for the assembled crowd had a torch in each hand.Fei Nuo is good at rhetoric and can easily conquer people's hearts.That night he delivered a speech which the Noldor would never forget.The words he spoke were fierce and cruel, full of wrath and pride;Most of his anger and hatred were directed at Morgoth, but most of what he said came from Morgoth's lies.At this time, under the double torment of the hatred of killing his father and the hatred of seizing the treasure, his mind was so distracted that he was almost crazy.Now he demanded that all the Noldor honor him as King, for Finwë was dead, and he loathed the Valar's commandment. "Why, O all the Noldor," he cried, "why have we long served the envious Valar? They could neither keep us safe, nor their own dominion from enemies. .Although he has become their enemy now, are they not brothers from the same origin? Therefore, revenge calls me, but even if things are like today, I will never continue to follow my father who killed me Brothers and sisters of the Treasure One live in the same land. But I am not the only warrior among these valiant people; did you not lose your king overnight? Think again, being held captive in the mountains What have you not lost in this narrow land between the sea and the sea?" "This place used to be full of light, but Vera was reluctant to bring light to Middle-earth. Now, darkness covers everything. Do we want to stay here and mourn all day long, as a group of dark people, remembering the past in the mist Shall we shed our useless tears on the ungrateful sea? Or should we return to our own home? In Kuweinen, under the bright starry sky, there are sweet flowing waters, and the land around is boundless, and the free people may come and go as they please. Meanwhile. All this is still waiting for us, how foolishly we have abandoned it. Come! Set forth! Let the cowards remain in this city!" He spoke for a long time, urging the Noldor to follow him , relying on their bravery to win their own freedom, and fight for the vast land in the east, lest the opportunity is lost.What he said was in response to Melkor's lie, that the Valar had tricked them into this land and put them under house arrest, so that afterward Men might rule over Middle-earth.Many of the Eldar heard for the first time that Men were coming after them. "Though the road is long and hard," he cried, "we shall have fairness in the end! Farewell to slavery! Farewell to ease too! Farewell to weakness! Farewell to all your treasures! We will make more Out come the jewels. Let us travel lightly, but take your swords with you! We will go farther than Orome, endure longer than Tolkhas, and our pursuit will never turn back. We will pursue Possessed Morgoth to the ends of the earth! He shall face endless wars and eternal hatred. But when we conquer and regain the Silmaril, we, alone, shall be the spotless light Lords of the beauty and joy of Arda. No other race shall drive us out!" Then Feanor made a terrible oath.His seven sons stood by his side without hesitation and made this oath together. Under the light of the torches, their unsheathed long swords were so red that they seemed to be stained with blood.Together they swore an oath that no one could break and no one could take away, not even in the name of Iluvatar; and Varda, and by the name of the holy mountain Teniquitil, that if any shall take or keep the Silmarils which are theirs, be they Valar, daemons, elves, or men, including the unborn, If there are any living beings, great or small, good or evil, they will pursue them to the ends of the earth with vengeance and hatred, until the end of the world. So swore were Maedhros, Maglor, and Celegorm, Crufin, and Caranthir, and Androd, Andres, princes of the Noldor.Many who heard these terrible words could not help feeling terrified.Because once an oath is made, no matter whether it is good or evil, it cannot be reversed, and it will tightly entangle the oath-taker or the oath-breaker until the end of the world.Therefore, Fingolfin and his son Turgon spoke against Feanor, and the fierce war of words resumed, and the anger brought the two sides once again to the brink of drawing swords.Fortunately, Feinarfin, who was always soft-spoken, spoke up. He tried to calm down the Noldor elves, and advised them to stop and think for a while, because once something was done, there was no room for redemption; his son Oro Kai Si also persuaded everyone with the same attitude.Finrod stood with his friend Turgon; but tall and brave Galadriel, the only woman among the princes who stood quarreling that day, was impatient to start.She took no vows, but what Feanor had said of Middle-earth had touched her heart, and she longed to see the vast and undefended land, and rule a realm as she pleased.Fingolfin's son Fingon, who had the same thought with Galadriel, although he didn't like Feanor at all, but what he said also touched his heart; Angrod and Aegnor, sons of Finarfin, as they have always been.However, the few of them remained silent and did not speak against their father. After a long series of debates, Feanor gained the upper hand, and most of the Noldor gathered there were inspired by him to yearn for new things and strange lands.Therefore, when Fei Nuo persuaded them not to act impulsively again, a great voice of opposition sounded: "No! Let's go!" Immediately, Fei Nuo and his sons began to prepare for departure.For those who dare to walk this dark path, few can foresee what lies ahead.The whole matter was decided too hastily; for Feanor kept driving them, fearing that as soon as their hearts calmed down, the force of his words would weaken and other counsels would begin to take effect; How proudly he spoke, he never forgot the power of the Valar.Yet no word came from Volmar, and Manwë remained silent.He would not forbid or hinder the purposes of Feanor; for the Valar were deeply aggrieved by the accusations that he was accused of having evil designs against the Eldar, or of having imprisoned them here against their will.So now they sat and watched, for they still did not believe that Feanor was capable of commanding a great number of the Noldor to his will. And indeed it was so, and when Feanor began to call the Noldor to go forth in company, the conflict was immediately renewed.Although Feanor persuaded everyone to leave this place, it by no means meant that everyone respected him as king with one heart.Fingolfin and his sons were so popular with the crowd that his family and most of Tirion's inhabitants refused to set out on their way if he did not follow.At last, therefore, the great multitude of the Noldor divided into two companies, and each went on their path of woe and hardship.Feanor and his followers were the vanguard, but after Fingolfin came more subjects; Fingolfin really set out against his own wisdom, partly because his son Fingol urged Going, on the other hand, was because he didn't want to be separated from his people, they were eager to go, and he didn't want them to be driven by Feanor's rash and reckless rhetoric.Also, he never forgot what he said before the throne of Manwë.Fingolfin set off with Finarfin, who set out for the same reason as his brother, but he was the most reluctant to leave.Since they came to Valinor, the Noldor had grown into a very large tribe, but at this time a small number refused to go: some because they loved Valar (Auli was the most important among them), Some loved Tirion and the many things they had made there; none of those who refused to go stayed because they feared the dangers of the road. However, when the crowd sang triumphantly and Feanor was about to step out of the city of Tirion, the messenger of Manwë finally arrived and said, "Listen to my advice and don't follow Feanor's foolish decision. Go no further! This is an evil time, and the way will lead you into unforeseen abysses of sorrow. There will be no Valar to aid you in this expedition, but they will not hinder you; this you should know: you are free The land came here, and so can go away freely. But you, Feanor son of Finwë, will be exiled for the oath you swore. The lies that Melkor has sown, you will forget in pain and regret. He is a Valar, as thou hast said; and therefore thy oath shall be utterly in vain, for thou shalt not prevail against any Valar, so long as Eya shall last, though by whom thy swore Make you three times stronger than you are now, and you will not be able to defeat him." Feanor looked up and laughed, and he spoke, not to the herald, but to the Noldor: "Well, you brave people, you will banish your prince and his son in one fell swoop, and then Go back to the days of captivity? If anyone will come with me, I will say to them: Do you have a sad premonition of the future? And we have seen what sorrow is in Aman. In this land, we go from joy to Sorrow. Now we will try another way: find joy, or at least freedom, through sorrow." Then he turned to face the messenger, and roared: "Go and tell Manwe Sulimius, great king of Arda, that if Feanor cannot overthrow Morgoth, at least he has not sat all day mourning and procrastinating Do not attack him. Perhaps as the fire in my soul is more violent than you know. The damage I have done to the arch enemy of the Valar will at least make those powerful who sit on the circle of judgment Even those who heard it were astonished. Yes, even they will come after me in the end. Farewell!" At that moment Feanor's voice was so loud and powerful that even the Valar's herald could not help saying He bowed that he was fully answered, and went away; and the Noldor obeyed Feanor.So they went on onward; and the royals of Feanor hastened before the host to the shores of Elendy, and none of them looked back, not even once, to Tirion on Green Qiutuna.After them came the slower and less hasty multitude of Fingolfin's people; and of these Fingon went first.At the rear came Finarfin and Finrod, and many of the noblest and wisest of the Noldor; The lights disappeared into the thick night.Henceforth, more than all other exiles, they miss the joys they left behind, and some of them, reluctant to part with them, take with them on the road the beautiful objects of their creation; A comfort has also become a burden. Now Feanor led the great host of the Noldor northward, for his first purpose was to follow the trail of Morgoth.In addition, Tunna at the foot of Mount Teniquetil is located close to the outer ring of Arda. The sea in this area is deep and unfathomable, but as you go north, the sea that separates the two continents becomes narrower and narrower. The wastelands of Ariman in the continent of Aman are almost connected to the coast of Middle-earth.When Fei Nuo's mind gradually calmed down and he briefly discussed with several people, he realized what would happen next. Such a large number of people would not be able to complete this long journey to the north. Nor could they cross the sea, unless they had ships to meet them; but it would take years and labors to build such a vast fleet, and the Noldor were not at all capable of building ships.So he came up with a solution—to persuade the Tiberi Elves, who were friendly with the Noldor, to join them.Thus, thought his rebellious heart, the joys of Valinor would be paler, and his power to wage war against Morgoth would be greatly increased.So he hastened to Oqorondi, and opened to the Teberian Elves what he had said in Tirion. However, no matter what he said, the Tiberi elves remained unmoved.They were so sorry that this group of dear kinsmen and friends should go away, that their action was not to help, but to dissuade them; they would not lend any ships, nor would they help to build them against Valar's wishes. .As for themselves, they wanted no home now but the shores of Eldama, nor did they want to honor any master but Oway, king of Oqorondi.And Ouwei never listened to any words of Morgoth, let alone welcome him to his city; he still believed that those powerful beings in Ulmo and Valar would restore the damage caused by Morgoth , the night will pass, and a new dawn will come. Then Feanor became angry, because he was still afraid of delay; he said to Ouwei rudely: "You announced the break of friendship at the time when we needed help most. Remember how happy you were to have us when you finally reached this shore. A helping hand, cowards who wander about almost empty-handed. If the Noldor had not helped you to build ports and cities, you still live in huts by the sea." But Owy answered, "We have not severed our friendship with you. This is what a man does when he discourages the folly of a friend. As you say, when the Noldor welcomed us and helped us, the land of Aman The land became our eternal home, and your peoples and I lived as brothers. But our white sails did not come from you. The Noldor did not teach us how to build ships, but we learned from the sea. Lord; we make these white timbers with our own hands, and our wives and daughters weave these white sails. Therefore we will not give or sell these ships for any covenant or friendship. Feanor son of Finwë, let me tell you, these The ships are to us what gems are to the Noldor; they are the brainchild of my people, and we could not have made them as beautiful." Hearing this, Fei Nuo turned around and left immediately. He went out to the city of Oqorondi, where he sat in the dark and calculated, until his men and horses arrived.When he judged that he had enough manpower, he set off for Swan Harbor and began to assign people to the ship moored at the port, intending to forcibly seize the ship and set sail.Of course, the Tiezhurui elves could not resist, and they pushed the Noldor elves who came forward one after another into the sea.Then, someone drew his sword, and fierce fights soon broke out on the ship, on the embankment of the port, under the lamp, and even under the majestic arch of the port.Three times Feanor's men were driven back, and many were slain on both sides; but the vanguard of the Noldor, reinforced by the vanguard of Fingon and Fingolfin, came to the harbor and found that battle had begun, and Their own people fell, and joined the fray indiscriminately, without knowing why; indeed, some of them thought that the Teleri, by the order of the Valar, would take the Noldor Let it be intercepted. In the end, the Teleri were defeated, and most of the sailors of Oqorondi were viciously murdered.For the Noldor grew fierce in their despair, and the Teberians were not as strong, and the weapons of the great majority were but light bows and arrows.So the Noldor took their white ships, and having their oarsmen steered them as best they could, they rowed north along the coast.Now Owy could only call to Osh for help, but he did not come, for the Valar forbade any god to prevent the flight of the Noldor by force.But Uni mourned and wept for the Teleri sailors; and the sea was angry against the murderers, and many ships were broken by the raging waves, and all those who were in them perished in the bottom of the sea.The kin-killing tragedy that took place in Oqorondi is described in more detail in the lament "Noldolanti" - the fall of the Noldor - which Maglor sang before his disappearance . Even so, the greater part of the Noldor escaped, and when the storm passed they went on, some by water and some by land; but the farther they went the more treacherous was the way.After many dark nights they had marched, they came at last to the northern border of the fortified realm, where mountains and cold stood on the bare and desolate frontier of Ariman.There they suddenly saw a black figure standing on a high rock overlooking the whole coast.Some say it was Mandos himself, and Manwë could not have sent a greater herald.They heard a loud and formidable voice ordering them to stop and listen.Then all stood still, and all the multitude of the Noldor, from one end to the other, heard the curse and the prophecy spoken by the voice, which was afterward called the Prophecy of the North, Also known as "The Doom of the Noldor".The prophecy was dark and obscure, and the Noldor did not understand it then, until the woe befell them; but all who heard the curse neither postponed nor sought their fate. And Vera's forgiveness. "Thou shall shed many tears; and the Valar shall wall Valinor, and you shall be shut out forever, and not even the echo of your laments pass through these mountains. The wrath of the Valar shall rest upon the house of Feanor, and All the multitudes that followed him, from the west to the end of the east. Their vows shall drive them, and at the same time betray them, and even deprive them of that treasure which they swore to recover. All their deeds of good will , will end in disaster and evil in the end; relatives have betrayed each other, and live in constant fear of being betrayed, all this will surely come true. The Feanor family will be forever displaced, deprived and destitute. "You have shed the blood of your relatives in an unrighteous way and defiled the land of Aman. Therefore, blood should be paid with blood. After you leave Aman, you will live under the shadow of death. and no disease shall afflict you, yet you shall be slain, and you shall be slain: by the sword, or by torment, or by mourning; your wandering souls will return to Mandos, and live there year after year, yearning for your lost bodies, and will never find mercy, even if all those you killed pleaded for you. As for those who still live in Middle-earth , those who have not come to Mandos will grow weary with the age of the world, as if weighed down by a thousand catties; Phantom of remorse. Thus say the Valar." So many became frightened and discouraged; but Feanor became more determined when he heard this, saying, "We have sworn a solemn oath, and it is no joke. We will keep this oath. There are many evils that threaten us, Perfidy is but one of them; but there is one thing I have not said: if we are cowardly, or cowardly, we shall suffer from cowardice all our lives. Therefore, I say, let us go Well, I want to add a footnote to this fate—the achievements we have made will be sung throughout the ages until the end of Arda." At that moment, however, Finarfin gave up his advance and decided to turn back, filled with remorse and bitter hatred for the House of Feanor, for Owe of Aqorondi was his father-in-law; and many of his people followed him back and walked back step by step full of sorrow, till they saw again the light in the distant night from the Tower of Minden on the hill of Vanna, and came at last to Valinor.They were forgiven by the Valar, and Fenarfin took over the remnants of the Noldor in the Blessed Lands.But his sons did not follow him back, for they would not give up their friendship with the sons of Fingolfin;害怕面对维拉所咒诅的命运,因为他们在澳阔隆迪的残杀亲族事件里,不是全然无辜的。此外,芬巩与特刚都是勇敢无畏又心烈如火之人,他们都不愿意放弃自己已经插手的任务,如果前途真是死路一条,那就至死方休。因此,余下的大队人员依旧继续前进,而预言中的邪恶很快就开始作怪了。 诺多精灵们最后终于来到了阿尔达的极北方;他们首先看见了漂浮在海面上的坚冰利牙,因此知道自己逐渐靠近了西尔卡瑞西海峡。阿门洲北方的陆地是弯向东,而东边恩多尔(也就是中土大陆)的海岸是弯向西,两块大陆之间有一道窄窄的海峡,外环海的冰冷海水与贝烈盖尔海的波涛在此汇聚,这片区域充满了严寒的浓雾,海流中处处都是互相撞击的冰山,淹没在水下的坚冰在撞击中不停发出刺耳的吱嘎声。这就是西尔卡瑞西海峡,至今尚无任何血肉之躯胆敢行走其间,除了维拉之外,只有昂哥立安走过。 因此,费诺只好暂停前进,一群诺多精灵开始争辩他们现在该走哪条路。但是他们同时也开始尝到寒冶的痛苦,凝滞的浓雾完全遮蔽了望见天空星辰的可能;有许多人开始后悔走这条路,开始低声抱怨,尤其是那些跟随芬国昐的人,他们咒骂费诺,认为艾尔达所有的灾难都是他引起的。费诺也知道群众在窃窃私语什么,他召聚他的儿子们一同商议;要逃离阿瑞曼去到思乡尔,他们看见只有两条路可行——走过海峡,或搭船离去。不过他们认为穿过西尔卡瑞西是不可能的,而船只又太少。在这段长程中他们失去了不少船只,如今余下的船数已不足以将全数的人一次都载运过海;可是又没有人愿意留在这寒冷的西边海岸让别人先渡海——遭人背叛的恐惧已经在诺多族中被唤起了。因此,费诺和儿子做了决定,他们将领着所有的船只趁众人不备之际突然出航;由于港口那场格斗之后他们始终保持船队的主控权,操控船只的都是搏斗后幸存的自己人。所以,当西北方吹起一阵强风,费诺一声暗号,他就带着所有他认为对自己忠心不二的人悄悄扬帆出海,迅速离开,把芬国昐一行抛弃在阿瑞曼。由于这段海峡不宽,船只顺着东南方向全部渡过了海峡,没有损失,他们成为整支诺多族中最先登上中土大陆的人员;费诺一行人,最后在深入多尔露明的专吉斯特狭弯登陆了。 当众人都上了岸,费诺的大儿子梅斯罗斯——在魔苟斯以谎言离间众人之前,他跟芬巩本是多年好友——对他父亲说:“现在你要分派多少船只与桨手回去?你想先载谁过来呢?勇猛的芬巩吗?” 然而费诺大笑若狂,随即大声说道:“一个都不载!对我而言已经全员到齐,那些都是被我抛弃的人,事实证明他们只是一群累赘。就让那些咒骂我的人,继续咒诅我吧;让他们一路哀嚎回到维拉的笼子里去!把船给我烧了!”费诺命众人放火烧了帖勒瑞的白船,唯独梅斯罗斯站在一旁不肯动手。因此,在专吉斯特湾口的罗斯加尔,那曾经在大海上航行过的船只中最美丽的一群,就这样被焚毁了,猛烈可怖的大火烧红了半边天。芬国昐和他的人看到远方云端下闪烁不停的红光,便知道他们遭到背叛了。这是“残杀亲族”与“诺多的厄运”所结的第一个苦果。 于是,芬国昐明白费诺将他们一行人弃于阿瑞曼,让他们自生自灭,或充满痛苦难堪地返回维林诺;但是现在他反而前所未有地想要寻路前往中土大陆,想要再次见到费诺。于是他和大批的跟随者展开了一段漫长的悲惨跋涉,他们的勇敢与坚忍随着艰困的环境与日俱增;别忘了他们是一群大有能力的子民,是一如•伊露维塔头生的、不死的儿女,并且他们才刚刚离开蒙福之地,尚未随着地球的衰老而疲乏。他们心中的火正旺,在芬国昐与他儿子亦芬罗德与凯兰崔尔的带领下,他们有胆量深入酷寒的北方;最后,当他们发现前无去路时,他们坚忍不拔地渡过了可怕的西尔卡瑞西海峡与残酷的冰山。诺多族精灵日后所立下的诸多功绩中,少有超越这项在刚毅与痛苦中的涉渡。特刚失去了他的妻子埃兰薇,另外还有许多人丧命;当芬国昐终于踏上对岸的陆地时,跟随他的人减少了许多。这些后来踏上岸的人,对费诺和他儿子们厌憎至深;他们在月亮第一次上升时,吹响了成功登上中土大陆的号角。
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