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Chapter 9 Chapter Five: Eldama and the Princes of Eldar

One after another, the Vanyar and Noldor brigades finally arrived at the west coast of Middle-earth.The northern part of these coasts, in the ancient times after the Great War of the Gods, turned more westward. When reaching the northernmost end of Arda, there was only a narrow strait separating this continent from the opposite Aman continent, which is Vijay. Lin Nuo's location.But this narrow strait is filled with many ices of various sizes, caused by Melkor's fierce ruthlessness and coldness.Therefore Oromé did not take the great host of the Eldar far north, but led them to the fair lands of Sirion; and this country was to be called Beleriand afterward.It was from these shores that the Eldar first beheld the endless stretch of the sea, and they were filled with wonder, and could not help being afraid; that wide, black, and deep water lay between them and the continent of Aman. between the mountains.

Then Ulmo, at the suggestion of the Valar, came to these shores of Middle-earth, and spoke to the Eldar who waited on the shore, and stared at the black waves; The music they played, their fear of the sea began to turn into longing.So Ulmo uprooted an island in the midst of the sea, formed by the fall of Illuin in the sea, away from the continents on either side; the isle of the island, anchored in the Gulf of Balar, into which the River Sirion flows.One by one the Vanyar and the Noldor went to the isle, and the isle was pushed and pulled across the sea, and they came at last to the narrow shore below the mountains of Aman;On the other hand, the northeast corner of the island, because it was deeply stuck in the shallow water of the mouth of the Sirion River, broke into several pieces and remained in place when it moved. It is said that this is the origin of Balal Island. where to come.

But the Teberians were still in Middle-earth, and they dwelt in East Beleriand far from the sea, and when they heard of Ulmo's call, it was too late.Many of them were still looking for Elway, and would not leave until they had found their leader.But when they learned that Ingwe, Fenwe, and their people were gone, many of the Tesjuri set out on their way to the shores of Beleriand, and then dwelt at the mouth of Sirion, remembering those who had gone friends; and they chose Owe the brother of Elwe for their king.They lived a long time on the west coast, and Oxy and Uni came to be their friends; Oxy sat on a boulder near the land, and taught them all the knowledge and music of the sea.Therefore, from the first they loved water, and the Teleri, the most singing of all the Elves, were ever since fascinated by the sea, and their songs were filled with the sound of the waves lapping on the shore.

So after many years did Ulmo at last heed the repeated entreaties of the Noldor and of Fenwe their king; .Now most of the Tiberi elves were willing to leave, but when Ulmo returned to the shores of Beleriand to take them to Valinor, Osh and Uni were very sad; All the seas and coasts of Middle-earth, and he was displeased to think that the voice of the Tebris would no longer be heard in the domains under his dominion.He persuaded some of the elves to stay; these were the Falasrim, the "Elves of the Falas," who in later days lived mostly in the harbors of Besumbar and Yglarest, and were the first of the Middle-earth Sailors and shipbuilders.Cirdan the Shipbuilder was their king.

In addition, Elwe Singolo's relatives and friends also stayed behind and continued to search for his whereabouts. If Ulmo and Owe are willing to wait a little longer, they are more than happy to set off for Valinor to meet the two saints The brilliance of the tree.However, in the end Owy still left, and most of the Teleri went to the island, and Ulmo left with the island.All of Elwe's friends are left behind; they call themselves Aigolas, "The Forsaken People."They settled in the woods or hills of Beleriand, not by the sea, for that saddened them; yet the longing for Aman remained in their hearts.

But when Elwee awoke from his long trance, he took Melian away from the Elmoth Vale Forest, and settled in the forest in the middle of that district.Though he longed so much to see the light of the Two Trees again, yet in Melian's face he saw the light of Amen, as in a clear mirror, and it was enough for him.His relatives and friends were all glad to see him come back, and they were amazed to find that he was as noble and handsome as ever, but now he looked like a prince of Maia, his hair turned silver gray, and his stature was higher than that of Yi. All Luvita's sons and daughters; an extreme fate awaited him.

When Oshe followed the children of Olwy, and when they came to the bay of Eldama (meaning "House of the Eldar"), he called to them; and they knew his voice, and they begged Ulmo stop their voyage.Ulmo granted their request and ordered Oxy to fasten the bottom of the island to the seabed.Ulmo had already been prepared for this, because he knew the hearts of the Teleri. He opposed the resolution of the Valar at the beginning, thinking that it would be better for Kundi to stay in Middle-earth.The Valar did not appreciate his labors; and Finway was very sorry when he knew that the Teleri would not come ashore, but he was still more sad when he knew that Elwe was abandoned there, and he knew that unless it was in Mann The halls of Doth, and they shall never meet again in this life.The Isle was fixed from moving, and stood alone in the Gulf of Eldama; therefore it was called Iresia, the Isle of Solitude.So the Teleri dwelt, as they wished, under the starry sky, but they could see the shores of Aman and the Land of Immortality.The language of the Teleri became different from that of the Vanyar and the Noldor because they lived on the island for a long time.

For those elves who came first, the Valar gave them a place to live in.In order that they could still go to watch the stars from time to time in the light of the flowers of the Two Holy Trees in the garden of Valinor, so another passage was opened in the huge Pelori gable, and the Eldar were in a place leading to the sea. In the deep valley rose a green hill, called Tuna.On the west side of the hill the light of the Two Trees shone upon it, making the shadows appear longer on the east side of the hill; and on the east side of the hill looked out to the Gulf of Eldama and the Isle of Solitude, and the dark and uncertain sea.From then on, through the bright passage of Calakya, the light of the Blessed Land flowed out, turning the dark waves into gold and silver. This light touched the lonely island, and the west coast of the island began to grow green and long. green.And the first beautiful flowers east of the Amen Mountains bloomed on the island.

On the top of Mount Tuna, the elves built a ladder-shaped city with white walls: Tirion.The tallest tower in the city was that of Ingwy: Minden Eldariva, whose silver light shone far over the misty sea.Few mortal ships have seen its slender flash.In the city of Tirion on the Mount Rounder, the Vanyar and the Noldor lived in peace for a long time, and their friendship was very strong.As the White Tree was their favorite of all things in Valinor, Yavanna made them a smaller White Tree in Telperian's image, which was not itself luminous, but bloomed and blossomed. ; the Sindarin call it Galathirion.This tree was planted in the square under Minden Tower, and it grew luxuriantly. Its descendants can be seen everywhere in Eldama. Later, a tree was transplanted to the Isle of Eressia, where it grew thriving and was named Celeborn; Time passed, and from this tree passed down, and there was Nimloth, the white tree of Númenor in the future.

Manwë and Varda loved the fair Vanyar most, but the Noldor were Auri's favorite, and he and his men walked among them.The knowledge and skill of the Noldor increased day by day, and their thirst for knowledge increased, and soon they surpassed their teachers.Their language is ever-changing, and they love words so much, they are always looking for better names for all the things they know and imagine.At last, once, when the stonemasons of the Fenway family were digging stones in the quarry (for they like to build towers), they first discovered gems in the ground, and they brought back countless gems of all kinds; Various tools were invented to cut and polish these gemstones, chiseling them into many different shapes.They did not hoard these gems, but distributed them to others, and all Valinor was made more beautiful by their busyness.

The Noldor returned to Middle-earth afterward, and this story is chiefly of their deeds; wherefore their royal kinsmen are hereafter described, and these names were told from generation to generation in the mouths of the Elves of Beleriand. Finwe was king of the Noldor.The sons of Finwë were Feanor, Fingolfin, and Finarfin; but Feanor's mother was Miriel Sirendi, and the mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin was Indis of the Vanyar. Feanor is superior in craftsmanship and eloquence, and has more knowledge than his two younger brothers; his spirit is like a burning flame.Fingolfin was the strongest of them all, the most loyal and steadfast of character, and the bravest of them all.Finarfin was the fairest of looks, and the wisest of hearts; he befriended the sons of Owe, king of the Tebri, and married Ir, the swan-princess of Oqorondi, daughter of Owe. Wen is his wife. The seven sons of Feanor were Maedhros tall, Maglor, great singer whose song was far inland and sea; Kebgon the fair, and Caranthir the dark; Crufin the dexterous , he inherited most of his father's dexterous hand; and the twin brothers, Androd and Andris, who were alike in looks and temperament.They were afterward great hunters in the forests of Middle-earth; and another great hunter was Kebgon, who was Orome's friend in Valinor, and often hunted after Orome's horn. The sons of Fingolfin were Fingon and Turgon, and Fingon became king of the Noldor in the north of Middle-earth, and Turgon was king of the forest of Gon; and their sister was Arethel the white princess.She was much younger than her brothers, but when she was full grown she was not only beautiful but very tall and strong, and she liked best to gallop in the forest and hunt.Therefore, she often played with Feanor's son and her cousins, but her love was not for any of them.She was also called Avenir, the White Princess of the Noldor, for she was very fair in complexion and very black in her hair, and she was never adorned, but silver and white. The sons of Finarfin were the faithful Finrod (later he changed his name to Ferragon, "Lord of the Cave"), Orochus, Angrod, and Aegnor, four of whom were closest to the sons of Fingolfin. Close, like a brother.They also had a sister, Galadriel, who was more beautiful than any woman of the house of Fenway; Here it must be said how the Teleri finally landed on the land of Aman.For a very long time they dwelt in Iresia, and gradually their minds were changed, and they were attracted by the light that shone upon the Lonely Isle that flowed out into the sea.Their hearts struggled with love for the music of the waves, and longing to see again their kin and the splendor of Valinor; and at last the longing for the Light prevailed above all else.So Ulmo obeyed the will of the other Valar, and sent Oxy, the friend of the elves, on a mission. Oxy gave them many swans with strong wings as parting gifts.These swans dragged the white fleet of the Teleri through the windless sea, so that at last they came to Aman, and landed on the shore of Eldama. They lived by the sea, and they could go now and then to see the glory of the Two Trees, to walk the golden streets of Volmar, to climb the crystal stairs of Tirian, and to the top of the green hill Tuna.But most of the time they sailed in the bay of Eldama in their light white ships, or stepped on the surf on the shore, and their radiance could be seen even on the green hills.The Noldor sent them many precious stones, opals, diamonds, and clear crystals, which they scattered on the shore and in the pools; and how beautiful was the coast of Elandi in those years.They also salvaged many pearls from the sea for themselves, and decorated the palace with pearls. The port of call for their ships.Their ships were built in the likeness of swans, with beaks of gold, and eyes set with gold and jet.The entrance to Swan Harbor is a natural stone arch carved by the sea, and it lies across the borders of Eldama, north of Calicia, where the light of the stars is clear and bright. As time passed, the Vanyar grew more and more fond of the place of the Valar, and the light of the Two Trees in full bloom, so they abandoned the city of Tirion on Mount Tuna, and settled thereafter on the hills of Manwë, or lived in In the plains and forests of Valinor, the Noldor drifted away.On the other hand, the memory of Middle-earth under the stars was still alive in the hearts of the Noldor, who dwelt in Carrakia, or in the hills or valleys where the voice of the "Western Sea" was heard; though Many of them still go now and then to the place where the Valar live, and travel long distances to discover the secrets of the land, the river, and all living things, but the people of Tuna and the people of Aqorondi have indeed formed a good friendship in these days. .Finwë was king of Tuna, and Owwe was king of Oqorondi, but Ingwë was always the "Supreme King" of all the Elves.He was a disciple of Manwë on Mount Tenikatiel, and served him at his side. Feanor and his sons seldom dwelt long in one place, but traveled and explored in all parts of Valinor, and they traveled as far as the Dark Borders and the cold shores of the Outer Sea.They were often guests in the palaces of Auri, but Kebgon more often went to Orome, where he learned much of birds and beasts, and knew all their languages.All the creatures of the kingdom of Arda, except those of Melkor, which are ferocious and wicked, live on the land of Aman; I can't see it anymore, because the appearance of the world has completely changed.
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