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Chapter 21 Yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind (5)

Collected Works of Lu Yao 路遥 1906Words 2018-03-20
Lingling went out to play, and her brother was alone in the room. He smiled at her fondly, as usual, and welcomed her into his home. Lu Ruoqin hurriedly asked first, "Is there anything wrong at home?" The elder brother laughed: "Such greetings should be taboo!" He made her a cup of tea, put it on the table, and said, "Something might happen, but it's definitely not a bad thing. Let's talk. You drink tea first!" He looked Very good interest. Lu Ruoqin was very happy.She was sitting on a chair, drinking tea, and looking at this familiar room with her eyes. She felt that there seemed to be some changes in this room.what is it then?She couldn't tell at all.The things in the house didn't seem to have changed, neither increased nor decreased, they were all in the same place.A brand-new sofa, a large cabinet, a half cabinet, a double bed, a TV, and four large wooden boxes piled up; on the door of the suite, there is still a floral curtain she bought...

It took her a long time to realize that there was a certain change in her brother's body, not in his attire or anything else, but in his mental state.This extremely subtle change can only be noticed between very close people.She saw that the melancholy clouds on her brother's face disappeared, a faint rosiness appeared on his long pale face, his back was straightened, and he walked with a certain vigor, as if something (passion?) came from the depths of his heart. Spill.She remembered what her brother had just said. What is there to be happy about, dear brother? After lunch, Lingling and a group of her children were watching TV.The elder brother said to her, "Let's go to the stadium behind."

She readily agreed.They walked slowly and came to the stadium.I just finished eating, and there is no one here yet.They walked the runway, first talking about some important news in the newspapers recently.After talking about this, my brother suddenly said, "Can I change schools for you?" "Why?" she asked a little strangely. He was silent for a moment.After lighting a cigarette, he said, "I may be... getting married soon." Lu Ruoqin couldn't help being taken aback.She quickly connected her brother's shocking statement with his previous statement for a moment.Suddenly, a shiver ran through her like a bolt of lightning.She trembled and asked, "Who are you marrying?"

Still silent for a while, he said, "You can probably guess it." Guess it!Immediately, Gao Guanghou's painful face and Xiao Bingbing's tearful face flashed before her eyes - she felt like she had a bad cold on her back. "You married Liu Liying?" She bit her lips with her teeth. Brother nodded. "I've been suffering for the past few years... Now Lingling is a bit older, so..." He looked at his sister, with an expression asking for her forgiveness. Lu Ruoqin didn't know what to talk about. "I didn't expect..." She couldn't continue. "I didn't expect..." My brother couldn't continue. "Don't you think Mr. Gao is so..." She turned her head away in pain. "It is precisely because of this situation that I want to ask you to change schools..."

"No!" She turned her face a little annoyed and said, her lips quivered sharply for a while, saying, "You are immoral! You have seduced Liying!" right!It's temptation!She felt that the word was used quite accurately, even though it was seen in a novel.The deputy director couldn't help but straighten up, looking at the "child" in front of him in horror. "Brother, I have longed for you to get married. I used to be young, so I was embarrassed to say this to you. But you shouldn't marry Liying. You can't base your happiness on the suffering of others. This sentence It is said in the book, I can’t say more profound words myself, but what I mean is very clear. Teacher Gao is too pitiful, and there are children..." For the first time, she used equal words, one adult to another Talk to my brother in the tone of an adult.The elder brother stopped talking, and walked forward slowly by himself.She walked with him and saw from behind that his neck was all red.

Still without turning his head, he said, "I don't think I violated any laws..." His tone was obviously full of displeasure. "Yes, you're not breaking the law. But immoral!" She couldn't control her emotions, and something hot started to swell in her head. He stopped abruptly, turned around suddenly, and looked at her sadly. Lu Ruoqin saw tears rolling in her brother's eyes—it was the first time she saw her brother's tears (not counting when she was a child).She was stunned.Her heart softened.She knew that her words had hurt her brother's heart badly.But she thought about it, and felt that she didn't need to revise what she just said, and said impulsively again: "It's really immoral to do this..." The elder brother staggered, leaning on the iron pillar of the horizontal bar, and suddenly buried He lowered his head, sniffing his nose gently, and began to sob!

Lu Ruoqin's tears were also streaming down her cheeks.She was sorry for her brother: for his misfortune!For his "immorality!" She thought what she said just now was a bit heavy.But she was doing it all for his own good.I hope my brother can realize that what she said is right.She loves her brother, and she hopes that her brother will always be the right person!She walked over, tugged on her brother's arm, and said softly: "Brother, don't worry about my words. As long as you figure it out now, there is still time to save things. You can talk to Liying and see if you can call me She remarried with Teacher Gao..."

The elder brother raised his head, wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, and said, "I feel sad that you don't understand me like this! I loved you since childhood, but now you don't understand me at all! Give me back my heart." Going up with a knife... I know that Gao Guanghou is a good man, but his misfortune was not caused by me. I am now married to a divorced woman, what is so immoral! I beg you, good sister, don't say Those words made me uncomfortable. Now I mainly think about it. After Liying and I get married, you are afraid that you will be under pressure in Gaomiao. Should you go to teach in another place... I beg her to understand me, and I am doing it for your own good... ..."

"No!" she interrupted him angrily, "I'm going to be there!" She turned sharply and almost ran away from the stadium. Before Lu Ruohua came home, his sister Lu Ruoqin picked up her bag and went back to Gaomiao Primary School.
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