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Chapter 19 The last scene of the nineteenth chapter

It was the first of May when the two finally came to the mouth of Rivendell, the last sanctuary in the world.Also, it was evening, and the ponies were very tired, especially the one in charge of carrying the luggage. They all felt that they needed to rest.As they went down the steep slope, Bilbo heard the elves singing in the forest, as if they hadn't stopped since he left.When they rode to the grassland, the elves sang the same song as before, and the content of the song was roughly like this: The dragon is finished, corpses lie at the bottom of the lake; The scales faded, The glory of the past disappeared in the smoke!

The sword will eventually rust, The crown and throne will be destroyed, People cherish gems, still believe in power, The grass is still green here, The leaves are still swaying, The clear stream still flows, Still the elves sing, Come!Crash la la la! Back to the valley again! The stars shine brighter, than costly jewels, Haoyue is as bright as before, Shine brighter than silver: The fire is warmer, In that dark land, How can it be compared to digging gold, Why travel thousands of miles? oh!Crash la la la! Back to the valley again. oh!where did you go Are you coming back so late?

Where is the river still flowing? The stars are still shining! oh!travelers with heavy luggage, Why so sad and tired? Elf and fair master, Welcome tired partner. Let's use hua la la la mile, back into the valley again, blah blah blah, Drizzling, drizzling, Patter! The Elves of the Vale came out to welcome them back, and led them across the brook to Elrond's dwelling.They were received with great enthusiasm, and many were eager to hear their adventures.It was Gandalf who spoke, for Bilbo was already a little drowsy, and he knew most of the stories because he had been in them.On the way back, or at Beorn's house, he also told the wizard most of the story; sometimes, though, he would open one eye and hear a part of the story he did not know yet.

Relying on this half-asleep and half-awake method, he knew where Gandalf had gone from the conversation between the wizard and Elrond.It appears that Gandalf attended some meeting called the White Council, a gathering of wizards who study history and good magic.They finally drove the necromancers out of their stronghold in the south of Mirkwood. "Soon," Gandalf was saying, "the forest will be as peaceful as it was before, and I hope that for many years the North will have no fear of any kind. However, I do hope that the Necromancers will be rid of them once and for all. Destroy this world!"

"Perhaps so," said Elrond, "but I fear not in this age, nor in many ages to come." After the story of their adventure was finished, and there were many others, stories of long ago, new stories, stories of unknown age, at last Bilbo dropped his head and began snoring comfortably in a corner. He woke up and found himself lying on a white bed, the moonlight came in through a window, and there were many elves singing joyfully on the bank of the river: Come on, let's sing together! The wind blows the treetops, blows the earth; The stars shine, the moon shines on the flowers,

The night window in the tower is extremely bright. Come on, let's dance together! The grass is soft, and everyone dances as lightly as feathers! The river is like silver, and the shadows are fading; Good times in May, seize this moment. We sing softly, let the beauty enter his dream! Let him fall into a deep sleep and stay in his heart! Sleep as a traveler, comfortable dream! Sleep well!Sleep well!Alder and willow bring you sweet dreams! Don't sigh the pine tree, be silent until the morning! Moon set!Darkness envelops! Hush!Hush!Silence all trees! The water flow is quiet until the sun shines in the morning!

"Well, you merry people!" said Bilbo, sticking out his head. "What time is it? Your lullabies could wake the Orcs! Thank you, though." "Your snoring could have woken the statue, but we thank you," they replied, laughing. "It's almost dawn, and you fell asleep just after dark last night. Maybe, you won't be so tired tomorrow." "A little sleep in Elrond's dwelling will do wonders for fatigue," said he, "but I will try to rest. Say good night again, fair friends!" And he lay down again Go back and sleep until the middle of the day.

In that room his weariness soon disappeared, and he laughed and sang with the Elves morning and night.However, even such a place can't delay his pace of going home, and he still only has the image of his hometown in his heart.So after a week he said good-bye to Elrond, and gave him some little presents, and Bilbo and Gandalf went away together. When they left the valley, the western sky became dark, and the wind and rain became the last show on their return home. "Good time in May!" said Bilbo, quoting the Elven lyric, as the rain beat on his face. "We are now out of the legend, and on our way home. That's the taste of nostalgia, I think."

"There is a long way ahead," said Gandalf. "But this is the last paragraph," answered Bilbo. They came to the river that marked the end of the Wildlands, and crossed the ford before the steep banks, perhaps you remember this way.As summer approaches, the snow melts and recent heavy rains have made the river much more turbulent.But they made it through safely, and, as night fell, embarked on the last stage of their journey. Except that there were fewer members in the team and it was much quieter, it was almost the same as before—by the way, there were no trolls to disturb it this time.At every particular place on the road, Bilbo would think of events from a year ago, and of every word and deed, but it seemed to him more like events of ten years ago.In this way, he soon came to the place where the pony fell into the river; it was here that they started a round with Tom, Bert and Bill.

Not far from the road, they found the gold that had been buried before, but it was still not found. "I've got enough, I've got enough food and clothing for the rest of my life," said Bilbo, as he dug up the gold. "You'd better take it, Gandalf. I bet you'll use it!" "Yes!" said the wizard, "but keep it for now! You may find out later that you need more gold!" So they put the gold in bags and put it on the backs of the ponies, who were not at all happy.After that, their progress slowed down a lot, because they spent most of the time walking.There is green everywhere here, and the hobbits are happy to step on the grass to enjoy it.He wiped his face with a red silk handkerchief - not his own, of course!He didn't even have a handkerchief left, which he had borrowed from Elrond.It was already June, summer was imminent, and the weather was getting very hot.

Everything has an end, and this story is no exception.Finally, one day they came to the hometown where Bilbo was born and raised. Every plant and tree here was as familiar to him as his own name.When he came to a hillside, and finally could see his knoll, he stopped and chanted: The road goes on and on, over rocks and trees, Through the depths where the sun never shines, Over valleys that never entered the sea, Through the winter snow, Walking through the sea of ​​flowers in June, Across the prairies and peaceful lands, Cross the mountain pass under the moon. the road keeps extending The clouds and stars shine, Wandering feet run back and forth, Finally on the way home. Eyes bright, swords flashing, Have seen the horrors in the underground halls finally stepped on the green grass See the familiar images of my hometown again. Gandalf looked at him. "My dear Bilbo!" he said, "there is something wrong with you! You are not the hobbit you used to be." They crossed the little bridge and came to the mill by the river, and at last they stood in front of Bilbo's own house. "Holy shit! How did this happen?" he exclaimed.It was crowded with people from all quarters, high and low, around the door, and so many people were coming and going that Bilbo was annoyed to see that they didn't even wipe their feet on the door rug. If he was surprised at this moment, then it was even more confusing after that-he actually caught up with an auction!Over the door hung a sign in red letters on a black background, which read: On the 22nd of June, Mr. and Mrs. Gruber and the Browss will sell for sale the property of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, who died at Bag End, Lower Hobbiton. the property of.The auction is expected to start promptly at ten o'clock. It was almost lunchtime, and most everything was sold, with prices ranging from freebies to outrageously high prices.In fact, Bilbo's relatives, the Sackville Bagginses, were busy measuring his room to see if their furniture could be moved in; When it was wrong, many people actually breathed a sigh of relief. The sudden appearance of Mr. Bilbo Baggins had caused a considerable commotion in the neighborhood, and even in the riverside district.Not only did this keep Hobbiton buzzing for quite a while, but the legal controversy continued for years; in fact, it took a while for Mr Baggins to be recognized as alive. The buyers who had made a fortune at the auction protested not to be outdone, and Bilbo bought back most of the furniture out of his own pocket to avoid trouble.Almost all of his silver spoons had mysteriously vanished, never to be seen again, which Bilbo personally believed to be the work of the Sackville Bagginses.They never would admit that Bilbo was really alive, and they hadn't gotten on very well with Bilbo ever since, all because they wanted so much to live in Bilbo's cave. However, it wasn't just the spoon that Bilbo lost. He also lost his reputation.He had indeed been called Friend of the Elves after that, and was respected by Dwarfs and Wizards and all who heard his stories; but he was not respected so much in these parts.All the hobbits in the neighborhood said he was "weird" behind his back, except for his nephews and nieces of the Took family line, but even their elders did not approve of these children's association with him. He doesn't really care about it all, he lives a fairly comfortable life of self-sufficiency.After that unexpected party that year, the sound of the kitchen kettle became the most beautiful music in his peaceful life.His sword hung on the mantelpiece, his chain mail hung on a shelf in his room (later lent to a museum), and most of his gold and silver were spent on expensive and rare gifts; It is also another reason why his nephews and nieces like him so much.His Lord of the Rings is known to no one else, for he uses its power to ward off unwanted visitors. He started writing poems and visiting elves, though everyone touched his head and sighed "Poor old Baggins!" when he was mentioned, and not many believed his stories.However, he still lived happily all his life, and his life was so enviable! A few years later, one autumn evening, Bilbo was sitting in his study writing his memoirs (he wanted to title the book Return of Adventure, A Hobbit's Holiday), when there was a knock at the door.It was Gandalf and a dwarf, in fact, he was Balin whom he had not seen for a long time. "Come in! Come in!" said Bilbo enthusiastically, and they all sat down by the fire.Barrin noticed that Mr. Baggins's coat was much richer (with real gold buttons), and Bilbo noticed that Barrin's beard had grown several inches, and that his jeweled belt was more dazzling. Of course, at once they began to recall their old adventures, and Bilbo asked how their country in the mountains was doing, and all seemed to be going well.Bud has rebuilt River Valley Town, and people from the south and west, as well as Long Lake Town, came to follow him, and the whole valley became very prosperous again, and the original wasteland became full of vitality, and the town of Long Lake was also rebuilt. , restored the previous prosperity, even more prosperous.The River Run became an important hub for the exchange of a large number of goods and merchants, and the elves, dwarves, and humans all established sincere friendships in this area. The end of the old mayor was not very good. Bud gave him a lot of gold and asked him to use it to help the people of Changhu Town.However, because he was afraid of the shadow of the dragon, he absconded and escaped from Changhu Town. In the end, he died of hunger and cold in the wilderness, and no one of his companions extended a helping hand to him. "The new mayor is wiser," Balin said, "and more popular, because most of the people credit him with the present prosperity. They write new songs about the gold flowing in the river under his rule. " "Then the ancient ballad has come true in some form!" said Bilbo. "Certainly!" said Gandalf, "why shouldn't it come true? Don't you believe in it just because you're part of it? Don't you think all this adventure and escape is just because you're lucky, The whole world only considers your safety, right? Mr. Baggins, you are a good man, I like you very much, but the whole world does not revolve around you!" "Thank goodness!" smiled Bilbo, handing the tin to Gandalf.
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