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Chapter 10 Chapter Seven The Unknown Secret

Dark Elf Ⅰ Homeland R·A·萨尔瓦多 4904Words 2018-03-12
"Do you really want to try?" Masuoji asked, his voice was extremely superior and unbelievable. Ayton's strange gaze turned to the student in front of him. "Take your anger elsewhere, Faceless," Masoji said, avoiding the scarred face of the mentor. "I didn't upset you! It's a very reasonable question for me to ask." "You've been learning magic for nearly ten years," Ayton responded. "But you are still afraid of exploring the underworld beside the master of the warlock school?!" "If you are really a master, I will not be afraid," Masoji said boldly.

Ayton ignored the other's comments the same way the Honnetts had babbled for the past sixteen years.Ma Suoji is the only connection between Ayton and the outside world. There is a powerful family behind Ma Suoji, while Ayton only has Ma Suoji. They went into the uppermost room of Ayton's house.There was only one candle there, and the light was absorbed by the dark tapestry and black stone bricks and carpets in the whole room.Ayton sat down on a stool next to a small round table and put a heavy book in front of him. "This spell is best left to the priest," Masoji sat in front of the faceless teacher, protesting, "Mages control the lower realms, but it's best for the dead to be managed by the priest."

Ayton looked around curiously, frowned and glared at Masuoji, his distorted face looked distorted and deformed under the jumping candlelight. "Looks like I don't have an obedient priest to use," the Faceless Man explained sarcastically.Or do you want to find another monster from the ninth floor of hell to help? " Masoji leaned back in the chair, shaking his head helplessly and sympathetically.Ayton has a point.A year ago, the Faceless Men summoned an Ice Demon seeking answers.This evil fellow froze the room so low it glowed black in the infrared spectrum, and broke a pile of priceless alchemy equipment.If Masuoji hadn't summoned the magic leopard to distract the ice demon's attention, neither he nor Ayton would be able to escape from the room alive.

"Okay," Masuoji had to compromise, and folded his hands on the table. "Call out your ghost, and go ahead and ask your questions." Ayton did not ignore the involuntary shaking of Masuoji's robe.He stared at the student for a moment, then went back to continue preparing for the spell. As Ayton's preparations for casting the spell were slowly completed, Masoji's hand subconsciously reached into his pocket, holding the agate cheetah statue that Ayton obtained on the same day as Ayton's identity as the Faceless Man.Attached to this tiny statue is a powerful spell that allows its bearer to summon a mighty cheetah.Masoj only used the statue when he had to, because he was unaware of the spell's limitations and potential dangers. "Only when there is no other choice." Masuoji quietly reminded himself while holding such a thing.That's weird, why is there no choice every time I'm with Ayton?The apprentice couldn't help but think.

Although Ayton looks very brave on the surface, he is actually as worried as Masuoji in his heart.Although the souls of the dead are not as destructive as the monsters of the underworld, they may be more cruel and cunning in their tormented days. Still, Ayton needed answers.In the past fifteen years, Ayton has used all possible channels to ask the masters and students about all the news about the destruction of the Defoe family; of course, they are all in a roundabout way.Many people know the rumors of that night, and some even know the tactics used by the rival houses that night. However, no one will specify the hand of that family.In Menzoberranzan City, even if everyone knew about this fact, without enough evidence to accuse, no one would name and say that it was the fault of that family.If there is a mountain of evidence to compel the ruling council to act and enforce their brutal justice, then the families that do it are wiped out.But with such a successful attack on the Deaver family, those who accuse the other party may instead be punished mercilessly by the snake whip.

"Don't cause embarrassment to everyone", perhaps the guiding principle in the dark elf city is more important than any form of honor, and their justice and axioms are all operating according to such norms. Ayton now has to use other methods to solve the problem.At first he tried to seek answers from the underworld, but the ice demon brought him a devastating end.Now, Ayton has one thing that can end his frustrations: a book of arcana written by surface mages.In dark elf society, only priests of the goddess Lolth can deal with the realm of the dead.Ayton found this book from the library of the warlock school, and he believed that he had translated enough content to make a communication with the spirit world.

He rubbed his hands, carefully opened the marked page, and read the spell for the last time. "Are you ready?" he asked Masoji. "No." Ayton ignored the guy's never-ending cynicism and put his hands flat on the table.Slowly he sank into the deepest state of prayerful meditation. "Fei Yina..." He accidentally pronounced it wrong, so he had to stop and clear his throat.Although Masuoji didn't study that spell carefully, he could hear the mistakes in it. "Fei Yin Nuan De Di Ming..." Another pause. "My God," Masoji grumbled in a low voice.

Ayton's eyes widened, staring at the annoying student. "This is the translation," he frowned. "It was translated from the strange language of human mages!" "Trash," Masoj said dismissively. "In front of me is a special spell book for a mage in the surface world," Ayton said patiently. "According to the half-orc who stole the spell book and sold it to us, he promised that it belonged to an archmage." He regained his composure, shook his bald head, and tried to return to the original state of meditation. "A simple, stupid half-orc could steal a spellbook from an archmage," Masoj echoed contemptuously, letting the exaggerated description speak for itself.

"The mage is dead!" Ayton yelled. "This book is real!" "Who translated it?" Masuoji replied calmly. Ayton refused to argue with him again.He ignored the narrow expression on Masuoji's face and started chanting the spell again. "Fei·Yinnuode·Diming·Disu·Dika." Masuoji was so bored that he was about to pass out, and he was trying to review the lessons he had just taken, hoping that his laughter would not disturb Ayton.He didn't think Ayton's attempt would be successful at all, but he didn't want to interrupt the idiot's chance to make a fool of himself, lest he have to listen to the strange spell all over again.

After a while, when Masoj heard Ayton's excited whisper: "Mother Ginafe?" He immediately turned his attention to what was happening in front of him. Indeed, an unusual puff of green smoke appeared over the candle flame, slowly taking shape. "Mother Ginafi!" Ayton whispered in surprise when the summoning was completed.The image floating before him was unmistakably the face of his dead mother. The soul scanned the room and asked in great confusion. "Who are you?" it said slowly. "I'm Ayton. Ayton Deaver, your son." "Son?" asked the soul.

"I don't remember having such an ugly son." "It's a disguise," Ayton replied quickly, looking back at Masuoji, expecting him to laugh as usual.If Masuoji had doubts about him before this, what he is showing now is completely different respect. Ayton smiled and continued, "It's just a disguise, so that I can walk in the city openly and avenge our enemies!" "What city?" "Of course Menzoberranzan." The soul still seemed incomprehensible. "Are you Gina Fey?" Ayton pressed. "Mother Ginafi Deaver?" The face of the soul twisted into a ball, considering this question. "I think... I used to be." "The fourth family of Menzoberranzan, the mistress of the Defoe family," Ayton reminded, looking even more excited. "High priestess of the goddess Rose." As soon as the holy name of the Spider God Empress was mentioned, that soul suddenly became enlightened. "Oh, no!" it cringed.Ginafe remembered now. "You shouldn't have done this, my ugly son!" "It's just a disguise," Ayton interjected. "I have to leave you," Ginafey's soul continued, looking around nervously. "You must release me quickly!" "But I need some news from you, Matron Ginafe." "Don't call me that!" the spirit screamed. "You don't understand! Goddess Rose to me..." "If you get into trouble." Masuoji said absently, as if everything had been expected. "I just want one answer!" Ayton pressed, refusing to let another chance to learn the name of the enemy slip away. "Come on!" the spirit screamed. "Tell me to destroy the enemies of the Deaver family." "Enemy?" Gina Fey wondered. "Yes, I remember that wicked night. It was-" The flame of the candle began to shake and deform, distorting Ginafee's image, and the last words became indistinct ravings. Ayton stood up abruptly. "No!" he yelled. "You must tell me! Who are our enemies?" "Are you going to count me in?" The image used a completely different voice than before.The power hidden in this voice made Ayton lose all blood in an instant.The image began to twist and change, becoming something uglier than Ayton's face.It was a horror that no one had ever experienced in the mortal world. Of course, Ayton is not a priest, so except for the superficial knowledge that men can learn!He had never delved into the religion of the dark elves.Still, he knew what monster it was that was floating before him now; for it looked like a sticky stick of melting wax: it was Waxmelt, handmaiden of Lolth. "How dare you interrupt Ginafey's torment?" growled the Waxmelt. "Damn it!" Masoji whispered, slowly getting under the black tablecloth.Even if he doesn't believe in faceless people like him, he never imagined that this ugly guy would get into such a big trouble. "But..." Ayton stammered. "Don't meddle in Demon Realm again, weak mage!" Wa Rong Yao roared angrily. "I didn't mean to offend the Abyss," Ayton protested weakly. "I just want-" "Talk to Ginafey!" the Waxmelt yelled. "The deceased priestess of the goddess Rose. Where do you think her soul will go? Stupid male! Is it in Olympus, enjoying happiness with those false gods of the surface elves?" "I don't think so..." "Have you ever thought about it?" Waxmelt Demon growled. "No." Masuoji replied secretly, carefully keeping away from this monster as much as possible. "Don't meddle in the affairs of the Demon Realm again," the Waxing Demon warned for the last time. "The Queen of the Spider God will not spare a man who dares to offend!" The creature's face continued to swell, far beyond the range of the puff of smoke.Ayton heard a strange gurgling sound, he kicked over the stool, and kept backing away until his back was against the wall; when he had no way to go back, he subconsciously raised his hands to cover his face . The Waxmelt Demon's mouth kept expanding, spitting out a lot of small things.They flew over Ayton, clinging to the walls around his body.Is it a stone?thought the faceless mage in confusion.The things grabbed Ayton's robes and started crawling towards his exposed neck.it's a spider-- A large group of eight-legged monsters rushed under the small table, causing Masoji to roll out nervously.He stood up in a hurry, turned his head, and watched Ayton trembling in a panic, stomping hard, trying to avoid most of the spiders. "Don't kill them!" Masoj screamed. "We shouldn't offend the worm--" "Death to those priests and their rules!" Ayton shrieked. Masuoji shrugged without choice, reached into the robe and took out the two-handed crossbow that killed the Faceless Man back then.He looked at the powerful weapon and the little spiders crawling around on the ground. "Will it be too powerful?" he asked loudly.Since no one answered, he shrugged himself and fired at the target. The heavy arrow drew a deep bloodstain on Ayton's shoulder.The mage looked at the wound in disbelief, glaring at Masuoji angrily. "You have a spider on your shoulder," he explained. Ayton's expression didn't change. "Don't know how to show gratitude?" Masuoji shouted. "Stupid Ayton, all the spiders are on your side. Remember?" Masoji turned to leave, but at the same time shouted back, "Good luck stepping on the spiders," he held out his hand to take Knob the door and go to another room.But suddenly the door was the face of Matron Ginafee.She had a smile on her face, coupled with an unbelievably big bloody mouth, a long and wet tongue stuck out, licking mucus all over Masoji's head and face. "Ayton!" he yelled, leaning against the wall, trying to avoid the disgusting long tongue.He noticed that the mage was concentrating on preparing to cast a spell.A swarm of spiders hungrily chased the smell of Ayton up his face as he tried his best to keep his mind focused. "You're dead." Masuoji shook his head and commented as a matter of course. Ayton struggled to recite the incantation, suppressing his nausea for these eight-legged monsters, and forced himself to complete the entire spell.After studying magic for so many years, he absolutely could not have imagined what he was going to do now.Even just mentioning such a situation would make him laugh out loud.Now, compared to the misfortune of being swallowed by the Waxing Demon, this is already a better choice. He threw a fireball at his feet. Masoj was completely naked from the burns, and even his hair was burned off; however, he still slammed through the door and escaped from the scorching purgatory inside.Ayton, who was covered in fire, rushed out immediately, rolled on the ground non-stop, put out the burning flames, and took off his clothes in twos and threes. As Masoj watched Ayton put out the flames on his body, a happy memory came to his mind; he couldn't help but say the thought that had been haunting him since this tragic moment: "That year I should have killed him while he was still trapped in the spider's web." Some time later, after Masuoji returned to his room to study the textbooks, Ayton put on the decorative metal wristbands that represented him as a master in the academy, and slipped out of the Warlock School quietly.He walked to the wide staircase leading down from Tir Bridger, and sat down quietly enjoying the view of Menzoberranzan. Even the majestic vista couldn't distract Ayton from his latest failure.He spent sixteen years, abandoning all ambitions and desires, and wholeheartedly wanted to find out the family that had wiped out his family.He also failed for sixteen years. He wondered how much time and energy he would spend.If Masoji is counted as his only friend, this friend has almost finished his studies in the warlock school.When Ma Suoji graduated and returned to the Henet family, what would he do? "Maybe I should just keep pretending," he said aloud, "and end up getting killed by some ambitious student, just like we killed the Faceless Men. I don't know if that student will disfigure himself and take my place." Status!" When Ayton thought of this ironic situation, his helpless lips couldn't help but hoarse laughter.The "Faceless Master" of the Warlock School.How long will it take for the matron dean of the academy to become suspicious?A thousand years?a thousand years?Or could the Faceless Men outlive Menzoberranzan?Being a Master wasn't such a bad way to live, Ayton thought.Many drow would be willing to sacrifice a great deal for such glory.
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