Home Categories Chinese Studies/Ancient Books Three Character Classic

Chapter 2 two

Three Character Classic 区适子 272Words 2018-03-20
All training must be paid attention to.Detailed exegesis, read famous sentences.As a scholar, there must be a beginning.At the end of elementary school, to the four books. The Analects of Confucius, twenty articles.Group of disciples, remember good words.For Mencius, stop at seven chapters.Talk about morality and benevolence. For the mean, Zisi pen.It is not easy to be neutral.It was Zeng Zi who became a university.Self-study Qi, to Pingzhi. Good at filial piety, familiar with four books.Such as the Six Classics, only readable.Poems and books are easy, and the ceremony is Spring and Autumn.The six classics should be emphasized.

There are Lianshan and Guizang.There are Zhouyi and Sanyi in detail.There is Dianmo, and there is Xungao.There is an oath, the mystery of the book. I am the Duke of Zhou, for Zhou Li.With the six officials, save the governance system.The size is worn, and the book of rites is noted.Tell the holy words, and prepare for ritual and music. It's called Guofeng, and it's called Yasong.The fourth poem should be satirical.Poetry is dead, and it is written in Spring and Autumn.Contain praise and criticism, don't be good or evil. The third passer has a ram.There is Zuoshi and Wuliang.After it is clear, Fang reads the child.Summarize the essentials and remember the facts.

Among the five sons, there is Xun Yang.Wen Zhongzi, and Lao Zhuang.
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