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Chapter 1 From Lao Tzu to Grand Tzu-1

I said 南怀瑾 12184Words 2018-03-20
The original book "Lao Tzu" is only 5,000 words. It can be said that it is a good article that covers a concept in almost one word, and covers three mysteries and three essential meanings in one sentence.It tells us many laws.For thousands of years, everyone has been studying Laozi, and there are research works handed down. There are as many as dozens of works by famous ancient and modern masters. If the search is wider, it may reach more than a hundred; Wanzi seems to have been studied and explained endlessly; and each person's interpretation is different, it seems that there are "every family of Laozi" or "every school of old learning".For example: when someone studies Lao Tzu's works, he becomes "XX Lao Tzu"; when someone interprets Lao Tzu's works, he becomes "XX Lao Tzu";Each has miscellaneous statements and different opinions, and it seems to have the feeling of treating silk and benefiting after reading.

Since modern times, many foreigners, including people from as far away as Japan and Korea, as far away as Europe, the United States, and even Oceania, have also liked to study Lao Tzu.They all raised their thumbs up and said: "The Chinese Laozi is very good." Asking them what is good, they have their own arguments, or they can't help but pick up the wisdom of others and follow what the predecessors said.But after all, we can value and praise our culture, which is worthy of our pride and joy; at the same time, it is also worthy of our reflection. Those who blindly worship foreign countries and forget or even reject their own culture should be ashamed of it.

Laozi is known as the master of Taoism and the leader of Taoism.Taoism is one of the mainstreams of Chinese culture. Whenever people mention Taoism, they must talk about Laozi, but most of them only talk about Laozi, and at most they are also called "Laozhuang".In fact, there are not only these two "big men" in Taoism. Try joking with friends: Taoism has three generations of figures, Lao Tzu, son-Ni Zi, and grandson.Of course, this is just a joke, they have no blood relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. However, Sun Tzu—Sun Wu, a native of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period, his military philosophy came from Taoism. The thirteen chapters of "The Art of War" he wrote express Taoist philosophy everywhere. He once helped King Helu of Wu to defeat the strong Chu. , and dominating the princes fully demonstrated the greatness of Taoism in terms of achievements; and the military philosophy in the thirteen chapters written by it can be said to have transcended time and space. Weapons have evolved to space, to biological and chemical warfare, while still inseparable from the scope of his military philosophy.

Ni Zi, originally surnamed Ni, and the word Ni originally meant son.It is said that Ni Zi is Ji Ranzi, is it true?Later generations are difficult to verify.But what is certain is that Ji Ranzi is a real person.It is also said that he is Fan Li's teacher.Fan Li helped King Gou Jian of Yue to restore the country, using the Taoist theory, and after Gou Jian returned to the country, he would naturally be rewarded with high officials and honors, but he didn't care about wealth, so he brought a beauty, a boat, and floated in the Taihu Lake. superior.This is exactly the Taoist demeanor of "successful success, fame, retirement, the way of heaven".Therefore, the jokes of the three generations of Lao Tzu, son, and grandson, even though they are jokes, are not fabricated out of thin air.In fact, if you study the works and thoughts of Lao Tzu, Ni Tzu, and Sun Tzu thoroughly, you can almost grasp the essence of "governance" in Chinese culture. This is worth noting.

Internally use Huang Lao externally to show Confucianism In the history of Chinese culture, before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the three schools of Confucianism, Mohism, and Taoism covered the entire cultural thought.After the Tang and Song Dynasties, they changed schools and became three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. These three schools shrouded Chinese cultural thought until the early days of the Republic of China.Then the "May 4th Movement" occurred. At that time, they wanted to "overthrow the Confucian family shop", which caused a wave of ripples in the mainstream of Chinese culture, which changed for a while, and then affected it for decades.

For these three schools, I often make a comparison: Confucianism is like a grain store, and it must not be opened.Otherwise, if Confucianism is overthrown, we will have nothing to eat—no spiritual food; Buddhism is a department store, like a department store in a metropolis, with all kinds of daily necessities, and you can go shopping at any time, and buy if you have money Some come back and go sightseeing without money. No one stops them, but everything in it is necessary for life and indispensable; Taoism is a drugstore. , you have to come to the door automatically. There is a reason for this metaphor.

A close reading of China's thousands of years of history reveals a secret.Every dynasty, at its peak, had a common secret in the governance of political affairs. In short, it was "use Huang Lao internally and Confucianism externally".This has been the case since the beginning of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and the subsequent founding periods of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing.The inner real and practical leadership thoughts are the learning of Huang (Yellow Emperor) and Lao (Lao Tzu), which is the Taoist thought in traditional Chinese culture.What is advertised on the outside, that is, what is expressed in publicity and education, is the thought of Confucius and Mencius and the culture of Confucianism.But this is just a slogan, just a signboard, and it can also be compared with the market slang of "selling dog meat", which means that one thing is said, and another is done.

The Connotation of Huang Lao So what is the content of the so-called Taoism of Huang Laozhi?Of course, Lao Tzu is the one who best represents Taoism. His book "Lao Tzu" (it was also honored as it was in the time of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty) is the most representative of Taoism, with the most systematic and specific descriptions.And it is Zhuangzi who expounds and interprets Lao Tzu most clearly and correctly, and promotes Taoism thought most thoroughly.A book written by Zhuang Zhou was honored as the "Nanhua Jing" in the Tang Xuanzong era.The principles discussed in it can be applied in politics, military affairs, education, economy and so on. usefulness.

This is not just referring to the inner seven chapters. In fact, for thousands of years, the scholarship of Zhuangzi secretly used in successive dynasties has taken the essence of the "Outer Chapter" and "Miscellaneous Chapters".Therefore, it is Taoism's Laozi and Zhuangzi's learning that has truly brought into full play the five thousand years of Chinese culture, especially the "Outer Chapters" and "Miscellaneous Chapters". This is what you must understand before studying Laozi. a fact of Modern people's concept of Taoism is the concept held by people after the Han and Tang Dynasties.Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the so-called "Taoism" and the so-called "Confucianism" of Confucius and Mencius were not separated. They were all the same word "Tao", and this word "Tao" represented China's religious views and also It represents Chinese philosophy—including life philosophy, political philosophy, military philosophy, economic philosophy, and even all kinds of philosophy, all of which are contained in the word "Tao".

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xiaolan, a famous scholar who edited Siku Quanshu, once said: "The truths and things in the world are all described in the books of the ancients. If you write them now, they still cannot exceed the scope of the ancients. Write more." This is indeed a famous saying.Just look at the ideological and academic works of scholars from all over the world today, all of which are based on the wisdom of the ancients, and even, to emphasize, all of them are what the ancient Chinese have said.Therefore, Ji Xiaolan never wrote a book in his life, but only compiled books—sorting out the classics of the predecessors and systematically classifying Chinese culture so that later scholars can learn. There is only one volume of his own works.

Because he relied on this attitude to learn, he naturally read a lot, and his understanding was deeper and more correct than others. He commented on Taoism's academics in eight words: "Comprehensive for a hundred generations, broad and subtle." It means that the cultural thoughts of Taoism include the entire culture of China for five thousand years. "Extensive" is all-encompassing, and "subtle" is extremely subtle and inconceivably subtle. However, Taoism also has a lot of disadvantages. The art of drawing talismans, chanting mantras, swallowing knives and spitting fire have all become Taoist culture, and yin and yang, feng shui, fortune-telling, fortune-telling, medicine, martial arts, etc., almost all include Inside, it all belongs to Taoist scholarship, so even though it is "comprehensive for a hundred generations, broad and subtle", it also has disadvantages because of it. Fun talk about setting things right "Laozi", a book with only 5,000 characters, seems to be easy to read from the surface of the text. If we also read it from the perspective of "comprehensiveness, broadness and subtlety", it is enough for us to discuss and explain up. Some people also say that when it comes to our history and culture, the so-called period of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties is the most popular era for the study of "Laozi" and "Sanxuan".However, the historical background of this era is a period of more than 200 years of turmoil, chaos, and social, political, economic, and cultural decline.However, in terms of philosophical thinking, due to the high-spirited speeches of intellectuals, it has also been raised to the extreme, so some people say that the study of the "Three Mysteries" is a book of decline and chaos, because every era of decline and chaos, the study of the "Three Mysteries" will be especially welcome.This is in the turmoil, people lose their spiritual sustenance, so they hope to find a way out from this aspect.They went a step further and said that in this century, these three things are very popular, which shows that this era is, of course, an era of decline and chaos. Actually, not necessarily as they say.For any one thing, different positions have different views.Depending on the angle you stand at, the impression you see will be different.When we look at Chinese history, the heydays of the Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties were all derived from the "Three Mysteries" and used in the world.Moreover, in Chinese history and culture, there is an uneasy rule. Whenever the turmoil of the times reaches the extreme and there is no cure, the characters who come out to "put things right" are all Taoist figures.However, they have their usual style - "Success, fame, retirement, the way of heaven." Help others to make the world a success, or in private business, help others get rich and become the boss, Then drift away by himself.For example, Yi Yin and Fu Shuo in the Tang Dynasty, Jiang Taigong in the Zhou Dynasty, Fan Li in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, Zhang Liang and Chen Ping in the Han Dynasty, and Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period are all Taoist figures.Jiang Taigong and Fan Li fully realized the "way of heaven" of "success, fame, and retirement"; Zhang Liang was a little bit close, and finally wanted to retreat but couldn't, so his ability was not great; It is completely a Confucian attitude, and it is appropriate to "dedicate yourself to death and die." For example, Wei Zheng in the Tang Dynasty, Liu Bowen in the Ming Dynasty, Fan Wencheng in the Qing Dynasty, etc., there are many unknowable and uncountable Taoist figures. A few decades ago, there was a popular trend in China to study Ming history. In fact, Ming history is the most difficult to study in the study of dynastic history. If you focus on the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, you should pay attention to the fact that most history writers do not use it. These are several articles written by Zhu Yuanzhang himself, which indeed have great historical value.It is pointed out in these articles that there are several Taoists who helped Zhu Yuanzhang conquer the world.In fact, they are all Taoist figures pretending to be crazy and stupid on the surface.One of them is Zhou Dian, a native of Jianchang, Jiangxi Province. People only know his surname Zhou, but not his name. Because he often goes crazy in the streets, they call him Zhou Dian. In fact, he is a Taoist and immortal.Zhu Yuanzhang tried him many times. Once he put him in a steamer, covered it with a large vat, and steamed it with hot water for a long time. Zhu Yuanzhang thought it should be cooked, so he moved the vat and opened the steamer to observe. Unexpectedly, he did something in it. The steam bath is the same as the popular sauna or Turkish bath, sweating profusely, and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Hello! Your career can be completed. It's so comfortable!" Zhu Yuanzhang had nothing to do with him.But every time Zhu Yuanzhang encountered difficulties, he would show up to help.For example, when fighting Chen Youliang, he also went all the way. Zhu Yuanzhang thought that if this lunatic appeared, he would encounter trouble. This time to fight Chen Youliang, it was originally a difficult and dangerous war, but he came again, which is really annoying. So he wanted to sink Zhou Dian into the river.Zhu Yuanzhang led his troops to Nanchang, but he still appeared out of nowhere.Sure enough, at the critical moment on the battlefield, he helped Zhu Yuanzhang again. These characters are too mythologized, and most of the official histories are Confucian characters. Because of their traditional concepts, many historical facts are not included.In fact, there are many such historical materials described in Zhu Yuanzhang's own works, and here is just one example. Taishang Laojun and Li Laozi Now go back through the historical era.For example, the most famous "Government of Wenjing" in the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Han and Emperor Jing's father and son succeeded each other, which was the peak period of the Han Dynasty's heyday; Whispering with Concubine Yang, Tang Minghuang vowed to "be a lovebird in the sky, and a branch in the earth". When they were young, they used Taoist learning in the early days of their foundation—that is, "use Huang Lao internally and Confucianism externally." ".The two eras of Han and Tang, that is, the entire history, are considered to be the most impressive eras. From this, it can be proved that Taoist scholarship has the most important value in the opportunity to "put order out of chaos," and we cannot be ignorant of it. Looking at modern historical facts, the Qing army entered the customs, ruled the Chinese nation with a population of 400 million at that time, and established the Qing Empire.The strategy used, the highest philosophical thought of leading politics, is the academics of "Lao Tzu", and the art of war he uses does not pay attention to "Sun Tzu", nor does he use other military books, he simply studies it. To study the scholarship of "Lao Tzu" and use it in politics, economy, education, military affairs, society, etc.; especially the relationship with the founding period of the country, it is necessary to study clearly the things of the past dynasties since Kangxi, then you can probably know the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi of used. Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty became emperor when he was twelve years old.At that time, the territory of China was not completely under his rule. There were four powerful feudal towns and princes outside, and powerful ministers who held great power inside. His throne was still crumbling.However, in the next few years, he was able to remove internal obstacles and level off external forces, further laying the foundation for the Qing Dynasty for more than two hundred years.Thanks to his more than 60 years of hard work, he has laid the foundation for Shengping to rule the world, and this is not by accident.It can be said that with the achievements of the Qing Dynasty, it was more prosperous and prosperous than the Han and Tang Dynasties. Looking back at the traces of history and looking forward to the future, the turbulent era we are in now will probably not last for too long. According to the deduction of the laws of history, it should be after Dingmao in 1987 that our national destiny The fate of the country is just beginning to turn towards the prosperity of Kangxi and Qianlong, and it can last for two or three hundred years. I hope that modern youths will take advantage of this opportunity. Then, they must understand Lao Tzu's ideology. Most modern people call the book "Lao Zi" or "Lao Zi Te Ching", because the first part of this book is about "Tao" and the second half is about "virtue", so it has another name, and it is far from the Han, Tang, there is such a division.According to the "Tao Te Ching Stele" established by Long Xingguan in Yizhou in the second year of Emperor Zhongzong of Tang Dynasty (AD 708), the content is the book "Lao Tzu", and the front of the stele is engraved with "Tao Jing" 37 chapter, and the forty-four chapters of the "German Classic" engraved on the back.In addition, in Mou Zi's "Li Huo Lun" contained in "Hong Ming Ji", there is a saying that "the reason is correct in thirty-seven articles, and also thirty-seven chapters of Pharaoh's Dao Jing", and Shan Zi is from the Han Dynasty.It can be seen from this that as far back as the Han Dynasty, some people had divided the book "Lao Tzu" into two classics, Tao and De.However, the use of three characters to collectively refer to the book "Laozi" may have followed the habit since the Tang Dynasty. These are matters of textual research, so we will not delve into them for the time being. There is an interesting story in the Tang Dynasty. From this story, we can see the other side of human nature. As wise as Tang Taizong, after he became emperor, because of the origin of his surname - "Li", it was very strange in the legend.According to ancient myths and legends, the first ancestor of the surname Li was Lao Tzu. People as far back as the Yao and Shun era were born under the plum tree, so they took the surname Li.It is even said that his mother had been pregnant for eighty-one years, so when he was born, his beard and hair were all white, and he immediately became the Taishang Laojun. This is a legend about the birth of Laozi and the origin of his surname. The origin of Tang Taizong's surname Li, from the study of the origin and clan origin of Chinese surnames, there are various theories.But after he became the emperor, he must trace the lineage of the family ancestors more gloriously.Just like any nation in the world, if it has made achievements in the society of people, it must find its root, and it must make that root a little bit brighter.This is an inevitable truth of human nature.In the same way, Tang Taizong also wanted to find his roots, and he also wanted to find a glorious root.Looking back at history, Lao Tzu is the best of the people with the surname Li, and his academic achievements are very remarkable, so he tried to say that he is a descendant of Lao Tzu.But Lao Tzu was only successful in theory, and he had to be promoted a little higher. Later, Li Tang's descendants praised him as the leader of Taoism, became "Taishang Laojun", and was named the leader of Taoism.Taoism actually became the official state religion of the Tang Dynasty, but there was no title of "state religion" at that time. In fact, the emperors, queens, and concubines of the Tang Dynasty had to receive talismans just like Buddhist precepts.People like Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei all received talismans. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, also had the same idea, and he chose Zhu Xi, so he praised Zhu Xi.Originally, he wanted to associate his ancestors with Zhu Xi, but he was a generation of emperors after all, so this kind of thing should not be too forceful.Only people like Zhang Xianzhong, when he was wandering around doing harm, called Zhang Fei Temple one day and found out that the god enshrined in the temple was Zhang Fei. He ordered his subordinates to make sacrifices.However, he himself could not understand the sacrificial rites made by the poor literati under the tent, citing classics, and was very dissatisfied. He killed several literati in a row, and finally wrote by himself: "Your surname is Zhang, and my father is also surnamed Zhang. , let's join the clan!" In this way, the clan was connected and became the laughing stock of Qianqiu. However, when Zhu Yuanzhang planned to bring Zhu Xi into the ranks of his ancestors, one day he met a barber whose surname was Zhu, and asked the barber if he was a descendant of Zhu Xi. The barber said, "I am not a descendant of Zhu Xi, and Zhu Xi is absolutely not." My ancestor." Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Zhu Xi is a senior scholar, you just admit it!" The barber said: "Absolutely not." This made Zhu Yuanzhang's thought of "marriage marriage" shaken, and he changed his mind. , I feel that a barber among the common people is unwilling to recognize his ancestors indiscriminately, and he himself became the emperor, so why should he recognize Zhu Xi as his ancestors, because the original idea was dispelled.But for Zhu Xi, he still tried his best to praise him.For example, in the Ming Dynasty, one had to read the "Four Books" annotated by Zhu Xi to seek fame and fame. Later, in the Qing Dynasty, following the stories of the Ming Dynasty, the "Four Books" annotated by Zhu were used as the standard for judging superiority and deciding which ones to choose in the examination system. Emperor Wen of Han made good use of Lao Tzu's magic weapon Laozi, since the Tang Dynasty, and promoted by the emperor, it has been more valued and popular.But what is the correct meaning of the words "Tao" and "De"?Wait until the original text is discussed. Now let’s look at a historical story to understand the reason why Huang-Lao’s theory occupies an important position in Chinese history, so that those who study Huang-Lao can grasp the correct direction of research, and then, from the application of Huang-Lao’s theory, Enter the "health regimen" of metaphysical personal self-cultivation, and the confluence with Confucius and Mencius. In the history of China, Taoism first exerted the greatest influence at the beginning of the founding of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty. The talents who established the greatest achievements were Zhang Liang and Chen Ping, and they were all Taoists. In history, the "rule of Wen Jing" in the prosperous age of the early Han Dynasty was advertised. The ideological leadership of Han Wen and Han Jing father and son both used the Taoist theory of "Huang Lao".On the other hand, it can also be said that it has a close relationship with the mother's teaching, because the mothers of Emperor Wenwen and Emperor Hanjing both liked to study "Laozi" and were greatly influenced by it.In such a family education and the trend of the times, under the great influence of the surrounding environment, the highest leadership theory of political philosophy, the most profound expression is Emperor Hanwen. Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, died within a few years of his reign, and the power fell into the hands of his wife Lu Zhi. Few people can get rid of the most seductive power in the world, so Empress Lu wanted to take advantage of the situation. By the way, the throne should be transferred to the natal family.However, the civil servants and military generals who fought with Liu Bang back then did not take it seriously because of their deep robes, so when Empress Lu died, they rose up to cut off the power of the Lu family.During this period of time, politics, economy, society, etc., were all very chaotic. Although the power of the Lu family was flattened, the ministers wanted to find Liu Bang's son to succeed the emperor, but Liu Bang's son was almost killed by Empress Lu, and only one youngest son, Liu Heng, was entrusted as acting king in the northwest frontier. Adjacent to the Xiongnu - the barren desert of Inner Mongolia.Because his mother, Bo Shi, likes to follow the Taoist line of "purity and inaction". She is similar to modern people who only knock on wooden fish and chant Buddha. killed.At this time, the ministers deliberated and found this acting king who was far away in the frontier, simple-minded, ascetic, and moral, and invited him to the capital Chang'an to inherit Han Zuo. He was the later Emperor Hanwen. It is very interesting to study this period of history and apply it to the study of Huang Lao. Liu Heng, who took the title of acting king, was left out in the frontier. Suddenly, it was rumored that someone from Chang'an came to invite him to return to the central government to be the emperor.However, after he knew the news, he went to ask his mother whether he should accept the invitation.At this time, two important cadres of Liu Heng, one is Lang Zhongling - similar to the modern secretary-general - Zhang Wu, and the other is the lieutenant - similar to the modern chief of staff - Song Chang.Zhang Wu believes that this is the most chaotic time for the central government, and a group of ministers in the court are all people who fought with Liu Bang. clear.But Song Chang opposed this statement. He analyzed the situation and thought it was possible to go.He said, since the tyranny of Qin Shihuang, the world has been in chaos, and heroes from all over the world have risen to resist the violence, and it is your father Liu Bang who finally unified the world.The common people in the world think that the world belongs to your Liu family. Although Empress Lu seized power this time, it was only a short time, and the hearts of the world still belong to Liu.Now that the ministers have stabilized the political turmoil, if they hadn't seen clearly where the people's hearts are going, they wouldn't have come to the distant frontiers to welcome you back to be emperor.Now that the world is returning to the heart, the general trend is under control, why not go?The opinions of the two were exactly the opposite, and it was difficult to make a decision. When I finally asked my mother for instructions, the old lady who was familiar with "Laozi" used the principle of inaction and the principle of using and not using: "First send uncle Bo Zhao to Chang'an Go and have a look!" It means to send an ambassador to observe the situation and collect some information.The ambassador's uncle came back from Chang'an and reported the situation that he could take over the throne, so Liu Hengcai led Zhang Wu, Song Chang and other cadres to Chang'an to prepare to take over the throne. At this time, Liu Heng's status was still acting king, not an emperor, but one of Liu Bang's several sons, and he was even reluctant to be a prince. At most, he could only be said to be equivalent to a prince.On the other hand, at this time, the power of the central government of the Han Dynasty was already in the hands of Zhou Bo alone.When Liu Heng came from the frontier to the Weiqiao area outside Chang'an, the capital, Zhou Bozao led all the civil and military officials and knelt down to meet him, and Liu Heng immediately knelt down to return the salute.This is when Liu Hengzhi became Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty. He knew that the situation at this time was very delicate, and it was difficult to deal with it. Besides, he had not yet ascended the throne, so he immediately knelt down and paid homage. This is the spirit of Lao Tzu - "modesty". "Lao Tzu" said: "I have three treasures, namely, compassion, frugality, and daring not to be the first in the world." These are the three magic weapons of Lao Tzu.In his lifetime, Emperor Wenwen of Han practiced these three magic weapons of Lao Tzu. However, Zhang Wu and Song Chang, who are around Liu Heng, are also great and important cadres, and they have both studied Huang Lao's learning deeply.After saluting at Weiqiao, Zhou Bo said to Liu Heng: "Dai Wang! I will take a step back with you and have a few words alone." At this time Song Chang came out and said: "No. May I ask Mr. Is what Wang reported an official matter? Or a private matter? If it is a private matter, then you are selfless today. If it is an official matter, please speak up in public, why take a step back?” Song Chang is indeed a good chief of staff, and this is Lao Tzu’s way Selfless negative use. Zhou Bo couldn't help it, so he said: "Nothing else, it's just business." Song Chang said: "What's the matter?" On behalf of the king.Liu Heng took Yuxi, as usual, he is the emperor, but he said: "This is not possible, I am new here today, I don't understand the situation, the affairs of the world, I may not be the emperor, there are many people who can be the emperor , I’m just taking care of the jade seal first, and I’ll talk about it later.” This is the way of Huang Lao’s "use and not use", want and don’t.Modesty is modesty, what is needed is still needed. After he received the jade seal, he still didn't take the throne immediately. He lived in the hotel for nine months without doing anything. He waited until everything had been observed clearly before announcing his accession to the throne.First, among his brothers of the same clan, there are some older than him, and some children of distant uncles and uncles, which can be regarded as the clan of the Liu family.Second, the old generals who had started a business with Liu Bang before and held military power were scattered in all directions, and there were a large number of them.The internal political foundation is not solid enough, and the external strength is empty. I don't have a soldier in my hand, but I just get a big seal carved in jade. What can I print? However, after nine months of investigation, he found that the most difficult to deal with was the local forces south of the Yangtze River, including Yuanxiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and even Yunnan, Guizhou and other places south of the Wuling Mountains in Jiangxi. Tuo, when Empress Lu was in chaos, he heard that his brothers in his hometown were executed and his ancestral graves were dug up. He felt very resentful towards the Han Dynasty.After the death of Empress Lu, he saw that there was no one in charge of the central government of the Han Dynasty, so he proclaimed himself emperor, and sent troops to the border of Changsha, Hunan, preparing to attack north. Zhao Tuo was originally from Hebei. He was one of the heroes who rose up at the same time as Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty and resisted the tyranny of Qin. After Qin Shihuang was defeated, he failed to develop in the north, so he went to the south to serve as a county magistrate in Guangdong, and died as a county magistrate. At that time, the county government was handed over to him, and he called himself the king of Nanyue.At that time, the area south of Wuling was undeveloped, and it was a wild and smoky place. Han Gaozu had no choice but to send Lu Jia, a capable member of Taoism and Confucianism, as an ambassador, and simply recognized the status of Nanyue King.Later, because Queen Lu was sorry for him, after the death of Queen Lu, he also thought he was qualified to be the emperor and spy on the Han Dynasty. half a book on paper In a situation like this, what should we do?If it is said that sending troops to fight Zhao Tuo, this main battle idea will make the problem more serious, and the decision-making should not be negligent. The outcome of the civil war is unknown, and it is hard to say who the world belongs to!Therefore, he had to make another plan. In view of this, Emperor Wenwen of the Han Dynasty had no choice but to use Huang Lao's way besides improving the internal affairs after he assumed the position of emperor. According to historical records, there are two letters about Emperor Han Wen dealing with this big problem, one of which was sent by Emperor Han Wen to Zhao Tuo, and the other was written by Zhao Tuo in reply to Emperor Han Wen. The battle was invisible and countless lives were saved. Of course, things are not so simple. In addition to writing this letter, Emperor Han Wen also had internal affairs measures, military deployment, etc., and selected a sophisticated special envoy, Zhao Tuo's old friend Lu Jia.Proper arrangements have been made in all aspects, a favorable situation has been set up, and the strength of this letter has been increased, so it has received great expected results. From these two letters, it is not difficult for us to get a glimpse of the spirit and connotation of Huang and Laozhi.Now, let us first introduce the original text of the two letters here, and then make a general analysis. Emperor Wen of Han bestowed a letter to Zhao Tuo, king of Nanyue The emperor would like to ask the king of Nanyue how hard he has worked.The son of Emperor Gao's concubine, he abandoned his foreign affairs and enshrined the Northern Domain in his generation, The road is far away, blocking Pu Yu, and he has never written a book.Emperor Gao abandoned his officials, Emperor Xiaohui came to the world, Empress Gao died When things happen, unfortunately, there is an illness, and the daily progress is not declining, so it is almost cured.Zhu Lu messed up the law because of changes, so he couldn't rule alone. He took his surname as the heir of Emperor Xiaohui.The spirit of Lai Zongmiao and the strength of the heroes have been punished.I am a prince Because the official did not release him, he had to stand up, and now he is on the throne. Nai Zhe heard that Wang Yi, General Long, was worried about Hou Shu, begging to marry Kundi, and please dismiss the two generals in Changsha.I take the king's book, Dismiss general Boyang Hou; those who are close to Kunming in Zhending have sent people to ask questions and repair the ancestors' families. The day before yesterday, I heard that the king sent troops to the border, and the disasters continued for the bandits.At that time, Changsha was suffering, especially Nanjun.although Kingdom of kings, is there any benefit?More soldiers will be killed, and good generals will be injured.widow's wife, son of a widow, alone If one of my parents dies ten times, I can't bear to do that. I want to ask the officials who have the canine teeth.The official said: Emperor Gao introduced the land of Changsha.I don't Can change Yan.The official said: The king's land is not enough to be considered great; the king's wealth is not enough to be considered rich; In the south, the king governed himself.Although, the name of the king is the emperor.The two emperors stand side by side, and the envoys of the dead one can lead to their way, It is also a struggle.If you fight but don't give in, the benevolent don't do anything.I would like to part with the king and let go of the past troubles. From now on, I will continue to communicate with you as before. Therefore, Jia was sent to tell Wang Zhen what he wanted, and the king accepted it, so that he would not be a disaster for the bandits. He sent fifty clothes to Chu, and three to Chu in the middle. Ten clothes, left behind by the king, may the king listen to the entertainment and worries, and save and ask neighboring countries. Nanyue King Zhao Tuo's Letter to Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty Tuo, the chief elder of the barbarians, wrote a letter to His Majesty the Emperor after death: I am an official from Yue.Gao Huangxing The minister Lunxi was given to the king of Nanyue, and the Emperor Xiaohui couldn't bear the righteousness, so the old man was very generous. Empress Dowager uses things, different from barbarians, and issued an order saying: Do not share gold and iron, field utensils, horses, cattle and sheep.old man secluded In this place, the teeth of horses, oxen and ferns are growing day by day, and if you don't practice sacrifices yourself, you will be punished with death, and the three generations will write a letter to thank you, but you will never turn back. It is also rumored that the graves of the parents have been destroyed, and the brothers and clans have been condemned.The officials and ministers said: "It is not possible to be stronger than the Han Dynasty today. To die outside is to be different from oneself.Therefore, changing the name to the emperor, since the emperor owns the country, is not harmful to the world.Emperor Gao was furious upon hearing this, Cutting down the nationality of South Vietnam made it difficult for envoys.The old man secretly suspected the Changsha king's slander, so he sent troops to replace him. The old man has lived in Yue for forty-nine years, and now he holds grandson Yan.However, if you wake up early and sleep at night, you can't sleep well; if you don't like eating sweet, It's okay to be a Han.Today, your Majesty is very sympathetic, and the old name is restored, and the envoy is the same as before. Don't dare to be an emperor. Now, let's analyze these two letters. The letter written by Emperor Wen of Han to Zhao Tuo, King of Nanyue, can be judged from a literary point of view and from its writing skills. Perhaps it was not written by someone like the secretary-general, but by Emperor Wen of Han himself. He wrote a letter in his own hand, which also shows his sincerity. Then carefully study its text: from "the emperor would like to ask the king of Nanyue how hard he has worked,... he has to stand, and now he is on the throne." Wang Greetings said: "You have worked hard with good intentions." He also said that he himself was nothing special, but that he was my father Liu Bang, the son of the little wife of Han Gaozu, who was always looked down upon by others and sent to the northern frontier, a long journey away. , the transportation is even more inconvenient, "obstructing Pu Yu", I was not knowledgeable and stupid at that time, so I am sorry, I didn't usually write a letter to greet you.With just such a sentence, Zhao Tuo was attracted.Assuming that it is written in a modern vernacular letter, it means: "Uncle Zhao, hello, you have worked hard! It is very troublesome, right? I am nothing special, but they insist on making me sit on this seat and become emperor, so I have to do it wrong. Now that I have ascended the throne, I seldom gave you gifts before, but now I send you a ham and ask someone to visit you on my behalf." Such a careless thought. Look at his second and third paragraphs again, from the gist of the two paragraphs "I heard the letter from General Long Wo Hou of Wang Yi... I can't bear to do it". He first said: Now that I am the emperor, I know that you once wrote a letter to General Long Luhou, because you left your hometown because of the revolution with your late father. Therefore, I wrote to him to contact you, and I hope that the central government will remove the two border commanders in Changsha, Hunan.General Long Luhou has reported your letter to me, and I have approved your request, mobilized one of the two generals you requested to be replaced, and I have also sent troops to protect your family and brothers in the north. All right, and have your ancestors' graves repaired. This short passage, on the surface, seems to be a warm and sincere comfort.In fact, it is equivalent to saying: "Don't move around; otherwise, I can wipe out your family and clan, and even dig up your ancestral grave."Although these words were not clearly written, Zhao Tuo could feel them implicitly between the lines. Then he knew the advantages and disadvantages, and said in the third paragraph, you sent troops to the border, and you caused endless disasters. The people in the Changsha area on the southern border were terribly disturbed by you. It is in the southeast area. Your confidant is like Guangdong. Didn't the people in China, Guangxi and other places suffer terribly because of your war?战争对你又有什么好处呢?结果只是“多杀土卒,伤良将吏”,一个战役下来,损失许多你自己多方培养而成的优良军事干部,兵员的死亡,更不计其数。于是许多人,丈夫死了,太太守寡;父亲死了,孩子成孤儿;儿子死了,父母无依成独夫。最后可能你的国土也完了,像这样悲惨残酷的事,在我则是不忍心去做的。 第四段,他更进一步,借“吏曰”的话,就自己的利害立场,表达了自己的宽宏大度,而且在无责备的言语中,责备了赵佗的擅自称帝与不仁。因此说,我本来要整理内政,将边界上与你犬牙相错的领土,重新勘定规划,我问管内政的大臣,他们报告说,高祖在位时,就分封了湖南以南的土地,归你管理。这是老太爷留下来的制度,不能随便变更。依据他们的意见,中国本来是我刘家的,纵然把你现在所管理的土地归并过来,在我也并没有增加多少,因此,这湘、赣以南的地区,我还是要委托你去统治。不过你也自称皇帝,使一个国家有两个元首,是你有意造反嘛!这就不对了。你只晓得讲斗争,谁又不懂斗争呢?你却不懂“仁而谦让”的更高政治哲学。希望你放弃过去的意见,好好听中央的指挥,从今天起,恢复以前的政治关系,治理好你的地区。 汉文帝亦很会用人,他所派送这封信的大使,选择了陆贾,这位老先生是汉高祖以来专门作特使的人,而且每次都能完成任务,第一次说服赵佗的就是他。汉文帝因此在信上最后说:我叫你的老朋友陆贾转达我的意思,希望你立刻接受,不要造反。另外送给你在中原最贵重的礼物,愿意你“听乐娱忧,存问邻国”这八个字的结语,在作文的文法上,正和开始的“甚苦心劳意”五个字,遥遥相应,首尾相接,妙到毫巅。而其内容含意,更见深厚,就是说:你也年纪大了,不要野心勃勃,想当什么皇帝。年纪大的人,每天玩玩,听听音乐,喝喝咖啡,或者打太极拳,游山玩水,下盘棋乃至打八圈卫生麻将也无妨,再不然去邻国访问,做些睦邻工作也好,这样安安分分多好,大可不必自寻烦恼啦! 综读全文,真是好厉害的一封信,字字谦和,可字字锋利如刃。南越王赵佗读了,自然心里有他的盘算:如今刘邦有了一位如此厉害的小儿子即位,自己万万不如他,看来这天下不可能属于自己的,只有赶快见风转舵,退步,撤兵。 赵佗比汉文帝大几十岁,已经自称皇帝。这一来又自己取消了皇帝的名号,回一封信给汉文帝,可也是用的道家手段,试看赵佗回信的原文就知道。 他一开始,就对于汉文帝自称只是刘邦侧室所生小儿子、没有什么了不起的谦辞,说道:“我也没有什么了不起,不过是蛮子里的一个头目,而且是一个年纪大了的糟老头子,我该死,对不起你,向你再拜叩。不是我造反,而是你的那位大妈——吕后,如何如何不对,才逼我做的。” 看这赵佗,好伶俐的口齿,这么轻轻一拨,把一件诛灭九族的叛逆弥天大罪,推到一个已死的老太婆身上,而且这个老太婆,亦是汉文帝心目中深恶痛绝的人,赵佗所说的也是事实。 接着他说:“老夫处越四十九年”,暗示我是与你父亲刘邦同时起来革命的人,现在统治两广四十九年了,“今抱孙焉”,我孙子都很大了。可是,我这大把年纪,还要训练部队,准备作战,“夙兴夜寐”,睡也睡不好,吃也吃不好,实在太辛苦了,这都是你大妈做的那些事情,使我没有办法报效中央,不得已才如此做的,并不是我想造反。现在你大皇帝如此之好,又怜悯我这老人,送了这许多珍贵的东西,恢复我的王位,这样我就放心了,相信死了以后,也不会被挫骨扬灰,我当然听话,绝不自称皇帝。 就这样往来的两封信,消弭了一场可怕的大战,这就是黄老之道。所以深懂得黄老之道的人,其运用之妙,能兵不血刃而使天下太平。 实际上,赵佗行文到中央时,绝对不称王,只称老夫是“蛮子的头目”,在他自己的领域内,还是当他的皇帝,自称不误。汉文帝也不是不知道,只是睁只眼,闭只眼,大家过得去,就暂时算了。因为自春秋战国以来,五百年左右的战乱结果,全国民穷财尽,不但是财富光了,人才也没有了,这时最重要的,是培养国家的元气。但这不是短时间可以办到的,所以对赵佗在南方的闭关自守,暂不过问。 此后,没有几年,北方的匈奴作乱,汉文帝也是写了一封比给赵佗还更简短的信,只对匈奴的领袖说了几句话,就把一场战争化解了。所以,从汉文帝在位的二十三年,他儿子景帝——刘启在位十六年,一直到他孙子武帝——刘彻初期的一共五六十年间,国家民族安定,成就了汉代辉煌的文化,奠定了汉朝四百年政权的深厚基础。 汉文帝个人的道德修养,当然是学老子,行黄老之道。例如:他即皇帝位后,所穿的一件袍子,一直穿了二十年,补了又补,就没有换一件新的,这不是矫揉造作,完全出于道德修养,老子“慈”、“俭”、“不敢为天下先”三宝之一的奉行。然后,又尽量减轻刑罚,更改法律与社会制度,财经上减轻税赋,种种改变,宽大到极点。历史的记载,汉文帝当了二十几年皇帝,监狱中几乎没有犯人,这是著名的“文景之治”的景象。
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