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Chapter 9 preamble

Friendship: Whether in the Underdark or on the surface of the Forgotten Realms, this term has different meanings for different races and civilizations.In Menzoberranzan, friendship is generally born of mutual benefit.When the alliance is beneficial to both parties, the relationship is safe.Loyalty, however, is by no means a drow creed, and once a friend believes that he can gain greater benefits by ditching the other, he cuts through the mess, letting the friendship end and usually the other's life with it. I have had very few friends in my life, and I don't think that would change if I lived a thousand years.Even so, there is no need to be overly sentimental, for I have benefited greatly from the noble character of those who have treated me as friends, enriching my experience of life.First up was Zach Nafein, my father and mentor, who made me understand that I was not alone and encouraged me to stand up for what I believe in.Zaknafein saved me from the blade and the chaos, evil and blind faith that destroyed my people.

But I was still lost until a deep gnome with a broken arm entered my life.Years ago, I saved Dinin's life from the ruthless knife.My actions paid off.Years later I reunited with the swarms, but this time I was at their mercy.If it hadn't been for Belvar Diseng, I might have been killed - though I would have preferred to have died then. My time at Blingdenstone was a short one in a long life.I am still impressed by the city and its inhabitants, and I will always remember them.It was the first society I came into contact with that was not sustained by selfish individualism, but was based on mutual aid and cooperation.The deep gnomes fight against the hostility and dangers in the Underdark together, perform endless mining drudgery together, and play games together, all of which form an inseparable part of their rich life.

It is better to share joy with others than to taste it alone. -- Drizzt Do'Urden
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