Home Categories Internet fantasy Dark Elf III · Sojourn
Dark Elf III · Sojourn

Dark Elf III · Sojourn


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 182644

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Prologue

The dark elf sat on the mountainside, looking eagerly at the red line rising from the eastern plane.This may be the hundredth dawn he has seen, and he also knows that the scorching light will sting his lavender eyes, which have only seen darkness in the Underdark in the past forty years. eye. When the fiery upper edge of the sun rose from the horizon, the dark elf did not turn away.He accepted that light as a sin, and it was a necessary pain - for the path he had chosen, for being part of the surface dwellers. Gray smoke rose in front of the dark elf's dark face, and he didn't even need to look down to know what was going on.His magic cloak, a magical item crafted by dark elves, has kept him out of the eyes of his enemies many times in the Underdark, but it will eventually wear out in the sun.The magic of the cloak began to wear off weeks ago, and the fibers were melted away.As the cloth gradually melted, holes appeared in the cloak, and the dark elf wrapped his arms tightly, trying to salvage his robes as best he could.

But he knew it was useless.The cloak is doomed to destruction in a place far different from the environment in which it was produced.He clutches the cloak desperately, as if seeing it as a projection of his own destiny. The sun rose higher, and tears rolled down his lavender eyes.He could see no more gray smoke, nothing but the blinding brilliance of that terrible ball of fire.But still he sat and watched until dawn broke. To survive, you must adapt. The dark elf stamped his feet on the sharp rocks in pain, distracting his eyes from being overwhelmed by the daze.He found that his well-made boots were also thinning, and would soon be wiped out.

Then maybe the machete?This pair of beautiful dark elf weapons had accompanied him through many hardships, but they were about to disappear?And what about his leopard partner, Guan Haifa?He unconsciously put his hands in his pockets to touch the figurine, which was used to summon Guenhiffar, still so delicate and perfect.The solid feel of the statue reassured him, but if it was also made of a special magic made by the dark elves and imbued with their domain, would Guenhwyvar disappear? "What a wretch I am--" the dark elf said sadly in his native tongue.It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, that he wondered whether it would be wise to leave the Underdark and abandon his evil kin.

He had a splitting headache, the stinging feeling deepened by the sweat that slipped into his eyes.The sun continued to rise, and the dark elves could take it no longer.He turned and entered the small cave where he had roosted for the past few days, and held the leopard statue gently. The tattered magic cloak hung on his body in pieces, not enough to withstand the cold mountain wind.Save for the faint drafts rising from the lava pools, save for the touch of the undead, there is no wind or chill in the Underdark.The surface world, as he had come to know it over the past few months, had shown many unique features, many changes, but he often felt there was too much.

Drizzt Do'Urden would never admit defeat.The Underdark was the home of his people, his family, and in that darkness he had no peace.Adhering to his principles is tantamount to fighting against the spider queen Lolth, the most revered evil deity of the tribe. The dark elves and Drizzt's family will not forgive him for blasphemy, and there are no them in the Underdark An inaccessible hiding place. Though Drizzt believed the sun would burn him out, like his boots and his precious cloak, even if it would turn into a wisp of ash that would be blown away by the icy mountain wind, he would keep his faith and dignity, for that is why life has value.

Drizzt tore off what was left of the cloak and threw them into the ravine.The cold wind gnawed at his sweat-drenched brows, but the dark elf still stood up straight and walked proudly. He gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. This is his chosen fate. On another mountain not far away, another creature was also watching the sunrise.Uguru, too, left his hometown - the filthy, smoky Burning Realm.But the monster didn't come here by choice.This is his fate and trial.He must grow up in this world until he gains enough strength before he can return to his hometown. The Ugru clan are murderers who prey on the weak and ordinary people around them.Now that Uguru is close to maturity, he is a big man with a terrifying appearance.

And every kill made him stronger and stronger.
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