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Chapter 14 Chapter 14 "Antelope" casts a net

Prisoner 凌非 8699Words 2018-03-20
In winter, the daytime has the problem of insufficient light. There is wind and sun, and it is cold.Another noisy day. On the quiet streets, the thugs are flying around like wasps, but most of the empty ones are chaotic, but they are not chaotic at all. It is chaotic as a whole, and it looks like a football player dribbling a ball individually. sequence.Those who stand still are those taxi drivers who are very experienced and not very strong.This kind of taxi drivers are older, and they know the ancient saying that the same should not change, and they also know the meaning of being content and always happy.Instead of running around here and there in vain, it's better to carry a real one.Leveraging this understanding, they often stay in crowded places such as movie theaters, bus stations, kindergartens, and Anning Mall entrances, waiting for customers to get into their pockets and turn them into money.The bus station is their first choice, and the people who get off the station and those with luggage also regard them as their first choice.Older age means honesty and reliability.Just imagine, if you are not honest, how can you get to the point where you have to work hard to make money after you are too old.Everyone knows that honest people are pitiful, but they also know that honest people have the highest credibility.

Two taxi drivers—one leaned forward with both hands on the faucet of the car, the other held a cigarette with one hand on his hips, and sometimes put it in his mouth. Some Lu Yan talked about the ancient style of being a Marquis. A voice said: "Damn Cheng Jiaqing, it's really not a thing." Another quipped: "Call him—did he play cat and mouse on your daughter's bed last night?" "Fuck you, I dare say that whoever wants to be connected with Cheng Jiaqing must be black smoke from someone's ancestral grave." "Tell me your reasons." "Think about it, when Cheng Jiaqing was the county magistrate, the secretary was hit; when Cheng Jiaqing was the secretary, the deputy secretary was stabbed; when Cheng Jiaqing married a wife, he drove him crazy; if he married another, he drove him crazy again."

"What, Cheng Jiaqing's wife is also crazy." "Why not." "The one dressed like a white fox?" "It's her." "It's fine, why are you crazy?" "I can't force it." "How did you force it?" "Ask her to explain the problem." "It was the government who asked her to explain the matter, but Cheng Jiaqing didn't force her. How could it be that Cheng Jiaqing drove her crazy?" "It wasn't Cheng Jiaqing who ordered the murder behind the scenes to get her involved. Can she go in? If she doesn't go in, can she go crazy?"

"Hey, Cheng Jiaqing is really a disaster. He killed the secretary, the deputy secretary, the wife in front, and the wife in the back." "Beware of this disaster star falling on your head." "I don't want to talk to you guys, the car is here." One said while stepping on the pedal and drove towards the minibus that was entering the station. Before he had time to think about it, the other followed. Ha, as soon as the minibus stops, first pack the luggage into the taxi, then pack the guests into the taxi, and then - dancing on the taxi is more exciting than dancing on the stage.

Zhang Ruyue went crazy.This facsimile-like convincing news was soon woven into a piece of cloth that everyone in Anning wore on his head as he shuttled back and forth through the streets and alleys of Anning.This news more or less added a fresh vitality to An Ning, and many idlers seemed to have found jobs at this time.When Lei Huanshan first heard the news, he almost fainted as if he had been slapped from behind. Cheng Jiaqing's attitude was as cold and hard as a clod blown by the north wind in winter. Zhang Ruyue became Fan Jin's second before she opened her mouth to say something valuable. Zhang Ruyue's clue was broken. .There is only another way.Originally thought that Zhang Ruyue, as a woman, had obvious weaknesses. The weaknesses of a woman are more valuable than the strengths of a man. Grasping her weaknesses is equivalent to finding a breakthrough in the case. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ruyue went crazy.Crazy people have neither weaknesses nor strengths, and will soon be included in another book by other people. Everything a crazy person does is immeasurable.It seems that the weakness of a woman is that she can easily become a person who has neither weakness nor strength, and loses herself in the process of pointing to nothingness and purity.

One clue was broken, and the staff of the Double Ten Political Murder Task Force were still as busy as Superman.Zhang Ruyue's madness did not affect their enthusiasm for work. On the contrary, they understood that they had to work twice as hard to make up for the bad influence and work progress caused by Zhang Ruyue's madness. The first group, led by Chief Zuo, detained and interrogated multiple suspects, and according to the situation, sent people to Yunnan and other places to arrest She Tong, but failed; the second group, led by Shi Huimin, pried open the Zhang Ruyue found more than 800,000 yuan of jewelry, gold watches, etc. in the safety deposit box of Anning Industrial and Commercial Bank, but only found some pornographic books, pornographic tapes, and body art in Cheng Jiaqing's office. Paintings and erotic paintings, but no valuables were found. From this, it can be inferred that most of Cheng Jiaqing's property has been transferred, and Fu Mei used Cheng Jiaqing's signature to take 80,000 yuan from the County Finance Bureau. I don't know the motive.It has been learned that Fu Mei has a close relationship with Cheng Jiaqing and has economic contacts with She Tong. The next step is to detain Fu Mei; the third route is under the responsibility of Li Guangming and Zuo Jiang. These innocuous trifles are like pebbles hidden in their shoes and hurt their feet, making them think that they might as well go to the front line. "Sitting every day, until the day of victory, the inflammation of the prostate may become an additional gain for us." In fact, the third group of people is not worried about the prostate, but the first group and the second group seem to be much more interesting than them .They feel that they are no worse than those people, but their positions have lowered their image, and their future achievements will also be affected.Don't you know that the first and second roads are also very envious of them, just sitting, no wind, no danger, no disaster, no danger.

On New Year's Eve, people from three groups got together, and everyone in the task force spent it peacefully.Under the lights, everyone toasted each other, but no one was drunk. Lei Huanshan's silver hair was particularly eye-catching at the New Year's Eve party. His wisdom and majesty were reflected in the silver hair.He raised his glass, clinked glasses with everyone around him, and then said to everyone: "I drank some wine tonight, and my heart beat a lot faster, and I seem to have become younger again. But I can't survive today—" He After saying this, the hall immediately started whispering, and there was a small commotion, which was very polite and elegant, like lotus leaves swaying like a lady in the breeze, and then returned to normal.Dayazhitang, with such disrespectful words, this old naughty boy became dizzy after drinking some wine and started talking nonsense.

"Yes, I can't survive today. I was born today, and I will die today. Whether it is Monday or Saturday, it is today for me. , it’s all today, my whole life is one day, today.” Some people began to nod their heads in agreement.This is not trying to make a fuss, but expressing a philosophy. "So, I can't live today. Because I can't live today, this case has to be solved today, and I can't wait until tomorrow. Some people say that tomorrow is today, no, tomorrow is tomorrow, today must be seized. Today must be solved It can't wait until tomorrow. Some people say that tomorrow is today. No, tomorrow is tomorrow, and today must be seized. The case must be solved today. Everyone who wakes up every morning must silently say in his heart: This case must be solved today. , we will solve this case today.”

I don't know who took the lead, and there was a burst of warm applause in the hall. "Now, some people outside say that I, Lei Huanshan, and his gang are grinding tofu in Anning, but the tofu doesn't come out when the mill sounds. I'm telling him now that I, Lei Huanshan, haven't learned how to eat vegetarian food in the corpse. Although, I don't have any hair to cook It’s white—my hair is always white. But I dare to say that every strand of my hair is not whitened for myself. 96 is the year of the rat, but who wants to be like a rat, what is delicious I look down on him. I will take the mousetrap and send it to their home (applause). In 1995, everyone did a lot of things and made sacrifices, especially the lesbians. A greater sacrifice was made (silence). Here, I salute you all."

Lei Huanshan bowed to everyone in a military manner, but he still held the wine glass in his hand, which made his posture like a devout and humble believer holding a holy lamp and worshiping the holy image. "I hope that everyone will catch a few more big mice in the new year. Finally, I wish you all a happy new year! My words are over." Lei Huanshan drank the fine wine in the cup and ran out of it, not good, there seemed to be a long curly hair in the cup, like a weed, sticking loosely and softly to the bottom of the cup, probably an illusion.Fix your eyes, look again, it's still there.Lei Huanshan thought of a woman——Zhang Ruyue.This unfortunate woman, the curls in this cup are hers.When I went to look again, the hair in the cup was gone, and Zhang Ruyue's madness made the case seem to be at the end of the rope.Lei Huanshan felt sorry for the madness of this unfortunate woman, and also worried that the case would be delayed on this woman.Perhaps, there is another way out—to arrest and interrogate Fu Mei.If Fu Mei is detained, one must be cautious.Detention and interrogation, the opinions of the Nanzhang Municipal Party Committee have to be consulted.

Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year, is this year still like a year? Lei Huanshan felt that there was a barrier blocking his eyes. But the barrier was quickly removed.On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, there came a piece of good news that was as good as Chunlei, "Antelope" surrendered. After hearing Director Zuo's phone call, Lei Huanshan immediately said to Director Zuo, "Just wait, I'll be right here. It's more exciting than eating hot pot shirtless." In the interrogation room, Director Zuo and a recorder were there, as well as Ye Ma. Lei Huanshan glanced at Ye Ma when he entered the door, and Ye Ma also took a look at Lei Huanshan. The antelope has broad shoulders, strong bones, and optimistic eyes. On the surface, there is no flaw from head to toe. The fly in the ointment is that he snorts vigorously every minute or so.This suggests he either has nasal bursitis or a cold, or else he may have a sac in the first place.Every time he snorted, others felt sorry for him, but his optimistic eyes seemed to say, "I'm not feeling bad." It seemed that he was not facing a trial.At this point, he looks like a fool, and he is also a contradiction. "You don't know how uncomfortable it is to be followed by people on the day of escape. I would rather go to hell than choose to escape." Director Zuo asked contemptuously: "Then why did you choose to run away?" The antelope snorted vigorously and replied: "If you want to catch me, I will naturally have to run. I'm not in my 70s, so I can't run." The antelope seemed confident in the ability to run on its long, muscular legs. Director Zuo was like a hammer seeing a nail, and he insisted on knocking him down. "You run away, which proves that you have ghosts in your heart. You run away, no matter how far you run away, what will happen, you still have to run back." Mustang snorted again in response. "It's not all my fault. I have a mother, a wife, and children, and they all look forward to my safe return home." Director Zuo summed it up for him and said: "Isn't it? No matter how far you run, there is still a thread at home to pull you back?" The antelope's nose presumably served as a novelty timer, since it chimed at regular intervals.The cute nose snorted again in a sensible manner. "I now know that even if a person is burned, it is not as terrible as a group of people gathered outside the door shouting 'burn him, burn him'. I understand. During the Cultural Revolution, some people couldn't bear it." I committed suicide because of torture, but I couldn’t stand the psychological fear caused by so many people yelling to kill me. The suicide person first collapsed psychologically. To be honest, I was outside alone, and I didn’t look like a human being, and ghosts didn’t look like ghosts. I wanted to die a few times. Hmph, there is no family member for me—" "So, your family members know your whereabouts." The antelope was startled by Director Zuo's words, his face changed, he waved his hands hastily, and explained: "No, no, no, I mean I can survive without food and drink for three days, but I can't see my family for a day. just can't survive." "What else? Just like that?" Director Zuo pressed on and asked: "I run around all day long, hiding here and there, treating myself as a thing, I don't know where to put it. No matter where I go, I only dare to pick up the worst hotel to live in, and I only dare to live in a single room. I was so nervous when I opened the door. It was inside, and it was safer than outside. Outside, my legs trembled when I saw people in uniform. If someone patted my shoulder, my soul would fly away. I dare not go outside. Staying in one place for a long time. If anyone wants to look at me a few more times, my heart will jump immediately. "I was scared when I saw people in uniform, and I was also scared when I saw people without uniforms. I thought they were plainclothes, and it was so frightening. For more than three months, I haven't had a good meal. I was eating, and sometimes I felt something was wrong after eating half of it, so I quickly packed my luggage and moved to another place; I didn’t sleep well once, sometimes I would yell for no reason when I fell asleep, and sometimes it was like a big stone was pressed on my body I was suffocated in the ground, and I woke up in a cold sweat. Sometimes I dreamed of cliffs, black guns, and people holding torches and pine branches to search for me. Once, I suddenly heard someone calling my name on the bustling street. I immediately lowered my head and ran. The voice followed me all the time. I was out of breath when I ran to a small river. I didn't dare to stop and plunged into the river. The river was very cold and flooded. Floating many times. As soon as my skin touched the water, my whole body felt like being scalded by fire, and felt like being pricked by countless needles. I hoped to catch a floating object, preferably a piece of wood. I was afraid of cramps, Then I would be doomed. I floated with the water to the opposite bank and made a long sloping line across the water. I could see the bushes on the bank, but it took me a while to get to the bank, and I couldn't hold onto the bank , the current is very fast. When I got to the shore, I found that my hands were red and almost frozen. "My clothes were sticky and wet, and I slapped my arms and rubbed my hands wherever I could to invigorate the blood. "After a while, I looked at the other bank, and there was no one on the other bank. I looked at the side of the bank and looked around, but no one paid attention to me, and no one chased me at all. I was just scaring myself. Someone shouted on the street. My name is also an illusion, a kind of fiction. Afterwards, I also felt ridiculous, but..." "Okay, okay, don't mention your beautiful experience of taking a shower without taking off your clothes." Director Zuo saw that the antelope was comfortably immersed in his narrative and couldn't extricate himself, so he reminded him to get down to business.The recorder stopped writing and listened with gusto, his pen resting between his forefinger and thumb, as if frozen by the icy water of the narration.Lei Huanshan listened patiently to every word of the antelope, in order to find a new breakthrough. "Why do you say you are surrendering? Are you trying to provide us with false information?" "I dare to swear to God, even if my conscience grows into my armpits, I dare not be disrespectful in front of the police. I did have my own reasons for surrendering. My mother is over seventy, with a bent back and a hunchback. , white-eyed, hair whiter than this leader's hair," he pointed to the silent Lei Huanshan, and then continued, "My old lady, poor on crutches. Standing at the gate of the compound, squinting , Whenever I see an acquaintance, I will ask them, "Antelope has been away on business for such a long time, why hasn't he come back? My mother misses me, but she doesn't know that I am fleeing, and my family doesn't tell him. I will return secretly this time." My mother was so happy for the Chinese New Year—she thought I was back from a business trip. I thought, if I die outside, my mother won’t even be able to see my body, so why don’t I surrender myself and ask for leniency. Next After leaving the big prison, my mother can still see me if she wants to. Even if I use it as a target, my mother can always see my dead body." "Is there any other reason?" "I heard that Secretary Cheng's wife is crazy, is it true?" "What are you worried about her for?" "When Secretary Cheng's wife goes crazy, she will definitely try her best to arrest us who are in close contact with Secretary Cheng, otherwise the case will not be unfolded, and it will be difficult to escape. Hmph, instead of being caught one day, you will be sentenced to a heavy sentence. , it’s better to surrender. Try to deal with it lightly and give him a light sentence. Well, I can finally get a little relief now.” "It's a decent attitude of yours, but tell the truth." "I must tell the truth. I know that telling lies is like Zhang Fei painting his eyebrows. The more he paints, the darker he is." "That's good, tell me. Did She Tong escape with you?" "Absolutely not. I've only heard that She Tong is quite capable, and I think it's nothing more than that when I meet him. Hmph." "Don't be dishonest." "If I'm not honest, there will be no honest people in the world." "Then you confess. Before you confess, you have to think about it. Don't give me the real and the fake. There are fakes in the truth, and the truth in the fake. That's not okay. Every word you say now will be recorded. " "yes." "Let me ask you the first question. When did you know Cheng Jiaqing?" "We met Secretary Cheng almost when he came to Anning." "93. What month?" "I forgot." "How did you know him?" "I didn't beat around the bush, I came to the door directly. At that time, one of my daughters graduated from kindergarten and was assigned to be the king of children in a rural elementary school. Huh, she was not happy with her work, she said she had no future and wanted to dance. I happened to have My brother-in-law is the deputy mayor of Jiuhe City, and he readily agreed to find a way to go to him. The unit has been contacted, and he works as a secretary in a large company. Unexpectedly, the county education committee here is not letting go, saying that this opening cannot be opened. , It’s like breaking a dike when it’s opened, whether it’s waves, sand or gold, it’s all going to run away, even showing my brother-in-law’s deputy mayor’s signboard. Jiuhe can’t control peace, so naturally he dares to see a cat come to marry a tiger—— I refused. Hmph, I will discuss with my wife, I can't let a marshmallow harden my throat. Bringing a gift, I found Secretary Cheng, and focused on my brother-in-law who is the deputy mayor of Jiuhe. The secretary was very interested, and said that he must let the green light go all the way to our door. Huh, he even saw me off when we went out, and held my hand and said that he might trouble me later. He will bother me with anything, please be polite. That's all. Later, I approached him for several business matters, and he didn't refuse. Secretary Cheng is such an approachable person. In this way, our relationship has become closer. "Later, a person in the officialdom asked me to give him something to give to Secretary Cheng. Secretary Cheng accepted it indifferently, and told me not to set an example. The person who asked me was really promoted. Hmph, After hearing the news, many people went straight to my house like birds in the snow, and they all said that I have a solution, please be sure to say something nice for them. I was also very beautiful at that time, and going to Secretary Cheng's house was like going to my own home. I have done good deeds for more than twenty people, hum." Every time the antelope snorted, the recorder would frown.Director Zuo didn't get used to it at first, but after he got used to it, he gradually liked the humming sound, because the humming sound seemed like an episode of a feature film, the episode is not important, but the content of the feature film is very important. Director Zuo pointed at the antelope, told him to stop, and then said slowly: "Don't pick on what we know, and write down the list and amount of those people who you gave gifts for them later, and give them to us for verification. " The antelope didn't know what was going on, and was in a turmoil.Knowing this, it can be seen that Cheng Jiaqing or others have already confessed about eating tigers, did they also know about hiding stolen goods for Zhang Ruyue?It seemed that this skinny bamboo pole and that white-haired old man would not let him go if he didn't continue to explain.Only she and Zhang Ruyue knew about the concealment of the stolen goods. God knows, she knows and I know. Now that Zhang Ruyue is crazy, only God knows and I know. If she doesn't tell it, outsiders can't solve this secret. As for the matter of eating tiger meat, it must never be said, just explain some minor things and forget it.Just as he was hesitating, Director Zuo said: "You have a lot of questions, and you have to explain everything in detail. If what you said is not true, we can investigate; if we have the information, you You also deliberately concealed it, think about the consequences of doing so." "I confess, I confess: I also bought salamanders and owls from Anping for Secretary Cheng." Anping is a neighboring county of Anning, and it is also located on the big ridge of Jiugong Mountain, where there are dense forests and winding streams.The salamander in the stream is a national first-class protected animal and is very precious.However, the number of people who want to try something new is no less than the number of giant salamanders; owls live in pine forests, and it is said that they can nourish the brain, and those who want to eat them are indeed mostly people without brains. "That's it? Hmm." On the left, the word "um" stretched very long, like a railway track, waiting to be transported with some valuable things. "You have to be honest, don't leave aside the serious ones, talk about the fur." The antelope lowered its head resentfully, like a sunflower that has withered in the sun. "And that's all." At this time, Lei Huanshan approached the antelope. He was enthusiastic and kind, and said to the antelope in a tone of elders: "Okay, I'll leave it here. You can go home. Your attitude is quite good." That’s right. However, let’s not talk about the important things and only talk about the less important ones. It shouldn’t be so. If someone else confesses before you, you just refuse to confess. As I said, you can go home. However, the next few days Someone in the sky said what bad things you did. If you say it later, they will quickly clarify the facts, but you deliberately kept the information secret. Let me remind you, don’t miss this opportunity. Think again, think about it Okay, just say it, and leave after you finish speaking. Or, you go home now, which is also leaving. You must know that paper can’t contain fire. Also, don’t do bad things during the day, and don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door at night If you don’t report it, even if you go home, you still have things on your mind, and you can’t sleep at night. You can’t sleep at night, and you look sad during the day. What’s the point of reuniting with the whole family? Every day I look at you with a bitter face, and I can’t eat. On the New Year’s Eve, every family is beaming, just like your family has entered the plague god.——Think about it, do you give some bigger than owls and salamanders, or Say, what is smaller than an owl or a salamander?" Like fast rewinding in the antelope's mind, many different images flashed through.Half a day later, he raised his head slightly, and muttered: "You all know, what else do you want me to explain?" "It's not the same as what we say. When you say it, you confess your crime and cooperate with us; if you want us to say it, you have to classify it as resistance and refusal to cooperate. Now we are giving you a chance. You Don't slide too far, as far as we have, you have not been found to be involved in the murder." The antelope jumped up as if it had been swallowed by a pot of boiling water, and it was about to fight people desperately. "Murder—oh, no, no, I never did, I dare—or I'll show you my heart." "Yeah, I want you to speak your heart out now. I'll give you a chance, but you don't say it." "I said, I said." Antelope sweat broke out on his forehead. Director Zuo and Lei Huanshan looked at each other for a moment, then smiled knowingly. "I sent a tiger to Secretary Cheng." "Did he take it?" "Accept... I accept it." What audacity!What audacity!He even ignored the law and gave the tiger of Weizhen Mountain Forest as a gift to the leader, but the leader accepted it unequivocally, just as naturally as accepting a red envelope or a color TV. This is not corruption what is it? This - is corruption!Lei Huanshan's blood rushed all over his body like a red cloth.His blood was throbbing, his expression was angry, like eight hundred arhats in his chest were loudly practicing the miraculous kung fu, and it was like the rushing tide of Qiantang. The terrible thing about corruption is that the common people also participate in corruption, and the terrible thing is that corruption remains undefeated. Fortunately, corruption is corruption.What is corruption?Corruption means decay and failure.People like Cheng Jiaqing must be seen clearly by the common people.There is only one way for the common people to see clearly the fate of such corrupt elements: failure. "Why did you send a tiger to Cheng Jiaqing?" "I didn't give it to him. He asked me to make it for him. He said that he heard that there are tigers in Anping. He also said that tigers make up for sins and can strengthen yang." A county-level leading cadre who has to manage hundreds of thousands of people and shoulders heavy responsibilities is so straightforward, shameless, bold, unscrupulous, and for the purpose of personal lust, openly asking others for live aphrodisiacs that can bring him youthful vitality Medicine—South China tiger, a first-class national protected animal.In his eyes, this rare and rare beauty that is already on the verge of extinction has become his health care product and aphrodisiac at his fingertips. —What a pity!Anger comes from it!Yu from it!Anger comes from it!Hate comes from it! "How many did you send in total?" "—one." "Just one? Hmm—" "Not two." "Why send two?" "The first tiger was killed and delivered. After tasting it, Secretary Cheng suspected that he had eaten fake tiger meat, so he declared that he would catch a live one. If it was real, let him see it before slaughtering it, so A total of two were given away, the first one was dead and the latter was alive." "Who has eaten?" "In addition to Secretary Cheng, there are two brothers, Qi Wanchun and Qi Wanqiu." "And you?" "After cooking, they also persuaded me to taste a few pieces." It's good to share a piece of the pie. In the past, I was a big eater, but I'm afraid I'll have to taste the taste of being behind bars in the future. "Who else ate?" "Secretary Fu." "The deputy secretary?" "Fu Mei." "It's forbidden for a woman to eat anything strong." "She said that if others eat, she must eat, otherwise she will suffer. She said that he believes in the philosophy of not suffering." ——I see, this woman has a bigger appetite than the Lushan Fairy Cave. "After all, she is a strong woman. What, has anyone else eaten it?" "When I ate it for the second time, I happened to have something to do. I was not here. The second time was the butcher I hired. He might know." "Think about it." The antelope scratched its head and said, "I can't talk nonsense. It is said that they sent some to the leaders of the city." "Who did you give it to?" "I really don't know, don't force me. If I am in a hurry, I have no choice but to bite good people." "Just ate two tigers?" "Only two." "Really? Think again." "When I ate, I only ate two, but when I caught it, I caught three." "What about the other one?" "I was locked up at Qi Wanchun's house, and the tiger broke free from the cage and ran away." "Why don't you go catch it?" "The tiger ran into the streets of Anning. The people in Anning were baffled. It was strange that the tiger dared to run freely on the streets. Later, they sent police officers to knock it down with a tranquilizer gun. I hope everyone knows that the cable TV station in Anning This rare incident was also broadcasted. Secretary Cheng had no choice but to send the tiger to Nanzhang Zoo, and ordered to let the wind out, saying that a circus troupe passed by here and got lost.” It is a strange thing for a tiger to take to the streets; it is even more strange for a man to eat a tiger!Saddle material Xin Shun carbon instrument quality Sin sichuan  material Xin 4 apologies get punishment Si master Gou Zhu ridge protection Inducement humming morning Suu Zinc tip key blowing oar materialA value bag Huan haze howling? The antelope was like a jug pierced by bullets, Gu Lu Gu Lu leaked so many sensational "golden and jade words", which made Director Zuo and Lei Huanshan very sad. When the antelope was leaning on the table with its hunched body and half leaning on the table, making a list of those who sent stacks of banknotes to Cheng Jiaqing through the hands of the antelope to achieve the purpose of buying officials and nobles, from the back of the antelope, Lei Huanshan saw that the antelope It is indeed tall. At the same time, he also felt his wretchedness—the wretchedness of a tall person comes from the wretchedness of the soul. When the antelope walked out of the interrogation room, the image of a tiger in the forest flashed in Lei Huanshan's mind.A tiger that comforts the gloomy forest with its brilliant colors.Thinking of the tiger made his heart heavy again.
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