Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee: K Provincial Chronicle

Chapter 81 Chapter 81 Xiu Xiaomei only feels that the road ahead is boundless

The call was from Xiu Xiaomei.She is in her own home.She appeared tense, restless, apprehensive.Although she called No. 11, Fenglin Road, she suddenly didn't know what she was going to say to her father-in-law.The mind is not blank.She hasn't gone to work for three days since Song Haifeng's special case team and the Provincial Public Security Bureau's special case team talked to her and learned about the situation.I haven't had a good night's sleep for three days.No one in the unit came to urge her, and no one even asked her why she didn't go to work.The current situation should be: everyone in the whole province knows that something happened to Secretary Gong's daughter-in-law.But what did I do wrong? She wanted to find someone to talk about the grievance in her heart.But, at this time, who would believe that what came out of her mouth could be the truth? Her head was swollen... her heartbeat was also fast, and it was uneven... She didn't think of talking to her parents .She knew that she was a retired old mechanic from a bicycle factory and a retired aunt from a factory nursery. She had never been involved in such a level of life. Once she heard that her daughter was in such a "difficulty", she would be terrified. Yes... She felt that with her father-in-law's wisdom, life experience and political judgment, he would be able to understand her current situation and point out a correct way to escape for her.She didn't want to use her father-in-law's power to excuse herself.She just wants to know what is the most important thing for her to do under the current situation.She knew that her father-in-law could point this out to her.However, when her father-in-law's "severe" voice suddenly came from the phone, she trembled and panicked.She knew that her father-in-law had always been like this. When she picked up the phone, the tone of the first question was always very strict, very concise, and very straightforward.This is normal.In the past, she also defended her father-in-law in front of others: he needs to cut through the mess quickly, because he knows very well that "thousands of troops" are waiting for him to dispatch, and "thousands of difficulties and dangers" are waiting for him to make decisions.But the "severeness" at this time made her feel ashamed, guilty, and sweating. All her words were blocked, and she couldn't say a word... Just when she blamed herself for being so indecisive, she made things worse When it was complicated and difficult, a phone call that she absolutely did not want to receive at this time came in.She was startled by the piercing bell at first.In her immediate inner reaction, she thought it was her father-in-law who called and asked her about the "impoliteness" just now.Do not hesitate to accept.After hesitating for a long time, the phone kept ringing tenaciously.Finally, she picks up the phone hesitantly.What she heard was Zhang Dakang's voice: "Xiaomei, I'm Dakang..."

Xiu Xiaomei was startled, and hurriedly dropped the phone. "Xiaomei, Xiaomei..." Zhang Dakang called out twice quickly.Xiu Xiaomei hurriedly picked up her coat and handbag, and walked out.She was afraid that he would come to her because of this.Her intuition told her that he would come to her.But at this time, she didn't want to see him.She wanted to get out of this place quickly.Hurry up... Walking to the door, she found that the phone was just stacked on the coffee table and hadn't been hung up, so she turned around and hung up the phone again.Picking up the phone, I heard that Zhang Dakang was still trying to persuade me on the phone: "...Xiaomei, I know you don't want to see me. I won't say more. It's not convenient to say, you and I Your phone has probably been tapped. Can you let me speak to you again in person... I'll come to you right away. Let's talk in person. You must wait for me. Don't go away... definitely don't go away ...Please believe me...I just want you to live another life, the kind that no longer suppresses yourself...the life that can open up and release all the energy in your heart...I can tell you that 650,000 , it's not a commission from anyone at all, it's my money...I gave it to you. I want you to live a little better...I've been trying to get you a new car, but you've never let me Spending money for you. I can only use this method... I found such a trick... Please believe me... I have no other purpose, I can tell you very frankly, I just want you. I don’t know if you Clearly, at a certain moment, when you fully show yourself and you no longer suppress yourself, do you know how attractive you are... Xiaomei... Xiaomei... why don't you speak Xiaomei... Xiaomei Eyebrow...are you listening?"

Xiu Xiaomei put down the phone and rushed out of the house in a panic.She dared not listen any more.She is afraid that she will continue to develop the kind of "weakness" that always makes her heart beat, and she is even more afraid that the "emotional embankment event" that she has been guarding against will suddenly happen at this moment.She had heard Zhang Dakang say countless times that he, who had served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the university, had encouraged countless students to develop their lives for some illusory and extremely abstract ideal.But he finally understood that man is a very self-conscious animal.Satisfying oneself is the greatest human duty, the only ultimate goal that human beings should pursue. "Experience the happiness and joy in it or simply say 'pleasure'. Let yourself feel satisfied." He said it so bluntly and fiercely.The frankness made her feel scared, and the intensity made her heart beat and excited, like a familiar yet unfamiliar hand walking unscrupulously on her elastic body, making her tremble with fear , and looking forward to the final "collapse"... She always compares him with Zhicheng.Reason made her feel guilty.But the unquenchable turmoil made the balance of her mental judgment tilt towards Zhang Dakang from time to time.She knew that what Zhang Dakang triggered in her heart was something that Gong Zhicheng had been unwilling to, or rather disdain to trigger.But they really shouldn’t be touched. If they want to be touched and “developed”, how should they be touched and developed in a healthy and correct way? Oh, “holy” No. 11 Fenglin Road, are you really so perfect... Xiu Xiaomei Walking to his white Poussin car, he took out the car key and opened the door, got in the car, started the car, and suddenly turned off the engine again.She thought about it in a panic, pulled out the car key, got out of the car, closed the door, and walked quickly to the garden in the middle of the street behind the building.Walk through the garden in the middle of the street, walk to the road on the other side, and wave for a taxi.But after one car passed, it didn't stop, and after another car passed, it still didn't stop.At this time, it started to rain.Moreover, the lower the bigger.Finally a bus came.She hadn't taken a bus for a long time, and she got on the bus in a panic without even asking which bus it was or where it was going.

In a huge bus, there are only two or three passengers.It was naturally dark in the car.All kinds of lights from the storefronts on both sides of the road were refracted into the car through the dirty car windows and the glittering raincoat, turning into a trance light curtain, passing over the faces of the passengers in fragments.Xiu Xiaomei, whose hair and coat were soaked, cowered in a corner behind the car.The rain is getting heavier.Bean-sized raindrops slapped on the car windows and the roof of the carport.The cowering Xiu Xiaomei shivered violently.At this time, the car just stopped, and she got out of the car in a panic.In fact, the car had already entered the terminus at this time.It was probably the last bus, and the other cars had already returned, and the huge parking lot was packed with such large buses.Most of the windows of the surrounding residential buildings were also blacked out.There is only a little light in the duty room of the car park.For a while, Xiu Xiaomei didn't know where to go.She turned around in the huge parking lot and returned to the place where she got off the car just now.She dared not go outside.Because most of the bus terminals are located in relatively remote places, it is already far away from the city center.The narrow streets, the old houses, the strange atmosphere, and the darkness of the night all made her at a loss.At this point, she was completely soaked.She walked to the eaves of a dilapidated small one-story house next to the bus terminal, and stuck to the cold blue brick exterior wall. Suddenly, an uncontrollable sob burst out from the bottom of her heart. She closed her eyes and clenched her hands tightly. I licked my lips, but still couldn't control myself, and finally sobbed.Rain and tears flowed down her handsome face.The handbag fell from her weak hands and fell to the ground, but she didn't seem to notice... the sound of wind, rain, sobbing... all mixed together... At this time, some snowflakes were even mixed in the raindrops.The lights that were turned on in some stores for business have been turned off due to the end of business.Xiu Xiaomei was completely submerged in the large dark blurred house and car shadows and the extremely dim street lights. The only sign that she still exists stubbornly is that we can still hear clearly. She sobbed softly... Around eleven o'clock in the evening, Director Tang of the Public Security Bureau and Chief Prosecutor Shen of the Procuratorate each brought two senior assistants and reported to Gong Kaichen, "The problem with Dashanzi is basically It has been clarified, and the evidence is conclusive, and we believe that the net can be shut down.” Chief Prosecutor Shen specifically said: “It’s time to contact Zhang Dakang directly.” The so-called “frontal contact” means “closed for trial”.

Gong Kaichen pondered for a while, and said to Chief Prosecutor Shen: "...Your procuratorate still needs to consider one more issue, which is to treat Zhang Dakang differently from Hengfa Company. Our principle is to treat people and not companies. Especially in companies like Hengfa Private companies with considerable influence and strength inside and outside the province should do their best to protect them, not let them collapse because of Zhang Dakang, and let them continue to develop healthily. After taking measures against Zhang Dakang, are you Is it possible to consider that the procuratorate will send a working group to Hengfa Company to assist in this area..." Chief Prosecutor Shen immediately agreed: "Okay." Gong Kaichen asked again: "I heard that this guy Zhang Dakang I usually keep private bodyguards. Will there be any resistance to detain him?" Chief Prosecutor Shen said: "We have already made arrangements for this." At this time, the guard came and told Gong Kaichen in a low voice that Secretary Pan to see him.People have arrived.Gong Kaichen immediately stood up, greeted Director Tang and others: "I'm sorry... please wait a moment." Then he walked upstairs.

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