Home Categories officialdom novel Li Kui's Diary: Gathering Hall

Chapter 79 scold God Gu sister

Li Kui's Diary: Gathering Hall 仓土 1250Words 2018-03-20
There was nothing to say that night, and the next day, the officers and soldiers still couldn't get out of the city. To deal with a turtle with a shrinking head, you can only curse!First of all, stand at a moderate distance, if you are too close to the city, it is dangerous to shoot you into a transparent hole with an arrow!There are not a few brothers who scold themselves to death.If you are too far away from the city, and the enemy can't hear you, it won't help if you let your voice smoke from cursing. The content of the scolding must be innovative, you can't keep scolding the Three Character Classic, it won't have any effect, you have to use tricks to scold, and the scolding will go deep into the other party's heart, making him annoyed, and he has to fight.

Lu Zhishen and I usually do this job.I was stupid, and I ran out of words after greeting the other party’s eighteenth generation ancestors. Later, Wang Xiaohu gave an idea to greet the other party’s dogs and pigs again, but it didn’t work. The harder I scolded the other party, the happier he was. , and sometimes dropped two pigs out of nowhere. Lu Zhishen repeated the sentence "Wu Na Zuo Bird, are you still not going to fight?" He scolded for four or five hours without changing a single word, which can put people to sleep.Once, the other party didn't do anything wrong, first scolded Brother Song, and shouted behind: Master, can you fucking change the sentence?

Scolding with other bandits is barely a flattery, but the level of scolding with the court is far inferior. These grandsons can hold their breath, serve a pot of tea, stand by the city wall, let you scold the sky, keep smiling like a bird, not rushing, and when you are tired of scolding, they will praise you slowly, you When I heard it, it seemed to be a good thing, but after thinking about it, it was not quite right, and after thinking about it again, damn it, this is scolding me! Later, Mrs. Gu, a talented person, went up the mountain, and Mrs. Gu's mouth skills can count up to five hundred years and count down to five hundred years, which is second to none.

Last time, Hu Sanniang pissed her off, she blocked the door and scolded from early morning till dusk, without repeating a word. Beating her up the mountain, Liang Shan has never lost in the scolding battle. He played twelve times, and successfully scolded the enemy eleven times. Mrs. Gu became famous for her scolding, and she was well-known in the world for a while. Before the war, many cottages paid a lot of money to ask her to scold her. Later, the court wanted to recruit her, but Brother Song saw that she was a rare talent, so he didn't let her go. The brothers set up their formations, Mrs. Gu took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, coughed twice, swaggered to the front of the formation, and stood with her hips on her hips.

Seeing Mrs. Gu's anger sinking into her dantian, all the brothers dropped their weapons and plugged their ears one after another, the officers and soldiers at the top of the city were bewildered. At this time, Mrs. Gu suddenly let out a long howl, like thunder exploding from the ground. When the soldiers on the top of the city heard this sound suddenly, countless weapons fell from their hands in shock, everything was silent from far and near, everyone was dumbfounded. This is Mrs. Gu's forte. She takes the lead and overwhelms the other party first. Then Mrs. Gu's tongue was full of spring thunder, she was full of anger, and her cursing was like a torrent of river water...

The gang of grandsons hadn't recovered from the stick at the beginning, they were scolded bloody, and they were all dirty. Mrs. Gu's scolding content is also very embarrassing, scolding what is unpleasant, scolding what is disgusting. After scolding for a whole stick of incense, those grandsons couldn't get a word in. The hand holding the teacup trembled, Zhang Shuye was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot. Jeju City immediately issued a recruitment order, and those who can scold Mrs. Gu will be rewarded with 500 silver! Under the heavy reward, there must be shrews. Countless shrews in Jeju City flocked to the top of the city. They used to scold the street to vent their anger, but now they scold the street to win glory for the court. If they scold well, they will get money.

Mrs. Gu took her time and fought with all the women. She scolded the left side and the right side, and the right side scolded the left side. In between, she never forgot to scold Zhang Shuye, an old and immortal bastard, without losing the slightest bit. All the shrews were defeated one after another, feeling ashamed. Zhang Shuye vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, couldn't take it any longer, and confessed to himself if he vomited again, life is small, but reputation is big. If he dies on the killing field, the imperial court will write a commendation, and the history books will also leave a strong mark: Shu Ye, who is almost ancient, devoted himself to the king's affairs, raised troops and killed thieves, had dozens of conflicts back and forth, wore more than ten wounds, and died in the end. Because of the failure of the battle, he died on the battlefield, and Judas was dying: Kill the thief!

If he was scolded to death, the historian would bury him in this way: Shu Ye, huddled in the city, did not dare to fight, was insulted by a shrew, died of anger!
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