Home Categories officialdom novel Director of Culture

Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty-Two

Director of Culture 吴国恩 9036Words 2018-03-20
On the third day after the inspection, Jiang Shuichang called Dongfang Changqing and said, "Comrade Changqing, come to my office for a while." After speaking, he hung up the phone.Dongfang Changqing was taken aback, Jiang Shuichang seldom called himself, this time he called, and the tone was so short, there must be something wrong.Thinking of the just-concluded organizational inspection, Dongfang Changqing's heart couldn't help jumping up, subconsciously feeling that Jiang Shuichang's phone call must be related to the inspection. I came to Jiang Shuichang's office with a feeling of anxiety. There was only Jiang Shuichang in the office. After the secretary came to make tea for them, he walked away knowingly.Jiang Shuichang was arranging the materials on the table into a stack and stacking them on the desk. Seeing Dongfang Changqing coming in, he just nodded and said, "Sit down." Dongfang Changqing sat down anxiously.Jiang Shuichang sorted out the materials, put them in the file, walked over with a copy of the materials, sat down diagonally opposite Dongfang Changqing, and said, "How are you doing recently?"

"Not busy with those things, the construction of the Southern Grand Theater, and some things about the Southern Performing Arts Group." Dongfang Changqing replied with a smile. "I called you here because I wanted to show you a piece of material." Jiang Shuichang said straight to the point with a serious face, and handed over the material in his hand.Dongfang Changqing took it over and took a look, and saw the thick and black title of the material at a glance: "Report on Issues Concerning Dongfang Evergreen", Dongfang Changqing's heart tightened all of a sudden, and he raised his head and glanced at Jiang Shuichang, who was about to Meeting Jiang Shuichang's solemn gaze, he tried his best to suppress his panic and read on.

This is an anonymous letter, which roughly lists Dongfang Changqing's major crimes. First, living a corrupt life, taking actresses out to fool around in the name of going out for investigation; The project contractor bribed more than 1 million yuan; 3. The style of work is authoritarian, making a speech in the bureau, especially attacking a certain deputy director, rejecting dissidents when the culture and broadcasting merged, and so on.Yan Dongfang Changqing watched, but his mentality gradually became more relaxed. The other party did not grasp any substantive problems of his own, but just adopted a tactic of fishing in troubled waters.More importantly, the opponent hiding in the dark didn't know. During the investigation with the actress, Jiang Shuichang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Hong Linfeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of Propaganda, were there. It was doomed to fail from the very beginning.Even a brain-damaged person knows how to cast a mouse.

After Dongfang Changqing read it, he handed the material back to Jiang Shuichang without saying a word.Jiang Shuichang received the material and said, "Dongfang, what do you think of this material?" "I believe in the organization, and I have no distinction." Dongfang Changqing said seriously. "This is slander with ulterior motives." Jiang Shuichang said solemnly, and gave Dongfang Changqing a cigarette. "I show you this material because I believe that you have no problems in these areas. I am going to suggest that the municipal committee conduct necessary investigations."

"Thank you Secretary Jiang, I promise to cooperate with the investigation." Dongfang Evergreen said solemnly. Jiang Shuichang looked at Dongfang Changqing with satisfaction, suddenly smiled, and said: "In this way, we have fallen into other people's tricks. Now is an extraordinary period. Some people just want to muddy and thicken the water in order to seek personal gain from it." Comrade Changqing, as a friend, let me reveal some news to you in private. The municipal party committee is considering putting you under pressure. Specifically, it is planning to promote you to be the deputy mayor in charge of culture, education and health. In this regard, Minister Hong and I fully support it. Yours. This matter has not been announced yet, as long as you know it. This so-called report material is aimed at this matter. Changqing, you must have political wisdom. Think about it, if the investigation lasts for a year or so, it will be clarification If the facts are known, what will happen? Someone else’s deputy mayor is already sitting on the Diaoyutai.”

Dongfang Changqing's expression became more solemn, and he said: "Secretary Jiang, thank you for your concern. Without your training, Dongfang Changqing would not have made progress. I never dared to expect anything about the deputy mayor. I hope that I can concentrate on my work and make a way for the reform of our city's cultural system." Jiang Shui grew up laughing, and said, "It's not a matter of your extravagant expectations. I recommend you to the municipal committee, and it's not a matter of personal friendship. You are politically strong, hard-working, and have made remarkable achievements. The changes in the cultural department in the past year are It is obvious to all that Secretary Xinzhi and Mayor Renxin are completely unified on the issue of your tenure. Of course, during this period of time, you must ensure that there are no problems. Many comrades just cannot stand this final test. , too excited."

"I must be more modest and prudent, Secretary Jiang, to live up to the training of you and the leaders of the municipal party committee." Dongfang Changqing replied with determination. "Just, what are you going to do with this report material?" "Ignore him." Jiang Shuichang said with a smile, "You can ignore the anonymous letter. You can work with peace of mind. Don't think too much about other things, especially don't be smart. This is the critical time. If you are careless, you will lose everything." Dongfang Changqing thanked him gratefully. Jiang Shuichang's last words should indeed be out of sincere love for him.Recalling the failed attempts to report to Jiang Shuichang face-to-face many times after taking office as the director of the Cultural Bureau, Dongfang Changqing couldn't help but feel mixed feelings. In order to obtain the trust and support of the leaders, he had paid too much.

Coming out of Jiangshuichang's office, Dongfang Changqing went to the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee on the fifth floor to find Hong Linfeng. Chang said that it was recommended by himself, which made Dongfang Changqing have a clear judgment on the character of the two, and respected Hong Linfeng even more.Regarding the issue of the report letter, Hong Linfeng's opinion was the same as Jiang Shuichang's. He believed that the other party was just trying to muddy the water and get an opportunity from it. Dongfang Changqing said with a smile: "I don't have the time to find out who wrote it. I'm too busy with work. The main project of the Grand Theater will be completed next year. The performing arts company has just been established. It needs to recruit creative and performing talents. Creating a play, rehearsing so hard, I was so busy I was spanking my ass with my heel."

Hong Linfeng just laughed and said: "Dongfang, what we value is your strong dedication to your career, which is indifferent to personal fame and fortune. There are not many career-oriented talents like this. A person who only wants to win a relationship and get a promotion by chance." Dongfang Changqing was infinitely grateful after hearing this, and said: "Minister Hong, with your evaluation, I am willing to be broken into pieces. It is not that I do not desire to advance or retreat in official career. Who would not want a platform that is more conducive to realizing their personal value?" It’s just that I’m willing to use my work achievements to seek advancement in my career, rather than trying to get lucky. Speaking of which, I still met a wise leader. You, Secretary Jiang, Secretary Xinzhi and Mayor Renxin are all careers Without your care and support, I would not have progressed."

The two chatted heart-to-heart for more than half an hour, and Hong Linfeng finally said: "Dongfang, I suggest that you put aside your work during this period and let a few deputy directors do it. You should take the time to take a walk with the secretary of the letter." To Mayor Renxin, please report more on your work and thoughts, and at critical moments, you still have to go the necessary way." Dongfang Changqing nodded and expressed his gratitude. In the next few days, Dongfang Changqing went to the homes of Chen Xinzhi, secretary of the municipal party committee, and Fang Renxin, the mayor, respectively.Chen Xinzhi told him that the municipal party committee's request for a deputy mayor had already been approved by the provincial party committee.Dongfang Changqing also reported on the recent work. Chen Xinzhi was very satisfied and said: "Your work is recognized by the municipal party committee and the municipal government, so I decided to nominate you as a candidate for the deputy mayor to participate in this election. , I wish you success."

Dongfang Changqing smiled and said: "Secretary, thank you and the municipal party committee for trusting me. I am willing to accept the organization's selection. If I am not selected, I will still work hard. Please rest assured." "That's good. This is the attitude each of our leading cadres should have. Comrade Changqing, you are politically mature, down-to-earth, talented, and have undergone some training. It should be time to come up." Chen Xinzhi kindly said Smiling, looking at Dongfang Changqing like looking at one of his own children. At the home of the mayor Fang Renxin, Fang Renxin spoke more directly, saying: "Comrade Changqing, you have been appointed as a candidate by the organization, and I want you to come up to assist me in my work. I hope you can always maintain a high degree of consistency with the organization. According to According to the election law, when the National People's Congress is not in session, your position can be appointed by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, so that the scope will be smaller and it will be easier to control." With a solemn expression, Dongfang Changqing said, "Please rest assured, mayor, I will follow you unswervingly, and I will be highly consistent with the protection of the organization. I will never be divorced from you and do things that will harm the cause." Fang Renxin was very happy, and said with a smile: "That's good, that's good, Comrade Changqing, you are a very strong political person, I hope you can be elected successfully this time. In a few days, someone from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee will come to you After the investigation, I will talk to you again, everything depends on the organization of the conversation. For now, it’s better to have two plans with one heart.” Dongfang Changqing said with a smile: "Thank you mayor, I will treat it correctly." "During this time, you must pay special attention to personal cultivation. Comrade Changqing, whether it is work or life, you must stand the test of the organization." Fang Ren urged earnestly, and Dongfang Changqing nodded in agreement. A few days later, two cadres from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee came to the Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television, accompanied by Zhang Xuange from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, to inspect Dongfang Evergreen.The inspection team requested that all cadres above the deputy department of the cultural broadcasting system be gathered together and talk back to back one by one.Because there was no greeting in advance, Dongfang Changqing felt a little sudden and caught off guard.Su Yiyuan quietly asked him if he should not notify Wang Xiaomao and Hu Song.Dongfang Changqing thought about it calmly, and said: "It's better to inform everyone, don't be self-defeating." This kind of inspection method first gathers everyone together, and the comrades from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee explain the purpose of coming, and then the inspectors from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee explain the basic requirements of the inspection objects, and then the inspection team goes to a certain place next door. Everyone sat in a conference room and waited for the liaison officer to call their names.The atmosphere was a bit mysterious and treacherous, everyone was chatting with nothing to say, most of them wanted to hint to Dongfang Changqing that they supported him, or looked at him eagerly, these were explicit or implicit expressions.Dongfang Changqing was relaxed on the outside, but in fact he couldn't relax at all, so he smiled at Hu Song and said, "Old Hu, can you play chess?" Hu Song said: "I know a thing or two, but I haven't downloaded it for a long time." Dongfang Changqing said: "Sitting is boring, come to my office to kill a game?" Hu Song stood up and said, "Okay, I can't beat you in Go, but I can probably win in Xiangqi by luck." At the moment, Dongfang Changqing said to Su Yiyuan, Chang Guangmei and other deputy directors: "You guys have a hard time, and I will host here. I will play a few games of chess with Lao Hu. Come to the office and call us when you arrive." Several deputy directors said : "Don't worry, we are here to maintain, you just play, just gamble for a meal, whoever loses will pay for the treat." Dongfang Changqing looked at Hu Song with a smile, meaning to see if you dare to bet.Hu Song said with a smile: "Okay, you can gamble, you can still afford a meal." The two followed each other to Dongfang Changqing's office, set up chess, and started playing.Dongfang Changqing chatted with Hu Song while playing chess. Hu Song's child is studying in college and is about to study abroad in the United States. When you come back with a diploma, you are a returnee with a bright future.” Hu Song smiled modestly and said: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Speaking of my child, I usually don't care much about him. The kid is interested in reading, and interest is the best teacher." Dongfang Changqing smiled, and suddenly asked: "Old Hu, does it cost a lot of money for children to study abroad?" Hu Song became helpless, and said, "That's right, how can I afford the salary of my husband and wife? Now I'm borrowing here and there, and I don't know when I will be able to raise enough." Dongfang Changqing smiled and said: "The last time I investigated your matter and asked you to refund the money, it was only a temporary emergency, and I tried to deal with it lightly. In fact, I also know that many places are still used for office work, and you are responsible for it." Refund, it's not fair. How about this, there is still some money in the bureau, you try to find some invoices and ask Su Yiyuan to sign for you. As long as you and I know about it." Hu Song stopped the chess he was playing, and said suspiciously: "I'm afraid this is not good? What if..." Dongfang Changqing smiled and said: "This is also seeking truth from facts, and I will also explain to Su Yiyuan." Hu Song smiled and said gratefully: "Director, you still understand me." After playing a few games of chess, Su Yiyuan came to the director's office and said, "Old Hu, it's your turn." Hu Song stood up and said, "The work of Director Dongfang is obvious to all, and it is inevitable to take advantage of the situation. I will go too." Give you some fire." Dongfang Changqing smiled and said, "Thank you very much." After Hu Song left, Su Yiyuan said worriedly: "Director, will Lao Hu play a hand at this critical moment?" Dongfang Changqing smiled and said: "Probably not, Lao Hu still has a face to face but no back. Besides, at this time, we should trust the consciousness of comrades." Su Yiyuan smiled and said with admiration: "The director's heart is really unattainable. If it is placed on me, I will definitely become an ant on the hot pot at this time." The whole morning passed quickly, and because there were too many people, the conversation had to be at noon. Dongfang Evergreen asked for the opinion of the inspection team and asked Su Yiyuan to buy a boxed lunch for everyone, and then continue the conversation after eating the boxed lunch.Dongfang Changqing smiled and apologized to the inspection team, saying: "I'm sorry for the leaders, let's just have lunch casually, and make up for dinner." The inspection team laughed and said: "It's okay, we are used to it." Su Yiyuan was the last one to be talked to. After the conversation, he looked a little nervous, and said to Dongfang Changqing: "Director, there may be a problem." Dongfang Changqing just laughed and said, "What other problem can you be so alarmed about?" Su Yiyuan said: "I don't know who passed the materials to the inspection team." Dongfang Changqing was startled, it must not be a good thing to hand over the materials at this time, and immediately asked: "How do you know?" Su Yiyuan replied: "The materials are placed on the table in front of the inspectors, I am far away, I can't see clearly .” Dongfang Evergreen pondered.Su Yiyuan said: "Who did the shit?" "At this time, it is not important to investigate who made it. Besides, the masses have the right to report problems to the higher-level organization department, so they should not be investigated. There is no need to consider this matter, let alone the investigation among the masses. Let it go. You may not believe it when you say it, but I have already ignored the advancement and retreat of my official career, as long as I have something to do, it will be fine." Having said that, Dongfang Changqing still felt a little nervous. He closed the office door, closed his eyes, and silently recited the "Diamond Sutra" with his palms together, and then he felt his heart slowly calm down.Su Yiyuan knocked on the door and came in, saying, "Director, we've finished talking, now it's your turn." Dongfang Changqing smiled, made his expression natural, and followed Su Yiyuan to the conversation room.As soon as Dongfang Changqing entered, the director of the Provincial Organization Department smiled and asked him to sit down, and said, "Director Dongfang, the conversation with the relevant personnel in your bureau has ended, do you have anything else to say?" Dongfang Changqing said with a smile: "You guys have worked hard, and I have nothing to say. I only have one request. I don't know if I can make it." Several members of the inspection team looked at each other, and the director smiled and said, "Please tell me." Dongfang Changqing said with a smile: "The leader has worked hard. I would like to invite a few of you to have dinner together. I don't know if it will violate your discipline." The Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee looked at Zhang Xuanhe, Zhang Xuanhe said with a smile: "This is really not good, let's find another opportunity in the future." Dongfang Changqing stopped talking, and said bluntly: "That's fine, I won't keep you for dinner, and we will see the opportunity later." After get off work, on the way home, Dongfang Changqing felt a little heavy. Generally speaking, if there is no objection to the organization inspection, the inspectors will not refuse to eat this meal. If they refuse, it means that there is a difference in the inspection. I have an opinion, and it is a relatively sharp opinion.Dongfang Changqing handed over the car keys to the driver. During this period of investigation, he could no longer drive around in the car. More than a month later, Dongfang Evergreen received a notice from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and went to the small conference room of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee to organize a talk.The conversation was accompanied by two directors of the first and second divisions of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Department, a cadre from the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and Tong Youwei, the head of the Municipal Party Committee's Organization Department.As soon as Dongfang Changqing entered the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Xuanhe, the director of the Cadre Division, greeted him. After shaking hands, Zhang Xuan said with a smile: "Congratulations, Director Dongfang, comrades from the province are waiting for you in the conference room." Dongfang Changqing followed Zhang Xuan to the meeting room, and saw Tong Youwei and the two directors sitting and talking about jokes. Seeing Dongfang Changqing coming, Tong Youwei stood up with a smile and said, "This is the Comrade Dongfang Changqing." The director of the cadre department of the Provincial Organization Department smiled and shook hands, and said: "I already know each other, and I came for the last inspection." Tong Youwei patted the back of his head exaggeratedly and said: "Oh, yes, yes, I forgot." Then the director of the Second Division and the cadres of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection were introduced, and everyone shook hands.The two directors also put on a businesslike look, opened the briefcase, took out the notebook and the pen, glanced at each other, and said, "Let's start?" Tong Dawei replied with a smile, "Let's get started." The conversation was led by the Director of the First Department of Cadres. He looked at Dongfang Changqing with a smile and said: "Comrade Dongfang Changqing, we are entrusted by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to talk to you. During the organizational inspection, the provincial party committee has decided that you can be the candidate for the vice mayor of Zixu City..." Although Dongfang Changqing had been prepared for a long time, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but jump up in his heart.The conversation is very orthodox. The county level, the city level, and the provincial level have a model and a routine. It is nothing more than affirming your political thinking, work ability and work performance, raising some hopes, giving some encouragement, and so on.During the conversation, Dongfang Changqing noticed that Tong Youwei was always smiling and looking at him kindly, as if he was expressing something to himself. After the main talk was finished, another director gave some encouragement, and finally said: "Comrade Dongfang Changqing, you are the deputy mayor in charge of culture, education, and health, and you are the most trusted by the organization. According to relevant procedures, when the National People's Congress is not in session, its Standing Committee can organize elections and appointments. I hope you will continue to carry forward your achievements and strive for greater glory in your new position. In addition, Minister Tong of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee is here today. If If you have any request, you can ask him." Dongfang Changqing smiled humbly, expressed his heartfelt thanks for the trust in the organization, and expressed his determination as usual.Regarding the request, Dongfang Changqing said with a smile: "The Administration of Culture, Radio and Television is the place where I place my deepest feelings. The reform of the cultural system, the development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, is now a critical period. Does the team have any considerations?" Tong Youwei laughed and said: "You are the deputy mayor in charge of culture, education and health, and you came out of the Bureau of Culture and Broadcasting. Of course, I should listen to your opinion. This is also for the benefit of future work and career development. .I was also about to ask you about the arrangement of the game team, what disputes do you have, I believe the organization will respect your suggestion." Dongfang Changqing thanked and said: "If there are other considerations in the organization, I agree with it. Since the minister asked me what I think, I will truthfully report my thoughts to the organization. The cultural industry in our city is especially important. The construction of the Southern Grand Theater and the development of the Southern Performing Arts Group are at a very critical time. The director of the Bureau of Culture and Broadcasting still needs a comrade who is familiar with the situation and has an innovative spirit. There are currently three deputy directors in our bureau. At the time of the merger, there were two deputy directors of broadcasting. For more than half a year, they were mainly in charge of the work of radio and television. Wei Hong, the deputy director, has been working in culture for a long time, but she is a lesbian after all, and she is a bit weak in innovation. Su Yiyuan, the deputy director, is now the executive Deputy director, member of the party group, this comrade was admitted during the open recruitment of leading cadres at the bureau level. He is very capable. He has worked in the cultural system for six or seven years and is very familiar with the work. The project of the Southern Grand Theater started from project declaration to construction. , He participated in the whole process. I feel that if Comrade Su Yiyuan takes the post of director of the Bureau of Culture and Broadcasting, it will be more conducive to the continuity of the cultural broadcasting work." Tong Youwei laughed and said, "Okay, we will report your opinion to the municipal committee. Congratulations, Comrade Dongfang Changqing." Dongfang Changqing held Tong Youwei's hand tightly, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Minister, every inch of my progress is inseparable from the care of the organization and the support of the leaders. I will definitely work harder to live up to the trust of the organization." .” Unfortunately, just when Dongfang Changqing was going smoothly, he received a call from the Office of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, He Lingming, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, interviewed him.Dongfang Changqing's heart tightened up, and he was even a little annoyed.Generally speaking, in his situation, without any competitors, there should be no endless reports. Only when there is a conflict of interests in the officialdom can there be such persistent reports.Who is this man hiding in the dark?What is he going to do? Dongfang Changqing quickly rushed to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Qin Jian, deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Commission and director of the Supervision Bureau, received him, made him tea, and said with a smile: "Director Dongfang, please wait a moment. Secretary He has something to do. Talk to people." Dongfang Changqing smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll wait." Qin Jian smiled and said in a low voice: "The tree is quiet but the wind is not stopping. At this critical moment, you have to be careful." Dongfang Changqing smiled gratefully, Qin Jian's meaning was very clear, and he was asked to be careful about this interview.Thinking about it, my heart beat even faster.Dongfang Changqing handed Qin Jian a cigarette, and tentatively said, "Secretary Qin, what are we going to talk about today? I don't have a clue." Qin Jian just laughed and said, "It's just a routine interview, just take it easy and don't be impatient." Dongfang Changqing saw that Qin Jian's appearance was not going to reveal it, so he didn't ask any more. After a while, a young man came over and asked, "Secretary Qin, Secretary He asked if Dongfang Changqing is here?" Dongfang Changqing stood up and said, "I'm here." The young man looked serious , said: "Please come with me." The young man led Dongfang Changqing into the meeting room of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Dongfang Changqing found that the atmosphere in the meeting room was very serious. There were three people in a row. Seeing Dongfang Changqing coming, He Lingming nodded and said, "Comrade Dongfang Changqing, please sit down." Dongfang Changqing sat down on the designated chair in a regular manner, and calmly looked at the staff of the discipline inspection committee in front of him. "Let me introduce to you, this is Secretary He, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection." He Lingming said, criticizing the man in his forties who was sitting in the middle and wearing glasses, and introduced him. "This is Director Wang of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and that is Xiao Liu, a comrade from the Cadre Division of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee." Secretary He looked at Dongfang Changqing calmly, while Director Wang nodded seriously.Xiao Liu smiled, looked at Dongfang Changqing, and seemed to be saying, there is nothing wrong with following orders.At that moment, Director Wang said: "Comrade Dongfang Changqing, we know that the organization has talked with you not long ago, and plans to appoint you as the deputy mayor. Our visit this time is not only an interview with the Disciplinary Committee, but also a supplementary conversation. I hope you will seriously cooperate with our conversation, okay?" Dongfang Evergreen smiled and said, "Thank you, leaders. I will cooperate well. I will answer your questions truthfully." "That's good, let's start." Director Wang smiled. He Lingming nodded. "Comrade Dongfang Changqing, some people reported that you were not rigorous in your life style when you were working in the Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television, and what you said is well-founded. We hope you will make this issue clear to the organization." Director Wang said. Dongfang Changqing thought for a while, and his mind was like a high-speed machine, spinning hundreds of times at once.Dongfang Changqing thought, could it be that the matter between himself and Bai Xue was discovered?Thinking about it, I thought it was impossible, the relationship between myself and Bai Xue was still very secretive, and it was impossible for others to find out.Besides, at this time, even if someone finds out, they can only grit their teeth and persist. "I have always been more rigorous in my life, and I can assure the organization of this." Dongfang Qing replied, "Because reporting is a legitimate right of citizens, I will not say that this is a false accusation, at least, it is a groundless accusation. Because of the nature of the job, I do have more contact with female colleagues in the cultural system, but I still know how to keep a distance and be strict with myself in terms of life style.” "We believe in this, Comrade Dongfang Changqing, what we are talking about now is not the problem of improper handling of the relationship between you and the female colleagues in the unit, but the problem of corrupt life style." Director Wang said seriously. Hearing this, the stone in Dongfang Changqing's heart was put down, and he replied without hesitation: "I don't know what this life style corruption refers to. I don't deny that I follow the customs in many aspects, such as playing a little mahjong , Singing KTV with friends, drinking, these are indeed there. If it is too much, there will be no more.” "If it's what you said, playing little mahjong and singing KTV with friends, it's actually not a big deal." Director Wang said with a smile, and the atmosphere began to relax a little. "Comrade Dongfang Changqing, how do you explain that you sent a escort lady to the troupe?" Deputy Secretary He, who had been poking his face all the time, said suddenly, his eyes fixed on Dongfang Changqing. "You have to explain it clearly to the organization." After hearing this, Dongfang Evergreen fully understood that the Disciplinary Committee's interview was originally aimed at Wei Na's matter. From this, it can be seen that the person who made the report is indeed someone from the cultural system, but this person is not a real person. Knowing the inside information, Dongfang Changqing suddenly thought of Su Yiyuan's suspicion of Wang Xiaomao, and suddenly felt that Su Yiyuan's feeling was correct. "I would like to explain the issue pointed out by the leader in as much detail as possible." Dongfang Changqing became serious, "Our troupe has been operating according to the administrative system for a long time. , New actors can’t get in. After we implemented the reform of the cultural system, the party group of the bureau decided to break the system that actors must live for life and implement a full-time employment system.” Next, Dongfang Changqing modified the process of discovering Wei Na, saying that Wei Na was originally a student of an art school and came to the Zuxu City Theater Troupe to apply for a job, but the troupe had never recruited actors.In order to solve life problems, Wei Na temporarily works as an accompaniment singer in the dance hall, waiting for an opportunity, which still happens.Later, Su Yiyuan, the deputy director of the bureau, discovered Wei Na's artistic talent and reported to me. After studying it, our bureau's party group and bureau affairs committee felt that Wei Na's love and pursuit of art was moving. an exam.Fortunately, this girl passed the exam successfully. Her acting and music are both excellent. The examiner for this exam, Mr. Mao Benzhen, a famous vocal music professor, valued Wei Na's artistic talent very much and immediately decided to accept her as a As a graduate student of her own, Wei Na was allowed to study while working in the city troupe.After that, Dongfang Changqing said: "I guarantee that everything I said is completely true. If you don't believe it in the organization, you can investigate with Deputy Director Su Yiyuan, Professor Mao Benzhen and Wei Na herself." After Dongfang Changqing finished speaking, he took a sip of tea and said nothing more.Director Wang laughed and said: "We believe that everything you said is true. Comrade Changqing, you should understand this interview. If there is a report, of course there will be an investigation and an interview. This is to ensure that The integrity and self-discipline of cadres is not only responsible for the organization, responsible for the cause, but also responsible for yourself.” "I can understand." Dongfang Changqing said with a smile, "I will pay more attention to my moral cultivation, strengthen integrity and self-discipline, enhance my ability to resist corruption and prevent change, and live up to the organization's training and trust in me." After the interview, Dongfang Changqing came out of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and realized that his underwear was already wet with sweat. Next, the Xiaoshi Commission for Discipline Inspection investigated Su Yiyuan, Mao Benzhen, and had a face-to-face conversation with Wei Na. They all confirmed that what Dongfang Changqing said was completely true.Especially Su Yiyuan, after confirming Dongfang Changqing's innocence, recommended Dongfang Changqing to the organization with great excitement as a good cadre who is honest, honest and selfless.His speech moved all the speakers.
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