Home Categories officialdom novel Political Secretary

Chapter 7 Chapter Seven Extraordinary Events

Political Secretary 许开祯 27796Words 2018-03-20
Ma Qiming suddenly became abnormal, mysterious, and kept running towards Wushui without paying attention to several important cases. The cause was that woman named Su Zi. Ma Qiming went to see Su Zi for the first time, one evening at the end of July, when Li Chunjiang was still in the provincial capital to accompany Ye Zihe to see a doctor.Ma Qiming quietly came to Wushui County with his secretary Xiaotian.This family area located in the southwest corner of the county town is a bit noisy. Milk sellers and egg noodle sellers are yelling at the entrance of the alley, and several old men who play chess gather together, fighting for a move of chess.A woman with a big belly was chasing a chicken, and the chicken in her pen accidentally escaped, causing the pregnant woman to yell out loudly to catch it, catch it.Ma Qiming and Xiaotian also helped the pregnant woman, and finally Ma Qiming caught the chicken in his hand.The pregnant woman smiled gratefully and asked Ma Qiming who to look for.Ma Qiming smiled and said that he didn't want to find anyone, so we came here for a walk.The pregnant woman was a little surprised, and looked at Ma Qiming strangely, with an expression of disbelief.The more you walked in, the quieter the alley became. Except for a few children who came home late after school, they didn't meet anyone in the long alley.The light and shadow at dusk stretched the dark alley long, and made this old residential area even more decayed. The mottled walls were left with mischievous graffiti by elementary school students, and the strong smell of rice permeated the entire alleyway. People can't help giving birth to the desire to push open someone's door for a delicious meal.

Su Zi's house was at the farthest end of the alley. When Secretary Xiaotian opened the door, the small courtyard was quiet. There was no smell of food or human voices. Scared out.After a long while, there was a voice asking: "Who is it?" It was the voice of Grandma Su Zi.Ma Qiming walked in with Xiao Tian, ​​and saw Grandma Su Zi sitting cross-legged on the bed, reciting Buddha's name.When the beads in her hand stopped, Ma Qiming said, "Old lady, are you alone?" Su Zi's mother-in-law took a look at him and asked, "Did Zheng Yuan send you here?" Just as Secretary Xiaotian was about to speak, Ma Qiming stopped him and hummed in the tone of Granny Su Zi.Su Zi's mother-in-law said: "How many times have I told you that if we don't go, we won't go anywhere, and we will die here."

Machiming let out a groan, and took advantage of the situation to look at the room.The house looked dilapidated and small, probably due to the lack of popularity, it was even more dilapidated.All the furniture was gone, and there was only a square stool in the living room. The place where the TV used to be placed was occupied by an old cardboard box with children's toys piled on it. It was only then that Ma Qiming believed that Su Zi had sold all her property in order to petition, and she had indeed never received assistance from Li Chunjiang. The mother-in-law said that the child had a fever, so Su Zi went to the hospital to see the child.

Ma Qiming didn't ask any more questions, quietly put down a thousand yuan, and walked out with his secretary Xiaotian.On the way, Ma Qiming didn't say a word, and his secretary Xiaotian didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't dare to speak rashly. It wasn't until the night completely engulfed the earth and the land was quiet that Ma Qiming said, "How many injustices do you think there are in this world?" Secretary Xiaotian opened his mouth a few times, but did not dare to answer. The second time, Ma Qiming came alone.Secretary Oda is a country bumpkin and has no time.He asked the driver to wait in the car, walked down the alley, and knocked on the door of Su Zi's house with some anxiety.It was Su Zi who opened the door. Seeing Ma Qiming, Su Zi was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Who are you looking for?" Ma Qiming said, "I'm Tao Shi's friend, can you come in?" Su Zi turned sideways, and Ma Qiming was almost squeezed. go in.After entering the room and sitting down, Su Zi didn't speak for a long time, her hands twisted together uneasily, and her flustered eyes jumped back and forth on Ma Qiming.Just as Ma Qiming asked what was going on, Su Zi suddenly knelt down.Ma Qiming was startled, and quickly stretched out his hand to pull her, but Su Zi couldn't get up, didn't speak, just cried, the tears were like August rain, crackling, and soon wet the room.Seeing this, her mother-in-law also ran out from the back room and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Good man, help us!" Ma Qiming persisted for an hour amidst the cries of his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and finally realized that Su Zi's nerves were not normal. This young woman could do nothing but kneel and cry.She even forgot how to speak to others, as if tears were all she wanted to say. There was also an unpleasant incident that happened that day, probably because Ma Qiming's silence and hesitation annoyed Su Zi, just when he forcefully lifted Su Zi from the ground, Su Zi spit on his face bitterly !Machiming was stunned by this breath.Seeing him in a daze, Su Zi yelled suddenly, "Go, go, none of you officials are good!"

Then he heard the news of Su Zi's mental disorder, intermittently, but it always hurt his heart.There are also rumors that her disorder was linked to that Zheng Yuan, saying that after Tao Shi surrendered, Zheng Yuan approached this young woman with various reasons, and transferred her from a small factory to a second-level government department. He even got them a house in the name of Tao Shi.There were many rumors, and there was a tendency to get Zheng Yuan and her into bed.Sun Jihai publicly said at a meeting: "Some of our leading cadres ignore major and important issues in the county, and do things that are not famous all day long. Subordinates should care and be sympathetic, but you put It's too much to put all your energy into it, right?"

These words smacked of blood, and Ma Qiming, who was sitting on the rostrum, saw Zheng Yuan's face flushed and his Adam's apple bulging, as if he wanted to refute something. What is the relationship between Zheng Yuan and Su Zi?Is Li Chunjiang behind Su Zi's appeal?What is Li Chunjiang for?Also, why is Secretary Yuan Bo so sensitive on this matter?What kind of facts are hidden behind the rumors?A series of questions piled up in Ma Qiming's mind, and Ma Qiming felt that he had to figure it out. This time, Ma Qiming went to see Su Zi alone. As soon as he arrived in Wushui County, Secretary Yuan Bo called and asked him where he was and how he understood the matter.Ma Qiming knew that Secretary Yuan Bo was asking Hu Quanli, so he hesitated for a while on the phone, or said that this person seemed to come from a wrong place.Secretary Yuan Bo asked what was wrong, and Ma Qiming said: "I doubt that his second-class merit is fake." Isn't it a bit late?"

"If there is a mistake, it must be corrected. There is no question of whether it is too late." Ma Qiming said. "Well, you should find out the problem as soon as possible. In two days, I will go to the Provincial Party Committee and make a verbal report to Deputy Secretary Tong. As for how to restore the impact, you can give me an opinion. I still say the same thing, hurry up and be accurate. " Then Secretary Yuan Bo asked again, "Have you been investigating that Su Zi recently?" Ma Qiming quickly denied it and said, "Which Su Zi?" "Forget it, someone mentioned this in front of me, and I just asked casually."

After closing the phone, Ma Qiming felt awkward. It was clearly the case, so why didn't he dare to admit it to Secretary Yuan Bo?Could it be that until now, you are still worried about Secretary Yuan Bo? Su Zi was not around, and Ma Qiming was rejected again.He had been rejected twice already. Looking at the low courtyard and the locked door, Ma Qiming suddenly thought, is Su Zi hiding from him?Thinking of this, when he saw an old lady walking in the alley, he went up to meet her with a smile and asked her where Su Zi was going.The old lady said in surprise: "You are her distant relative. This is the first time I see you. Poor child." The old lady said sadly, "Su Zi just got better two days ago and was able to cook. Suddenly, a group of people broke into her house and forced her to hand over something, and as a result, she fell ill again from fright. No, I just came back from the hospital, and I was still paralyzed in bed." The old lady told Ma Qiming's ward No, said again and again, "You look like a rich man and a relative, but you must help this child—you know?" She suddenly lowered her voice, "It is said that this child is not clean with other men, I I don’t believe it, bah, gossip!”

When Ma Qiming walked back, he saw a few more lines of writing on the wall of the alleyway, one of which was written crookedly: Su Zi is a big whore, sleeping with men.Followed by a string of big characters: sleep, sleep, sleep a man to death, sleep a building. Ma Qiming walked a few steps, then turned his head, picked up half a brick, and rubbed off those few lines of writing vigorously. Ma Qiming didn't go to the hospital. The hospital was full of people, so going there might not solve any problems.Before returning to Sanhe, he called the director of the hospital to find out about Su Zi's condition.Fortunately, Su Zi is just too weak, so there will be no serious problems. It is estimated that she will be discharged from the hospital in ten and a half months.

Back to Sanhe full of worries, when he entered the office, secretary Xiaotian said that a lady named Tang Ruyi was looking for him, and she also left the hotel room number. Tang Ruyi?Ma Qiming seemed to have forgotten the name, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered, and hurriedly asked Xiaotian, "When did she come?" "At nine o'clock in the morning, she said she was your old friend." Tang Ruyi. Ma Qiming's heart was disturbed by these three words. Tang Ruyi was that socialite in Nanping, who was promoted to the director of tourism bureau by Ma Qiming in one step.It's just that Ma Qiming has never heard from her for so many years. He only heard that Tang Ruyi also resigned from the position of tourism director not long after he was transferred to work in a tourism company in Hong Kong.The world is vicissitudes of life, and time has left grudges. It has been eight or nine years, why did she suddenly find Sanhe? According to the address given by secretary Xiaotian, Ma Qiming came to the Western Hotel.The moment he rang the doorbell, Ma Qiming's hand hesitated a little, as if he hadn't made up his mind to meet this woman yet.But another voice was urging him, even impatient.He smiled in relief: what's wrong with me? She was dressed in plain clothes, with a plain face, even her smile did not change, everything remained as it was in the depths of memory.Looking closely, it seems that there are a few wrinkles around the corners of the eyes, but compared to Ma Qiming's vicissitudes, time has favored her very much.The two of them just looked at each other, only to hear the sound of stirring in the bottom of their hearts, like a hand, gently moving the traces of the years, turning the memory that had settled in the bottom of their hearts to the front of their eyes.Then there is a smile, containing the charm of the past, the nostalgia of the past, and a touch of cloud that has never stopped during the days when there is no news from Xing. "You're still so young." Ma Qiming said clumsily like an actor who forgot his lines.Tang Ruyi seemed to be quite well-versed in the world. She stroked her hair, blinked her eyes mischievously, and said a joke that made Ma Qiming relieved: "It's not a secret date, it seems to make you nervous." This sentence erased the blank years in the middle, and turned back the time to Nanping, and what Ma Qiming saw was still the capable female general who spoke ignorantly but had occasional blurred eyes.He smiled loudly: "Look at me, I don't even know what to say to you." There was a burst of relaxed laughter in the room, and then everything became natural. In fact, there are some people you will never be able to separate, just as there are some people you will never have to wait for.Time washes away what should have disappeared, and those things that are destined to stay in your life cannot be shaken off or shaken off.When a wind blows, the door of memory will be opened, and after a rain, the green grass in the bottom of my heart will become green and lush. Tang Ruyi told Ma Qiming that she had been running around all these years, as if she had been on the road and never stopped.At present, she is working in a listed company in Hong Kong and is considered a representative in Shenzhen.Ma Qiming was surprised: "You have become a super white-collar worker." Tang Ruyi smiled and said, "Oh, an old woman in the circle." It was only then that Ma Qiming realized that once he completely relaxed, the face in front of him still had strong signs of aging.He smiled sympathetically: "Time is not forgiving, it will be fifty in a flash." "You are forty-six, no, four months and eighteen days, right?" Ma Qiming was startled secretly, and his surprised eyes fell on Tang Ruyi's face again. "Seven years and fifty-two days older than me." Tang Ruyi continued. Leaving aside the details, Tang Ruyi's visit this time was not purely for Ma Qiming.She traveled from Tibet to Qinghai, then to Sanhe, and planned to go to Xinjiang next stop. "Now that the central government is proposing the development of the west, the west will become a hot land. We can't just wait and see. This time, I'm just doing a preliminary investigation for the company's westward expansion. Everywhere I go, it's full of enthusiasm." Tang Ruyi said. "You mean investment?" Ma Qiming suddenly became interested. "Our company is currently involved in 12 industries including biopharmaceuticals, tourism development, and green agriculture, and has five branches in China. Next, we plan to expand to the west." "Okay, you are the God of Wealth now." Ma Qiming's enthusiasm suddenly changed, and he insisted on pestering Tang Ruyi to talk to him about investment for more than two hours. When he left, he had an extra copy of Hong Kong Longteng Industrial's mainland project expansion plan in his hand. The phone rang on time at five o'clock in the afternoon, Tao Zi grabbed the receiver, and Huang Dawu said gloomily over there, "Are you ready for the money?" "It's ready, I'll send it right away." "It's still the same place, the shepherd's house." Putting down the phone, Taozi packed up, picked up the bag and walked towards the shepherd's house. This is the second time she gave money to Huang Dawu, and the first time Tao Zi gave Huang Dawu 100,000.Huang Dawu was very dissatisfied, and said: "With such a small amount of money to coax me, do you want me to go to the Public Security Bureau to get a bonus?" Tao Zi hurriedly said: "I really don't have that much on hand, give me some time, and I will help you make up." "Can't get it?" Huang Dawu smiled sinisterly, "A county party secretary's wife can't get 200,000, and the ghosts will believe it. Give me a fraction of what he corrupted, and I can't spend it all in my life." Tao Zi didn't dare to argue with Huang Dawu, for fear of offending this thin-faced man whose crowing was as piercing as a rooster's crowing, if he really went to the police station to report the crime, everything would be over.After losing many good words one after another, Huang Dawu finally changed his mind: "Okay, I will give you another month, remember, if you give me all the money next time, don't blame me for being disloyal." This month, Taozi's life feels like a year.Two hundred thousand, perhaps in the eyes of others, it would be no problem for her Taozi to get a few two hundred thousand, but Taozi really has no money, and the only few deposits, Ye Zihe paid all of them when she fell ill.As for the one hundred thousand, she borrowed it for Ye Zihe's medical treatment.Tao Zi is a person who really cares about face. Up until now, she has rarely opened her mouth to others for anything. This time, she has put her face on the line. It may be normal to borrow money on others, but it is very fresh and sensitive on Taozi.As soon as I opened my mouth to my colleagues, they said in amazement: "You borrow money too, don't tease me." As a result, the money was not borrowed, but a lot of things were borrowed.The work unit immediately spread the gossip about Zheng Yuan's accident, which was so miraculous that it was clear how much stolen money was found.Taozi no longer dared to raise money with her colleagues, but without her colleagues, where would she go to collect the 100,000 yuan? Quan Sanhe is Ye Zihe's only friend, so she can't tell her about this. More importantly, if Zheng Yuan can't smell the slightest bit of breath, Tao Zi must settle this matter before Zheng Yuan knows. There are indeed many people who give money, as long as she dares to ask for it, let alone one hundred thousand, there may be ten or twenty.But does she dare to ask for it? Finally, the money was enough. Thanks to a classmate of her university who knew that she needed it urgently, she sent the money without asking why.Holding the money, Taozi felt as if she was holding onto the future of the family and Zheng Yuan's hard-earned future. In the afternoon, the shepherd’s house is quiet and peaceful, and the scattered sunshine in the afternoon shines through the shadows of the trees, making the windows spotty and distant. A dreamy feeling.As soon as Taozi entered the door, she saw a person waiting on the table by the window. Compared with the previous two times, Huang Dawu became more decent and brighter every day. He even started to wear a tie. The white shirt and bright red tie made him stand out from the crowd of thousands of people.It's just that the collar is always stained with a layer of dirt, and on such a hot day, his suit and leather shoes remind people of a clown in a farce.It's a pity that Taozi is not in the mood to appreciate him. "Bring it?" "Here it is." "Give me." "You have to write me a promise." "What guarantee?" "After taking this money, you forget everything you saw, and you are not allowed to mention it to anyone in the future." "This……" "If you don't write, I'll leave." "Don't, don't, I'll listen to you, isn't it just a promise, I promise to give you." "Then write, what are you staring at me for?" "I...I can't write." Huang Dawu said, lowering his greedy eyes.Taozi clearly heard a sound, it was the sound of Huang Dawu swallowing his saliva. "Can't write?" Tao Zi stared at him in disbelief, and found that his eyes were blue, and quickly avoided. "If you haven't studied, who can read?" Huang Dawu said, beckoning to the waiter, asking for a pack of good cigarettes and two bottles of beer. As soon as he heard that he wanted cigarettes and beer again, Tao Zi couldn't stop her disgust, greedy thing!She gave him a contemptuous look, and thought for a while: "You will always sign the name, I wrote it, you sign it, and then there will be laws governing it." Tao Zi said this to scare him, lest he change in the future. "Don't mention the law to me, it's all for you rich and powerful people to play with, we're a native cow and Trojan horse, just accept the money." As he said, he gritted his teeth, and the beer bottle cap fell to the ground.He seemed to have never drank beer in eight lifetimes, and he drank it as soon as he mentioned it. Taozi finished writing in a hurry, but Huang Dawu didn't even look at it, and asked, "Is there any ink pad, I'll print it with my finger." Seeing that Taozi was puzzled, Huang Dawu said convincingly: "I don't know how to write my name, and I just stamp my finger prints wherever I go, which saves trouble." How can there be ink pads in such a place? Taozi was in a hurry when Huang Dawu suddenly said: "Take your lipstick, it is better than ink pads." After pressing it, Taozi threw the lipstick away, took out the money, and handed it over. Huang Dawu was not in a hurry to take the money, but ran over to pick up the lipstick and put it in his arms. His gaze once again fixed on Taozi lewdly. Taozi held back her unhappiness, and patiently waited for Huang Dawu to count the money, but after counting half of it, Huang Dawu suddenly shouted: "Why did you take half again, are you trying to play tricks?" Tao Zi nervously said: "Why is it half, you count it, isn't it a hundred thousand?" "One hundred thousand, you said it lightly, such an important matter is worth one hundred thousand, and if you have agreed on two hundred thousand, you can't lose a penny." "You——" Taozi realized that she had been fooled, but she was unwilling to reconcile, and argued, "Didn't I give half to you last time?" "That doesn't count, you made me wait for a month, and the money has already been spent." "You... scoundrel!" Huang Dawu took a cigarette in his mouth, took a puff leisurely, and responded: "I'm a rascal, compared to your man, I'm simply a good person!" Taozi wanted to snatch the money, but Huang Dawu hugged her tightly, staring at her fiercely: "Listen well, take another 100,000, for a week, I don't have time to play with you." "You...you..." Taozi was too angry to speak.Huang Dawu said with a sinister smile: "Just this little money, is it more important than your man's life? I've inquired about it a long time ago. If it really comes to the Public Security Bureau, you man, haha, you should be shot." Taozi finally understands that she has fallen into a trap, a bottomless pit. But besides relying on him, what else can we do? At this time, Zheng Yuan was also painfully repenting in another place. In the afternoon, Zheng Yuan went to the hospital again.Su Zi still couldn't get out of bed, her waist was broken by gangsters that night.Seeing him come in, Su Zi struggled to get up.Zheng Yuan hurriedly signaled Su Zi to lie down.Su Zi's mother-in-law tremblingly supported her daughter-in-law, and the way she sighed made people very sad.Zheng Yuan didn't have much to say, every time he saw Su Zi, he could only express his guilt with his eyes.Of course, Su Zi still doesn't understand this guilt. In her eyes, every time Zheng Yuan comes is a touch, a rare concern.As a family member of an employee, she feels deeply disturbed.Zheng Yuan was so kind to her that she didn't know how to thank her.So she resolutely refused to move into the new house, it was not what she deserved, all she wanted was an explanation, which had nothing to do with Zheng Yuan, it was those who killed her husband, they had to pay the price. Unexpectedly, the road is so long, so long that she can hardly see hope.Or my mother-in-law was right, the yamen all over the world open to the south, so don't come in if you have no money or right.Su Zi no longer had any hope. When she was thrown away by Ma Qiming twice, and when she was beaten and threatened by those people again and again, she no longer dared to have any hope. If she continued to sue, she would go crazy and Let despair and hatred kill.In fact, she knew that she was not far from madness. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, her spirit would break down completely, for her husband and for this uneven world. The hateful thing is that the gang still didn't let her go.That night, she had just finished ironing her father-in-law's feet—the father-in-law's health was getting worse and worse, he couldn't even wash his feet, and his spirit was even more in a trance. Poor old man, maybe he will follow his son soon.Thinking of this, Su Zi couldn't fall asleep, and lay on the bed in a daze in the night.At this moment, two bangs suddenly sounded in the courtyard, it was the sound of people jumping into the courtyard wall.As soon as Su Zi called her father-in-law, two black shadows rushed at her, forced her with gleaming knives, and asked her if she knew Zhu Wangzi, and where was the thing Zhu Wangzi gave her? It's Zhu Wangzi again!There have been several times when someone mentioned Zhu Wangzi to her and asked her for something that Zhu Wangzi gave her.God, how did she know Zhu Wangzi!All she knew was Ji Xiaofei and Li Chunjiang, who told her the truth about her husband's death. When the shadow man heard her and said he didn't know, he gave her two mouths hard. Her mouth was bleeding, it was salty and numb, and she didn't feel any pain.As soon as she scolded, she received a beautiful blow on the waist.The mother-in-law jumped out from another room, wanting to fight with them, but the shadow man kicked her, and the mother-in-law fell to the ground.The shadow man threatened her that if Zhu Wangzi came to her, or if someone else gave her something, she should keep it honestly until they came to get it. If she dared to hand it over to the police, her family would go to hell. Su Zi was frightened and frightened, and became ill again.She couldn't stand any threats anymore, as soon as she heard the word death, her nerves were immediately paralyzed, as if she had seen Tao Shi—her dear husband—waving at Huang Quan. Zheng Yuan is very clear about Su Zi's situation, he almost watched her become like this, but he has nothing to do, really nothing.If I had known this earlier, I couldn’t let Tao Shi go without saying anything. Really, Zheng Yuan regrets it now, regrets it so much.A person can't stand too much or too much torture. The torment of the soul is far more painful and heart-piercing than one's own suffering.What he has to bear is not just a debt of favor, but a hundred, a thousand, and even all his own happiness can't be exchanged for it.But now there is no way out, everything is irreversible, the dead cannot be brought back to life, the only thing we can do is to protect Su Zi with all our strength, and make her happier, happier. Happiness, why is she so far away from you when you long for it? Could it be that she also knows how to take revenge and ask you to pay a huge price in exchange for her? Zheng Yuan's mind was confused, thinking about what happened before and after, and thinking about that terrible night, his mind immediately became clouded, and he was no longer like the secretary of the county party committee sitting on the rostrum, no longer like the ambitious Zheng Yuan, who is going to be the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee! He is a sinner! What he destroyed was not only his own future and his own happiness; he dragged another good family into hell, and he sent such a young and happy Su Zi into hell on earth. Oh my God, Zheng Yuan didn't want to do this, really didn't want to, especially when he found out that Su Zi was the illegitimate daughter Liu Yuying gave to someone else, his heart was shocked!Why is it such a coincidence, why does misfortune happen to her alone, why does her young life bear so many injustices and ups and downs.He secretly swore that he would protect their mother and daughter well, and when the matter subsided completely, he would personally give Su Zi a mother.He ruined her husband, so let him atone for her in this way, and when their mother and daughter recognize each other, maybe he will make another choice. But can he really do it? Zheng Yuan shook his head, until now, he still couldn't make up his mind.Or, he is still avoiding, still afraid to face it. At this time, he suddenly hated Li Chunjiang, why didn't he listen to his dissuasion at the beginning, but insisted on persuading Su Zi to petition?Wouldn't it be better to let everything pass peacefully?Li Chunjiang, Li Chunjiang, do you know how bitter my heart is! Tong Xiaoniu suddenly learned that his father, Tong Baishan, was in trouble. The news from outside said that Tong Baishan was so hard to breathe by the fourth brother, and that fourth brother was really the younger brother!Tong Xiaoniu couldn't squat anymore, and was clamoring to go out.But the detention center at this time is no longer the detention center of these years, it is not the special hotel where Tong Xiaoniu can come in and out whenever he wants.The new director named Hou Jie is very aggressive, he is Li Chunjiang's man, a spy that Ma Qiming planted in advance!Tong Xiaoniu has no choice, but he can't ignore his father's affairs. Once his father is finished, his life will be gone.At this time, he suddenly thought of those things, which recorded many people who had dealt with him, and they all benefited, and some things were even entrusted to him.Thinking of this, he became excited, excited, as long as he played this card, Li Chunjiang would not be afraid if he didn't believe him, and Ma Qiming would not surrender if he didn't believe him.No matter how capable you are, can you keep Sanhe's public security safe?Can you drag Sanhe's public security bureau, even the municipal party committee and government into it?He immediately said: find Zhu Wangzi at all costs, and never let the things fall into the hands of Ma Qiming and Li Chunjiang! It was a time bomb, no, it was an atomic bomb.Not only Sanhe, but even the provincial party committee may be able to blow up for a few days. "Boss, don't blame me, Tong Xiaoniu, for being ruthless. You forced me to cross the river and tear down the bridge, trying to kick my Tong family father and son away. Think about how my father worked for you back then, and you actually brought a little four Suppress him!" Tong Xiaoniu thought about it, and said to Liu Dong: "Damn Zhu Wangzi, if you dare to spoil my good deed, I will take off a few layers of his skin!" Liu Dong patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, when I go out, I'll be the first to kill him!" These two are more and more like brothers. Zhu Mang'er finally saw her home. This village called Zhuwangbao is now in front of me, so kind and familiar.Zhu Mang'er took a deep breath, and the tears in her eyes couldn't stop falling. He has not dared to come back for more than a year. Last time, when he touched the old tree at the entrance of the village, he saw a few strange shadows swaying in the village. He did not dare to enter the village. Moonlight escaped. Zhu Mang'er wanted to come back even in his dreams. He wanted to see his grandma, and he wanted to add dirt to his sister's grave.More like…… Zhu Mang'er has a secret, a big secret.These secrets were all obtained by him in the detention center. Thinking about this, Zhu Mang'er was a little grateful to that place and Xiao Si'er.Fortunately, he was met by Xiao Si'er, fortunately he was selected by Xiao Si'er and sent to that place, so he had the chance to meet that skinny monkey named Chun Wa.Zhu Mang'er and Chunwa were really destined for each other. In a short period of time, the two became as good as brothers.Unable to sleep at night, the two lay on the bed, and Chunwa talked to Zhu Mang'er about things, some of which Chunwa experienced personally, and some of which he heard.Chunwa spoke earnestly, and Zhu Mang'er listened with enthusiasm. To Zhu Mang'er's ears, these things were secrets and news.Especially what Chunwa told him about the things on the Tao made him jump with fear.During the days before Chunwa's accident happened, she was extremely depressed and her temper was extremely irritable, but Dudu said everything to Zhu Mang'er.One night, it was drizzling and the air in the cell was damp and turbid, and what was even more turbid were the two young and bewildered hearts.Chunwa was very worried, as if the end of the world was coming. After a period of sadness, Chunwa held his hand and said, "Wangzi, if something happens to me one day, brother, remember, you must go to that place, there There is one thing, if you take it, you are enough in this life, and you don't have to do this kind of thing of paying for someone else's life again." A sense of ominousness seized Zhu Mang'er firmly, he comforted Chunwa with his mouth, but he secretly remembered what Chunwa said in his heart. The next day, Chunwa was called by Wang Fu, saying that someone came to see him, but she never came back.Zhu Mang'er thought that Chunwa was taken away by someone. It wasn't until he escaped from the detention center that he learned that Chunwa had never left the detention center at all. No, he was carried out of the detention center. People have become zombies. Zhu Mang'er didn't believe their nonsense at all, Chunwa must have been killed by them, Chunwa knew too much. When he narrowly escaped to find the place Chunwa mentioned and took out the bag of things, Zhu Mang'er was stupid, not ordinary stupid, the feeling at that time could really scare people to death.Zhu Mang'er remembered what Chunwa said, and didn't touch the bag, but hid it in another place - very close to home, but it would never be found.He knew that what Chunwa left him was gold, no, it was more precious than gold, and it was more insane than gold.But at the same time, Chunwa also left him another road—the road of death, the road leading to the underworld. He finally knew how Chunwa left this world. Zhu Mang'er was terrified, and Zhu Mang'er was in shock. However, Zhu Mang'er was even more excited and wanted to shout to the whole world!He is finally rich, he has finally become a rich man, and he can finally live the same life as Tong Xiaoniu.Once the world is peaceful, once that group of people is completely cleaned up by the police, then he is no longer Zhu Mang'er. It's not just his elderly grandma or his lingering sister who is holding him back in Zhu Wangbao's arms, that bag of things is what he wants to see every day.Although I can't move right now, I feel at ease when I look at it.It was getting dark.It was really dark in September, and the sun climbed on the top of the west mountain, not moving a step for a long time, and Zhu Mang'er wished to kick the sun down the mountain.He looked around as he walked, for fear of being followed by ghosts. Fortunately, today was a smooth day, and he didn't smell anything along the way. Thinking of this, Zhu Mang'er hated Li Chunjiang again.If you insist on forcing me to say, I have said everything that can be said, and of course I cannot say the rest.What can't be said is forced to say, you are not the Kuomintang, and you are not Tong Xiaoniu. Unfortunately, I still regard you as a savior. Fortunately, Li Chunjiang didn't achieve his goal, it's no wonder he could.Zhu Mang'er smiled, and his smile in the dusk added color to the mountain road.In addition to what Chunwa left him, he also left a secret, a secret that Li Chunjiang would never have thought of even if he killed him.What he gave Li Chunjiang from the detention center was a thick book, which was inconvenient to carry around, so he hid it in the backyard of the detention center.And this is only half of what he stole from Tong Xiaoniu, and he kept the other half with him.He had seen Tong Xiaoniu playing with it several times, from Tong Xiaoniu's expression, he felt that this thing was unusual, much more valuable than that book, so he quickly hid it on his body.After escaping from the detention center and fleeing to the provincial capital, I spent a lot of money and finally learned to open it.After this fight, Zhu Mang'er was very stupid, definitely even more stupid than when he saw the things Chunwa left him.It was full of the names of high officials, some of whom he knew, such as Sun Jihai, such as Wu Dagong, and others he didn't know, but he decided that these people must be higher officials than Sun Jihai and Wu Dagong.Haha, Zhu Mang'er laughed right then, so proudly! This is the real treasure, this is the real Jinshan.Think about it, if you go to any of them and ask for one hundred and eighty thousand, dare you not give it? Thinking of this, Zhu Mang'er's eyes were full of gold, as if the mountain in Zhuwangbao suddenly turned into a golden mountain, his own golden mountain. Such a big golden mountain, can I give you Li Chunjiang for free?Think beautifully! Zhu Mang'er stumbled and almost fell.He regained his composure and looked around again, but there was still nothing unusual. It seemed that today was a good day, and it was time for him to have a good life. He couldn't live that kind of desperate life every day. Li Chunjiang is quite smart, if you let me go, you will be free if you don't let me go, if you don't say it, you don't say it, even if you beat me to death, besides, can you beat me to death?You are an official of the Communist Party, and you are not... Zhu Mang'er didn't think about it anymore, he was too lazy to think about it, now he should think about it: where to hide the two treasures?It's not at ease to keep it here all the time, and it's troublesome to take a look. I don't know when they will be able to catch that group of people completely? It was completely dark, and the sky seemed to be helping Zhu Mang'er. Once it was dark, it was so dark, so dark that Zhu Mang'er wanted to kowtow to the sky.His pace quickened, almost flying, and soon he stood at the three-way intersection split by the boulder.Zhu Mang'er breathed a sigh of relief, not to mention the comfort in his heart.In another ten minutes or so, he would be able to see what he wanted to see, and he really wanted to sleep beautifully with those two piles of money. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound in the distance, followed by the sound of gravel rolling down the mountain.Zhu Mang'er yelled inwardly that she was not good, and dodged to hide behind the boulder, holding her breath and listening for a while, but the sound disappeared surprisingly, and the valley was completely silent.Zhu Yu'er didn't dare to dodge easily, the sound was extremely abnormal, like when someone stood up abruptly, could it be... Thinking so, he raised his foot, and hid in the grass like a cat, still not at ease, and again She shrank her head into her neck, then held her breath and waited. After a long time, there was nothing unusual in the valley, so Zhu Mang'er believed it was a bird or a rabbit.I also blame myself for being too allergic, always thinking about someone chasing and killing.他悄悄探出头,四下听了听,确信没有人跟踪,才起身,摸索着往前走。还没走两步,突然就听到一阵脚步声,很急、很密,不像是一个人。朱牤儿妈呀一声,掉头就跑,一失足踩在一泡牛粪上,脚下一滑,一个趔趄倒地,跟驴粪蛋一样滚下了山坡。 这时候,山谷里响起的就不只脚步声了,有人喊:“快追,别叫他跑了!”紧跟着,几道手电光照过来,刺得半个山谷都在摇晃。朱牤儿心想完了,中计了,这下,命保不住了。就在他爬起身跌跌撞撞往沟谷里跑时,山道上突然响起一阵警笛,紧跟着,警灯的光亮了照亮了大半个山谷。 朱牤儿再次躲过一劫。 救他的不是别人,正是马才。 放走朱牤儿,也是迫不得已的选择。白吃白喝养着他,他一个字不吐,你说气人不? 马才将情况报告给李春江,愤愤道:“这小子太不识眼色,干脆把他放了,让他到外面再吃点苦头。” 李春江思考再三,同意了马才的意见,对这种人,也只有这种办法。不过,他叮嘱马才,一定要跟着朱牤儿,一步也不能离开,看他到底玩什么鬼把戏。 马才跟了朱牤儿一个星期,发现这家伙神神秘秘的,压根就不像个正经人。可是真要从他身上挖出点什么,又难。躲了两年多的命,朱牤儿别的没学到,倒是学会跟人玩迷藏。就在马才灰心的一刻,朱牤儿突然踏上了归乡的路,马才心想:好啊,你总算耐不住了。 马才抢在朱牤儿到达朱王堡之前,暗中布网,提前将警员埋伏在山道上。考虑到山道追捕或隐藏的需要,马才要求警员一律骑摩托,而且必须收拾好警灯。 摩托车的确帮了马才不少忙,而且这一次他又有新发现。就在他一声令下拉响警笛冲目标扑去时,忽然发现,离村道不远处意外地又窜出几个人影,他们跟马才盯的这一伙分头藏在南北。听见警笛声,那几个影儿惶惶地朝村子北面消失了。借着灯光,马才依稀辨出领头的好像是独狼。 依照李春江的吩咐,马才他们没抓朱牤儿,只是派人紧跟住他。当然,袭击朱牤儿的那伙人也被放走了,李春江交待眼下的首要任务是保证朱牤儿的安全,至于那伙人,还不到抓捅的时候。 马才很快将发现独狼的消息报告了李春江,在吴水等消息的李春江说:“这就对了,我的判断没错。”马才听得莫名其妙,难道李春江知道跟踪朱牤儿的不是一路人? 的确是这样,李春江早就怀疑,追杀朱牤儿的,不只是童百山的人,还有一伙很可能来自省城,至于是不是袁小安所派,暂时还不能确定,但一定跟毒品有关。马才的发现印证了他的判断,看来,独狼绝不是为童家父子卖命,他在替省城的人办事,这一点怕是连童家父子也想不到。 马其鸣的判断也是如此。马其鸣是下午悄悄赶到吴水的,一到吴水,马上就跟李春江研究起案情。马其鸣初步判定,隐藏在三河的黑势力有两股,一股以童家父子为中心,重点经营公检法内部,替省城甚至更多的人从狱中捞人,这股势力正是当初车光远觉察到的。另一股却更隐蔽,很有可能就是以范大杆子为中心,秘密从事着毒品交易。至于这股势力到底跟童家父子有没有穿插,暂时还不能完全判定,但是小四儿绝对是脚踩两只船,两边都有往来。这么一分析,李欣然父子的情况也就不难判断。李华伟一定是搅进了毒品案,而且是范大杆子在吴水的得力干将,至于李欣然,从他跟小四儿接触的时间来讲,应该跟童百山一伙是连在一起的,当然,他们是父子,发现儿子的罪恶勾当后,李欣然无奈之下充当保护伞也说不定。 至于孙吉海和吴达功,马其鸣跟李春江都还不敢轻易下结论,要等侦察有了进一步的结果才好做判断。但对袁波书记,两个人的看法却很一致,除了袁小安,袁波书记没有别的可能。 乱麻一样的线索很快被梳理过来,困惑他们的疑团也被一个个打开。“真是复杂哦!”马其鸣叹道。 李春江也发出同样的感叹,当初之所以打不开缺口,就是没把这两股势力分开,反而让对方拉到了扯不断理还乱的迷境中。 接下来,就该顺着这两条线往下查,李春江很快将自己的想法说了出来,马其鸣表示赞同,时间紧迫,两人连夜制定起方案来。 吴达功家里也是一夜未安,凌晨五点的时候,夫妻俩还各摆出一种架势,你死我活的样子。 汤萍真是又气又怨,尽管心里对吴达功恨得要死,却又不能真的撒手不管。位子是有了,权力也有了,但真的能让她安安心心坐享清福吗?怕是不能。三河最近风声不断,马其鸣等人神出鬼没,使出的招数一招比一招狠,一招比一招要命。秦默虽然逼到了后台,但谁知他是不是真的就休息去了?三河高层更是令人费解,老袁波举棋不定,左晃右摇。孙吉海雷声大雨点小,弄个胡权礼都要看马其鸣脸色。其他那几位,就更不用说,纷纷夹着尾巴,做起了缩头乌龟。形势远比她预想的要复杂,要黑暗。下午她突然接到童百山电话,邀她单独坐一坐。汤萍以前绝少跟童百山有来往,也坚决反对丈夫跟他来往,骨子里,她是看不起这些暴发户的,财大气粗,一身铜臭,没文化不说,让这个时代捧得简直忘了祖宗是谁。但这个时候,汤萍又不能不去。跟童百山一起的是检察院一位副检察长,边上还坐个女人,年轻,颇有几分姿色,起初汤萍还以为是姓童的或那位副检察长带的情妇,目光很恶毒地剜了她两眼。后来才知不是。这女人有点来头,说是二公子派来的调节一下童百山跟那个小四儿的矛盾的。汤萍对小四儿的事也有所耳闻,还不止一次问过吴达功到底跟小四儿有没有来往,吴达功支支吾吾,不说有也不说没有。 谈到后来汤萍才知道,这场聚会真正的东家是那个女人,她指点江山,纵横利弊,谈吐和智谋远在两个男人之上。从她话语里,汤萍很快判断出,女人来三河的真正目的绝非调解姓童的跟小四儿,倒有一种稳定大局统一各路力量的架势。说到最后,她凝起目光,用朋友一样的口吻跟汤萍说:“当务之急,是赶走马其鸣,此人远在车光远之上,他要是再蹲下去,三河非出大事。”说完,目光久久凝在汤萍脸上,一动不动。 “拿什么法子?”童百山有点急。 女人摆摆手,将童百山的猴急拨拉到一边,目光却始终未从汤萍脸上挪开。她看汤萍的样子,很像一个为她痴情为她着迷的男人,直看得汤萍脸上起了臊,才说:“这就要看汤大姐的了。” 童百山和副检察长这才把目光对住汤萍,有点惊讶,有点不相信,很快,他们从两个女人脸上读到另一种内容。这一刻他们才明白,让车光远不明不白地进去,并不是他们的能耐,而是眼前这个女人。两人同时吸了一口凉气,心里有股说不出的滋味。 他们期待着汤萍开口。 到了这份上,汤萍也不想再卖关子,她挪挪身子,让自己坐得稳一点,然后朱唇一启,用不显山不露水的口气道:“能有什么法子呢,这个人,不像姓车的。” 那女人释然一笑,露出她另一种美丽,纤纤玉手打开包,取出一样东西,汤萍一看,眼猛地就惊了。 女人给她一幅照片,女人的照片。 回到家,吴达功独自喝闷酒,汤萍心烦地说:“你能不能不把酒当亲戚?”吴达功也是心里上火,没好气地道:“门不能出,朋友不能见,不喝酒让我活不活?” “朋友?”汤萍吃惊地瞪住吴达功,“你这种人也有朋友,瞧你交的什么人,整天给你擦屁股还来不及。” “那就不擦,再说我也没请你擦!”吴达功像是成心要激怒汤萍。也难怪,自从当上这个局长,他的耳朵没一天清闲过,不是这个不对就是那个不能做,怎么做都不能让汤萍满意,弄得他都不知道该如何当这个局长了。这女人,苛刻得近乎变态! “吴达功!”汤萍突然喝了一声,“你是不是觉得翅膀硬了,能飞了?” 吴达功唰地抬起头,迎住汤萍,他多想把自己的不满喊出来,把心里的不平发泄出来。但是,他还是挪开了目光。他知道,在汤萍面前,他是缺少这种勇气的。他沮丧地倒了一大杯酒,一仰脖子灌了下去。 汤萍扑过来,一把提起洒瓶,扔进了垃圾筒。 吴达功嗓子哽了几哽,终还是没不出声音。 怎么了,我这是怎么了?为什么要怕她,为什么一切都要听她的?他痛苦地抱住头,对婚姻,对婚姻里的爱和恨,还有因这桩婚姻而渐渐迷失的人生,发出一阵阵揪心的痛。等他再次抬起头,看到的却是另一番情景。汤萍哭了,一向盛气凌人不可一世的汤萍哭了,一向把风浪不当作风浪把火山不当作火山的汤萍在他面前哭了。这是个绝少流泪的女人,一旦流起泪来,便铺天盖地,势不可挡。 吴达功被这如波涛般汹涌的泪水击垮了。 他哪里能想到此时汤萍的心情。自打当上这个局长,他一直抱怨汤萍不跟自己一同吃饭,不让自己碰她一下,夫妻间原本就少得可怜的性生活也被她一笔勾销了。他这个丈夫,已完全地成了家里一个摆设! 他可否知道,这一切的后面,隐着汤萍多少屈辱和苦难。是的,汤萍是个冷淡得令人不可思议的女人,包括她自己,也常常忍不住发惊:我怎么成了这样,我怎么越来越不像个女人,尤其床上那点事,如果不是吴达功执意要来,她几乎就要认为自己压根不具备那功能!天啊,汤萍一想这些,恨不得要把自己撕烂,把这个家一把火点了。她现在才知道,自己辛辛苦苦挣扎的,竟是这样一种人生! 世上哪个女人不渴望被宠爱,被滋润,被无休无止地爱着和被永无止境地呵护着! 汤萍带着她一生的悔恨,还有必须坚持下去的痛决,转身进了卧室。门哐当一响,甩给吴达功一屋子的冰凉。 这个晚上,他们最终还是谈起了童百山。事到如今,吴达功才知道很有必要把一些事说清楚,尤其夫妻之间,绝不该再有保留。 吴达功跟童百山的接触,是因一个叫七星的重刑犯。之前他根本不知道七星是什么人、犯过什么事,等到把一切了解清楚,晚了,该做的事儿已做了,再想后悔,下辈子吧。 那是他当上公安局副局长不久,有一天,童百山突然来访。当时童百山的事业还没这么大,但有迹象表明,他很可能会做大。三河这块地盘上,童百山已越来越成为一个人物。吴达功正纳闷他跑来做什么,童百山抢在前面说出一个人:省城老大! “他要我问问你,一切还满意不?” 就这一句,吴达功懂了,童百山是上门讨债来了,人情债。 有时候事情就是这样,由不得你按自己的意志选择。吴达功起初以为自己放了范大杆子,对方拿副局长报答他,这事就完了,公平交易,互不相欠,接下来应该彼此把对方忘了才是。可对方不这么想,范大杆子是一码事,副局长是另一码事,这是对方的逻辑。况且,副局长前面还有局长,局长前面还有副市长、副书记,难道你甘心在这不痛不痒的位子上困守一辈子? 童百山快人快语,完全一副道上的架势。他说:“大哥托付你我一件事,要我们务必办好。” 对这位神秘的大哥,吴达功应该不算陌生,吴达功刚来三河的时候,他正坐在三河地区政法委书记的位子上,算是顶头上司。现在的大哥早已位高权重,一句话便能决定吴达功的一生。吴达功就是不明白,他为啥偏偏要盯上自己? 大哥要他把七星弄出去,而且一步到位,彻底甩掉犯人的帽子。 吴达功连忙摇头,说这事不可能。童百山拍拍他的肩,情同兄弟般说:“别忘了,你我可都捧着他的饭碗啊,把不可能变成可能,这才显出你吴副局长的能耐。” 能耐两个字算是把吴达功这一生给毁了。 接着,童百山说出自己的计划。其实计划并不复杂,复杂的东西也不可能让他吴达功知道。吴达功要做的,只是定期巡察一下七星服刑的监狱,抓抓监狱的政治思想工作,让监狱树一些典型,至于树起来做什么,童百山没说,吴达功也没敢多问。这时候多问一句就可能让自己多陷一步。他心里祈祷着让这事儿快点结束,让童百山连同那个七星尽快从自己的脑子里消失。 典型很快树了起来,七星果然名列典型之首。 之后的三个月,一切都很平静。平静得让吴达功感觉不到自己为大哥做了什么。忽然有一天,童百山找到吴达功,说三监可能要发生点事,要吴达功不要慌,一定要镇静,而且……说着拿出一份材料,放吴达功面前。 “你只管照这上面说的做好了。” 就在当天夜里,一起震惊全省的暴力越狱案发生了,地处沙漠边缘的三河第三监狱先是发生了犯人跟犯人之间的群殴事件,当狱警赶去制止的时候,一名叫王龙娃的犯人突然袭击了狱警,从狱警手中夺过枪。这时监狱突然停电,一片漆黑。另两名跟王龙娃关在一起的犯人迅速亮出凶器,将击昏的狱警挟为人质,强行越狱。当时情况十分危险,不少犯人跟着起哄,叫嚣着要放火烧了监狱。为了保证狱警的安全,监狱方面勉强答应王龙娃提出的条件,为他准备了一辆车。王龙娃三个挟持人质,一步步离开监狱,起哄的犯人越闹越凶,大有趁乱集体脱逃的可能,形势逼迫着监狱方面一次次让步。奇怪的是停电同时通信也中断,一时无法跟外面取得联系。就在王龙娃等跳上车打算离开的关键时刻,车厢里突然亮出一个身影,藏在车里的七星一个猛扑扑向王龙娃,牢牢卡住了王龙娃的脖子,王龙娃想喊什么却喊不出来。在双方争夺枪支的过程中,枪连响两声,一枪击中了七星,另一枪,却让歹徒王龙娃毙命。受伤的七星顾不上自己安危,毅然向另两名犯人扑去,就在穷凶极恶的暴徒企图杀害人质的一瞬,狱方的狙击手开枪,击毙了罪犯,人质安全获救,但七星胸脯又中了一刀。 七星连夜被送往医院,三天后脱离危险。这场叛乱最终被平息,经三河公安局调查,叛乱分子王龙娃在狱中一直不思悔改,多次密谋越狱窜逃,私下跟多人提起过这事,那些趁乱起哄的人正是受了他的鼓动,才胆敢跟狱方叫板。掐断电源和断掉通讯也都是他们所为,为这次越狱,他们事先做了长达半年的密谋。 真相调查清楚后,三河市公安局向省厅及原判法院提出请求,以危难时刻挺身而出与暴徒勇做斗争为主要事迹,要求为七星减刑。三个月后法院做出裁决,七星因荣立特等功获得提前释放,他的事迹成了全体犯人学习的典型。 也就是七星走出监狱那一天,吴达功才彻底弄清,七星是省人民银行一位要员的儿子,母亲是某新闻媒体的负责人。三年前省城发生过一起舞厅群殴致死人命案,七星先是作为主犯被起诉,后来又变为从犯,被处以有期徒刑二十年。七星先是关在省城一所监狱,后来几经辗转才到了三河三监。 得悉这一切后,吴达功已经清楚,自己掉进某个圈套了。果然,三河方面很快有人提出,这是一起假案,真正的主谋是七星,他先是策反王龙娃等几个,鼓动他们跟自己一起越狱。王龙娃因为自己的媳妇跟了别的男人,一怒之下去杀情敌,没想情敌没被杀掉,自己却以杀人未遂被判重罪。王龙娃一心急着出去复仇,哪还有心情辨别七星是不是玩谋术。一切密谋好后,就在动手这一刻,七星突然倒戈,跟狱方提出把自己藏在车里,可以制服王龙娃。于是便上演了这场平息叛乱的好戏。 包括那个遭袭击的狱警、开枪射死罪犯的狙击手,都是精心安排过的。不留活口,这才是做得干净彻底永世不可能翻案的铁的规矩。整个事件中唯一有可能真实的,就是七星后来挨的那一刀,那才是意识到上当受骗后同伙赏给他的最好礼物。 有关方面马上出面制止传言,吴达功再次受到重任,在全局内开展一场深刻的政治大讨论,这场讨论的结果便是持怀疑者被调离公安系统。从此,三监越狱案便以正面典型写进了历史,永远激励着那些接受改造的人,只有跟自己的过去彻底决裂,才能很快迎来新生。 “那……事后……你拿过好处没?”汤萍颤颤地问。 吴达功沉默了一会儿,点头道:“拿过,就是送给你的那张卡。” "what?!" 汤萍只有一个肾,那一年,吴达功突然说朋友送了一张卡,很珍贵。原来法国有家医疗机构,专门对单肾人群做定期医疗救助,主要是保健性康复,以保证单肾人群也能够像正常人一样延年益寿。作为中法友好的礼物,法国方面想在中国挑选一些救助对象,为他们提供人道服务。不要钱,但渠道很特殊。 汤萍很高兴,居然没问这卡哪来的,她相信丈夫一定是爱她才想尽办法弄了这张卡。于是汤萍每年一次,前后去了法国六次,做了六年的国际医疗救助。不可否认,这家国际医疗机构的水平一流,救助手段也很先进,汤萍能保持如此旺盛的生命力,不能不说跟这张卡有关。 但是她怎么也没想到的,这是一桩交易,一起昂贵而沉重的交易。其实她应该想到,世上哪有免费的午餐? 孙吉海握着笔的手在抖。 这是个星期天。跟以往任何一个周末一样,孙吉海把自己关进书房,面前是伴随了他半个世纪的宣纸,还有一套晚清时代出土的砚台。 孙吉海喜欢写字。在三河,谁都知道孙吉海的字不错,值得收藏,可谁也得不到他一幅,甚至饱饱眼福的机会都难获得。 他只写给自己。 写字有什么用呢?修身养性,让自己沉入到另一种境界里? 的确,孙吉海需要用沉入来获得另一种身心,跟现实完全背离的身心,或者叫麻醉。 十岁起,父亲便教他练字,父亲说,字是门面,字是你的脸,字更是你的心,字里看人生,字里看家风。 就这么着,孙吉海顽固地迷上了练字。练到现在,孙吉海越来越觉自己写的不是字,是命,一个人的宿命。 人都是有宿命的,人根本就躲不开自己的宿命。 孙吉海手里的笔啪地断了。 这是他今天握断的第三支笔。看来,今天是写不下去了。 孙吉海扔掉断笔,倒在了竹椅上。 昨天晚上,他再次接到省城的电话,质问他为什么不阻止,怎么能听之任之? “你是常务副书记,也是省委确定的接班人,对他的工作应该有干预权,必要的时候,你可以直接向省委建言,让他离开三河。” 孙吉海一句话都没回答。 他不知道该怎么回答。 马其鸣不像车光远,这一点他一开始便觉察到了。换上车光远,要是苏紫拦车,他会当下接过状子;换上车光远,如果吴达功撂挑子,他会拍桌子,甚至提出罢他的官;换上车光远,如果抓到范大杆子,他会大张旗鼓地展开一场斗争;换上车光远,如果提拔吴达功做局长,他会自己的官不当,也要跳起来抵制…… 换上…… 能换吗?这种空想有意义吗? 老了,孙吉海觉得自己真是老了,思维退化得一塌糊涂,甚至有点爱做白日梦了。 是的,白日梦。 阻止?他再一次笑笑,那笑接近墨汁的颜色。他什么也没做,装得老老实实,规规矩矩,你阻止他什么?他甚至从没在常委会上主动提过一次三河公安的事,你拿什么阻止?不让他抓毒犯?不让他深入基层?还是不让他工作? 一切都是在暗底里,是的,暗这个字已经无数次伤害到孙吉海。 暗得你摸不到一点边,暗得你闻不到一点气味,暗得你都不知道他脑子里想什么。可是,威胁却实实在在地存在,而且,正在一步步逼近。
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