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Chapter 25 Chapter 21: The Mask of God

"Why would you live in the desert when there is so much beauty nearby?" Jarlaxle asked Entreri. In the days following the disaster at the Gentleman's Brilliant Inn, the two traveled so rapidly that Entreri even asked a mage found in an enchanted tower off their course to teleport them many miles away. , getting closer to their target: Goofy Spirit and its priest, Cadley. It certainly didn't hurt that Jarlaxle seemed to have an inexhaustible source of gold. At this moment, the Snowflake Mountains stood clearly in front of them.Summer was drawing to a close, and there was a chill in the wind, but Entreri could hardly argue with Jarlaxle's comments about the landscape.It amazes the killer that a drow could find beauty in such a surface environment.They looked down, and in the wide and long valley located on the extreme west slope of the Snow Flower Mountains, there were towering ancient trees intertwined into a canopy.Even Entreri, who had rejected beauty most of his life, could not deny the beauty of the jagged mountains, whose snow-capped peaks shone brightly in the sun.

"Calimport is where I live," Entreri replied after a moment. Jarlaxle scoffed at that. "With your skills, you can settle down anywhere in the world." He said, "Waterdeep, Luskan, or Icewind Dale, or even here. Whether it's a big city or a small village, few people can deny The value of a strong warrior. No one can dislodge Artemis Entreri unless they know him as well as I do." The words made the killer stare at him with narrowed eyes.But both know that this is purely a joke—or maybe not.Even so, there was too much truth in Jarlaxle's words that Entreri disliked.

"We have to go around the south of the mountains to get to Karton, and these roads are leading us to the high-flying spirit," Entreri explained. "If we go at full speed, we will be in front of Kadli in a few days." "Full speed ahead, then," Jarlaxle said. "Let's get rid of the magic weapon, and then..." He paused, looking at Entreri probingly. then what? This palpable question hangs in the air between them, though no one has ever said it.After escaping the Crystal Tower in Dalabad, the two headed straight for the Goofy Spirit with determination to escape the dangerous artifact.But after that, what awaits them?Will Jarlaxle return to Calimport to restore leadership of the Dayet Mercenaries?Both were suspicious.After considering the possibility, Entreri knew immediately that he would not follow his dark elf companions in this matter.Even if Jarlaxle could somehow undo the seeds of trouble sown by Raiki and Kim Murray, Entreri wasn't looking forward to joining the drow again.The vast majority of false allies would be happy if he died.In gaining insight into this fact, he doesn't want to have to calculate every step he takes.

Where will they go?Is it together or separated?Both of them were thinking about this question.At this time, a powerful and beautiful voice full of resonance came to them across the field. "Stop and surrender!" it said. Entreri and Jarlaxle looked around and saw a lone figure.It was a beautiful and elegant female elf.She hung a well-forged long sword by her side, and approached them calmly. "Surrender?" Jarlaxle grunted. "Does everyone have to expect us to surrender? As for standing still, God knows, we're not moving at all!" Entreri was hardly listening, his attention focused on the trees around them.The elf maiden's gait told him more, and he confirmed his suspicions almost immediately.He saw an elven archer among the branches, and then another, bending their bows at him and his companions.

"She's not alone," the killer whispered to Jarlaxle, trying to keep a smile on his face as he spoke—an air of invitation to the approaching warrior. "Elves are seldom like that," Jarlaxle responded quietly. "Especially when they face Drow." Entreri had trouble maintaining his smile when faced with the simple truth.He thought that the rain of arrows would rain down on them at any moment. "Salute!" Jarlaxle yelled.He took off his hat, intending to openly reveal his blood. Entreri noticed that the elf girl flinched visibly, slowing down at the sight.Even though she was still thirty paces away, Jarlaxle was clearly a drow without the hat.

She moved a little closer, maintaining perfect calm and firmness, without showing any expression.It made Entreri think there was no chance of peace.He listened for a moment to Clinshinibon's silent call, trying to figure out if the Crystal Shard had summoned more enemies to free it from Entreri's grasp. He didn't notice any abnormalities, and there was no connection between the magic weapon and this elf. "There are a hundred warriors around you." The elf girl stopped twenty steps away from them and said. "Nothing would please them more than to shoot an arrow through your tiny drow heart, but that's not what we're here for—unless you so wish."

"Ridiculous!" Jarlaxle said, with considerable energy. "Why should I expect such a thing, fair elf? I am Drizzt Do'Urden of Icewind Dale, a ranger, and my heart is no different from yours, I believe!" The elf's lips were pursed tightly. "She has never heard of you, my friend," said Entreri. "Salekh in Shmesta Forest has heard of Drizzt Do'Urden," Saleh told them flatly. "She's also heard of Jarlaxle of the Dayette Mercenaries, and Artemis Entreri, the most detestable killer." This made both of them blink for quite some time. "The Crystal Shard must have told her," Jarlaxle whispered to his companion.

Entreri didn't deny it, but he didn't believe it either.He closed his eyes and tried to perceive the connection between the magic weapon and the elf girl again, but still found nothing.Nothing at all. But how did she know? "Then you are Saleh of Shmesta Forest?" Jarlaxle asked politely. "Or maybe you're talking about someone else?" "I am Saleh," the elf declared. "I and my friends gathered in the woods around you were sent here to find you, Jarlaxle of the Dayet Mercenaries. You carry something of great significance to us." "Not me," Drow said, feigning confusion.He was happy to be able to disguise the confusion better by telling the truth.

"The Crystal Shard is owned by Jarlaxle and Artemis Entreri," Saleh said affirmatively. "I don't mind who of you has it, just that you have it." "They will attack soon," Jarlaxle whispered to Entreri. "The magic crystal seduced them. I'm afraid I have no more bets to place." Entreri didn't feel that way, not at all.The Crystal Shard didn't call out to Saleh, or any of the other elves.If it did, that call would undoubtedly be rejected outright. The killer noticed that Jarlaxle was making some subtle movements, the gesture of casting a spell.He put a hand on the dark elf's arm and held him firmly.

"We do have what you said," Entreri said to Salech, stepping over to Jarlaxle.He shrugged and did nothing else. "We're about to bring it to Cadlei in Goofy Spirit." "For what purpose?" Saleh asked. "So he can rid the world of it," Entreri replied boldly. "You say you've heard of Drizzt Do'Urden. If that's true, if it's what I believe, you've heard it too Kadleli of the Goofy Spirit, then you should know that Drizzt was going to bring this artifact to Cadderly." "Until it was stolen from him by a dark elf disguised as Kadlei." Saleh said decisively in a dominant tone.Indeed, it was in this way that this particular pair of figures had acquired the artifact, as Cadley had told her.

"A casual observer may not understand why," Jarlaxle interposed. "Be content with that, we have the Crystal Shard, and are about to give it to Cadderly of Goofy Spirit, so that he may free the world from the threat of Crenshinibon." Saleh gestured to the bushes, and her companions emerged from the shadows.There were dozens of stern-looking elves, all warriors, holding handmade longbows, wearing sophisticated weapons, and wearing shiny soft armor. "I was ordered to escort you to Goofy Spirit," Saleh explained. "But I don't know whether to keep your lives. Go fast, don't make a sound, don't make any hostile actions, so that maybe you can live to see the magnificent door of the temple. Although I don't hope so, I offer You promise." She turned and walked away.The elves began to gather around the dark elf and his fellow killers, still armed with bows and arrows aimed for the kill. "It's better than I expected," Jarlaxle said dryly. "Then you're a perpetual optimist," Entreri responded in the same tone.He searched around, trying to find the weak point in the elf circle, but only saw the inescapable murderous intent etched on every handsome face. Jarlaxle saw this too, but more clearly. "We got caught," he commented. "And if they knew all the details of our encounter with Drizzt Do'Urden..." Entreri said, ominous words hanging in the air. Jarlaxle smiled wryly until Entreri turned away.He hoped he wouldn't have to be forced to reveal the truth of that encounter to his companions.He would not tell Entrelitrist that he was still alive.Jarlaxle believed that Entreri had come out of the passivity caused by Drizzt, and if he was wrong, Entreri learned the truth, and he would probably be fighting for his life against this seasoned warrior . Jarlaxle looked around at the many stern-faced elves, convinced he had enough trouble. During the meeting of the Goofy Spirits, when Jarlaxle hinted that he and his companions really couldn't trust the people who let an angry elf party bring them, considering the mutual perception between the drow and the surface elves, Cadley suppressed angry words. "But you've said it's none of our business," Jarlaxle reasoned.He glanced at Entreri, but the killer showed no support, he said nothing. Entreri had not spoken a word since their arrival.So did Cadley's second-in-command, a confident woman named Danica.In fact, she and Entreri seemed to be made of the same material, and neither seemed to like the fact.The whole time, they pretty much stared at each other intently, as if there was some hidden matter between them that needed to be resolved, some kind of personal feud. "True," Cadley admitted finally. "I would have many questions for you on other occasions, Jarlaxle of Menzoberranzan, and most of these questions were far from compliments of your outward conduct." "A trial?" the dark elf asked, snorting. "Is this your place, Magistrate Cadderly?" The yellow-bearded dwarf behind the priest, obviously the more serious of the two, grunted and moved uncomfortably.His green-bearded brother was just smiling innocently and stupidly.In the way Jarlaxle was always searching for layers of lies, this smile made the green-bearded dwarf the more dangerous of the two. Cadley watched Jarlaxle without blinking. "We all have to take responsibility for our actions," he said. "But to whom is it responsible?" Drow asked back. "Do you believe you understand the life I lead, Priest of Judgment? I wonder how you will live in the darkness of Menzoberranzan?" He wanted to continue, but Entreri and Danica broke the silence at the same time, saying in unison, "Enough!" "Oh," murmured the green-bearded dwarf as the room fell into utter silence.Entreri and Danica were equally taken aback by their identical announcement.They stared at each other fiercely, as if on the verge of fighting. "Let's stop," Cadley said. "Hand over the Crystal Shard, and go on your way. Let your past haunt your consciences, and I'll focus only on what you'll do in the future. If you're still around Goofy Spirits, understand Your actions are in my sights, and I will always be watching." "I shudder at the thought," Entreri replied, before Jarlaxle answered the same, though less bluntly. "Unfortunately for all of us, our time together is just beginning. I need you to destroy this evil artifact, and you need me because I hold it." "Hand it over," Danica said, looking coldly at the man.Entreri gave her a false smile. "No." "I swore I would destroy it," Cadderly argued. "I've heard things like that before," Entreri replied. "So far, I'm the only one who can ignore the temptation of the magic weapon. So it will be kept with me before it is destroyed." His heart Feeling a pang of pain, a mix of begging, menace, and the purest rage he had ever known, emanating entirely from the imprisoned Crystal Shard. Danica sneered at him as if his announcement was utter absurdity, but Cadley stopped her. "You needn't put on airs and rhetoric," the priest assured Entreri. "You don't have to do it." "I'm going," Entreri replied.But when he looked at Jarlaxle, his fellow drow seemed to be on Kadleli's side. Entreri certainly understood his point.Formidable enemies pursue them, and it will take a terrible battle to destroy the Crystal Shard.But Entreri still knew in his heart that he must see its destruction.He hated this magic weapon deeply.He needs to see this dreadful thing that controls the mind completely removed.He didn't understand why he felt so intensely, but he knew simply and clearly that he would not give the magic weapon to Cadley or Danica, Ricky or Kim while he was still breathing. Rui. "I'll finish it," Cadley offered. "That's what you said." The killer replied bitterly without hesitation. "I'm the priest of Deeney," Cadley began to retort. "Of the few who can be trusted, I am considered the best priest," Entreri cut him off coldly. "In my opinion, they are worse than troglodytes and sycophants, the greatest hypocrites and liars the world has ever seen." "My friend, please do not indulge your emotions," Jarlaxle said dryly. "I thought that reputation belonged to killers, assassins, and thieves," Danica declared.Her tone and expression clearly expressed utter hatred for Artemis Entreri. "My dear girl, Artemis Entreri is no thief," Jarlaxle said, grinning, hoping to dissipate some of the building tension before it exploded.He and his companions found themselves needing to defend themselves against the formidable presence inside and outside the house.Not for fleeting attention, dozens of clerics and a whole company of elves were no doubt discussing the arrival of these two underdogs. Cadley put a hand on Danica's arm, reassuring her, took a deep breath, and started the theory again. Entreri interrupted him briefly again. "Whatever you want to say, the simple truth is that I possess the Crystal Shard, and I have more of the self-control necessary to suppress its call than any other attempter." "If you want to take the crystal from me," Entreri went on, "then try, but remember that I will not hand it over lightly, and I will even use the crystal's power on you. I Hope it gets destroyed, and you want it, you say so. So let's do it together." Cadley paused for a long time, looking from Danica to Jarlaxle, but there was no response.The priest shrugged, and looked back at Entreri. "As you wish." He agreed. "The magic weapon must be swallowed by the breath and magical darkness of an ancient and huge red dragon." Jarlaxle nodded, but stopped again, his dark eyes widening. "Give it to him," he said to his companion. Artemis Entreri, though unwilling to face a red dragon of any size or age, was more worried about what would happen if the freed Crenshinibon exerted its power again.He knew how to destroy it now, they all knew, and the Crystal Shard would never let them live unless they became its servants. That was probably the thing Artemis Entreri hated the most. Jarlaxle wanted to suggest that Drizzt Do'Urden had shown equal self-control, but he silently suppressed the idea, refraining from mentioning the drow ranger in any words.Seeing Cadderly's understanding of the situation, it was clear to Jarlaxle that the priest knew the truth about his encounter with Drizzt, and Jarlaxle didn't want Entreri to find out that the object of his vengeance was still alive, at least not yet, When he was under so much pressure. Jarlaxle thought about telling it all, and it occurred to him that telling the truth would increase Entreri's willingness to end it all, that he would hand over the crystal so that he and Jarlaxle could move on to more important things —Looking for the drow ranger. Jarlaxle suppressed the thought, smiling.He understood that the source of this inspiration was the trick of the imprisoned Crystal Shard, a cunning telepathy. "Smart," he whispered, just smiling as all eyes turned to him. Not long after, Entreri and Jarlaxle took a walk outside the majestic Goofy Spirit as Cadderly and his friends prepared for a trip to a dragon's lair known to Cadderly.Of course, they are fully aware that countless vigilant eyes are watching their every move. "Its beauty is undeniable, don't you admit?" Jarlaxle asked.He looked back at the lofty temple, with its soaring spires, its soaring buttresses, and its great stained windows. "The Mask of the God," Entreri replied wryly. "Mask or face?" asked the always surprised Jarlaxle. Entreri glared fiercely at his companion, then at the towering temple. "A mask," he replied, "or an illusion. An illusion made up by those who want to climb above everyone but can't." Jarlaxle looked at him questioningly. "By his mind, as well as by his sword, a lowly man can be elevated," Entreri explained simply, "if he can spread belief in a god, or any other rhetoric. The greatest ruse in all the world, something that kings and nobles believe in, while underage lying thieves in the streets of Calimport and other cities lose their tongues trying to swindle other people's purses." It was the sharpest and most revealing word of insight that Jarlaxle had ever probing from the mouth of the elusive Artemis Entreri, a great clue to who the man really was. Until then, Jarlaxle had been trying to figure out a way that would allow him to wait behind while Entreri, Cadderly, and others of Cadderly's choosing went to face the red dragon and destroy the artifact. Now, with a seemingly inadvertent glimpse into Artemis Entreri's mind, Jarlaxle realized he had to go.
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