Home Categories contemporary fiction white dog swing

Chapter 31 love story

white dog swing 莫言 5712Words 2018-03-20
That autumn, the team leader assigned his fifteen-year-old younger brother and sixty-five-year-old Guo San to shake the waterwheel.What is the water wheel for?car water.What's the car doing?Pour Chinese cabbage.Looking at the waterway is a female educated youth named He Liping, about twenty-five years old. After the beginning of autumn, Chinese cabbage must be watered every day, otherwise the roots will rot.The captain said during the assignment that the three of them would not have to wait for the assignment every morning, but just water the cabbage after dinner. They went to water the vegetables after eating, from Liqiu to Frost's Descent.Of course, they don't water all the time, they also do other things, such as fertilizing Chinese cabbage, catching worms on Chinese cabbage, using sweet potato seedlings to tie up cabbage leaves that are drooping on the ground, and so on.They take breaks four times a day, about half an hour each time.Female educated youth He Liping has a watch.The solar terms have come to the frost, the ground temperature has become lower, the Chinese cabbage has been rolled into a ball, and the watering work is over.

They unloaded the water truck, dragged it to the yard of the production team with a cart and handed it over to the custodian, who made a rough inspection and let them go. The next day, after breakfast, they went to the iron bell and waited for the captain to reassign work.The captain assigned Guo Santai to plow the bean stubble field, and assigned the younger brother to replant the wheat on the edge of the field.He Liping asked: "Captain, what am I doing?" The captain said: "You go to replant wheat with my younger brother. You dig ditches and he sows seeds." A funny club member took up the captain's words and teased the younger brother: "Little brother, you have spotted He Liping's ditch before planting seeds, but don't sow outside the ditch."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the younger brother felt his heart pounding in his chest. When he peeked at He Liping, he found her with a straight face, as if she was very unhappy.The little brother felt sad immediately.He scolded the funny member: "Get old, fuck your mother!" The cabbage field is at the east end of the village, next to a large pond.There is a lot of rainwater accumulated in the pond, and a lot of algae and moss grow in the water, making the water appear green and unfathomable.The production team chose the cabbage field here mainly because they wanted to use the water in the pond to irrigate.Water from a well can of course also be used for irrigation, but not as well as water from a pond.The waterwheel is volleyed on the pond, like a pavilion on the water.The little brother and the old man Guo San stepped on the trembling wooden boards, each of them grabbed the iron handle of a water wheel, and you went up and down, creaking and twisting to drive the water.From Liqiu to Frost's Descent, there was no rain, and the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly every few days.Whether it is windy or not, the water in the pond is calm.When there are white clouds in the sky, there are also white clouds in the pond, and the clouds in the pond are clearer than the clouds in the sky.Sometimes the little brother is so obsessed with watching the clouds, he forgets to shake the iron handle in his hand.The old man Guo San roared dejectedly: "Little brother! Are you asleep?!" At the north end of the pond, there was a piece of reed as big as a kang mat.A single little reed seems unreal.The reeds are turning yellow day by day, and when the yellow reed leaves are illuminated by the rising sun and the setting sun, they seem to be plated with gold.If that strange big red dragonfly landed on a golden reed leaf, the pool water, reeds and dragonfly would become a painting.There are also a dozen ducks, seven or eight geese, all snow-white, swimming around in the green water.The two long-necked male geese sometimes lie on the back of the mother goose, and sometimes lie on the back of the mother duck.When the gander did this, the younger brother was often in a daze, and when he was in a daze, he forgot to shake the iron arm of the waterwheel, so the younger brother was reprimanded by the old man Guo San: "What are you thinking?" The younger brother hurriedly took his eyes off the goose and duck, Shake the water wheel extra hard.Amidst the twitching sound of the rattling water wheel chain and the rattling sound of water, he heard the old man Guo San say: "Mao'er hasn't pierced his whole little cock yet, and he thinks of something good!" The younger brother felt ashamed.The beautiful red dragonfly flying around on the pond was named "New Daughter-in-law" by the old man Guo San.

He Liping is tall, even taller than Guo San.She knows martial arts and is said to have performed in Europe with the Chinese Junior Wushu Team.People often regret He Liping. If it weren't for the "Cultural Revolution", she would definitely have become a big hit.Her family background is not good, some people say her father is a capitalist, others say he is a capitalist roader.There is not much difference between capitalist roaders and capitalists, so no one wants to get to the bottom of it.Anyway, everyone knows that He Liping has a bad background. He Liping doesn't like to talk, and everyone in the village says she is honest.The educated youth who came down with her went to school, went to work, and returned to the city, and He Liping flashed by.Everyone knew that she was dragged down by her family background.

He Liping's martial arts has only been shown once, and that was when she first jumped in the queue and came to the village.At that time, my younger brother was only eight or nine years old.At that time, Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Meetings were often organized in the village.The educated young people can speak and sing, and some can play the harmonica, flute, and huqin.At that time, the village was very lively. The members of the commune worked during the day and made revolution at night.The younger brother felt that at that time, it was as lively as New Year's Eve.One night, like many nights, everyone came out to revolution after dinner.Facing an earthen platform, two pillars are planted on the platform, and two gas lamps are hung on the pillars.The educated youths were pulling and singing on the stage. I remember that suddenly the young educated youth who announced the curtain said: Comrades poor and lower-middle peasants, the great leader Chairman Mao taught us: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun!Please watch He Liping's martial arts performance below: "Nine Point Plum Blossom Spear"!

The younger brother remembered that everyone applauded like crazy and waited for He Liping to come out.After a while He Liping came out.She was wearing a tight red dress, white rubber shoes on her feet, and her hair was coiled on her head.The young guy was talking about her tight, bulging breasts.Some said it was true, some said it was false, and the person who said it was false also said that He Liping had two plastic bowls on her chest.She stood on the stage holding a red-tasseled gun and made a face.She held her chest up and raised her head, her eyes were black and shining very brightly.Then he shook the barrel of the gun and started to play with ease.When she got to the critical point, she could only see a red shadow on the stage, where could she clearly see her waist movements?Later, she stopped her momentum and stood firmly on the stage with a spear in her hand, like a stick of solidified red smoke.The audience was silent for a while, and everyone woke up like a dream, and clapped feebly.

All the young people in the village lost sleep that night. The next day, the commune members who were resting on the ground chattered about He Liping and her "nine-point plum-blossom gun".Some people said that the girl's spear technique was like a show, attractive but not practical;Some people said that finding such a wife would be unlucky, just wait to be beaten, this girl is destined to be a character who rides a man to sleep, no kind of axle man can stand up to her "Nine o'clock plum blossom" Gun" stamp.The subsequent discussion began to go downhill.At that time, the younger brother was working with the adults, and he felt a little embarrassed and angry when he heard these words.

He Liping's "Nine-Point Plum Blossom Spear" only failed once. It is said that she was sued to the Revolutionary Committee of the Commune. In the hands of the descendants of the five black categories? He Liping doesn't like to talk, and works with the commune members dejectedly every day.When all the educated youths flew away, she looked very lonely, and everyone felt sympathy for her.The captain no longer assigns her heavy work.No one thought about whether she should find someone to marry.The young people in the village probably remembered her excellent spear skills, and no one dared to trouble her.

One day, when she was sitting dangling on the pedal of the waterwheel and looking at the green water in the pond in a daze, the younger brother sat on the edge of the pond and looked at her intently.Her face is very dark, her nose bridge is thin and high, her eyes are so black that there is almost no white, her two eyebrows slant to the temples, and there is a big dark red mole in the middle of the left eyebrow.Her teeth are very white, her mouth is quite big, and her hair is so thick that my younger brother can't see her scalp.That day she was wearing a white-washed blue gabardine military casual jacket, with the collar unbuttoned, revealing a snow-white neck and the lace of an underwear. two butterflies.He couldn't see the butterflies, and he firmly remembered the scene of He Liping's two breasts sticking out the two pockets of the military uniform in his mind.

The old man Guo San is not a serious farmer. My younger brother heard that Guo San worked as a "big teapot" in a brothel in Qingdao when he was young. What is the "big teapot" for?I don't know, and I am too embarrassed to ask others. Now Guo San has no wife and lives alone. People in the village say that he is in love with Li Gaofa's wife.Li Gaofa's wife has a smooth haircut, a big white face, and a big buttocks. When she walks, she tugs and tugs like a duck.Her home is not far from the pond. When the younger brother and Guo San were riding on the wooden waterwheel, they could see Li's yard as soon as they looked up.Her family has a big black dog, very powerful.

When they were watering the cabbage on the fourth day, a woman from the Li family came to the pond with a straw basket.She dawdled and dawdled to the water's edge.She giggled beside the waterwheel. She smiled and said to Guo San: "Uncle San, the captain sent you a beauty mission." Guo San also grinned: "This job looks brisk, but it's really not brisk when you do it. If you don't believe me, you can ask my brother." Even after shaking the waterwheel for a few days, my younger brother really felt a little sore in his arms.He grinned.He felt very awkward when he saw the shiny nose of the Li family woman.He loathes her. The woman from the Li family said: "The cripple from my family was sent by the captain to pick stones in Nanshan, and he took the bedding with him, and he could only come back in a month... You said how bullying the captain is, there are so many young people who are homeless and jobless. Send, send my cripple alone!" The younger brother saw Guo San's small eyes blinking tightly, and heard a dry laugh squeezed out of his throat.Guo San said: "The captain thinks highly of you!" "Bah!" The woman from the Li family said angrily, "That donkey, he just wants to bully me!" The old man Guo San stopped talking.The woman from the Li family stretched her waist, raised her face and squinted her eyes at the sun, and said, "Third Uncle, it's mid-morning, you should take a rest." Guo San put on his glove and looked at the sun, saying: "It's time to rest." He loosened the handle of the water wheel, and shouted to the vegetable field: "Xiao He, take a rest!" The woman from the Li family said, "Third Uncle, my dog ​​hasn't eaten for the past few days. Go and see what's going on?" Guo San glanced at his younger brother and said, "You go first, I'll smoke a pipe before going." The woman from the Li family turned her head while walking and said, "Third Uncle, hurry up!" Guo San seemed to say impatiently: "I know, I know!" He took out the cigarette pouch and cigarette pouch, and suddenly asked the younger brother in a very friendly manner: "Young man, don't you want to smoke a bag?" But he put the filled pipe into his mouth.The younger brother saw him standing up with his cigarette lit, beat his waist with his fist, and said, "When you get old, your back hurts after a while after working." The old man Guo San followed the woman from the Li family and left.The younger brother didn't look at them, but looked back into the cabbage field. He Liping was standing motionless on the ridge with a shovel.The little brother felt very sad in his heart. A fishy muddy smell rose from the pool water that was muddied by the leather pad of the waterwheel, as if it had seeped into his teeth.There was a sound in the iron pipe of the waterwheel, the chain sounded a few times, the handlebars were turned upside down a few times, the water sucked into the iron pipe returned to the pond, and then the waterwheel was quiet. The younger brother saw that the rust on the handle of the water wheel had been polished off by his own hands.He sat on the plank with his legs drooping.The sun is very good, and the water in the vegetable bed is still flowing slowly, and it shines like broken silver.All the cabbages were still, and so was the towering embankment at the end of the vegetable field, and so were the persimmon trees on the embankment, and a few persimmon leaves had turned bright red.The little brother looked west and saw Guo San quietly walking into the courtyard of Li's house. The big black dog just barked and then wagged its tail obediently.Old Guo San went into the house with the dog.There is a lentil plant on the fence of Li's house, with many purple flowers blooming.The water in the pond was stirred, and the ducks and geese called together and beat the water with their wings.The long-necked white gander pushed a duck into the water, and the duck swam in the water with the gander on her back.The younger brother jumped to the edge of the vegetable field, grabbed balls of mud, and hit the gander.The mud was too soft and dispersed before reaching the water, and the green water was rattled by the scattered yellow soil. The male goose was still riding on the back of the female duck, swimming rapidly in the water. The younger brother felt a feeling that he had never experienced before.He was cold, and the steam from the pond made goose bumps on his skin.He didn't dare to straighten his waist, and the stretched pants made him feel ashamed.At this time, He Liping walked along the ridge toward the waterwheel. He Liping approached step by step, and the younger brother sat on the ground.He suddenly found that He Liping was much taller, and her hair shone with a golden light.The little brother's heart was beating wildly, and his teeth were chattering uncontrollably.He put his hands on his knees and moved them to the insteps of his feet.Finally he dug up a piece of mud and squeezed it hard. He heard He Liping ask, "Where's old man Guo San?" He heard himself say tremblingly, "I'm going to Li Gaofa's house." He heard He Liping walk to the plank, and he heard her spit into the pool water.He looked up secretly and found He Liping staring at the geese and ducks in the pond.He Liping's upper body leaned on the waterwheel and looked at the geese and ducks in the pond, and He Liping's buttocks turned up.The younger brother was terrified. Later, He Liping asked how old he was, and he said fifteen.He Liping asked him why he didn't study, and he said he didn't want to. The little brother stood in front of He Liping with sweat all over his face.He Liping giggled.So the younger brother didn't dare to look up. From that day on, the old man Guo San went to Li Gaofa's house to treat the black dog every day, and He Liping also came to talk to the younger brother.The younger brother is no longer nervous, no longer sweating, and dares to secretly look at He Liping's face.He even smelled He Liping's body. One day when it was very hot, He Liping took off her blue uniform and only wore a pink shirt. When the younger brother saw the loops and buttons of the little dress inside her shirt, he was so happy that he wanted to cry. He Liping said: "You little bastard, what are you looking at me for?" The little brother blushed immediately, but he boldly said, "Look at your clothes!" He Liping said sourly: "What kind of clothes are these? You haven't seen my good clothes yet!" The younger brother blushed and said, "You look good in anything." He Liping said: "You are quite flattering!" She said, "I have a red dress, the same color as that persimmon leaf." Both he and she focused their attention on the persimmon tree halfway up the river bank.There have been several frosts, and the persimmon leaves have turned red into a ball of fire under the sun. The little brother ran away.He climbed to the persimmon tree and broke off a branch, which was decorated with dozens of leaves, all shiny red.There was a leaf that was bitten by insects, the younger brother picked it off and threw it away. He gave this red leaf to He Liping.He Liping picked it up, smelling the persimmon leaves with her nose, perhaps her face was reddened by the red leaves. The scene of younger brother He Liping picking red leaves was seen by Guo San.While shaking the waterwheel, the old man Guo San smiled strangely and asked his younger brother, "Little brother, let me be your matchmaker!" The younger brother blushed and said, "I don't want it!" Guo San said: "Xiao He is really good, with tall breasts and wide buttocks." The younger brother said: "Don't talk nonsense...he is an educated youth...he is ten years older than me...he is so tall..." Guo San said: "What is this? Educated youths know how comfortable it is to do that! A girl who is ten years older is not too old. A girl who is tall and a boy who is thin, with two breasts clamping her neck, is really wanton!" Guo San's speech made the younger brother's whole body hot, and his buttocks twisted. Guo San said: "The sparrows are all standing up, they are not small anymore." From that day on, Guo San kept talking about those things to his younger brother, and the younger brother couldn't help asking Guo San about being a "big teapot". Guo San told his younger brother what happened in the brothel in detail. The little brother was always distracted while shaking the waterwheel, and the shadow of He Liping was swaying in front of his eyes.Seeing his younger brother like this, Guo San teased him with more lewd words. The younger brother cried and said, "Third Master, don't tell me these things..." Guo San said: "Fool! Why are you crying, go to her, she is itching too!" One day at noon, my younger brother went to the production team's vegetable field and stole a carrot, washed it in water, and hid it in the grass, waiting for He Liping to come. He Liping is here, but Guo San is not here yet.The younger brother gave He Liping carrots to eat. He Liping took the radish and looked straight at the younger brother. The younger brother doesn't know what he looks like.His hair was disheveled, covered with grass, and his clothes were torn. He Liping asked: "Why did you give me carrots?" The younger brother said: "I look at you!" He Liping sighed, touched the red and smooth skin of the radish with her hands, and said, "But you are still a child..." He Liping patted her younger brother's head, and left with a carrot... The younger brother and He Liping went to a distant field to replant wheat.Because the livestock needs to be turned around on the ground, there are always some vacant places that cannot be planted.They came to a sorghum field.The seedlings of the early planted wheat have already appeared.Sorghum stalks piled up in a big pile on the ground.It was already late autumn at this time, and the weather was a bit cold.He Liping and her younger brother planted wheat for a while, then hid in front of the sorghum straw stacks and basked in the sun to rest.The sun shone beautifully and warmly on them, and the harvested fields stretched as far as the eye could see, without a single person, only a few birds chirping in the sky. He Liping put down several bundles of sorghum stalks, leaned against the sorghum stalks, and lay up comfortably.The younger brother stood aside and looked at her.Her face gleamed, her eyes were squinted, her wet mouth was slightly parted, revealing her white teeth. The younger brother felt chills all over his body, his lips felt stiff, and his throat seemed to be strangled.He said with difficulty: "... Guo San and Li Gaofa's wife do that kind of thing... every day..." He Liping squinted her eyes, with a radiant smile on her face. "... Guo San scolded you...he said you..." He Liping squinted her eyes, her body was arranged into a big character. The younger brother took a step forward and said: "...Guo San said that you also want that kind of thing..." He Liping looked at her younger brother and smiled. The younger brother squatted beside He Liping and said, "Guo San wants me to be bold enough to touch you..." He Liping smiled. The little brother started to cry, he cried and said: "...Sister, sister, I want to touch you...I want to touch you..." As soon as the little brother put his hands on He Liping's chest, his whole body was tightly coiled by her two long legs and two long arms... In the second year, He Liping gave birth to two children.This incident caused a sensation throughout Gaomi County.
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