Home Categories contemporary fiction white dog swing

Chapter 30 man and beast

white dog swing 莫言 9910Words 2018-03-20
In the early morning of another morning, a large group of dense fog over the sea of ​​Sapporo moved slowly towards the land.They first filled the wooded valleys, then rose vigorously to envelop the peaks and their overgrown bushes.The clear spring on the black rock wall that stumbles into the bottom of the valley emits a clear and mysterious sound in the fog.Grandpa lay in the cave where he lived halfway up the mountain, listening vigilantly to the sound of the clear spring, the sound of the rooster crowing in the village below the mountain, and the deep roar of the sea tide. I often think that one day, I will take a large amount of renminbi, which I earned through my own labor and become a strong currency in the world, on a ship and follow the route that the Japanese escorted Chinese laborers back then. Arriving in Hokkaido, following the route drawn by my grandfather in hundreds of conversations, on a mountain facing the sea, I found the cave where my grandfather lived for more than ten years.

The fog rose to the entrance of the cave, mixed with wild bushes and vines, and blocked Grandpa's sight.The cave was damp, the walls were covered with copper-colored moss, some solid edges were covered with some soft animal fur, and the smell of the fox emanated from the stone walls, reminding him of his feat of occupying the fox's lair Or brutality.Grandpa at this time has forgotten the time when he fled into the mountains.I can't know how a person who has lived like a wolf in the deep mountains and old forests for fourteen years feels and thinks about time.He may feel that ten years are as short as one day, or one day is as long as ten years. His tongue is stiff, but clear syllables sound in his mind and ears; what a big fog!Fog in Japan!Thus, on August 14th of the ancient calendar in 1939, the whole process of him leading his team and his son to the Mohe Bridge to ambush the Japanese car team emerged vividly.It was also a foggy morning.

The boundless red sorghum rises from the dense fog, the roar of waves hitting the rocks becomes the roar of car engines, the crisp sound of clear springs pouring on the rocks becomes the laughter of bean officials, and the footsteps of beasts in the valley become It made him and the team members breathe heavily.The fog is heavy, like a flowing liquid, like the cotton candy shaken by Liu Xiaoer of Shuiyankouzi Village. You can pick up a handful with your hand, and tear off a piece with your hand.The flower official ate marshmallows, and the marshmallows stuck to her mouth, like a white beard. She was picked by the Japanese devils... A sharp pain caused him to curl up his limbs.He bared his teeth and a growl rolled out of his throat. It wasn't a man's voice, and certainly not a wolf's; it was my grandfather's voice in the fox hole.Bullets flew across, and Sorghum's heads fell to the ground one after another. The bullets dragged their long tails and flew in the fog, flying in the fox cave, reflecting the stone wall brightly, like burnt steel. Smell of vapor.There are strands of light yellow fox fur hanging on the stone edge.The river water was scalded by the bullets and chirped, just like the chirping of birds.The red-haired thrush, the green-haired lark.The white eel turned over in the green ink river.The big pike with black skin and rough flesh splashed in the clear spring in the valley, and the sound of the water was particularly loud.Douguan raised his Browning pistol with trembling paws.shooting!The black oily steel helmet resembles a turtle cap.Da da da!You Oriental devil!

I can't see the scene of grandpa lying in the cave and thinking about his hometown, but I still remember the habit he brought back to the motherland: no matter how comfortable the bed is, he always lies on his stomach—legs bent, arms crossed, and his chin propped —Sleep, like a wild animal with a hundredfold vigilance.We couldn't figure out when he was asleep and when he was awake, but whenever I opened my eyes, his green eyes were always the first to be seen.So, I saw his posture in the cave and the expression on his face. His body remained the same—the bones remained the same—but the muscles twitched tensely, the blood flooded into the capillaries, and the strength was accumulating, like a taut bowstring.On the thin and narrow face, the nose is as hard as iron, the eyes are like coal fire, and the iron-colored messy hair on the head is like a wild fire.

The fog becomes shallow, transparent, and light as it expands; in the intersecting and dancing white ribbons, shrub branches, vine vines, forest tops, dull faces of villages and gray-blue teeth of the sea appear.The fiery red faces of sorghum often appeared in the fog. As the fog became thinner, the frequency of sorghum faces appeared less and less.The ferocious mountains and rivers of Japan filled the gaps of fog inexorably, and squeezed the scenery of the hometown in Grandpa's dream.Later, the fog all receded into the forests in the valley, and a gigantic, red sea appeared in front of Grandpa. The gray-blue waves lazily licked the brown sandy beach, and a blood-red fire was raging on the edge of the sea. Burning deep.Grandpa can't remember clearly, nor can he remember how many times he saw the drenched sun jumping up from the sea. The blood red ball made him tremble all over. The fire of hope burned in his heart. , arranged in a neat square array, the stems are the straight bodies of children, the leaves are waving arms, and the dazzling sabers. The sea of ​​Japan has become a sea of ​​sorghum. The dripping tide is the blood of sorghum.

According to the records in the archives of Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan: On the morning of October 1, 1949, Sadako Junhe, a farmer from Kiyotatan Village, which belongs to Sapporo, went to harvest rice in the valley and was defiled by wild men... These materials are from a Japanese friend Nakano The husband helped me collect and translate it into Chinese. The so-called "savage" in the material refers to my grandfather. The purpose of citing this material is to explain the time and place of an important event in my grandfather's narrative.Grandpa was arrested as a laborer on the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1943, and arrived in Hokkaido, Japan at the end of the year. In the spring of 1944, when the mountains were blooming, he escaped from the labor camp and lived a life of both human and beast in the mountains. By 1949 On October 1, 2010, he had already spent more than 2,000 days and nights in the mountains.The day I am describing now has no special significance except that a heavy fog in the early morning makes it easier and more turbulent for him to recall the fiery life of those who belonged to him and his relatives in the past of the motherland. What happened is another matter.

This is an ordinary morning in Hokkaido, Japan.The fog cleared and the sun was high above the sea and the forest.A few dazzling white sails floated slowly on the sea, seemingly motionless from afar.Patches of brown kelp were drying on the beach.Japanese fishermen fishing for kelp wriggled in the shallows like big earth-colored beetles.Ever since the white-bearded old fisherman tricked them, grandpa was full of hatred for the Japanese, no matter they looked fierce or kind. Therefore, when he went down the mountain at night to steal kelp and dried fish, he never felt that kind of emotion again. Feeling guilty for not worth the money, he even used the broken pair of scissors to cut the fishing nets of Japanese fishermen hanging by the sea to pieces.

The sun has become stronger, the mist in the valley and forest has disappeared, the sea is turning white, and the trees on the mountain and below, with large red and yellow leaves mixed among the green pines and cypresses, are like clusters of burning flames.There are pillars of pure white in the thick colors of red and green, which are the trunks of birch trees.Another beautiful autumn comes quietly, and after autumn comes severe winter. The harsh winter in Hokkaido makes grandpa hibernate like a bear. fat season.The prospect of this winter is good, and the main reason for the good prospect is that three days ago he occupied this sunny, leeward, hidden, safe cave.The next step is to store food for the winter. He plans to spend ten nights carrying twenty bundles of half-dry and half-wet kelp on his back. If he is lucky, he may even steal some dried fish and potatoes. The clear spring is not far from the entrance of the cave. The vines can be passed without worrying about leaving marks on the snow.Everything proves that the happy winter comes because of the cave.This is a happy day. Grandpa is in a good mood. Of course he doesn’t know that the whole of China is trembling with excitement. Military uniforms, with horse rifles on their backs, followed the troops and gathered under the locust tree at the root of the East Emperor City, waiting for the moment when they rode past Tiananmen Square on horseback and showed their faces.

The sun shines through the branches and leaves, shoots into the hole one by one, and shines on his hands.His fingers were as black as iron, curved like eagle claws, shiny scales grew on the back of his hands, and his nails were incomplete.On the back of his hand was a tingling heat, the effect of the sun's rays.Grandpa felt a little drowsy, so he closed his eyes. In a hazy state, he suddenly heard the rumble of guns in the distance, the golden light and the red light intertwined, and thousands of horses were intertwined into a brocade. past.The close connection between grandpa's hallucinations and the grand ceremony of the founding of the country adds luster to grandpa's image. Anyway, there are magic weapons such as telepathy and special functions to explain all unexplainable problems.

Years of living in the mountains and forests has forced grandpa to have exceptionally developed senses of hearing and smell. This is not a supernatural ability, let alone bragging. This is an absolutely true fact.Facts speak louder than words, and lies cannot cover up the facts. Grandpa often said this in the report meeting.He pricked up his ears in the cave to catch the subtle sounds outside the cave. The vines were trembling slightly, but it was not the wind. Grandpa knew the shape and character of the wind, and he could smell dozens of wind smells.He looked at the trembling vines and smelled the smell of foxes. The revenge finally came. Since the moment he hacked the four furry little foxes to death one by one and fell out of the hole, Grandpa has been waiting for the foxes' revenge.He is not afraid, he is very excited. After withdrawing from the human world, the beasts are companions and rivals, wolves, bears, and foxes.He knew them and they knew him.After that life-and-death struggle, Xiong and him reached a gentleman's agreement that they would take a detour when meeting each other, baring their teeth and roaring at each other, half demonstrating and half greeting, but not aggressing each other.The wolf is afraid of my grandfather, the wolf is no match, the wolf is not as good as a stray dog ​​in front of more ferocious animals.Compared with wolves and bears, foxes are cunning and insidious villains, and they can only command hares and chickens in the farmhouse.He held two treasures, a kitchen knife and scissors, in his left and right hands. The smell of the shy fox and the trembling of the vines became more and more intense, and it was climbing up the vines.Grandpa always thought that this attack would happen in the middle of the night. The vigilance and activity of the fox has always been associated with the dark night. The battle to regain lost territory and avenge the murder of the son in broad daylight was beyond Grandpa's expectation.Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, he has dealt with a lot of situations that are ten times more critical than this kind of situation, so he is calm and composed.Compared with the dormant days of the past, this morning will be full and interesting.The mighty cavalry of the Republic is being inspected by the tall, handsome and high-pitched leader on the opposite side of the sea, and hundreds of thousands of people have tears on their faces.

The flaming old fox hugged the thick rattan with its four paws, and climbed to the same height as the entrance of the cave where grandpa was hiding.There was a sly smile on the fox's face, and the strong sunlight made it squint one eye, with a dark circle and thick golden lashes on the lid.It was a female fox, and Grandpa saw her black breasts swollen from the loss of a sucker.The fat red fox is attached to the purple vines, shaking its thick tail charmingly, like a sluggish fool, like an evil flame that shakes the will of steel.Grandpa's hand holding the handle of the knife suddenly felt very tired, and his fingers were numb and stiff.The root of the problem lies in the mother fox's expression. It should be grinning fiercely, instead of wagging its charming tail and showing a sweet smile in its eyes. Grandpa was confused and his fingers were numb.The rattan is about two feet away from the entrance of the cave, swinging slowly.A burning fire reflected the leaves of the shrubs like gold leaf.As long as grandpa raises his hand, he can cut off the vines and make the fox fall into the valley, but he can't raise his hand.A fox is charming, but a kitchen knife is heavy.Legends about foxes flooded into Grandpa's mind. He didn't know when so many legends about foxes had accumulated in his head.Without the box cannon at hand, grandpa's courage was halved. In the years when he was riding a black horse and holding a steel gun, he was never afraid of anything.While wagging its tail, the fox also whined, like a woman crying.Grandpa doesn't understand why he is so hesitant and weak. Are you still the bandit leader Yu Zhanao who murdered without blinking an eye?He squeezed the rotten knife handle tightly, squatted up, and prepared to attack, waiting for the fox to swing over.His heart was beating violently, and streams of icy blood rushed to his head, making his eyes appear the color of ice and water, and he felt pain in his temples as if being pricked by needles.The fox seemed to have seen through his plan of action. It was still swinging, but the range was significantly reduced. Grandpa had to stick out more than half of his body to chop it.The expression on its face is more and more like a slut.This expression was not unfamiliar to him at all.Grandpa felt that the fox would turn into a woman covered in white at any moment.Finally he leaned out very quickly, grabbed the cane with one hand, and aimed the knife at the fox's head with the other. The fox's body slid down naturally. Grandpa used too much force, and most of his body stuck out of the hole, but the red and rusty knife finally hit the fox's head.He was about to retract his body, when he heard a whistling sound above his head, and a hot, smelly breath came down with the whistling sound, covering his grandfather's body.A big fox rode on his back, its four paws hugged his flanks and belly tightly, its thick tail fluttered nervously and excitedly, the thick hair on the tail made grandpa feel between his thighs The itching was unbearable.At the same time, he felt the hot air from the fox's mouth on his neck, and his neck shrank subconsciously, and goosebumps appeared on his legs. Soon, sharp pain broke out on his neck, and the fox bit him.Only then did Grandpa appreciate the cunning of foxes in Hokkaido, Japan. It is absolutely impossible to shrink back.Even if he can barely struggle back into the cave, the fox that was slightly injured on the vine will climb up into the cave. At that time, the male fox and the female fox will attack from the back, and the grandfather will be a dead grandfather.His mind analyzed the situation with lightning speed, only to fight to the death, maybe there is a glimmer of life.The male fox's sharp teeth bit down hard, and grandpa felt the bad taste of the fox's teeth rubbing against his neck bone.He threw his body down suddenly, and the broken scissors and the broken kitchen knife fell at the same time. He grabbed the cane with both hands, carried the male fox on his back, and hung on the cliff. A bloody gash was cut on the female fox's forehead, and strings of bright blood beads flowed out. This was what Grandpa saw the moment he jumped out of the hole.The blood from his neck ran warmly down his stomach and buttocks along his shoulders.The fox teeth seem to be embedded in the bones, and the pain in the bones is seven to eight times better than the pain in the flesh. This is the experience he summed up in China.A living tooth is more powerful than a splinter of steel, the pain of the former is alive, the pain of the latter is lifeless.Grandpa originally wanted to make a desperate leap to throw the male fox off his back, but the male fox's hard limbs shattered his wishful plan.It seems to have suction cups or barbed hooks on its limbs, firmly hugging Grandpa's shoulders and waist, and its mouth and teeth are also integrated with Grandpa's neck, making Grandpa even more embarrassed The most striking thing is: the female fox with the forehead injury couldn't hurt the vine slightly, it climbed up half a meter, looked at it clearly, and bit the sole of the grandfather's foot.Although Grandpa's feet have been tempered for a long time, they are not afraid of pricking or thorns, but after all, they are the flesh and blood of their parents, which cannot stop the sharp fox teeth.Grandpa wailed involuntarily, tears of pain blinding his eyes. Grandpa shook his body violently, and the fox's body shook accordingly, but their teeth did not loosen, instead of loosening, they wedged in deeper and deeper.Grandpa, let go!Rather than living like this, it is better to let go.But grandpa's hands are tightly clutching the cane.It was the first time the cane had been under such a heavy weight after living for such a long time. It creaked and twisted, as if moaning.The vines took root on the slope of the mountain above the fox's cave entrance, where purple flowers bloomed in full bloom, and the carpet of flowers carried the yellow and red leaves that fell from the trees above.It was there that grandpa discovered the crispy, sweet and juicy chervil, and added a big dish to his recipes. It was also there that he discovered the winding path stepped by the fox, and followed the vines to the fox's den, killing the little fox.Grandpa, if you had known that you would suffer while hanging in the air, you wouldn’t have killed the fox’s sons and daughters and seized the fox’s den, right?Grandpa's face was as hard as iron, and he kept silent. The rattan swayed wildly, and the floating soil on the hole fell down.The sun is shining brightly, and the clear spring on the west side of the Fox Cave is shining with silver light, meandering into the forest at the bottom of the valley, the village outside the valley is spinning on the beach, and thousands of shining waves on the sea are crowded, and there is no peace for a moment.The music of the sea was sent to grandpa's ears intermittently, sometimes like a galloping horse, sometimes like singing and dancing.He clung to the cane tightly, refusing to let go. The cane issued a warning to the man and the fox, and the man and the fox continued to toss.It broke angrily, and the mouth of the hole rose slowly.Grandpa held on to the rattan and refused to let go.The cliff rises, and the lush valley rushes towards you.The cool air among the trees and the smell of decaying leaves were like a big gentle cushion, supporting Grandpa's belly.Long purple-red vines fluttered in the air.Grandpa saw—felt that the female fox under his feet had been separated from the cane, and it was turning gracefully in the process of falling, like a cloud of heavenly fire.The sea was surging, and the waves rolled like a horse's mane. During the descent, Grandpa did not think of dying.He said that since the hanging rope broke three times in the forest that year, he knew he would not die.He had a premonition that Northeast Gaomi Township on the other side of the sea would be the final destination.Eliminating the horror of death, descending becomes a rare blissful experience.The body seemed to become wide and thin, the consciousness was flat and transparent, the heart stopped beating, the blood stopped circulating, and the pit of the heart was reddish and warm, like a brazier.Grandpa felt the wind separate him from the male fox.First peel off the fox's limbs, and then peel off the mouth.The fox's mouth seemed to take something away from his neck, and it seemed to leave something in his neck.Suddenly losing weight, Grandpa flipped 360 degrees lightly in the air.The wheel allowed him to see the body of the male fox and the sharp and fierce face.The fur color of the male fox is blue and yellow, and the belly is as white as snow.Grandpa would naturally think that this is a good piece of leather, which can be sewn into a leather vest after peeling it off.The ascent of the forest suddenly accelerated, pagoda-shaped cedars, white-skinned birches, oaks with yellow leaves fluttering like butterflies...jumping and stretching out the canopy.Grandpa tightly held onto the flying cane.The rattan hangs from the tough but Schuman branches of an oak tree, and Grandpa hangs from the crown.He heard a few branches break, and his ass fell on a thick branch, bounced up, fell, bounced again, and finally stabilized.In the trembling of the tree, he saw two foxes fell into the thick rotting leaves under the tree, one after the other.The two soft foxes were like two bombs, smashing the rotten soil and rotten leaves in all directions. Two deep and muffled noises in the woods made the leaves rustle, and the mature leaves fell one after another, falling on the ground of the same kind. on the corpse of the fox.Grandpa looked down and saw the colorful fox buried in the red and yellow leaves. Suddenly, he felt hot in his chest, sweet in his mouth, red flags in his head, bright and brilliant in front of his eyes, and there was no pain in his whole body.His heart was filled with beautiful affection for the two foxes.The process of the fox falling and the smooth and graceful falling of the red and yellow leaves was repeated in his mind, and I said bluntly: Grandpa, you have passed out. Grandpa was awakened by the chirping of birds.The noon sun scorched part of his skin, and the sun shot down brilliant golden rays from the gaps between the branches and leaves.There are a few light green squirrels jumping nimbly on the tree, they bite open an oak fruit from time to time, and let the white nuts exude a slightly bitter fragrance like silk.Grandpa began to understand the conditions of various parts of the body. The internal organs were normal, the legs were normal, and the feet were painful. There was congealed black blood and open flesh, which was bitten by a female fox.Neck pain, bitten by a male fox.The arms did not know where they were, looking for them, they were raised high, holding the life-saving cane.From experience, Grandpa knew they were out of joint.He stood up, a little dizzy, and didn't look under the tree.Bite the fingers holding the cane with his teeth, and use the legs and the tree to return the arm. He heard the cracking sound of the bones and felt the sweat seeping out of the pores.A woodpecker was pecking at a nearby tree, and he immediately felt the pain in his neck again.The woodpecker's beak seemed to be pecking at one of his white nerves.The sound of the birds in the forest could not suppress the sound of the sea, and he knew that the sea was approaching.Getting dizzy as soon as he bowed his head was the biggest difficulty in getting down the tree, but not going down the tree would be tantamount to suicide. His stomach was constricted and his throat was parched with thirst.He used his insensitive arms to get down from the tree, and his legs and abdomen exerted the greatest strength, sticking to the bark and sucking the bark. Even so, he fell on his back under the tree, and the rotten leaves protected him.Due to the small height, there is absolutely no bomb effect.A mix of sour, fragrant and stinky breath rose from under his body, filling his sense of smell. He got up, and listened to the sound of water, walking one foot deep and one foot shallow. The spring water was hidden in the rotten leaves. Water seeps from the sockets of the feet.He got down on his knees and picked apart the rotten leaves with his hands. The rotten leaves were layered at the place where the sound of the water was the loudest, like a cake. When the water first overflowed, it was a little cloudy. He waited a while, and the water cleared up. He bowed his head and drank it. It was refreshing. The spring water penetrated through the chest and abdomen, and it was only later that I tasted the rotten smell.I thought of his history of drinking the hot, dirty water with swimming tadpoles in the Black Water River.After drinking a full stomach, he felt more comfortable and refreshed, and his water-filled stomach was not hungry for a while.He reached out to touch the wound on his neck, which was lumpy and shapeless.When the memories were just peeled off, it was the fox's broken teeth that hurt. He gritted his teeth and stretched in a finger to pick, and sure enough, two broken fox teeth came out.The blood came out again, not much, so let it flow for a while to wash out the toxins.Grandpa calmed down and eliminated distracting thoughts. From the torrent of thousands of smells in the forest, he could distinguish the unique spicy smell of "red leaf daylily". Following the smell, he found it behind a big pine tree.I couldn't find this kind of herbal medicine in the dictionary of Chinese herbal medicine with pictures and texts. Grandpa picked the grass, chewed it with his mouth and made it into a paste, and put it on the wound, neck, and feet.In order to treat dizziness, he found purple-stem mint, tore off the leaves, kneaded the juice, and pasted it on his temples.The wound doesn't hurt anymore.He ate a few clusters of non-toxic mushrooms under the oak tree, and a few handfuls of sweet leeks. He was lucky and found a wild grape. Turned into a vigorous mountain demon. He went to watch the fox under the oak tree, and there were already many blowflies flying around the fox.He was always afraid of flies, so he avoided them.At this time, the oil flowing from the pine tree exudes a fragrance, the bear dozes off in the tree hole, the wolf recharges its energy in the crevice of the rock, grandpa should have returned to his cave, but he was attracted by the lazy crashing sound of the waves, and unexpectedly Breaking his life pattern of lying down at night and coming out at night, he boldly—he didn't feel afraid—walked towards the sound of the waves. The sound of the sea is very close, but the distance of the sea is a little far.Grandpa passed through this long and narrow forest like the valley, and climbed up a gentle mountain ridge.The trees are gradually thinning out, and there are many stumps left after being felled in the forest.He was very familiar with this mountain ridge, but he had seen it at night in the past, but this time he saw it in daytime, not only the color was different, but also the smell was different.Lin Wen had some cleared land, planted with skinny corn and mung beans. Grandpa squatted in the field ridge and ate some green and tender mung beans, and his tongue felt astringent.His attitude is serene, unhurried, like a carefree farmer.This kind of mental state only appeared a few times in his fourteen years of life in the mountains. Special circumstances have commemorative significance. After eating the mung beans, he walked a few hundred meters further and stood on the top of the ridge, where he saw the blue and gray sea and the small village under the ridge that attracted him.The seaside is quiet, there is a very old man turning over seaweed, the village is not quiet, there is the sound of cows.It was the first time he approached the village under the bright sun, and saw clearly the general appearance of the Japanese countryside. Except for the strange style of the houses, other things such as the smell and mood were similar to the countryside in Northeast Gaomi Township.The strange howling of a dog that must have been sick and weak reminded him not to go further, as long as he was found in the daytime, it would be very difficult to escape with his life.He hid behind a thornbush, observed the village and the ocean for a while, felt a little bored, and walked back lazily.He thought of the kitchen knife and scissors thrown in the valley, and panicked. Without these two treasures, life would be very sad.His steps quickened. On the ridge, he saw a cornfield, the stalks of the corn were shaking and making a rattling sound.The sound was very close, and he hurriedly squatted down and hid behind the tree.The corn field is about five acres, and the corn is not growing well. One ear of cobs is short and small, and it seems that there is a shortage of fertilizer and water.When he was a child, he heard the old man in the village tell the story of the blind bear in the Kanto region breaking sticks.He smelled the long-lasting aroma of burning mugwort, mosquitoes buzzed outside the smoke of mugwort, grasshoppers blew softly on the pear tree, horses ate bran mixed with corn and grass in the dark, owls sat in the cypress trees in the cemetery wailed, and the deep night was wet with dew.She coughed in the cornfield.It's a woman, not a blind bear. Grandpa woke up from a dream, and he felt excited and terrified. People are what he fears the most and what he misses the most. In excitement and terror, he held his breath and focused his eyes on the woman in the cornfield.She only coughed lightly and he felt that she was a woman.While concentrating his eyes, his hearing also naturally concentrated, and grandpa smelled the smell of Japanese women. The woman finally emerged from the cornfield.She has a sallow complexion, with two big dim eyes with single lids, a thin nose and a small mouth.Grandpa didn't even feel bad for her.She took off her tattered kerchief, revealing her tawny mess of hair.She is a hungry woman, exactly like the hungry women in China.The fear in Grandpa's heart was secretly replaced by an untimely pity.She put the basket of corn on the edge of the ground and wiped the sweat from her face with her scarf.Her face was gray and white.She was wearing a fat gown, the color of yellow and bleak.This gown aroused the evil in Grandpa's heart.The autumn wind is thin, the monotonous pecking sound of woodpeckers echoes in the woods, and the sea pants behind.Grandpa heard her muttering something in a hoarse voice.Like most Japanese women, her neck and chest are white.She unscrupulously unbuttoned her clothes and fanned the wind, and was watched carefully by her grandfather.Grandpa knew from her two swollen breasts that this was a woman nursing a child.Douguan was hanging on his grandma's breasts and messing around, and grandma slapped his bare buttocks.The thin and strong Douguan stood upright on the back of his steed horse, holding the rein loosely, and ran past Tiananmen Square. The horse's hooves hit the hard stone avenue, and the hoofs rattled.He chanted slogans with his companions, and the slogans resounded throughout the world.He always wanted to tilt his head to look at the people on the tower, but the strict discipline did not allow him to look back, so he could only squint at those great figures under the big red palace lanterns from the corner of his eyes.She had no reason to dodge, on a desolate, untouched ridge.Women's urination is very casual.Her whole process is aimed at grandpa.Grandpa felt the blood surge, and the wound swelled with pain. He bent over and stood up, regardless of his arms hitting the branches of the tree. The woman's unfocused eyes suddenly froze, and Grandpa saw her mouth was opened wide, as if there was a terrified cry coming from her mouth.Grandpa sprang towards the woman crookedly but at an extremely fast speed. He didn't know how terrifying his image was. Not long after, Grandpa saw his own face by the clear water in the valley. Only then did he understand why Japanese women were limp on the cornfields like mud. Grandpa straightened her up.Her body is limp and at her mercy.He tore off her blouse and saw her heart beating beneath her breasts.The woman is very thin, and her body is sticky with sweat and dirt. Grandpa tore at her, and a string of dirty words of revenge rang in her ears: Japan, little Japan, oriental devils, you raped and killed my woman, picked my daughter, captured my laborers, broke up You ruined my team, raped my folks, and burned our houses. I have a bloody hatred with you. Haha, today, your women are also in my hands! Hate made his eyes bloodshot, his teeth itchy, and the evil fire burned him as hard as steel.He slapped the woman's face, tore off the woman's hair, pulled her breasts, pinched her flesh, her body trembled, and her mouth let out dreamlike moans. Grandpa's voice continued to roar in his own heart, now in obscene language: Why don't you struggle?I want to rape you to death, to kill you every day!Tit for Tat.you are dead?I won't let you go even if I die! He tore off her lower garment, and the rotten cloth tore obediently, like horse dung paper.Grandpa told me that at the moment her lower garment was torn, the blood rushing in his body suddenly cooled down, and his body, as strong as a steel gun, shrank immediately, like a defeated rooster with its head down and its feathers disheveled.Grandpa said he saw her red cloth underpants with a sad black cloth patch on them. Grandpa, how can a man of steel like you be afraid of a patch?Did you violate some taboo of your Iron Society? My grandson, grandpa is not afraid of patches! Grandpa said that he saw the black cloth patch on the red cloth pants of Japanese women, and felt as if he had been hit in the head.The Japanese woman turned into a cold zombie, and the fiery red sorghum rushed to him like a galloping horse twenty-five years ago, confusing his eyes and filling his brain.The desolate and high-pitched music rang in the depths of his heart, and each syllable was like a heavy hammer, hitting his heart.In that sea of ​​blood, in that stove, on that sacred altar, lay my grandmother's body of a young girl as beautiful as a jade.The clothes were also roughly torn open, revealing the same pair of red cloth pants, and the same black cloth patches were patched on the same red cloth pants.Grandpa was not weak that time, and the black cloth patch, as a distinctive symbol, was firmly stuck in his memory and would never fade away.His tears streamed in his mouth, and he tasted the mixture of sweet and bitter tears. Grandpa fiddled with the Japanese woman's clothes with extremely tired hands, and the bruises on her body made him feel a deep sin.Then, he stood up unsteadily, about to walk.His legs were sore and numb, and the wound on his neck was hot and swollen, bouncing like pus.The trees and mountain peaks in front of me were suddenly red and dazzling. Grandma's bloody chest fell slowly from a very high place, from the sky, and from the white clouds, and landed on his outstretched arm. Grandma's blood flowed away. Yes, the body is light and soft, like a beautiful big red butterfly.He supported her to walk forward, the soft sorghum forest made a way out, the light of the road shot upwards, the light of the sky shot down, and the sky and the earth merged into one.He stood on the high embankment of the Black Water River, with yellow grass and white flowers on the embankment. The water in the river was as red as blood, stagnant as oil, and oily like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, pigeons and goshawks.Grandpa fell headlong into the cornfield on the mountain ridge in Japan, just like he fell into the sorghum field in his hometown. Grandpa did not have intercourse with that Japanese woman, so the hairy child she gave birth to in Japanese literature and history has nothing to do with grandpa, although having a half-Japanese little uncle with hair all over his body is not a disgrace to the family, or even our glory , but the facts must be respected.
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