Home Categories contemporary fiction white dog swing

Chapter 27 cat stories

white dog swing 莫言 16820Words 2018-03-20
I have been studying the works of Mr. Lu Xun day and night for several months - this is the result of the urging of a friend with piercing eyes and fierce spirit.At that time he said to me: "You must read Lu Xun." I said disapprovingly: "I have read it." He said: "If you have read it, you must read it! You have to work hard!" Then he said "read Lu Xun" He threw away his head, and started talking about Lu Xun's novels while drinking.I sloppily remembered that some articles in the past few years said that Mr. Lu Xun had planned to write a novel about the Red Army's Long March, but it was never completed. It was a great pity, whatever.My friend said that I have no regrets at all. If Mr. Lu Xun really wrote this novel, it may not be a great work, and great characters also have their limitations.He believes that the biggest regret of Mr. is that he has not completed a history of Chinese literature. Mr. has the ability to make this plan and has made full preparations and even drafted some chapters, such as ""Lisao" and anti-"Lisao"", "From Langmiao to "Mountains and forests" and the like, these chapters are extraordinary, and if this book comes to fruition, it will be a real masterpiece.Talking about Mr. Lao She, my friend thinks that Lao She’s highly respected books such as these are very "watery", because Lao She stayed in Beiping after the Japanese Occupation for only a few days, and his greatest book is only written "Zhenghong Banner" with 80,000 characters at the beginning, if this book is successful, it will not be the same.It seems that "faking the wall" is really the enemy of literature. The creative principles of revolutionary realism, which have been almost forgotten by young writers in recent years, are not outdated. I am afraid that as long as you have not experienced it yourself, you will rarely get the real flavor of it. It is also good to investigate. No matter whether you read the files or read the files, the impression you get will be vague after all.It is as big as Mr. X's long-running historical novels, each of which is more sparse, and the leaders of the peasant uprising are like Communist Party members who raised their fists under the party flag.This makes it easy for people to think of the story of "law critics", and it is not necessarily the real Marxism that is labeled as "Marxism".It’s really time to read Marxism-Leninism seriously, not only young writers must read it, but old writers may also read it, because Marxism-Leninism is not a drug like “long-acting sulfonamide”, swallowing a pill can keep you from getting sick for hundreds of years—I "Deadly read" Lu Xun.When I read the wonderful point, my heart often jumps with fear; when I read the wonderful point, I often think about it.Frightening is not allowed to enter the novel, imagination is probably the cradle or the Japanese "wings" of art, right?

In Mr. Lu Xun's "Dog, Cat, and Mouse", it is written: "It was a summer night when I was young. I was lying on a small table under a big osmanthus tree to enjoy the cool, and my grandmother was sitting on the table shaking a plantain fan. Guess riddles and tell stories to me. Suddenly, there was the rustling of toes and claws on the osmanthus tree, and a pair of shining eyes followed the sound in the dark, which surprised me and interrupted what my grandmother was saying. Let me tell you a story about a cat—” Mr.’s grandmother told him how a cat can teach a tiger the skills of catching, catching, and eating. The cat jumped up the tree.When I was an innocent child in Northeast Gaomi Township, I also heard this story from the old people. It is almost exactly the same, but I heard it more than 70 years later than my husband.Think of the story as a fable or a satire.In this story, the cat is brilliant, but the tiger is not.

In the human world, there are no fewer things about cats that have been passed down orally or in books than about dogs. Mr. Lu Xun cited some examples in his article, such as the black cat in Edgar Allan Poe's novel, the "cat woman" who is good at cannibalism in Japan, and the "cat woman" in ancient China. "Cat ghost" and so on.But these are all uglifying cats, and there are no examples of beautifying cats, and there are many such cats.This kind of cat may be clever, such as "Kitten Fishing"; or cute and cute, such as "Good Cat"; or the law enforcement is iron, such as "Black Cat Sheriff".This kind of cat is in sharp contrast with "cat witch", "cat ghost" and "cat spirit". Good and evil, good and evil, beauty and ugliness are diametrically opposed. Children's spiritual beauty.Amid the cries of "I am a father", my father is also at a loss. I don't know whether to burn Edgar Allan Poe's books, or to scribble images of beautiful cats on the children's textbooks-this is probably unreasonable. , the above-mentioned cat images coexist in the world. For a long time, our generation has not become a devil due to the influence of cat ghosts and monsters, nor has it become an angel due to the influence of true, good and beautiful cats.Just as humans are neither angels nor devils, cats are not typical of evil or symbols of beauty; just as sinister and treacherous cat images can coexist with lively and beautiful cat images, works about people's dark psychology and people's bright heart can also coexist. It's not impossible to coexist, and no one will intentionally kill children with poison.The image of a cat acting coquettishly or catching mice is beneficial to children, but when a cat steals hairtails hanging on the wall or eats birds raised by children, it may not make children love cats.Make up hundreds of thousands of beautiful cat fairy tales. Once the cat steals the bird, the childish innocence still wants to be scorned. Hang the birdcage that low.

There is another kind of cat image, which is difficult to generalize with good or evil.I remember reading Dai Qing’s cat novel “Snowball” and Zhong Jieying’s novel “Snowball” a few years ago, both of which are symbolic. A certain state of human existence is of little benefit to understanding the world of cats. There is also a kind of skinned cat, the most famous one is the civet cat that was skinned by the eunuch Guo Huai to replace the prince.This kind of cat is the most wronged, neither entrusting the author's noble feelings nor expressing the author's cruel psychology, but the image of the skinned civet cat not only makes the child's heart go away, but also the old man's heart.After watching it for many years, I have forgotten the story, but the image of this bloody cat is still vivid in my memory.I think this skinned civet cat is really a wonderful symbol of the book, and the unintentional symbol is really a great symbol.After that, the hero Zhan Zhao who was named "Royal Cat" by the emperor always felt that he was the civet cat waiting for the eunuchs to skin him. The five big mice were still making waves, disturbing the court, and if they caught all the mice, they would definitely skin the cats.The cat skin can be filled with mink fur to make the wind collar of women's cloaks, and the cat's body can be accompanied by chickens and snakes to form a famous dish called "Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix Fight".When I read Mr. Li Liuru's "Sixty Years of Change" more than ten years ago, I knew that there is such a famous dish in Guangzhou.Once the skinned cat is cooked and fried into a brown color, it is lingering on a large plate with chicken and snake, and it is fragrant.I'm salivating after reading the book, and I'm still a fart!It can be seen that what affects people's feelings is mostly color and taste, and it is also a skinned cat.

The civet cat that was replaced by the prince and the "cat tiger" on the plate are still lucky, at least before it is about to be stripped and killed, it will be carefully fed by the owner.Because he wants to change the prince, he needs to be fatter; because he wants to become a famous dish, he must naturally eat meat.These cats were still enjoying life.The cat that really suffers is the abused cat, such as the innocent victimized cat in the novel "Evening" by the Icelandic female writer F.A. The object of anger in the chest.This boy is definitely not influenced by writing cat novels. If he is influenced by the image of evil cats, if he thinks that cats can become smart and become monsters, forgive him. If he is influenced by the image of beautiful cats, he can’t love enough, so why torture him? ?If Iceland also has a cat-skinning Guo Huai, it will be a different matter.

These are cats in books, not real cats. The descriptions of cats making troubles in spring or the words and phrases that use cats making bad calls to compare the laughter of bad women abound in novels, which shows the close relationship between cats and people's lives.It can be seen that people are not only very interested in the same kind of things, but also concerned about the love of cats.Even if a person becomes a "writer" or an "engineer of the soul", he is not so detached that he can sit still, let alone dare to write his own voice viciously like a cat's voice. degree.But the cats are to blame. If the cats do that quietly, no one will scold them, and they can even scold others.Mr. Lu Xun is jealous of evil. He said that he beat away moaning cats in love with a long pole because he wanted to read at night.As long as you don't bother him, Mr. Wang will never go to the love cats with a long pole to beat them up.Visual descriptions are like a scourge, and most of China and foreign countries have gone through this stage. The Englishman Lawrence’s great book, which is currently sold at a small book stand at a high price, was also a banned book in the UK. , Just squat on the bookshelf and no one cares about it.It is said that the price of this book on the small book stand has dropped from 15 yuan to 8 yuan. In a few days, it will not even sell for 8 yuan, right?The country bans books, and small bookstalls get rich. This is also due to the readers' inability to ban them. The more they say they are tigers, they want to smooth their whiskers. This is also a precious and hateful characteristic of human beings.

It's still about cats. As for the description of sex, everyone knows it well.It is not good to swarm into the crotch, and it is not a good attitude to avoid them like snakes and scorpions.Selfishly speaking, a "writer" (the quotation marks are to learn from others, I have always doubted that a writer is a natural "soul engineer" qualification, it seems that once he wears the title of "writer", he will naturally become a saint with noble virtues, and he will not Fighting for power and profit, seeing beautiful women cover their faces and crying, don’t steal other people’s wives, don’t be jealous of other people’s talents, don’t write typos, don’t poop and fart, such a good “engineer” probably hasn’t been born yet) dare to expose A dark mind is always more trustworthy than someone who paints his own dark mind brightly.Even if you make friends, make someone who exposes your flaws to you.In fact, it is all nonsense, only one sentence is true.Even me, there are many times when "Marxism-Leninism is bayoneted".Only when everyone dares to use the "Marxist-Leninist bayonet" to scrape their own scales first, and then use the "Marxist-Leninist bayonet" to peel the skin of others, will the skinned be convinced despite being tortured.

Cat meowing in the middle of the night is not cruel to adults, but it is really mental torture to children.When I was a child, as soon as I heard this sad "love song", I would try my best to shrink into the bed, and I was not afraid to breathe the smelly farts, smelly feet, and sweat of my brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and myself-this is not a good word, why? Brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers all sleep in the same bed?This has to be explained (partly) for readers: sleeping in one quilt is not to facilitate incest, but to keep warm, but to have only one quilt for the whole family.This is of course a thing of the past.In fact, hunger and cold are the best solutions to completely eliminate sexual consciousness. In the three years of 1960, 1961, and 1962, only one woman in my village was pregnant, and her husband was the custodian of the grain depot. member.In 1963, there was a bumper harvest of sweet potatoes, and the men and women in the village were full of sweet potatoes. The weather was not cold, and a large number of babies were born in the coming year. ——This is in line with the old saying that "fullness and warmth give birth to lust".These children are dubbed "Sweet Potato Children" by the "creators" in the countryside.This is all a thing of the past, and if you talk about it casually, you can't feel the horror. Once you are full, the feeling of being hungry will fade away a lot, and you will think that it is really a dream.The reason why I still have some feelings is probably because before I joined the army in 1976, I seldom had a relationship with the life of "well-fed and well-clothed".After serving in the army, eating eight steamed buns for a meal surprised the Chief of Staff, too.

The meowing of cats in the dark is the earliest memory of cats. It was very late when I really got to know a cat and had a deep understanding of this cat—probably in 1964.Because at that time, the village lived in the Siqing work team, and when a member of the work team came to my house for "panning meals", the cat came suddenly, so it is still unforgettable. At that time, it was an honor and a political right to be eligible to cook for the team members.Landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, and rightists have no rights. I am afraid that these bad guys will put poison in the food and kill revolutionary comrades.Rich middle peasant (upper middle peasant) families who are more active can get this honor, while those who are relatively backward cannot get it.So when my family was notified to entertain the team members for dinner, the adults and children were very happy and relaxed, and there was a feeling of emotion in my heart, and I was very tearful.Those middle peasant households who were disqualified from "distributing rice" became panicked, and some went to the village manager at night with wine to intercede and fight for the qualification of "distributing rice". ——This kind of story continued until after 1976.Since the Siqing work team, work teams of various names have entered the village one after another, including the "Learning from Dazhai Work Team", "Party Consolidation and Party Building Work Team", "Popular Loyalty Dance Work Team", "Fighting Selfishness". Repair Team".What left a deep impression on me was the "Learning from Dazhai Work Team" in 1973.There were twenty-seven people in that troupe, and the team members and captains were all actors from the County Maoqiang Opera Troupe, as well as players who played the huqin and snare drums.This group of people can pull, sing, and tumble. They are playful and lively, and they make the big girls, young wives, and young men in the village fascinated. After the work team was withdrawn, they left a batch of seeds. It's a pity that when I grow up, I haven't seen anyone who can sing.This story might be better off as a novel.

The Siqing task force is the most serious task force with the highest level, and the later task forces are nothing short of nonsense.Rather than saying that they came down to make revolution, it would be better to say that they came down to spoil the common people.I remember that the Siqing work team member sent to our house for dinner was a big girl, not tall, black and thin, wearing a pair of myopia glasses, speaking Jiangnan dialect, her surname was Chen, and she was said to be a student of the School of Foreign Languages.The family has invited this god, but what can we use to worship the god?At that time, life was still not good, and white noodles were eaten only a few times a year. My grandfather had a bit of backbone, and said angrily, "Let her eat whatever we eat!" What do we eat?Moldy dried sweet potatoes, cottonseed cakes, dried radish shreds, these are all good, needless to say the bad ones.Grandma was generous and kind, and thought far, because my father was a brigade cadre at that time, so it was no fun to invite him.So I decided to make it as rich as possible.There is still a ladle of white flour, although there are worms, but it is white flour after all: the meat has not been eaten for many years, and the only chicken was killed for the distinguished guest; there is no fish, so my grandmother told me to follow my grandfather to get fish.It was early winter, and there was thin ice on the water. My grandfather and I used a grilling net for a long time to pick up some skinny, black toads. My grandfather twitched his face and cursed at someone, and finally picked up a toad. The big rice field eel, unfortunately, is dead, the meat is still hard when pinched, and smells a little smelly, so I couldn't bear to throw it away, so I carried it home with a cattail bag.Grandma was very happy to see this big eel.I said it stinks, and grandma touched it under her nose and smelled it, but said it didn't stink, it was your child's mouth that stinks.Grandma and mother cut the rice field eel into more than a dozen sections, dipped it in a layer of flour, poured more than a dozen drops of soybean oil into the pan, and fried the rice field eel.The chicken was stewed, the fish was fried, and the pancakes were baked, and we were waiting for the team member Chen to come to eat.

I smelled the tangy aroma, inhaled the aroma greedily, and sucked it into my stomach.At that time, I had a strange feeling. I felt that the fragrance was like a viscous liquid, which could satisfy my stomach even if I inhaled it. The fragrance is also a substance. My second brother who was in middle school at the time said that the fragrance is a substance. It is a chicken molecule, and I suddenly think that the molecule is something in the shape of rice grains, so smelling the smell of fish is equivalent to eating fish molecules—fish meat the size of rice grains; smelling the smell of chicken is equivalent to eating chicken molecules—small Chicken the size of a grain of rice.I sniffed desperately, and there was a strange picture in my mind: the fish and the chicken were sucked into a stream of molecules the size of a grain of rice, and they entered my stomach continuously.It's a pity that the grandmother put the bowl and plate on the fish plate and the chicken bowl.My stomach was rumbling, and I was indescribably hungry.I hate my grandmother for covering up the chicken and fish and frustrating my plot.But she immediately forgave her: What if the chicken and fish turned into molecules and flowed into my stomach, making Comrade Chen fart?In my twenty years of rural life, I often daydream, imagining that one day I will let go of my belly and eat a meal of fatty pork!This fantasy has long been realized, long ago.If you complain again, it will feel like you have forgotten your roots. Comrade Chen finally came, led by my sister. Before Comrade Chen came, my grandmother and mother wanted to "prick my ears" and told me: Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense-I have been talking casually since I was a child, and I have caused many troubles and beatings in the family. Scolding, but this problem has not been changed so far. In the words of my mother: "Dogs can't change eating shit!" A dog eats excrement instead of meat, even if the excrement is pulled by a person who has eaten meat, it is the dregs absorbed by the stomach of that person. It is absolutely better than meat and more nutritious. It's all shit from people who eat sweet potatoes and radishes. When Comrade Chen entered the courtyard, the whole family stood in silence with their hands down, holding their farts in their stomachs. The grandmother stretched her arms and asked Comrade Chen to sit on the kang.Before Comrade Chen got on the kang, my mother served chicken, fish, and cakes, and the aroma was pervasive. I knew that the bowls and plates on the fish plate and chicken bowl had been uncovered by my mother. Comrade Chen said in surprise: "Your family's living standard is so high?" When the father standing in the yard heard these words, his face turned yellow with fright, and his two big hands trembled. It was only later that I realized the reason for my father's fear.My father went to a private school in his early years and was a literate person in the village. He worked as an accountant when he was a high-level cooperative. Later, it was "people's commune". , but could not find any literate poor and lower-middle peasants, so I had to let my father do it. My father was flattered by this. He worked hard in the fields with the commune members during the day, and came back to settle accounts at night. If you can't be grateful, how dare you have the idea of ​​corruption?But since the "Four Cleanups" began, my father had been an accountant for more than ten years, so he was still a suspicious person anyway-this is why my grandmother spent all her family to entertain Comrade Chen. So Comrade Chen's words, which may have been said casually, frightened my father.The poor and lower-middle peasants in the village eat rotten sweet potatoes, but your family eats chicken, fish and white noodles. What is it if you are not a "four unclear" cadre?If you invite her to eat fish, chicken, and flour, you are wooing the corruption team!It's worth it! Father was too scared to move. Mother and we are not allowed to talk casually. Grandma is really a hero. She said: "Comrade Chen, don't laugh at me. The peasants can't produce anything delicious. Look at you girl, you have delicate skin and tender meat, and your belly and intestines are also different from those of our peasants. If you eat those things, your stomach and intestines will be worn down. So, if the aunt wants to kill the chicken, his wife is still reluctant. I said, "Comrade Chen traveled thousands of miles to our rabbit who doesn't shit. The place is not easy. If our family invites it, I’m afraid it won’t be able to carry it in a sedan chair with eight people!’ They were all obedient, so they killed the chicken. This fish was caught by your uncle and the little dog in the river. My child was snotted and burst into tears. I said, "It's your blessing to endure the cold for your Aunt Chen, like a son from a landlord's family or a rich peasant's family. If you want to be frozen, you can't catch it!" This side is a bit old, There are worms, but girl, you just eat, the worms in the noodles are 'grain buds', and they are fragrant! Take off your shoes and get on the kang, his aunt, Comrade Chen!" We can only hear the voice of our grandmother, but we cannot see Chen. Comrade expression. After the grandmother had finished speaking, she heard Comrade Chen say, "Let's eat together!" Grandmother said: "They are all full, girl, auntie will eat with you." I stood in the yard, hating my grandma for lying, and thought to myself: You adults teach me not to lie every day, but you still lie.This world is not what it is. Comrade Chen came out and invited us to eat together. My father and mother said they had eaten and lied happily, but I was staring at Comrade Chen, hoping that she would understand me. She really understood me.She said, "little brother, come and eat." I took two steps forward and felt a thorn in my back. I stopped and looked back, and I saw the sharp eyes of my parents. Comrade Chen became a little unhappy, when his grandmother came out and said, "You son of a bitch, come on!" My mother took a few steps forward, squatted in front of me, patted the dirt on my body, lifted up the skirt of her clothes to wipe my snot, and whispered to me: "Eat less!" I knew that this meal was delicious and hard to digest, but regardless of the consequences, I followed Miss Chen into the house and onto the kang. At the beginning of the meal, I sneaked a peek at my grandmother's swollen and stern face with trepidation, and then I didn't care about life or death—after Comrade Chen left, because I was wolfing down, eating viciously, not hygienic, my mouth squeaked, and the corners of my mouth hung. Meal, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your jacket, grabbing meat from Miss Chen’s bowl, farting while eating, eating six slices of pancakes and three slices of eel and a lot of chicken, a dog who doesn’t look up when eating to snatch shit, etc. The crime was severely scolded by the grandmother.The city gate was on fire, and the fish in the pond were affected. Even my mother was reprimanded by my grandmother for giving birth to such a shameless evil as me.Grandma babbled: "It made Comrade Chen a big joke! His grandpa didn't eat it! I didn't eat too much!" Grandpa said angrily, "What do I eat? My mouth is a passage, and everything I eat will turn into shit." I have never been hungry since I was a child!" When I entered my mother's house, my mother scolded me with tears, scolded me for being unworthy, scolded me for being worthless, and scolded me for being born poor and lowly.Brother and sister are also playing and drumming - they are actually jealous when they see me having a full meal - when it comes to the critical moment, even brothers and sisters can't do it - love is something after eating and drinking - this may also be born in the country Due to the lack of virtue—the reason why I haven’t read many great works of truth, kindness and beauty of the “soul engineers”—according to the current literary criticism method, all works written in the first person, the things in the works are the writer’s personal experience , so Mo Yan's father became a "bandit kind", and Mo Yan's grandmother had sex with the bandits in Gaoliang... Then, by analogy, Zhang Xianliang used his intellectual cunning to deceive his fellow villagers, and he was not a carrot who would rather starve to death People who want to maintain high morals.It's not because of what Zhang Xianliang said, I'm here to attack him, just to give an example by the way.Those who don't use the first person to call novels may be like Boyi Shuqi?I hope so.However, Zhang Xianliang's deception was not his invention. He must have read such a hardcover book titled "Buying Onions", which contained such a story: a countryman sold onions, and a mathematician went to buy onions.The buyer asked: "How much is a catty of green onions?" The seller replied: "Scallions cost fifteen cents a catty." The buyer said: "I will buy you a catty of green onions for seven cents, and you will buy a catty of green onions for eight cents." How about a catty of scallion white?" The seller figured: green onion leaves plus scallion white equals onion, seven cents plus eight cents equals fifteen cents, so he said bluntly, "Okay, I'll sell it to you!"——This writer "Buying Onion " is an abettor. Just when I was eating that time, when I was about to be full, a skinny civet cat suddenly jumped onto the kang.The grandmother swung her chopsticks and hit the cat on the head. The cat snatched a fishbone and fled to the black three-pump table under the kang. The fishbone on the kang table—this cat still abides by the cat’s way, and it knows that it is only worthy of eating fishbone.The grandmother frightened the cat with her chopsticks, while Miss Chen threw the fishbone under the kang to feed the cat, and the cat swallowed the fishbone.Since Comrade Chen loved cats, my grandmother stopped scolding cats, and instead told stories about cats.At this time, I was also full, looking at my grandmother's swollen kind face, listening to the cat stories told by my grandmother - when my grandmother was telling about cats so calmly, her heart was full of hatred for me. unexpected.grandmother said: "Cats can't be beaten! Cats can become spirits." Comrade Chen smiled and remained silent. "In the early years, an idler in the East Village raised a black cat and became a spirit. The idler wanted to eat fish. As long as he thought about it, he would have a plate of fried fish without talking. Fluttering leisurely, fluttering leisurely, it landed in front of the idle man, and the wine cup, flagon, and chopsticks also floated towards him. The idle man wanted to eat meat. As long as he thought about it, he saw a plate of braised pig's head cut into the size of an egg. The meat, fragrant and fragrant, steaming, fluttering, fluttering, falling in front of the idle man... When the man was full, he picked up his mouth and ate it. One day, the idler wanted to eat carp, and a plate of crucian carp floated over. The idle man got angry, and poured the plate of fragrant and steaming crucian carp into the toilet (toilet). When it was dark, he heard the black cat outside the window saying: "Zhang San, you heartless thing! You want to Eat carp, there are no restaurants big and small in Qingdao, thinking about crucian carp is not bad, women eat crucian carp after giving birth and have no milk, I will bring you a plate, one hundred and eighty miles, a long journey, I will get it for you , You fell into the circle! Zhang San, just wait, I can’t spare you!’ Zhang San is not easy, so he said: “What can you do with me?” The black cat said: “Look, it’s on fire It’s on fire!’ Zhang San was lying on the kang, and saw the paper on the window lattice blazing with small blue flames...From this day on, Zhang San had been fighting with the black cat. It's up to you, you can't tell the difference. One night, Zhang San sat on the kang and ate cigarettes, one bag after another, and the black cat said outside the window: "It smells so good! This smoke smells so good." Zhang San He didn't say anything. The black cat said again: "I take a bite of cigarettes, good Zhang San!" Zhang San said: "Just take a bite." He slowly took the gun that had already been filled with medicine from behind, Stretching the barrel of the gun out of the window lattice, Zhang San said: "Old Hei, hold the mouth of the cigarette pipe in your mouth." The black cat said: "Okay." "Hold it?" Zhang San asked. The black cat said: "Hold it .''Really caught?''Really caught.''Ignite the fire.''Click on it.' Zhang Sanyi hooked the gun, and only heard the sound of 'hutong', which shattered the window paper. Zhang San said: "Bastard! I tell you to eat it!" Just as he was about to go out to have a look, he heard the black cat coughing and saying: "Hey, hey...the smoke is so strong!'" Miss Chen laughed. The civet cat squatting in front of the kang barked. Miss Chen picked up a piece of fish and threw it to the cat. Grandma's cheeks trembled. The second brother kicked the cat and said, "Even you ate a piece of fish!"—this is for the future. This civet cat stays in my house, you can kick it, you can scold it, but it won't leave. This is a female cat. According to my observations, cats are lazy animals—as for those expensive species that become pets, they are not only lazy but completely depraved—it is not a last resort, and it will not catch mice.As far as I can remember, our cat has only caught one mouse. It was an evening, my grandmother had just finished cooking dinner, and my grandfather and the others had not yet returned from the fields. My uncle’s sister and I were practicing high jump on a sunflower stalk in the yard, when we saw the cat come out of the house with a rat in its mouth. Jumped out, my sister and I rushed up, the cat abandoned the mouse and walked to the grandmother, whining, as if to sue us. The grandmother was very excited, and quickly moved her two little feet, jumped into the yard, and snatched the rat. "Ah! What a big rat!" said the grandmother. "Get the scales!" We quickly brought the scales.Watching Grandma weighing the rat's belly on a scale hook. "Nine taels, tall nine taels!" Grandma said. (It is an old scale, sixteen taels is one catty) "Children, it's time to reward you," said the grandmother. The grandmother buried the mouse in the embers of the pot. My sister and I squatted in front of the stove door, staring straight at the dark hearth. The cat walked up and down behind us. The fragrance gradually came out. It has been decades since my sister and I sat on a small bench and ate rat meat in front of my grandmother who was also sitting on a small bench, but I have not forgotten it.The cooked mouse was much smaller than before, and it was a black one.Grandma threw it to the ground, then tore off one hind leg and stuffed it into my sister's mouth, then tore off the other hind leg and stuffed it into my mouth.The smell of the rat meat is indescribable. My sister spit out the rat bone and gave it to the cat. I even chewed the rat bone and swallowed it. Then, we watched grandma's hand helplessly.As dusk fell, mosquitoes buzzed around us.I always feel that my grandmother stuffed more rat meat into my sister's mouth than mine.As I write this, I feel a sense of guilt rising in my heart. At that time, we were a big family without division. When eating, my sister who was only three months older than me and I always got a piece of grandmother's share. I always thought that the dried sweet potatoes that my grandmother gave to my sister were bigger and thicker than the dried sweet potatoes that I gave to me, so I ate them quickly with tears in my eyes.She shook her eyelashes and shed tears, looking at her mother and my aunt.Aunt also cried.My mother raised her hand, as if she was going to hit me, but she just sighed and put her hand down.When I went home the year before last, I mentioned this to my sister, but she smiled and said, "How could this happen? I don't remember." When I came home this year, as soon as I entered the house, my mother said to me: "Your sister is 'old' .” "Old" is dead. The mother said that her sister came to the market to sell vegetables three days before her death, and when she returned home she said she was not feeling well. The brother-in-law found a trolley and pushed her to the hospital. "old. People really live blindly, and they die when they say they die, and it doesn't take much trouble. I thought of sitting with her in front of my grandmother and sharing rats, as if right in front of my eyes. Grandma died ten years ago.She died first, got an injection, then came back to life, came back to life and lived for another month, then died again, this time she was really dead, really "old". Grandma said that a cat does not need to catch a mouse. When the cat sees a mouse, it will puff up its fur and scream. The mouse will twitch immediately when it hears the meow. On the line, don't hunt at all.I don't know if this statement is true or not. Grandma also told a story: During the Ming Dynasty, five big rats weighing a thousand catties became spirits and humans, and became high-ranking officials such as the emperor's prime minister. They disturbed the imperial court and encouraged the emperor to do bad things.A minister, naturally a loyal minister, naturally also has insight, saw through the mechanism, went home and told his father-this leads to another story: According to legend, in ancient times, in order to reduce the population, people reached the age of sixty, regardless of health or not. According to my grandmother, this "installation" is to carry people to a special place to starve to death (a bit like the scene in the Japanese novel "Caoshan Jiekao").This minister is a dutiful son, and because of his filial piety, he hid his father in the wall (in fact, he used his power to break the royal regulations, he is a dutiful son, not a loyal minister).The minister said: Father, the five important ministers in the court are five mature rats, each weighing a thousand catties. I wonder if there is a way to subdue them?The minister's father said: An eight-pound cat can bring down a thousand-pound rat.The minister said: Where can I find a cat weighing eight catties?The minister's father said: Our black cat weighs almost eight catties.The minister called the cat to weigh it with a scale, and it only weighed seven and a half catties.The minister's father said: It's okay. Tomorrow, when you go to court, you get half a catty of pork for the cat to eat, isn't it just a catty of eight catties?The minister nodded yes.The next day, the minister cut nine taels (old scale) of pork and fed it to the cat.Why cut nine taels?Because cats will not eat meat without dropping slag, one or two is left for insurance.The minister put the black cat, which weighed seven and a half catties and had eaten nine taels of meat, in the sleeve of his robe and went to the court confidently.Civil and military officials lined up on both sides, and the emperor sat on the dragon pier and took a nap.The minister exposed the cat hidden in the sleeve of his robe, and the cat let out a mournful cry. The ministers were surprised, and the emperor also opened his sleep.The cat meowed again, and the important ministers who had been transformed from five mice trembled.The minister loosened his robe sleeves, and the cat swished out, jumped onto the steps in front of the dragon pier, bowed its hair, raised its tail and beard, and blew incessantly. The five ministers trembled, trembled, and collapsed in front of the hall.The cat continued to whine and show its power, the five ministers showed their original shape, their robes and boots fell off, and there were five rats lined up. At first they were all as big as yellow cattle, but then they shrank and shrunk, and they shrunk even more. They were all as big as a fist, and the cat slowly walked up, clawing one by one, and wiped them all out.The emperor suddenly realized that he wanted to reward the minister, but the minister knelt down and kowtowed, begging forgiveness for the crime of deceiving the emperor.Hearing from him, the emperor knew that this trick came from an old man who should have "installed a kiln" but hadn't. From this, it can be seen that the old man is still useful, so he revoked the order to "install a kiln" at the age of sixty—— I always suspect that this story has something to do with the "Five Rats in Tokyo" in "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness", but it's just pointless to research these things.Later, I read it again, and saw that Monkey King was tossed into a mess by the golden-nosed white-haired mouse spirit in the bottomless cave of the Kongshan Mountain, and finally went to the Jade Emperor to sue Li Jing and his son (the mother mouse is the goddaughter of King Tota).Godfather and godbrother came forward to subdue her.If Sun Wukong has heard the story of my grandmother, he only needs to find a catty cat and carry it into the cave.The mouse essence is really charming, not only beautiful, but also has a strange fragrance. Even Tang Sanzang was distracted and couldn't keep it. Wukong had to turn into a fly and bite it on his ear to remind the master not to be dragged into the water by the beauty.I remember when I saw this place back then, I couldn't help hating Tang Seng for being too literal-minded. If it were me, I would stay in this bottomless pit and be my son-in-law. Later, my sister and I looked forward to the cat catching the mouse every day, but we never saw it again.只见到那家伙每日懒洋洋地晒太阳,吃饭时就蹭到饭桌下捡饭渣吃。这猫,是被我们伤了心。它捉了耗子,被我们烧吃,这行为也是“欺猫太甚”,猫从此不捕鼠,也有它的道理。 鲁迅先生在《狗·猫·鼠》里,开玩笑般地引用一外国童话里所说的狗猫相仇的原因。引用完毕,先生接着写道:“日耳曼人走出森林虽然还不很久,学术文艺却已经很可观,便是书籍的装潢,玩具的工致,也无不令人心爱。独有这一篇童话却实在不漂亮;结怨也结得没有意思。猫的弓起脊梁,并不是希图冒充,故意摆架子的,其咎却在狗的自己没眼力。” 鲁迅先生所引童话里说,动物们要开大会,鸟、鱼、兽都齐集了,单缺象。大家决定派一伙计去迎接象,谁也不愿去,于是就运用了某团体分派救济金的方式:拈阄。这倒霉的阄偏被狗拈着。狗说不认识象,大众说象是驼背的,狗遇见一匹猫正在弓着脊梁,可能是因为没请它去参加动物大会而发怒吧!狗就把它请来了,大家都嗤笑狗不识象。狗猫从此相仇。 这童话里猫是很冤的。动物大会,鸟、鱼都去了,偏不请它,它如何能舒服?正在发怒弓背,巧被狗请,于是放平脊梁赴会,到会后又发现不是那么回事,它又被陷进一个尴尬的泥潭里,狗与猫都是受害者,不知那动物大会的主席是谁,如果是百兽之王老虎,那虎主席就是怕见猫老师,便故意不发给猫请帖,虎怕猫把它当年逼猫上树的丑事给抖搂出来呢。矛盾的对立面是虎和猫,狗代虎受过了。 这童话真该焚烧,不知编这童话的覃哈特博士是不是“现代派”,如果是“现代派”,又写了这坏童话,那就岂止该烧书! 比较之后,还是我祖母讲的猫狗成仇的原因对头。 祖母说,很早很早以前啦,有一个人养了一条猫和一匹狗。主人是开劈柴店的,外出时,就吩咐狗和猫劈柴。狗埋头苦干,猫偷懒耍滑。主人回来,猫就蹦到主人肩头上,把劈柴之功据为己有,然后又说狗如何如何奸猾不卖力气。猫一边说一边用爪子轻轻搔着主人的耳垂——那纤细的小爪子挠着耳垂痒痒的实在是舒服——主人就痛打狗一顿,连分辩都不许。分配饮食时,主人自然就偏着猫。狗只好生闷气。第二次,狗为赎罪,更努力地劳动。主人回来,猫更快地跳到主人肩上——那纤细的小爪子挠着耳垂痒痒的实在是舒服——猫哭诉道:“主人啊,主人!你不要表扬我啦!也不要嘉奖我啦!狗今天对我冷嘲热讽,我受不了啦!”主人大怒,打了狗一顿。分配饮食的时候,一丁点儿也不给狗。猫吃食时,狗蹲在一边,生着闷气挨着饿。第三次,狗干脆罢工了,猫更不干。主人回来,一看,一根柴也没劈,便气冲冲地问:“怎么回事?”狗自然不吱声。主人就问猫。猫哆嗦着说:“我不敢说……”主人道:“你说,我给你做主!”猫哭着说:“主人啊,狗今天说我拍马屁,我跟它争了两句,它张嘴就咬我,幸亏我会上树,跳到杏树上才没被它咬死。狗在树下蹲着,我不敢下来。我虽然想下来劈柴,但我怕死。主人啊,我有罪,我没能坚持工作,我错了啊!”主人这一次把狗腿都打断了,分配饮食时,一点也不给狗。猫吃饱了,就把一条剩下的鱼叼到狗面前,说:“狗大哥,你把这条鱼吃了吧!”狗张开嘴,一下就把猫的脖子咬断了。主人一棍就把狗打死了。从此,狗与猫便成了仇家。 我自认为祖母的故事比覃哈特博士的童话要高明得多,这也是“外国月亮没有中国月亮圆”的一条证据。 其实,现代生活中的狗和猫看不出有什么仇。你捉你的耗子我看我的门,又无共同的异性要争夺,互不干涉,无利害冲突,能有什么仇?只有当它们一同劈柴为同一主人效劳时才可能有酿成大仇的机会。但“劈柴”毕竟是久远的往事了。没有永远的朋友,也没有永远的敌人,狗和猫也早就无宿怨了吧?猫之媚主不消说了,从“劈柴”时代就如是,可是狗的子孙们,也从被打杀的老祖宗那里吸取了教训,固然不能像猫一样跳到主人肩膀上为主人抓痒,但在主人面前摇着尾巴替主人舔去靴子上的灰尘,其媚不逊于猫。 偶尔还有猫狗死斗的情形,但这并不是狗猫之间自发的战斗,而是人的挑唆。 我家那只猫生第二窝猫的时候,已是初夏,家家户户都赊了毛茸茸的小鸡雏。放在院子里,唧唧地叫着,跑着,确实有几分可爱的样子。我家自然也赊了鸡雏。 我经常发现猫蹲在黑暗的角落里,目光炯炯地窥测着鸡雏,我把这个发现告诉了祖母,祖母对猫说:“杂种,你要是敢动它们,我就扎烂你的嘴!” 猫咪呜着,好像懂了祖母的意思。 几天之后,邻居一个孙姓的老太太,我要呼之为“姑奶奶”的,拄着拐棍,骂上门来了,自然是骂猫,说有一只小鸡被我家那只该千刀万剐的瘟猫给吃了。 祖母与这孙姑奶奶不是太睦,跟着骂了几句猫。孙姑奶奶还不完,叨叨着,意思好像是要从我家这群鸡雏中捉走一只权充赔偿。祖母说:“姑奶奶,畜生的事,人能管着吗?要是我的孙子吃了你的小鸡,我这群小鸡里就任你挑走一只,这还不完,我还要拔掉他的牙!”祖母对着我挥了挥手。 孙老姑奶奶还在絮叨,意思是非要祖母赔偿她一只小鸡不可的。 祖母那群屁股上染上鲜红颜色的金黄色小鸡雏在院子里欢快地奔跑着。 猫卧在门旁一个蒲盘上,团着身体睡觉。 “反正是你家的猫吃了我的鸡……”孙老姑奶奶说。 有些愠色上了祖母的脸。她把小鸡唤到眼前,捉起一只,攥着,走到猫旁,蹲下,拍了猫一掌,问:“猫,你吃小鸡吗?”猫睁开眼看着祖母。祖母把小鸡放到猫嘴边,猫闭上眼睛,把嘴扎到肚皮下,又呼呼地睡起来。小鸡雏在猫的背上蹒跚着。 祖母冷笑一声,说:“姑奶奶,看到了吧?这只猫怎么会吃你的小鸡?你的小鸡兴许是被老耗子拖去,被黄鼠狼叼走,被野猁子吃掉啦!” 孙姑奶奶说:“你家的猫当然不吃你的鸡,再说它吃了我的鸡,已经饱了。” 祖母说:“'抓贼拿赃,捉奸拿双',你说我家猫吃了你的小鸡,有什么证据?” 孙姑奶奶说:“我亲眼看见!” 祖母说:“我亲眼看见你吃了我家一条牛!” 孙姑奶奶气翻了白眼,捣着小脚,原地转了两圈,嘴里骂着猫,歪歪扭扭地走啦。 祖母抄起扫地笤帚,扑了猫一下子,说:“你要再出去闯祸,我就打杀你。” 几天之后,又有一个人提着一只鲜血淋淋的小鸡雏骂上门来了。猫正蹲在门边,舔着胡子上的血。 祖母无法,只好捉了一只小鸡雏,换了那只死鸡雏。 祖母抄起棍子打猫,猫纵身上了梨树。 后来又接二连三地有人骂上门来,我们本是积善之家,竟因一只猫担了恶名,并不仅仅赔偿人家几只鸡罢了。我家的猫恶名满村,骂猫时,总是把我父亲的名字作为定语:××××家的猫…… 祖母惶惶起来,先是以涂满辣椒的小死鸡喂猫,想借此戒掉它的恶习——祖母是用给小孩子断奶的方式——乳头上涂满辣椒,孩子受辣,便不想吃奶——来为猫戒食鸡癖的,但毫无效果,想那涂满辣椒的鸡不是成了一道大饭馆里才肯做的名菜“辣子鸡”了吗?人尚求食不得,拿来戒猫“食鸡癖”,无疑是火上浇油啦。 再以后,凡有人找上门,祖母便说:“这原本不是俺家的猫,它赖着不走。现在俺更不管了,谁有本事谁就打死它。”再要祖母把自己的鸡雏赠给人家是万万不能啦。 这只猫作恶多端,但无人敢打杀它,是有原因的。乡村中有一种动物崇拜,如狐狸、黄鼠狼、刺猬,都被乡民敬做神明,除了极个别的只管当世不管来世的醉鬼闲汉,敢打杀这些动物食肉卖皮,正经人谁也不敢动它们的毛梢。猫比黄鼠狼之类少鬼气而多仙风,痛打可以,要打杀一匹猫,需要非凡的勇气。这里本来还蕴藏着起码十个故事,但为了怕读者厌烦,就简言一个Ⅱ巴。 也是祖母对我说过的:从前,一个女人在案板上切肉,家养的猫伸爪偷肉,女人一刀劈去,斩断了一只猫前腿,那只猫蔫了些日子就死了。女人斩断猫腿时,正怀着孕,后来她生出一子,缺了一只胳膊,此子虽缺一臂,但极善爬树,极善捕鼠。此子乃那猫转胎而生。 这故事也不太恐怖,那缺臂的男孩也可爱,也有大用处,在这鼠害泛滥的年代,他不愁没饭碗,多半还要发大财。关于念咒语,拘出全村的老鼠到村前跳河自杀的故事,是祖母紧接着“猫转胎”的故事讲的,因与猫少牵连,只好不写了。 但我家的猫实属罪大恶极,村人皆日该杀,可谁也不肯充当杀手,聪明者便想出高招:让狗来咬杀它。 事情发生在一个炎热的中午,柳树上的蝉发了疯一样叫着,一群人远远地围着一条健壮的大狗和我家的猫,看它们斗法。他们如何把我家的猫骗出来,又如何煽动起狗对猫的战斗热情,我一概不知道。 大狗的主人是个比我大三或二岁的男孩,乳名“大响”,据说他出生时驻军火炮营在河北边打靶,炮声终日不断,为他取名“大响”是为了纪念那个响炮的日子。 围观的不仅仅是孩子,还有青年、中年和老年,他们看到狗和猫对峙着,兴奋得直喘粗气。 那条狗叫“花”,大响连声说着:“花花花,上上上,咬咬咬!” 狗颈毛直竖,龇着一口雪白的牙,绕着猫转圈,似乎有些胆怯。猫随狗转,猫眼始终对着狗眼,也是耸着颈毛,呜呜地叫着,像发怒又像恐惧。狗和猫转着磨。 众人也叫着:“花花花,上上上,咬咬咬!” 狗仗人势,一低头,就扑了上去,猫凄厉地叫一声,令人周身起粟。地上一团黑影子晃动看。 狗不知何故退下来,猫身上流着血,瞅着空,蹿出圈外。 人声如浪,催着狗追猫。我忽然可怜起猫来了,毕竟它在我家住了好几年了。 猫腿已瘸,跑得不快,看看就要被狗赶上时,它一侧身,钻进了一个麦秸垛上的小孩子藏猫猫时掏出的洞穴里。洞穴不大,猫在里边蹲着,人在外面看得很清楚。 狗逼住洞口,人围在狗后,狗叫,人嚷,十分热闹。 狗占了一些小便宜、翘起尾巴,气焰十分高昂,在人的唆使下,它一次次往洞穴里突袭着。狗每突袭一次,猫就发出一阵惨叫。 狗又退下来,耷拉着舌头,哈达哈达喘着粗气,狗脸上沾满猫毛。 “花花花,上上上,咬咬咬!”人们吼着。 狗闭住嘴——这是狗进攻前的习惯动作——正要突袭,就见那洞穴中的猫眼里射出翠绿的火花,刺人眼痛,射到麦草上似乎窸窣有声,与此同时,猫发出令人小便失禁的疹人叫声,狗和人都惊呆了。正呆着呢,就见那猫宛若一道黑色闪电从洞穴里射出来,射到狗头上,看不清楚猫在狗头上施什么武艺,只能看到狗全身乱晃,只能听到狗转着节子的尖声嗥叫。 大响挥动木棍乱打着,也看不清是打在了狗身上还是打到了猫身上。 猫从狗头上跳起来,眼里又放着绿光,比正午的阳光还强烈,它叫着,对着人扑上来。人群两开,闪出一条大道,猫就跑走了。 惊魂甫定的人们看那狗。这条英雄好汉已经狗脸破裂,耳朵上鼻子上流着血,一只黑白分明的狗眼已被猫爪抠出,挂在狗脸上,悠悠荡荡的,像一个什么“象征”之类的玩意儿。 狗在地上晃晃荡荡地转着圈,看热闹的人都不著一言,挂着满脸冷汗,悄悄地走散。只余下大响抱着狗哭。deserve it!这就叫做:炒熟黄豆大家吃,炸破铁锅自倒霉! 猫获大捷之后,在家休养生息,我因钦佩它的勇敢,背着祖母偷喂了它不少饭食。那时,三只小猫都长得有二十公分长了(不含尾巴),生动活泼可爱无比,它们跟我嬉戏着,老猫也不反对。 几天之后,猫养好了伤,能上街散步了,又有猫食鸡的案子报到我家来了。祖母把猫装进一条麻袋里,死死地捆扎住了麻袋口,然后,由二哥背到街上,扔到一辆去潍坊的拖拉机后斗里。祖母对拖拉机手说了半天好话,央求人家第一不要厌烦猫叫把它中途扔下;第二到了潍坊后要把麻袋左转三圈右抡三圈,把猫抡得头晕了再放它出袋,免得它记住方向跑回来;第三就是希望千万把麻袋给捎回来。祖母再三强调麻袋是借人家的,我知道这麻袋是我们自家的。 猫被扔进拖拉机后斗里,拖拉机后斗颠颠簸簸,把猫给拖到潍坊去了。 这下子好了。 村里的鸡雏们太平了。 潍坊的鸡雏该倒血霉啦。 潍坊离我们村子有多远? 三百零二十里。 失去母亲的四只小猫彻夜呜叫,激起我的彻夜凄凉。天亮后,祖母连连叹息,说:“可怜可怜真可怜,人猫是一理,这四个孤苦伶仃的小东西。” 祖母腾出一个筐子,絮上一些细草,做成了一个猫窝。又吩咐我从厢房里把四只小猫抱到家里来。 梅雨时节到了,半月雨水淋漓,连绵不断。我无法出家门,百无聊赖,便逗着四只小猫玩,便用土豆糊糊喂它们。老猫已被送走半月多,那条麻袋,拖拉机手也给捎了回来。拖拉机手姓邱,四十多岁,是个“右派”,人忠实可靠。 我看着生满绿苔的房檐下明亮的雨帘,想象着笼罩田野的云雾,想象着那一片片玉米,一片片高粱,成群的青蛙癞蛤蟆,泥泞不堪的田间道路,被淋湿了羽毛的鸡擎着瘦脖子缩在树下打盹,远处传来沉闷的火车笛声。明亮的钢轨被雨水冲洗得锃亮或生满稀疏的红锈…… 雨大一阵小一阵,但始终不停,屋子里也一阵晦暗一阵明亮c当晦暗时,四只小猫的八只眼睛绿绿地闪着光,好像鬼火一样。树叶沙沙响着,是风在吹,我想象着那只老猫的情景,它在那遥远的潍坊,生活得怎么样? 农村的阴雨天,无事可干,劳累日久的大人们便白天连着黑夜睡觉,雨声就是催眠曲。我逗着猫玩一阵,看一阵雨,胡思乱想一阵,瞌睡上来,伏在一条麻袋上便睡。 朦胧中看到那只猫穿越河流与道路,出没郁郁青纱帐,顶风冒雨,向家乡奔来…… 一阵喧闹吵醒了我,我揉揉眼睛,我又揉揉眼睛。那只猫果真回来了。它遍身泥巴,雨湿猫毛更显得瘦骨嶙峋。四只小猫与老猫亲热成了一个蛋。 我大叫着:“猫回来啦!猫回来啦!” 家里人纷纷起来,看着猫儿女与猫母亲生离死别又重逢的情景,这情景委实有点动人。祖母立刻吩咐母亲给猫备食,它吃鸡的罪恶阴影消逝,起码是在我家老幼的心里,洋溢着一片猫中英雄所创造的奇迹的辉煌光彩。 猫离家十七天,如果不走弯路,跋涉三百余华里,它是被装进暗无天日的麻袋里运走,老邱又忠实地履行了祖母“左转右抡”的嘱咐,它是靠着什么方法重返家园的呢?这个谜我始终解不开。 祖母看着急急进食的猫,感叹道:“猫老多啦!” 多年来,我一直珍藏着对这只猫的敬佩,一直认为这只猫创造了猫国的奇迹,并一直存着写篇文章歌颂这只猫的这段光荣的念头。但偶然翻阅今年的参考消息,看到一则题为《一只猫孤身穿越日本》的珍闻,方知天外有天,人外有人,猫外更有猫。抄录珍闻如下: 日本《朝日新闻》三月三十一日报道:一只母猫为了寻找她的家,从东往西穿越日本,走了三百七十公里的惊险旅程,花了一年七个月的时间。 这只五岁的母猫名叫米基,一九八四年八月随主人乘火车到须知夫人的故乡旅行。她被装在一个纸盒子里随主人从东到西通过了整个日本,即从太平洋沿岸的平冢到日本海岸的系鱼川。 但是到达目的地后不久,这只猫就跑掉了,须知一家只好返回。从此,这只猫就“失踪了”。直到一九八六年二月九日,猫的主人在花园里发现了这个小家伙,可是她已经变瘦了,尾巴上的毛也被拔掉了,耳朵也被弄破了,但它仍安然无恙。有关方面为了表彰她的功绩,特授予她“模范猫奖”,即免费供给她一年多的食物。 东京动物园的一位兽医说,这11,猫创造了令人难以想象的奇迹,因为家猫的活动半径只有二百米至五百米。 初读此文,我不免沮丧。好像不但人间奇迹多由外国人创造,连猫间奇迹也是外国猫创造得多。读过之后一想,我不沮丧了。数据最能说明问题: 简直不可同日而语! 这又是一个外国月亮不如中国月亮圆的铁证。 猫别:中国猫跋涉路程:320华里跋涉时间:17日日均跋涉路程(≈):18.82353华里 猫别:日本猫跋涉路程:740华里跋涉时间:575日日均跋涉路程(≈):1.2081华里 日本猫得了“模范猫奖”,我家那只猫因为得不到足够的饲料,重犯偷食鸡雏毛病,竞被当场捉获,可能是它恶贯满盈的报应,也可能是因长途跋涉健康状况大不如前。它万不该偷鸡偷到大响家去,独眼狗协助大响把它擒住,也应了“冤家路窄”的话。 大响把猫拉到河滩上去,只一镰,就把猫头削落黄沙。 我为此难过了好久。 大响斩猫之后,日子很不好过。村里那些恨猫的人,这时却把同情赐给了猫。有关猫的神话鬼话流传很盛,人们见了大响,都换了一种眼光,好像大响不日就要遭到天谴或被猫鬼所祟。 大响却始终安然无恙。去年我探家时,听说他成了“灭鼠养猫专业户”,这真是天下之大无奇不有,故乡人丰富的想象力由此可见一斑。我带着满肚皮兴趣去找他,“铁将军把门”,他不在,邻人说他赶集卖猫去了。三只大猫在他家墙上徘徊着,满院子猫叫。几天后我见到了他,发现他已成了一个“通仙人魔”的奇人,奇人须有奇文,愿家猫在地之灵佑我佐我,赐我成就奇文的奇思妙想。 文章本已写完,忽然想到北京土语“猫儿腻”,我总认为这话与“猫盖屎”的行为有关系。我亲眼见过猫盖屎,也就是拉过屎后用后爪子象征性地蹬点土盖盖,并不真正盖得不露一点痕迹。我在农村锄地时,锄一盖二,队长批评我:“你这是'猫盖屎'!糊弄谁呀!” “猫盖屎”——“猫盖腻”——“猫儿腻”。
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